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Hymnal, Number:chb1859

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Jonathan Evans

1748 - 1809 Hymnal Number: d184 Author of "Come, thou soul transforming [enlivening] Spirit [Savior]" in The Church Hymn Book Evans, Jonathan, born at Coventry in 1748 or 1749. He was the son of a working man, and as a youth was employed in a ribbon manufactory. About 1778 he joined the congregation at Coventry, over which the Rev. G. Burder was pastor. He began preaching at Foleshill, near Coventry, in 1782, and in 1795 he began his stated ministry there, retaining the same to his death on Aug. 31, 1809. Two biographical notices of him appeared in the Evangelical Magazine (Oct. 1809, and March 1847), and also several of his hymns. Two of his hymns appeared in Burder's Collection, 1784, and another in the 2nd edition the same year. His best known hymns are, "Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit,” and "Hark! the voice of love and mercy;" q.v. He published no poetical work or collection of hymns. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Humphreys

b. 1720 Person Name: J. Humphreys Hymnal Number: d109 Author of "Blessed [Blest] are the sons of God" in The Church Hymn Book Humphreys, Joseph, son of Asher Humphreys, minister at Burford, Oxfordshire, was born at Burford, Oct. 28, 1720, and educated at a grammar school at Fairford, and at an academy for the training of young men for the ministry in London. From the latter he was expelled, Dec. 25, 1739, because of his attachment to Whitefield. For a short time he associated with the Wesleys, but eventually joined G. Whitefield, and subsequently preached at Bristol, London, and Deptford. He died in London (date unknown), and was buried in the Moravian Cemetery at Chelsea. He was a contributor to Whitefield's Christian History (1741-1748), 1742, &c, and published, 1742, An Account of Joseph Humphreys's Experiences, &c. As a hymnwriter he is not widely known. His hymns were contributed to J. Cennick'e Sacred Hymns for the Use of Religious Societies (Bristol), 1743, pt. ii., and are thus introduced: "These were done by Mr. Joseph Humphreys." Of these hymns, two only are in common use:— 1. Blessed are the sons of God. Adoption. 2. Come, guilty souls, and flee away. Invitation. These are given in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and other collections. No. 1 is the more popular of the two. It is sometimes abbreviated, and has the concluding lines of st. viii. added as a refrain to each stanza. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Born: October 28, 1720, Burford, Oxfordshire, England. Died: London, England. Buried: Moravian Cemetery, Chelsea, England. Joseph was the son of Asher Humphreys, Rector of Barton, Hertfordshire, and subsequently Burford, Oxfordshire. At age 10, Joseph was sent to a grammar school at Fairfield, Gloucestershire. His father died in 1732, and Joseph was sent, at age 12, to a theological school in London. In 1738, having been converted to the doctrines of the Wesleys, he began to preach at the Foundry, London, in Bristol, and elsewhere. He attached himself particularly to John Cennick, and accompanied him frequently on his evangelistic tours. Hatfield reports, "For his irregularities in these respects, he was expelled, December 25, 1739, from the school." Following Cennick’s example, Humphreys separated from the Wesleys in April 1741 and became associated with Whitefield. The same year, he preached for the Moravians at Deptford, West Greenwich. He was also one of the four principal contributors to The Weekly History, just then established, in the interest of the new religious movement. Several of his "Letters to John Wesley," opposing his views, appeared in this journal. Humphreys frequently preached at the Bowling Green, Bristol, and the Tabernacle, London. In January 1743, he united with several clergymen and lay preachers in organizing, near Cardiff, Wales, the first Calvinistic Methodist Society. In 1790, according to John Wesley’s journal, Humphreys left Whitefield and was ordained a Presbyterian minister. He later received an Episcopal ordination. Humphreys’ works include: A Letter to the Religious Societies, in Testimony Against the Errors of Universal Redemption and Sinless Perfection (Bristol, England: 1741) An Account of Joseph Humphreys’ Experience at the Work of Grace upon His Heart (Bristol, England: 1742)

Henry Stevenson Washburn

1813 - 1903 Person Name: Henry S. Washburn Hymnal Number: d529 Author of "For he is good, the Lord is good" in The Church Hymn Book Washburn, Henry S., was born at Providence, Rhode Island, June 10, 1813; spent his boyhood at Kingston, Massachusetts, and was educated at Worcester and Brown University. Subsequently he was a manufacturer at Worcester and Boston. Since 1875 he has been the President of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. Mr. Washburn has held some prominent posts, and has been active in public matters. He has written various hymns and songs, the best known of which is:— Let every heart rejoice and sing . National Hymn. This "was written for a celebration in Faneuil Hall, Boston, July 4, 1842, and sung by the Sunday School Children of the city." It was set to music by Garcia, and often subsequently used at home and abroad. The author altered it for The Psalmist, 1843, No. 1005; and in that form it has been generally known. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ralph Wardlaw

1779 - 1853 Hymnal Number: d708 Author of "O Lord, our God, arise, The cause of truth maintain" in The Church Hymn Book Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. This venerable and (in his generation) influential Scottish divine contributed twelve hymns to the praise of the Church Universal that are likely to live in a humble and useful way. As having so done, and besides edited several collections of hymns, he claims a place of honour in this work. Critically, and regarded as literature, his hymns have little of poetry in them; no "winged words" to lift the soul heavenward. They reflect simply and plainly the lights and shadows of everyday experiences of the spiritual life, rather than its etherialities and subtleties. His "Lift up to God the voice of praise " is the most widely known; and there is a certain inspiriting clangour about it when well sung; yet it is commonplace. His "Hail morning, known among the blest," is narrative and prosaic, though it filled a gap at the time in Sabbath morning worship. “At the time by God appointed," "Remember Thee! remember Christ!" and "Contemplate, saints, the source divine," have vanishing gleams of imaginative light and fine and tender emotion. "O how good the hallowed union," "Where the sounds of plaintive wailing," and "See the Sun of truth arise," are melodious and singable, and pleasant but shallow. “Christ of all my hopes the ground," (Pt. ii.) "When with wasting sickness worn," is much too long, but is a fairly good song of Zion. Wardlaw published in 1803 a Selection of Hymns, to displace what was called The Tabernacle Collection, 1800, that had been used by the Congregationalists of Scotland, and to which he contributed a few hymns. He was assisted in the preparation of this compilation by Dr. Charles Stuart, of Dunearn. The first edition contained 322 hymns. In 1817 a Supplement was added of 171, bringing up the number to 493. Of these eleven (or twelve strictly) were by Wardlaw. Two of these had previously appeared in the Scottish Missionary Magazine (vol. viii. 48). His hymns bear so very slight a proportion to Dr. Wardlaw's writings as a profound theologian and expositor and thoroughly-equipped controversialist on the chief problems of the period, as to make it necessary to refer the reader to his remarkable Life, by the Rev. Dr. W. L. Alexander, entitled, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. (2nd ed., 1856). Wardlaw was born at Dalkeith on December 22, 1779, where he received his early education, later attending Glasgow University. His only church was in Glasgow. He died at Easterhouse near Glasgow on Dec. 17, 1853, and his public funeral is still remembered for the representative character of the vast multitude who attended it. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] Of Dr. Wardlaw's hymns the following are still in common use:— 1. Glad when they saw the Lord. Easter. 2. Hail, morning known amongst the blest [saints]. Sunday Morning. 3. Lift up to God the voice of praise. Praise to the Father. 4. 0 Lord our God, arise. Missions. 5. Remember Thee, remember Christ. Holy Communion. 6. See the Sun of Truth arise. Christ the Light. Of these Nos. 3-5 appeared in the Tabernacle Collection, 1800. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============= Wardlaw, R., p. 1232, ii. Of his hymns, Nos. 1, 2 are in his Selection, 1803, and No. 6 was added in the Supplement of 1817. This Supplement also contains "O how good the hallowed union," and "Whence the sounds of plaintive wailing," p. 1232, ii. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Henry Ustick Onderdonk

1789 - 1858 Hymnal Number: d955 Author of "The Spirit in our hearts is whispering sinner come" in The Church Hymn Book Henry Ustick Onderdonk, Bishop of Pennsylvania, was born in New York, March 16, 1789, and educated at Columbia College, B.A. 1805, M.A. 1808, D.D. 1827. Having decided to devote his life to medicine, he studied first in London and then in Edinburgh, receiving his M.D. from that university in 1810. Returning to New York, he began to study theology under Bishop Hobart and was ordained in 1815. He was rector of St. Ann's, Brooklyn, until 1827 when, following a famous controversy, he was elected bishop coadjutor of Pennsylvania, becoming diocesan in 1836 upon the death of Bishop White. He, with W.A. Muhlenberg, q.v., was influential on the committee appointed by General Convention to prepare the so-called Prayer Book Collection, 1826. The two men were also instrumental in the publication of the volume known as Plain Music for the Book of Common Prayer, in 1854. These books served until the Hymnal of 1874. Although some metrical psalms were included in the Prayer Book Collection, the book marked the change in America from psalmody to hymnody. Onderdonk contributed nine hymns, of which only one survives. He also wrote several works on the episcopacy. His weakness for alcohol necessitated his resignation in 1844, but his life from then on was so exemplary that he was restored to his bishopric two years before his death, which occurred in Philadelphia on December 6, 1858. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion ================================================ Onderdonk, Henry Ustic, D.D., was born in New York, March 16, 1789, and educated at Columbia College. Taking Holy Orders, he was for some time Rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, New York. On the 27th Oct., 1827, he was consecrated at Philadelphia, and acted as Assistant Bishop of Philadelphia to Bishop White from that date to 1836, when upon the death of Bishop White, he entered upon the full charge of the diocese. He was suspended by the House of Bishops on the ground of intemperance in 1844, but restored in 1856. He died in Philadelphia, Dec. 6th, 1858. Without Bishop Doane's commanding talents, he yet rendered large and useful service to hymnody as author and compiler. He was a member (and apparently a leading one) of the Committee which compiled the American Prayer Book Collection of 1826 and was by far the largest contributor thereto. Apart from hymnwriting, so far as we know, he wrote nothing in verse. His original hymns contributed to the Prayer Book Collection, 1826, are:— 1. Although the vine its fruit deny. Confidence in God. A paraphrase of Hab. iii. 17-19. 2. Blest be Thou, the God of Israel. Praise. A paraphrase of 1 Chron. xxix. 10-13. 3. How wondrous and great. Missions. A paraphrase of Rev. xv. 3, 4, being the Song of Moses and of the Lamb. 4. On Zion, and on Lebanon. Missions. Based on the text, Is. xxxv. 2. 5. Seek, my soul, the narrow gate. The Narrow Way. A paraphrase of St. Luke xiii. 24-27. 6. Sinner, rouse thee from thy sleep. Exhortation to awake out of sin. Based upon Eph. v. 14-17. 7. The Spirit in our hearts. Invitation. Based upon Rev. xxii. 17-20. This hymn may possibly have been suggested by Dr. Gibbons's "The Spirit in the word," which appeared in Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, 1769, p. 149. Bishop Onderdonk's hymn is in extensive use. Sometimes it is given as "The Spirit to our hearts." 8. Though I should seek to wash me clean. Need of the Mediator. This is not only used in full, but sts. iii.— v. are also used separately as "Ah, not like erring man is God." 9. When, Lord, to this our western land. Missions. This, and No. 4, were given in the Prayer Book Collection. "For Missions to the new Settlements in the United States." In addition to these original hymns, Onderdonk contributed to the same collection the following adaptations from others:— 10. Ah, how shall fallen man? Redemption, This is I. Watts's "How should the sons of Adam's race?" (p. 539. i.), rewritten from the form given to it in the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases, 1781. 11. Heirs of unending life. Trust in God. Of this st. i. is by Onderdonk, and st. ii. and iii. are altered from Beddome's hymn "That we might walk with God." Sometimes given as "Heirs of immortal life." 12. The gentle Saviour calls. Christ accepting Children. This is altered from Doddridge's "See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand." It is sometimes given as "The Saviour kindly calls." [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Burder

1752 - 1832 Hymnal Number: d189 Author of "Come, ye that [who] know and fear the Lord" in The Church Hymn Book Burder, George, born in London, June 5, 1752, and trained as an engraver. At the age of 24 he commenced preaching with the Calvinist Methodists, but subsequently joined the Congregationalists,and was pastor sucessively at Lancaster, Coventry, and Fetter Lane, London. He was one of the active founders of the Religious Tract, the London Missionary, and the British and Foreign Bible Societies, and some time editor of the Evangelical Magazine. He died May 29, 1832. His works include Village Sermons, 1704; Sea Sermons, 1821; Cottage Sermons, 1826, and others. He is known to hymnology by his Collection of Hymns from various Authors, intended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts, &c, 1784. (Preface dated Nov. 20, 1784.) It had attained to the 25th edition in 1827. To this collection he contributed 4 hymns, the best known being, "Sweet the time, exceeding sweet" (q.v.), sometimes altered to "Great the joy when Christians meet." The remaining three, all from the 1st edition 1784, are:— 1. Come, dear Desire of nations, come. Missions. 2. Come ye that know and fear the Lord. Love of God. In Dr. Hatfield's Church H. Bk., N.Y., 1872, 5 st. out of 9 are given as No. 236. 3. Lord, solemnize our trifling minds. Before Sermon. Altered to "Great God, impress our trifling minds," in the New Congregational Hymn Book, No. 786, &c. Burder's Collection is of importance in the history of Congregational hymnody. The 1st edition, 1784, contained 187 hymns; 2nd edition, 1784, 211; 9th edition, 1803, 257 hymns; 18th edition, 1820, 277; and the last, the 25th edition, 1827, 294. His son, Henry Foster Burder, published a Collection of Ps. & Hymns, 1826; and another son, the Rev. John Burder, also compiled a Collection published without date. To the 18th edition, 1820, of G. Burder's Collection, the wife of his son H. F. Burder contributed "And will the God Who reigns on high " (Sunday Schools), under the signature “S. M. Burder" [Sophia Maria]. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James Boden

1757 - 1841 Hymnal Number: d480 Author of "Jesus, dear name, how sweet it [the] sound(s)" in The Church Hymn Book Boden, James, was born April 13, 1757, in the house at Chester long occupied by Matthew Henry, and educated for the Congregational Ministry at Homerton College. In 1784 he became the pastor of the Independent Chapel, Hanley; and, in 1796, of the Queen's Street Chapel, Sheffield. This last charge he held for nearly 43 years. He died at Chesterfield, June 4, 1841. In 1801 he assisted Dr. Williams, of the Masborough Theological College, near Sheffield, in compiling A Collection of above Six Hundred Hymns designed as a New Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms & Hymns, &c, Doncaster, 1801. This collection is known as Williams and Boden, and to it is traced the anonymous modern version of "Jerusalem, my happy home" (q.v.). To this collection Boden contributed, under the signature "Boden” the following hymns:— 1. Bright source of everlasting love. Charity Sermon. 2. Come, all ye saints of God. Passiontide. 3. Come death, released from dread. Death. 4. Our great High Priest we sing. Christ the H. Priest. 5. Shall sin, that cruel foe? Lent. 6. Triumphant sing ye favoured [ransom'd] saints. Jesus, all in all. 7. We come, dear Jesus, to Thy throne. Prayer Meeting. Of these hymns, No. 1 appeared in the Evangelical Magazine Aug., 1798. Most of them are still in common use, but chiefly in America. They are of no special merit. In the Gospel Magazine, 1777, there are a few hymns under the signature "J-----s B-----n, Chester." Of these, one only (8), "Ye dying sons of men" [Invitation), was given in the Williams and Boden Collection, and then, not with the full signature of "Boden," but as by “B___." On this evidence mainly the hymn has been ascribed to James Boden. It appeared in the Gospel Magazine twice in 1777, in Feb. and in Aug. It may be by our author; but seeing that it alone of the eight hymns above noted is signed "B-----," and was given in the Gospel Magazine in 1777, and that the rest are signed "Baden," and did not appear in the Gospel Magazinein 1777, or in any other year, we regard the evidence as somewhat inconclusive. It has been suggested that possibly the "J-----s B-----n, Chester," was his father. The signatures appended to the hymns in the 1st edition of Williams & Boden, 1801, were omitted from the 2nd edition, 1803, and portions of the Preface were rewritten. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Gambold

1711 - 1771 Hymnal Number: d720 Author of "O tell me no more of this [the] world's vain [vain world's] store" in The Church Hymn Book Gambold, John, M.A., was b. April 10, 1711, at Puncheston, Pembrokeshire, where his father was vicar. Educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1730, M.A. in 1734. Taking Holy Orders, he became, about 1739, Vicar of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, but resigned his living in Oct. 1742, and joined the United Brethren [Moravians], by whom lie was chosen one of their bishops in 1754. He d. at Haverfordwest, Sept. 13, 1771. He published an edition of the Greek Testament; Maxims and Theological Ideas; Sermons, and a dramatic poem called Ignatius. About 26 translations and 18 original hymns in the Moravian Hymn Books are assigned to him. One or two of his hymns, which were published by the Wesleys, have been claimed for them, but the evidence is in favour of Gambold. A collected ed. of his works was published at Bath in 1789, and afterwards reprinted. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Aaron Crossley Hobart Seymour

1789 - 1870 Person Name: A. C. H. Seymour Hymnal Number: d489 Author of "Jesus, immortal King, arise" in The Church Hymn Book Seymour, Aaron Crossley Hobart, son of John Crossley Seymour, M.A., Vicar of Cahirelly, Diocese of Cashel (and elder brother of the Rev. Michael Hobart Seymour, author of several works on the Roman controversy), was born in the county of Limerick, Dec. 19, 1789. From an early age he gave much attention to literary pursuits, and at the age of 21 he published his Vital Christianity exhibited in a Series of Letters on the most Important Subjects of Religion, addressed to Young Persons, 1810. This work, written during an illness, contains several of his hymns and other poetical pieces. He also edited a new edition of Dr. Gillies's Life of Whitefield, and wrote a "Memoir," which was prefixed to the Reliques of Ancient Irish Poetry, by Miss Charlotte Brooke, 1816. His most important work was his Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, 2 vols., 1839. He resided for some time in Naples (circa 1839-1847), and then at Bristol. He died Oct., 1870. A few of his hymns are still in common use, including "Jesus, Immortal King, arise," and others. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. W. Dadmun

1819 - 1890 Hymnal Number: d1161 Author of "Where'er we meet, you always say" in The Church Hymn Book Rv John William Dadmun USA 1819-1890. Born at Cambridge, MA, he completed his education at the Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, MA. At 22 he joined the New England Methodist Conference and pastored churches in the towns of Ludlow, Southhampton, South Hadley Falls, Enfield, Ware, Monson, Ipswich, and Lowell, the first Methodist Church and Grace Church, Boston and First Church, Boston Highlands. For a number of years he was also prison Chaplain and Superintendent of schools in the city institutions of Boston at Deer Island, off the coast of Maine. He married Lucy Ann Dutton, and they had seven children: Lucy, Wiletta, Francina, Charles,William and two others. He was initiated into Masonry at the Mt. Lebanon Lodge in Boston, MA, and served as Grand Chaplain and District Deputy Grand Master, which he immensely enjoyed. He rose in ranks within the organization and was instrumental in forming the Mt. Vernon Chapter in Roxbury, MA. He was elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of MA. He was Knighted into the De Molay Commandery in Boston, serving several years and rising to Grand Prelate of MA & RI, and attained to a number of other significant positions within the Masons. In later years, after Lucy died, he married Martha Jane Rogers. He collected songs and contributed lyrics to some, publishing a number of song books: “Army & Navy melodies” (1862), “The Melodian” (1862), “Revival melodies” , “The Eolian harp” (1860), “The sacred harmonium”, “new revival melodies”, “Musical string of pearls”, The Masonic choir” (1864), “The humming bird”, “Union league melodies”, “The new golden chain of Sabbath school melodies”, “The olive leaf”, “The timbrel” (1866), and others. Copies of these works have been sold around the world. He died at Boston, MA. John Perry


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