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Meter: d

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Vinde, Ó Filhos Do Senhor

Author: James H. Wallis, 1861-1940; Desconhecido Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15232 Meter: D First Line: Vinde, ó filhos do Senhor, Lyrics: 1 Vinde, ó filhos do Senhor, Entoai a Deus louvor E cantai louvor também Ao Senhor, que logo vem. Nesta terra reinará E do mal a limpará, Quando os homens viverão Sem pecado, em união. 2 Que alegria sem igual Ver a face divinal! Quando em esplendor descer E a maldade combater. Quantos hinos de louvor Cantaremos ao Senhor! Quanto amor receberá, Quanta graça nos dará! 3 Brancas vestes usarão Os que a Cristo encontrarão; A verdade luzirá, Sua luz nos guiará! Livres do pecado e mal Viveremos afinal Em amor e união, Tendo paz no coração. Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: MADRID

Наш Господь Христос воскрес!

Author: Charles Wesley; Unknown Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15309 Meter: D First Line: Наш Господь Христос воскрес! Аллилуйя! Lyrics: 1 Наш Господь Христос воскрес! Аллилуйя! Эта весть пришла с небес! Аллилуйя! Мощь Всевышнего хваля! Аллилуйя! Пойте, небо и земля! Аллилуйя! 2 Жив Наш славный Царь опять! Аллилуйя! Смерть, скажи, где твое жало! Аллилуйя! Умер Он, чтоб жизнь нам дать! Аллилуйя! Ад не страшен нам ни мало! Аллилуйя! 3 Славный подвиг совершен! Аллилуйя! Всех врагов унизил Он! Аллилуйя! Смерть, Владыке не мешай! Аллилуйя! Он открыл всем людям рай! Аллилуйя! Languages: Russian Tune Title: EASTER HYMN

Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star

Author: Grace C. Warren Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15313 Meter: D First Line: Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star! Refrain First Line: Always show your bright, clear light Lyrics: 1 Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star! Who can tell me what you are? Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky? Refrain: Always show your bright, clear light; Shine and sparkle thro’ the night; Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. 2 When the golden day is done, And the night is just begun, Then I’ll wait and watch for you, As you twinkle thro’ the blue. [Refrain] 3 When the night grows dark and chill, Then you shine more bright and still, And your kindly watch you keep While the little children sleep. [Refrain] 4 Little star, with you I’d shine, To His praise who is divine; Jesus is our glorious king; For Him children love to sing. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: OSHAWA

O Dashnor I Shpirtit Tim

Author: Charles Wesley; Jan Foss, 1954- Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15418 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 O dashnor i shpirtit tim Le t’vrapoj në gjirin tënd Kur mbi mua uj’rat vijnë Dhe furtunat bien rënd’ Mua më fsheh, o Shpëtimtar, Gjersa çdo e zezë t’kaloj’. Dhe at’ çast përfundimtar’ Përgjithmonë tek ti do t’shkoj. 2 Asnjë strehë tjetër s’kam Ty të ngjitet shpirti im. Mos më lë, pa ndihmë jam; Por tek ti kam plot besim. Më përkrah, dhe më forco. Ndihma mua më vjen nga ti! Kokën time ma mbulo Me t’mir’filltën dhemshuri. 3 Gjithçka kam, Jesus, tek ti; Po, bile më shumë se kjo. Ti shëron çdo dobësi, Qorrat i drejton me dorë. Ti i shenjt’ je dhe i drejt’. Unë jam krejt padrejtësi Plot mëkat ndërsa ti vetë Plot t’vërtet’ dhe dashuri. 4 Hir të plot’ tek Ti po gjej Tër’ mëkatin t’ma mbulojë. Jep lumenj shëruese T’rrjedhin sot ku kam nevoj’. Ti, jet’dhënësi burim, Lermë falas t’marr nga ti; Sot gufo në shpirtin tim Deri në përjetësi. Languages: Albanian Tune Title: ABERYSTWYTH

Lo! The Day Of Days Is Here (Hymn for Easter Day)

Author: Brooke Herford Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15581 Meter: D First Line: Lo! the day of days is here! Lyrics: 1 Lo! the day of days is here! Brightest Sabbath of the year! Sing we hymns of gladdest cheer, Praising Thee, our Father! Not of earth, the light, alone; Not of man, the music’s tone; Angels sing around Thy throne, Praising Thee, our Father! 2 In that blessèd light abide Saints, with Jesus glorified, And the friends we thought had died, Praising Thee, our Father! Christ and all dear souls above, Who in realms immortal move, Bless with us Thy boundless love, Praising Thee, our Father! 3 So let all our voices ring, And the flowers their beauty bring, To adorn our worshipping— Praising Thee, our Father! And forever we confess Thy great love and holiness, And Thy fadeless glory bless, Praising Thee, our Father! Languages: English Tune Title: BLUMENTHAL

Lead Thou Me

Author: Fanny Crosby Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15861 Meter: D First Line: Savior, let me still abide Lyrics: 1 Savior, let me still abide In the shadow of Thy wings; Let me all my sorrow hide, In the joy Thy mercy brings; Draw me, keep me day by day, Nearer, nearer, Lord to Thee; All along my pilgrim way, O my Savior, lead Thou me. 2 To the cross my soul was brought, To the cross, with all its grief; There a healing balm I sought, There I found a sweet relief; Yet for deeper love I pray, Love that clings alone to Thee; All along my pilgrim way, O my Savior, lead Thou me. 3 Let me trust Thee more and more, Let my will and Thine be one, Till my warfare here is o’er, Till the victory I have won; In the light whose blessèd ray Shining down, by faith I see, All along my pilgrim way, O my Savior, lead Thou me. Languages: English Tune Title: OCALA

Bugbe Re Ti L'ewa To

Author: Henry F. Lyte; Anonymous Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15873 Meter: D First Line: Bugbe Re ti l’ewa to! Lyrics: 1 Bugbe Re ti l’ewa to! N’ ile mole at’ ife, Bugbe Re ti l’ewa to! Laiye ese at’ osi. Okan mi n fa ni to to Fun idapo enia Re Fun imole oju Re Fun ekun Re Olorun 2 A yo ba awon eiye Ti nfo yi pepe Re ka; Ayo okan t’o simi L’aiya Baba l’o poju! Gege b’adaba Noa Ti ko r’ibi simi le, Nwon pada sodo Baba Nwon si nyo titi aiye 3 Nwon ko simi iyin won, Ninu aiye osi yi; Omi nsun ni aginju, Manna nt’orun wa fun won, Nwon nlo lat’ipa de’pa, Titi nwon fi yo si O; Nwon si wole l’ese Re, T’o mu won la ewu ja. 4 Baba je ki njere be S’amona mi laiye yi, F’ore-ofe pa mi mo Fun mi l’aye lodo Re: Iwo l’Orun at’ Asa To okan isina mi; Iwo l’Orisun ore Ro ojo Re sori mi. Languages: Yoruba Tune Title: MAIDSTONE

No Other Name

Author: Caroline L. Shacklock Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15959 Meter: D First Line: I am guided on the way Refrain First Line: O the name, so sweet, so dear Lyrics: 1 I am guided on the way, I shall reach the perfect day, I can never faint or fall, Jesus ever hears my call. Refrain: O the name, so sweet, so dear, Trusting hearts to bless and cheer, In it all my hope I rest— In its promise I am blest. 2 This is all that I can claim, Trust in His redeeming name, In His power to save and bless, In His perfect righteousness. [Refrain] 3 I have cast on Him my care, He will all my burdens bear, He will every need supply, He is ever watching nigh. [Refrain] 4 I am singing as I go, I can only rapture know, Knowing that the Lord is mine, Fills my soul with joy divine. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: ZAPORIZHZHIA

When From Scattered Lands Afar

Author: Charlotte E. Tonna Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16038 Meter: D First Line: When from scat­tered lands afar Lyrics: 1 When from scat­tered lands afar Spreads the voice of ru­mored war, Nations in tu­mul­tu­ous pride Heave like ocean’s roari­ng tide; When the so­lar splen­dors fail, When the cres­cent wax­eth pale; World! do thou the sig­nal dread, We ex­alt the droop­ing head. 2 When the pow­ers that star-like reign Sink dis­hon­ored to the plain, We up­lift the ex­pect­ant eye— Our red­emp­tion draw­eth nigh, When the fig tree shoots ap­pear, Men be­hold their sum­mer near; When the hearts of re­bels fail, We the com­ing Con­quer­or hail. 3 Bridegroom of Thy weep­ing spouse, Listen to her long­ing vows, Listen to her wi­dowed moan, Listen to cre­a­tion’s groan; Bid, O bid Thy trum­pet sound, Gather Thine elect around: Call them from the cheer­less gloom, Call them from the mar­ble tomb. 4 From the grass-grown vil­lage grave, From the deep dis­solv­ing wave, From the whirl­wind and the flame, Mighty Head, Thy mem­bers claim. Where Thy cross in ang­uish stood, Where Thy life dis­tilled in blood, Where they mocked Thy dy­ing groan, King of na­tions, claim Thy throne. Languages: English Tune Title: ABERYSTWYTH

Joy Of Joys! He Lives, He Lives

Author: William J. Irons Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16179 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Joy of joys! He lives, He lives, Jesus, who sal­va­tion gives! Rising in the ear­ly gloom, Lo! His glo­ry fills the tomb; All the earth­ly guards are fled, From the man­sion of the Dead. Listen, for the an­gels say, "See the place where Je­sus lay." 2 Enter, if ye seek for Him! There the light shall not be dim; At His head, and at His feet, Mark the clothes and wind­ing sheet, All in sac­red or­der seen, In the grave where Christ has been; So He left it, all was done, Ere the ris­ing of the sun. 3 Earth was trem­bling—Jesus rose, Calmly pass­ing through His foes; Death hath no do­min­ion now, Captain of Sal­va­tion, Thou! Jesus, Con­quer­or of the grave, Jesus, Mas­ter, strong to save, Teach our hearts th’un­earth­ly bliss Of a pur­er world than this! 4 Bid the pow­ers of dark­ness fly, For the morn is draw­ing nigh; Show to us the shin­ing way, Us, the child­ren of the day; Onward, on­ward, in the road Radiant with the light of God, God the Fa­ther and the Son, And the Spi­rit, ev­er one. Languages: English Tune Title: KIRIKKALE


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