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Hymnal, Number:th1961

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When his salvation bringing

Author: John King Meter: D Appears in 421 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When his salvation bringing, To Zion Jesus came, The children all stood singing Hosanna to his Name: Nor did their zeal offend him, But as he rode along, He let them still attend him, And smiled to hear their song. 2 And since the Lord retaineth His love for children still, Though now as King he reigneth On Zion's heav'nly hill, We'll flock around his banner Who sits upon his throne, And cry aloud, "Hosanna To David's royal Son!" 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise, The stones, our silence shaming, Would their Hosannas raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words? No; while our hearts are tender, They too shall be the Lord's. Amen. Topics: Christ Deity of; Christ Kingly Office of; Christ Life, Ministry and Obedience of; Christ Triumphal Entry of Scripture: Matthew 21:9 Used With Tune: TOURS
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Singing, “Glory, glory, glory be to God on high”

Author: Anne H. Shepherd Appears in 458 hymnals First Line: Around the throne of God in heav'n Lyrics: 1 Around the throne of God in heav'n, Thousands of children stand, Children whose sins are all forgiv'n, A holy, happy band, Refrain: Singing, "Glory, glory, glory be to God on high." 2 In flowing robes of spotless white See ev'ry one arrayed; Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade, [Refrain] 3 What brought them to that world above, That heav'n so bright and fair, Where all is peace, and joy, and love; How came those children there, [Refrain] 4 Because the Saviour shed His blood To wash away their sin; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean, [Refrain] 5 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his Name; So now they see His blesséd face, And stand before the Lamb, [Refrain] Amen. Topics: Christ Saviour; Death Of Children; Heaven Redeemed in; Resurrection and Life Everlasting Scripture: Acts 2:39 Used With Tune: CHILDREN'S PRAISES
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Saviour, teach me, day by day

Author: Jane E. Leeson Meter: Appears in 463 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Saviour, teach me, day by day, Love's sweet lesson, - to obey; Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving him who first loved me. 2 With a child's glad heart of love, At thy bidding may I move; Prompt to serve and follow thee, Loving him who first loved me. 3 Teach me thus thy steps to trace, Strong to follow in thy grace; Learning how to love from thee, Loving him who first loved me. 4 Love in loving finds employ, In obedience all her joy; Ever new that joy will be, Loving him who first loved me. Amen. Topics: Christ Example of; Christ Teacher; Love For Christ or God; Obedience Scripture: 1 John 4:19 Used With Tune: POSEN
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Yes, For Me He Careth

Author: Horatius Bonar Appears in 176 hymnals First Line: Yes, for me, for me he careth Lyrics: 1 Yes, for me, for me he careth With a brother's tender care; Yes, with me, with me he shareth Ev'ry burden, ev'ry fear. Yes, o'er me, o'er me he watcheth, Ceaseless watcheth, night and day; Yes, e'en me, e'en me he snatcheth From the perils of the way. 2 Yes, for me, he standeth pleading At the mercy seat above; Ever for me interceding, Constant in untiring love. Yes, in me, in me he dwelleth; I in him, and he in me! And my empty soul he filleth, Here and through eternity. Amen. Topics: Christ Love and Grace of; Hymns for Informal Occasions; Union with Christ Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7 Used With Tune: [Yes, for me, for me he careth]
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Come, Holy Ghost, in love

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 203 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, in love Shed on us from above Thine own bright ray: Divinely good thou art; Thy sacred gifts impart To gladden each sad heart: O come today. 2 Come, tend'rest Friend and best, Our most delightful Guest, With soothing pow'r: Rest, which thy weary know; Shade, 'mid the noontide glow; Peace, when deep griefs o'erflow- Cheer us this hour. 3 Come, Light serene, and still Our inmost bosoms fill; Dwell in each breast: We know no dawn but thine; Send forth thy beams divine On our dark souls to shine, And make us blest. 4 Exalt our low desires; Extinguish passion's fires; Heal ev'ry wound: Our stubborn spirits bend, Our icy coldness end, Our devious steps attend, While heav'n ward bound. 5 Come, all the faithful bless: Let all who Christ confess His praise employ; Give virtue's rich reward; Victorious death accord, And, with our glorious Lord, Eternal joy. Amen. Topics: Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit Indwelling; Holy Spirit Invocation of; Longing for Christ and God Scripture: Romans 5:5 Used With Tune: BRAUN Text Sources: Anon., latin, 13th century
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Father, I know that all my life

Author: Anna L. Waring Meter: Appears in 231 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me; The changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see: I ask thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing thee. 2 I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know; I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 3 I ask thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, A mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at thy side, Content to fill a little space, If thou be glorified. 4 In service which thy will appoints There are no bonds for me; My secret heart is taught the truth That makes thy children free; A life of self-renouncing love Is one of liberty. Amen. Topics: Christian Life Obedience; Christian Service; Common Duties and Things; Consecration; Contentment; Decrees of God; Faith Living by; Life Sacredness of; Patience of Christians Scripture: Philippians 4:11 Used With Tune: MORWELLHAM
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Let us love, and sing, and wonder

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 56 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Let us love, and sing, and wonder, Let us praise the Saviour's name! He has hushed the law's loud thunder, He has quenched Mount Sinai's flame; He has washed us with his blood, He has brought us nigh to God. 2 Let us love the Lord who bought us, Pitied us when enemies, Called us by his grace, and taught us, Gave us ears and gave us eyes: He has washed us with his blood, He presents our souls to God. 3 Let us sing, though fierce temptation Threaten hard to bear us down! For the Lord, our strong salvation, Holds in view the conqu'ror's crown, He who washed us with his blood, Soon will bring us home to God. 4 Let us wonder; grace and justice Join, and point to mercy's store; When through grace in Christ our trust is, Justice smiles, and asks no more: He who washed us with his blood, Has secured our way to God. 5 Let us praise, and join the chorus Of the saints enthroned on high; Here they trusted him before us, Now their praises fill the sky: "Thou hast washed us with thy blood; Thou art worthy, Lamb of God!" Amen. Topics: Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Blood of; Christ Praise of; Law of God; Rewards Scripture: Revelation 1:5-6 Used With Tune: ALL SAINTS OLD
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Ye holy angels bright

Author: Richard Baxter Meter: Appears in 115 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ye holy angels bright, Who wait at God's right hand, Or through the realms of light Fly at your Lord's command, Assist our song, For else the theme Too high doth seem For mortal tongue. 2 Ye blessed souls at rest, Who ran this earthly race, And now, from sin released, Behold the Saviour's face, God's praises sound, As in his sight With sweet delight Ye do abound. 3 All nations of the earth, Extol the world's great King; With melody and mirth His glorious praises sing; For he still reigns, And will bring low The proudest foe That him disdains. 4 Sing forth Jehovah's praise, Ye saints, that on him call! Him magnify always His holy churches all! In him rejoice, And there proclaim His holy Name With sounding voice. 5 My soul, bear thou thy part, Triumph in God above; With a well-tuned heart Sing thou the songs of love; Thou art his own, Whose precious blood Shed for thy good His love made known. 6 Away, distrustful care! I have thy promise, Lord: To banish all despair, I have thine oath and word: And therefore I Shall see thy face And there thy grace Shall magnify. 7 With thy triumphant flock, Then I shall numbered be; Built on th'eternal Rock, His glory we shall see. The heav'ns so high With praise shall ring And all shall sing In harmony. Amen. Topics: Angels; Confidence; God Divine Perfections of; God Glory of; God Praise of Scripture: Psalm 148:1 Used With Tune: DARWALL'S 148th
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Great God, how infinite art thou!

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 322 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made: Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view; To thee there's nothing old appears; To thee there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares; While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 5 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. Amen. Topics: God Divine Perfections of; God Eternity of ; God Glory of; God Immutability of; God Infinity Scripture: Psalm 102:24-27 Used With Tune: WINDSOR
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Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard That firm remains on high The everlasting throne of him Who formed the earth and sky? 2 Art thou afraid his pow'r shall fail When comes thine evil day? And can an all-creating arm Grow weary or decay? 3 Supreme in wisdom as in pow'r The Rock of Ages stands, Though him thou canst not see, nor trace The working of his hands. 4 He gives the conquest to the weak, Supports the fainting heart, And courage in the evil hour His heav'nly aids impart. 5 Mere human pow'r shall fast decay, And youthful vigor cease; But they who wait upon the Lord In strength shall still increase. 6 They with unwearied feet shall tread The path of life divine, With growing ardor onward move, With growing brightness shine. 7 On eagles' wings they mount, they soar - Their wings are faith and love - Till, past the cloudy regions here, They rise to heav'n above. Amen. Topics: God Divine Perfections of; God Eternity of ; God Faithfuless of; God Glory of; God Immutability of; God Incomprehensibility of; God Power of; God Sovereignty of ; Waiting upon God Scripture: Isaiah 40:28 Used With Tune: DUNDEE Text Sources: Alt. in Scottish Paraphrases,, 1781


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