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Savior, Prince of Israel's Race

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5891 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Savior, Prince of Israel’s race, See me from Thy lofty throne; Give the sweet relenting grace, Soften this obdurate stone! Stone to flesh, O God, convert; Cast a look, and break my heart! 2. By Thy Spirit, Lord, reprove, All my inmost sins reveal, Sins against Thy light and love Let me see, and let me feel; Sins that crucified my God, Spilt again Thy precious blood. 3. Jesu, seek Thy wandering sheep, Make me restless to return; Bid me look on Thee, and weep, Bitterly as Peter mourn, Till I say, by grace restored, Now Thou know’st I love Thee, Lord 4. Might I in Thy sight appear, As the publican distressed, Stand, not daring to draw near, Smite on my unworthy breast, Groan the sinner’s only plea, God, be merciful to me! 5. O remember me for good, Passing through the mortal vale! Show me the atoning blood, When my strength and spirit fail; Give my gasping soul to see Jesus crucified for me! Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD

Sion's Daughter, Weep No More

Author: Henry W. Baker Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5950 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Sion’s daughter, weep no more, Though thy troubled heart be sore; He of whom the psalmist sung, He who woke the prophet’s tongue, Christ, the mediator blest, Brings thee everlasting rest. 2. In a garden man became Heir of sin, and death, and shame; Jesus in a garden wins Life, and pardon for our sins; Through His hour of agony Praying in Gethsemane. 3. There for us He intercedes; There with God the Father pleads; Willing there for us to drain To the dregs the cup of pain, That in everlasting day He may wipe our tears away. 4. Therefore to His name be giv’n, Glory both in earth and Heav’n; To the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, Three in One, Honor, praise and glory be Now and through eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: CASSEL

Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6116 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Who from yon bright world above, Ever watchful o’er our race, Still to man extends His grace; Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Sing, my soul, His wondrous love. 2. Heaven and earth by Him were made; He by all must be obeyed; What are we that He should show So much love to us below? Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Sing, my soul, His wondrous love. 3. God, thus merciful and good, Bought us with the Savior’s blood; And to make our safety sure, Guides us by His spirit pure; Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Sing, my soul, His wondrous love. 4. Sing, my soul, adore His name, Let His glory be my theme; Praise Him till He calls thee home; Trust His love for all to come; Praise, oh praise the God of love, Praise, oh praise the God of love. Languages: English Tune Title: SURABAYA

Sing, O Sing, This Blessèd Morn

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6118 Meter: Refrain First Line: Sing, O sing, this bless'd morn Lyrics: 1. Sing, O sing, this blessèd morn, Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given, God Himself comes down from Heav’n. Refrain Sing, O sing, this blessèd morn, Jesus Christ today is born. 2. God of God, and Light of Light, Come with mercies infinite, Joining in a wondrous plan Heaven to earth and God to man. [Refrain] 3. God with us, Emmanuel, Deigns forever more to dwell; He on Adam’s fallen race Sheds the fullness of His grace. [Refrain] 4. God comes down that man may rise, Lifted by Him to the skies; Christ is Son of Man that we Sons of God in Him may be. [Refrain] 5. O renew us, Lord, we pray, With Thy Spirit day by day, That we ever one may be With the Father and with Thee. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: ENGLAND'S LANE

慈仁圣灵歌 (Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!)

Hymnal: Small Church Music #6174 Meter: Tune Title: PALGRAVE

Son of Man, to Thee I Cry

Author: Richard Mant Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6220 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Son of Man, to Thee I cry; By the wondrous mystery Of Thy dwelling here on earth, By Thy pure and holy birth, Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. 2. Son of Man, to Thee I cry; By Thy bitter agony, By Thy pangs, to us unknown, By Thy Spirit’s parting groan, Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. 3. Prince of Life, to Thee I cry; By Thy glorious majesty, By Thy triumph o’er the grave, Meek to suffer, strong to save, Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. 4. Lord of Glory, God Most High, Man exalted to the sky, With Thy love my bosom fill, Prompt me now to to Thy will; Then Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. Languages: English Tune Title: PALGRAVE

Springs and Streams No Longer Bless

Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6298 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Springs and streams no longer bless All the dry and thirsty land; Fertile fields in verdant dress God converts to desert sand; For that they who dwell therein Turn to wickedness and sin. 2. Once again the waters well, All the desert blossoms fair; There He makes the hungry dwell, There a city they prepare, Plant their vines and sow their fields, And the earth her increase yields. 3. Now He blesses them indeed, They are greatly multiplied; On the hills their cattle feed, Fast increasing, spreading wide; Then again they are brought low Through oppression, grief, and woe. 4. His contempt the princes taste: Driven out, they helpless fly, Wandering in the trackless waste; But He lifts the needy high, Where no evil shall annoy, And with children gives him joy. 5. When His righteous judgments come, Strong to bless and to destroy, All iniquity is dumb, All the righteous sing for joy; Who Jehovah wisely heed, In His works His mercy read. Scripture: Psalm 107 Languages: English Tune Title: BREAD OF HEAVEN

Moa mba efa nisy va fahoriana toy izao? (Did such affliction happen before?)

Hymnal: Small Church Music #6613 Meter: Languages: Malagasy Tune Title: [Did such affliction happen before]

Throned upon the Awful Tree

Author: John Ellerton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6712 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Throned upon the awful tree, Lamb of God, Your grief I see. Darkness veils Your anguished face; None its lines of woe can trace. None can tell what pangs unknown Hold You silent and alone. 2. Silent through those three dread hours, Wrestling with the evil powers, Left alone with human sin, Gloom around You and within, Till the appointed time is nigh, Til the Lamb of God may die. 3. Hark, that cry that peals aloud Upward through the whelming cloud! You, the Father’s only Son, You, His own anointed One, You are asking"can it be" "Why have You forsaken Me?" 4. Lord, should fear and anguish roll, Darkly o’er my sinful soul, You, who once were thus bereft That Your own might ne’er be left, Teach me by that bitter cry In the gloom to know You nigh. Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON

Till He Come

Author: Edward H. Bickersteth, Jr. Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6784 Meter: First Line: Till He come O let the words Lyrics: 1. Till He come O let the words Linger on the trembling chords, Let the little while between In their golden light be seen; Let us think how Heaven and home Lie beyond that, Till He come. 2. When the weary ones we love Enter on their rest above, Seems the earth so poor and vast, All our life joy overcast? Hush, be every murmur dumb; It is only, Till He come. 3. Clouds and conflicts round us press; Would we have one sorrow less? All the sharpness of the cross, All that tells the world is lost, Death and darkness, and the tomb, Only whisper, Till He come. 4. See, the feast of love is spread, Drink the wine, and break the bread; Sweet memorials, till the Lord Calls us round His heavenly board; Some from earth, from glory some Severed only, Till He come. Languages: English Tune Title: NASSAU


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