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God And Dig My Grave Today

Author: Ernst M. Arndt; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10089 Meter: First Line: Go and dig my grave today! Lyrics: 1 Go and dig my grave today! Weary of my wanderings all, Now from earth I pass away, For the heavenly peace doth call; Angel voices from above Call me to their rest and love. 2 Go and dig my grave today! Homeward doth my journey tend, And I lay my staff away Here where all things earthly end, And I lay my weary head In the only painless bed. 3 What is there I yet should do, Lingering in this darksome vale? Proud and mighty, fair to view, Are our schemes, and yet they fail, Like the sand before the wind, That no power of man can bind. 4 Farewell, earth, then; I am glad That in peace I now depart, For thy very joys are sad, And thy hopes deceive the heart; Fleeting is thy beauty’s gleam, False and changing as a dream. 5 And to you a last good night, Sun and moon, and stars so dear; Farewell all your golden light; I am travelling far from here, To the splendors of that day Where ye all must fade away. 6 Farewell, O ye much-loved friends! Grief hath smote you as a sword, But the Comforter descends Unto them that love the Lord. Weep not o’er a passing show, To th’ eternal world I go. 7 Weep not that I take my leave Of the world; that I exchange Errors that too closely cleave, Shadows, empty ghosts that range Through this world of naught and night, For a land of truth and light. 8 Weep not, dearest to my heart, For I find my Savior near, And I know that I have part In the pains He suffered here, When He shed His sacred blood For the whole world’s highest good. 9 Weep not, my Redeemer lives; Heavenward springing from the dust, Clear-eyed Hope her comfort gives; Faith, Heaven’s champion, bids us trust; Love eternal whispers nigh, "Child of God, fear not to die!" Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON

God, My Father, Hear Me Pray

Author: James Holme Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10122 Meter: Lyrics: 1 God, my Father, hear me pray, Wash my crimson guilt away; Wretched, helpless, lost, undone, Hear me for Thy blessèd Son. Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. 2 God, my Savior, look on me; All my guilt I cast on Thee! Give my troubled spirit peace; Bid my fears and sorrows cease. Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. 3 God, my comforter, my light, Strengthen me with holy might; Make Thy dwelling in my heart; Faith and joy and hope impart. Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. 4 Blessèd, glorious Trinity! Holy, everlasting Three! Hear, O hear my earnest prayer! And my soul for Heaven prepare! Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON

Sing, My Soul, From Bondage Free

Author: Philip P. Bliss Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10173 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Sing, my soul, from bondage free; Israel’s God thy God will be. In the dark and foamy sea, Pharaoh’s host shall buried be. Refrain: Sing, my soul, from bondage free; Israel’s God thy God will be. 2 "Sweets of sin"—delusive dream! Burning thirst and poisonous stream. Fount of Life, Thy streams outpour, Let me drink and thirst no more. [Refrain] 3 Fainting on the desert way, For my "daily bread" I pray; Bread of Life, Thy life I need, Let me ever on Thee feed. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: SAN FERMÍN

From Cross To Crown

Author: Mrs. Ellen Patton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10311 Meter: First Line: I will flee a wounded dove Lyrics: 1 I will flee a wounded dove To the mountain of God’s love; Hide me in the clefted rock, From the world’s wild tempest shock; Seal me, Christ, Thy very own, Anchor me fast to the throne. 2 Shown myself, I fled away, Out of night into the day; Show my Lord, I now desire Heart and brain be set on fire, Just to do my Master’s will— When death comes, to praise Him still. 3 I am weak, but Thou art strong; Bear me through the passing throng Of life’s cares and bitter grief; Let me ever find relief Looking to the height sublime, Just beyond the shores of time. 4 Drop into my life sweet trust, Write my name among the just; Make me yours in heart, my King, And Thy praises I will sing; While supplies of grace come down, Guiding me from cross to crown. Languages: English Tune Title: SASKATCHEWAN

When The Earth Is Bright With Dew

Author: Carol M. Bruening Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10401 Meter: Lyrics: 1 When the earth is bright with dew, Thank the Lord for mercies new. Bless Him for the sun that’s ris’n, For the flush of early dawn, Thank Him that the night is past; Praise Him all the beauteous morn. 2 When the sun is risen high, Bathing golden all the sky; Bless the Lord the morn is o’er, Safe its hours have gone so soon; Nature now is wide awake; Praise Him for the glorious noon. 3 When the stars peep out at last, Thank the Lord the day is past. Bless Him for its varied scenes, For its many blessings bright; Thank Him that we’re nearer Heav’n, Praise Him, bless Him all the night. Languages: English Tune Title: PUGLIA

As The Hart, With Eager Looks

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10464 Meter: Lyrics: 1 As the hart, with eager looks, Panteth for the water-brooks, So my soul, athirst for Thee, Pants the living God to see; When, O when, with filial fear, Lord, shall I to Thee draw near? 2 Tears my food by night, by day, Grief consumes my strength away; While his craft the tempter plies, "Where is now thy God?" he cries; This would sink me to despair, But I pour soul in prayer. 3 For in happier times I went, Where the multitudes frequent; I, with them, was wont to bring Homage to Thy courts, my King: I, with them, was wont to raise Festal hymns on holy days. 4 Why art thou cast down, my soul? God, thy God, shall make thee whole; Why art thou disquieted? God shall lift thy fallen head; And His countenance benign Be the saving health of thine. Languages: English Tune Title: TURIN

On Thy Church, O Power Divine

Author: Harriet Auber Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10465 Meter: Lyrics: 1 On Thy church, O Power Divine, Cause Thy glorious face to shine; Till the nations from afar Hail her as their guiding star; Till her sons from zone to zone Make Thy great salvation known. 2 Then shall God, with lavish hand, Scatter blessings o’er the land; Earth shall yield her rich increase, Every breeze shall whisper peace, And the world’s remotest bound With the voice of praise resound. Languages: English Tune Title: HULLAH

Christian, Wouldst Thou Boast Aright?

Author: Herbert Kynaston Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10786 Meter: First Line: Christian, wouldst thou boast aright Lyrics: 1 Christian, wouldst thou boast aright, Deck thy brows with living light? Twined above that altar’s horns, Contemplate the crown of thorns: Him, the rather, love the more Who for thee that thorn-crown wore. 2 This the King of Glory bound All His bleeding forehead round; With this helmet on His head Smote the foe of quick and dead; Crowned with this triumphant wreath Plucked the thorny sting from death. 3 This the crest the fight to stem, Pontiff’s only diadem, Only crown on earth to win, In the battlefield of sin, Changed, the while that head they hold, Crown of thorns to crowns of gold. 4 All those thorn-points, sharp and gory, Touched by Him are rays of glory, In His Passion’s crucifying Scorn no more, but praise undying, Twining roses for His tomb Of an amaranthine bloom. 5 Thorny ground with sweat of brow Mingling in that labor now, While the second Adam toils, All the earth of curse despoils; Thorns, fit only for the burning, To a wreath of radiance turning. 6 Only good, and only grand, Jesus, strength of those that stand, Only might of them that win, Pluck from life the sting of sin; From our work with briers strown Wreathe us an eternal crown! Languages: English Tune Title: RATISBON

Let Us Go To Bethlehem

Author: Mrs. B. L. Corbin Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10970 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Let us go to Bethlehem; There the King of Glory lies! He has left His diadem, And His throne beyond the skies! He, the Lord of endless years, Now a feeble babe appears. 2 Let us go to Bethlehem: God descends with men to dwell! And He comes not to condemn, But to save from sin and hell: Oh, what rich and boundless grace, To our lost and guilty race! 3 Let us go to Bethlehem: Eastern magi worship there; Let us strive to rival them, With the incense of our prayer; And our hearts, as offerings bring, To the glorious new-born King. Languages: English Tune Title: DIX

Thou Didst Think Of Me

Author: Salathial C. Kirk Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10971 Meter: First Line: When Thou didst with pitying eye Lyrics: 1 When Thou didst with pitying eye Leave Thy Father’s throne on high— Leave a heavenly diadem For a crib in Bethlehem, Jesus, Thou didst think of me; Do I, do I think of Thee? 2 Blessing, helping everyone, Yet rejected by Thine own; Buffeted and spit upon, O, Thou blessèd Holy One, This, because Thou thought of me! Do I, do I think of Thee? 3 Praying in Gethsemane; Agonizing on the tree; When, with breaking heart, Thou cried "It is finished," bowed and died, Jesus, Thou didst think of me! Do I, do I think of Thee? 4 On His hands my name I see: In the grave He thinks of me, Vain, oh Calvary, Thy doom! Jesus rises from the tomb, Evermore to think of me; Jesus, I will think of Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON


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