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Scripture:Psalm 37

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Showing 151 - 160 of 192Results Per Page: 102050

Fret Not for Those Who Do Wrong Things

Author: Christopher L. Webber Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37 Used With Tune: CULROSS

Dwelling in the Land

Author: J. A. E. Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37:3 First Line: Long lone years I lived in sin Lyrics: 1 Long lone years I lived in sin, Wretched slave I was within; Goshen was my dwelling place, Dark and deep was my disgrace. But now I’m Refrain: Dwelling in the land, Fed from Father’s hand, Trusting, simply trusting every day; Living in the light, Blest with beauty bright, Walking with my Savior all the way. 2 I will sing unto the Lord: By the power of His word Pharoah’s hosts are in the sea, Parted by His pow’r for me. And now I’m [Refrain] 3 Wand’ring through the wilderness, Oft I stumbled in distress; Yet by cloud and fiery flame, Led o’er shimm’ring sands I came. And now I’m [Refrain] 4 I to Jordan’s banks was brought, Saw the shore I longing sought: God in answer to my plea Second parting made for me. So now I’m [Refrain] 5 Jericho and giants fell, Death to all that would rebel; In this land I’ll ever dwell, And my God’s great goodness tell. Praise God, I’m [Refrain] Topics: Experience Used With Tune: [Long lone years I lived in sin] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Dwelling_in_the_Land)
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Fret not thyself, tho' wicked Men

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37 Lyrics: 1. Fret not thyself, tho' wicked Men Grow opulent, and great; Let not their prosp'rous Vices raise Thine Envy, at their State. 2. For, like the Grass that's flourishing, They shall be soon cut down; They wither, as the verdent Herb, Before the scorching Sun. 3. But in the Lord repose thy Trust, And practice all that's good; So in the Land thou safe shall dwell, And sure shall be thy Food. 4. Delight thyself in God; and he Will thy Desires fulfill. 5. To God commit thy Way; trust him, And he'll perform all well. 6. Thy wronged Innocence he'll clear. As from the Clouds the Sun; He'll make thy Justice forth to shine, Bright as the Day at Noon. 7. Be silent, wait thou on the Lord, Let no Impatience rise, At their Success; who bring to pass, The Mischiefs they devise. 8. Enkindling Anger quench betimes, Wrath utterly forsake; Lest, Thee, Partaker in their Crimes, Ungovern'd Passions, make. 9. For wicked Men shall be cut off, By a most righteous Hand; But those that wait upon the Lord, Inherit shall the Land. 10. The Wicked soon are gone; nor shall. On strictest Search, be found; 11. Whereas the Meek possess the Earth; With Peace, and Joy, are crown'd, Second Part 12. The Wicked plot against the Just; They gnash, and rage, and foam. 13. But God derides their Schemes; he sees Their Day is near to come. 14. They've drawn the Sword,and bent the Bow, To make the Poor their Prey; To cast the Needy to the Ground, The upright Man to slay. 15. Their Sword shall pierce thro' their own Hearts; Their Bow be broke in twain. 16. The just Man's little Stores excells, What many Wicked gain. 17. The Wicked's Arms shall broken be ; But God the Just sustains. 18. Th'Upright he guides thro' all their Days, Their Portion safe remains. 19. When sad distressing Times approach, They free from Shame abide; Tho' Days of raging Famine come. They shall be satisfied. 20. But wicked Men shall be cut off, Who dare the Lord provoke; Like Fat of Lambs, they melt away, And vanish into Smoak. Third Part 21, The Wicked borrows, where he can, And takes no Care to pay; But righteous Men will Mercy show, And freely give away. 22. For those the Lord vouchsafes to bless, The promised Land enjoy; While such as fall beneath his Curse, He'll from the Earth destroy. 23. The Lord directs the good Man's Steps, Who loves his just Command: 54. Tho' he should fall, yet shall he rise, Supported by thine Hand. 25. Thro' Youth, and Age, I never saw, But righteous Men were fed; Nor have their Seed forsaken been, When asking for their Bread. 26. He's ever merciful, and lends: And blessed is his Race. 27. Depart from Evil, and do Good; And so prolong thy Days. 28. For God loves Judgment, he his Saints Preserves, and ne'er forsakes; But the vile Seed of wicked Men, Destruction overtakes. 29. The Righteous shall possess the Land; There dwell as setled Heirs. 30. His Mouth of sacred Wisdom speaks; Right Things his Tongue declares. 31. The Law of God is in his Heart; None of his Steps shall stray. 32. The Wicked watch, and seek by Crafts, The righteous Man to slay. 33. But God ne'er leaves, in wicked Hands, His Saints, without Defence; Nor their rash Judgment e'er approves, But clears their Innocence. Fourth Part 34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his Way, And thine shall be the Right To heir the Land; when wicked Men Shall perish in thy Sight. 35. I've seen the Wicked rise, and spread, As Trees in native Ground. 36. But lo! he vanish'd, Root, and Branch; When sought, could not be found. 37. Mark well the truly perfect Man, And carefully attend The upright Liver; and you'l find A blessed Peace his End. 39. But bold Transgressors surely shall One common Ruin share: Vengeance, at last, will cut them off, Nor any Wicked spare. 39. Whereas, the Safety of the just, Is wholly from the Lord; Who, when the Times most dang'rous prove, Will Strength to them afford. 40. The Lord will help, and rescue them. He'll free them from th' Unjust; Them from their Rage, and Pow'r, he'll save, Because in him they trust.
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Good Desires

Author: H. R. Jeffrey Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37:4 First Line: Good desires, oh! what a blessing Refrain First Line: Put them in practice, yes, put them in practice Used With Tune: [Good desires, oh! what a blessing]

Yes, God Is Real

Author: Phillip Landgrave Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37:3 Lyrics: 1 Yes, God is real, don't you feel His presence here? Yes, God is real, don't you know His pow'r is near? God is here, won't you believe it? Here in love, won't you receive it? Simply trust Him and you will know that God is real. 2 Yes, God will care, share with Him what's on your heart. Yes, God will care, dare to tell Him every part. God will heal your deepest sorrow, He will help you face tomorrow, Simply trust Him and you will know that God will care. 3 Yes, God will lead, firm but gentle His command. Yes, God will lead, let Him lead you by the hand. God will guide, tho' rough the way may seem; He will guide beyond your highest dream. Simply trust Him and you will know that God will lead. for He will care, for God is real. Topics: God Love and Mercy; God Love and Mercy Used With Tune: [Yes, God is real]

To Talk with God

Meter: Irregular Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37:7 First Line: To talk with God, no breath is lost Lyrics: 1 To talk with God, no breath is lost, Talk on, talk on, talk on! 2 To walk with God, no strength is lost, Walk on, walk on, walk on! 3 To wait on God, no time is lost, Wait on, wait on, wait on! Topics: Life in Christ Faith and Assurance Used With Tune: HINDI Text Sources: Traditional Hindi hymn
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Psalm 37

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37 First Line: Commit your way to God and trust the One who takes your part Used With Tune: [Commit your way to God]
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Contrasted Characters

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37 First Line: Rest in the Lord and be thou still Lyrics: 1 Rest in the Lord and be thou still, With patience wait His holy will, Enduring to the end. Fret not tho' sinners' gains increase; forsake thy wrath, from anger cease; It will to evil tend. 2 The evildoer soon shall die, But those that on the Lord rely Shall all the land obtain; A little while and thou shalt see That wicked men cut off shall be, They shall be sought in vain. 3 Yea, thou shalt soon consider well The place where they were wont to dwell, And it shall not be found; But saints shall all the land possess, And find delight and happiness where fruits of peace abound. 4 The vile may plot against the just who in the Lord Jehovah trust, But God will scorn them all; The Lord their coming day shall see, When broken all their pow'r shall be, And ruin on them fall. Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions For sin; Afflictions From the Wicked; Afflictions Promises for; Cares; Christians Blessedness of; Contentment; Death Of the Wicked; Glory of God In Providence; Patience; Prosperity Without God's Blessing; Providence of God Over Saints; Resignation; Retribution Threatened; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; The Righteous Hated by the Wicked; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Safety Assured; Trust in God Exhortation to; Waiting upon God ; The Wicked Fate of Used With Tune: KINGSTON
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When impious men in worldly splendor live

Author: Thomas Cradock Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37 Lyrics: 1 When impious men in wordly splendor live, And all the good possess that earth can give, Scorn thou to murmur at their empty joy, Nor envy what a moment may destroy. 2 For soon their boasted riches melt away, False are their pleasures, and their hopes decay; Like the green grass, whose bloom attracts our eyes; Cut by the cruel scythe, it's verdure dies. 3 No; rather thou upon thy God depend; Him by a course of virtue make thy friend; So thou the bounties of his earth shalt share, And feel the blessings of a father's care. 4 With love of him thy fervent soul inspire, And he shall fill thee with thy heart's desire, 5 To him thy fortunes and thy life commit; Soon shalt thou find the glorious benefit; 6 Bright as the sun he'll make thy merit shine, And on thy virtues beam a light divine. 7 Rest then on him, and with due patience wait, Nor at the joyous hours of sinners fret; 8 Thine anger bridle, and thy wrath restrain; O'er all thy passions hold a steady rein: 9 Soon droop the wicked; suddenly they die, While righteous souls substantial good enjoy. 10 Stay but awhile; the wicked is no more; In vain his habitation thou'lt explore; A desart now, his palace, late so fair; Without a name he dies, without an heir. 11 Not so the meek the earth shall long be theirs, And when they die, they leave it to their heirs. 12 T' ensnare the good, is all the villain's joy, Pleas'd, if he guiltless merit can destroy: 13 But heav'n, who knows, how short-liv'd is his pride, Does all his wily cruelty deride. 14 T' assail the poor, the wicked draws his sword; The poor, the happy fav'rites of the Lord; He bends his bow, the innocent to slay, T' extirpate those, who heav'n's high will obey. 15 In vain--in his own bowels sheath'd his sword, Defends his favour'd poor th' almighty Lord; Broke is his bow; his arrows fruitless fly, While on their God, insur'd, the good rely. 18 Yes; long they flourish, and, tho' little's theirs, That little they enjoy, devoid of fears; That little furnishes sincerer bliss, Than all that prosp'rous sinners can possess. 17 For, while the pow'r of impious sinners fail, Supported by their God, the good prevail; 18 Their God, that promises a length of days, To spend in health, in happiness, in peace; That promises a num'rous progeny, To leave their substance to, whene'er they die: 19 Their God, that, when diseases rage around, Their great protector from th' infection's found; That, when the trumpet sounds the dread alarm; Preserves them by his providence from harm. 20 But not the wicked thus receive his aid; In times like these, his vengeance strikes them dead; Like fat of victims that expires in fume, Shall they in his tremendous wrath consume. 21 The wicked borrows, tho' he never pays, Not so the just; the fainting soul he'll ease; To painful poverty assistance gives, And all the anguish of their hearts relieves. 22 Therefore his friends, 'cause he so freely gave, Their substance to his progeny shall leave; While rot the wicked with the curse of all, And his whole crimes upon his off-spring fall. 23 For God the good man loves, and guides his steps, 24 And with his hand supports him, if he slips. 25 Young have I been, and now, tho' grown in years, Still my hoar age my mem'ry not impairs; And ne'er knew I the good man wanting aid And ne'er heard I his children beg their bread. 26 For, as he ever gave, and ever lent, Heav'n on his race continual blessings sent. 27 Be virtue then thy aim, base folly run, And thou a constant course of bliss shalt run: 28 For love and equity the Godhead loves, And ne'er forsakes the virtues he approves: The good are still preserv'd in happy peace, While fail the wicked, and extinct their race. 29 Yes; large possessions to the righteous fall, And to his children he preserves them all; 30 For why; his mouth with heav'nly wisdom glows, With truth, with justice, ev'ry period flows; 31 The law of God is written on his heart; He from it's sacred dictates scorns to part; 32 And tho' the wicked waits in ambuscade, His life t' ensnare, his property t' invade, 33 Yet still th' almighty Lord will be his friend, Will 'fore the judge his guiltless soul defend. 34 Wait then upon thy God; obey his laws, And he for ever will support thy cause; The Land he'll give thee ever to possess, While soon the foes to truth, to virtue, cease. 35 As lifts the laurel high it's lofty head; As with gay pride it's verdant branches spread; The wicked thus I've seen exalted high; Have heard him boast his pow'r, his God defy. 36 But soon his empty glories past away, The vain, the idle pageant of a day; Again to view him, oft I look'd around, And not a trace of all his pride I found. 37 But mark the righteous in his constant race, You'll find him live a good old age in peace. 38 While vile transgressors shall be soon destroy'd, And all their base and impious schemes are void; 39 The righteous fix their safety in the Lord, And he'll to them his certain aid afford: 40 To him when they apply, 'twill not be vain; Them in their varied cares he'll long sustain; From toils of artful men he'll keep them free, And, 'cause they trust in him, their strength he'll be.

Son of God, Whose Heart Is Peace

Author: Shirley Erena Murray Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 37:1 Topics: Atonement; Confession; Forgiveness; Repentance; Salvation; Sin Used With Tune: TAMA NGAKAU MARIE Text Sources: Maori hymn


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