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Scripture:Psalm 103:1-13

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Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (I'll Be a Sunbeam)

Author: Nellie Talbot Meter: D Appears in 122 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:13 First Line: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam Refrain First Line: A sunbeam, a sunbeam Lyrics: 1 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, To shine for Him each day; In every way try to please Him: At home, at school, at play. Refrain: A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for Him. 2 Jesus wants me to be loving And kind to all I see; Showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be. [Refrain] 3 I will ask Jesus to help me To keep my heart from sin, Ever reflecting His goodness, And always shine for Him. [Refrain] 4 I'll be a sunbeam for Jesus; I can, if I but try; Serving Him moment by moment, Then live with Him on high. [Refrain] Topics: The Living Church Children's Hymns; Children; Testimony Used With Tune: I'LL BE A SUNBEAM

Sing to the Lord of Harvest

Author: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-1875 Appears in 121 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:1-4 Topics: Creation; Gifts, Giving; God the Sustainer; Harvest; Offering, Offertory; Praise; Thanks, Thanksgiving Used With Tune: WIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN
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Author: Doddridge Meter: Appears in 110 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:3-10 First Line: Ye sons of men, with joy record Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, with joy record The various wonders of the Lord; And let his pow'r and goodness sound Thro' all your tribes, the earth around. 2 Let the high heav'ns your songs invite, Those spacious fields of brilliant light; Where sun, and moon, and planets roll, And stars, that glow from pole to pole. 3 Sing, earth, in verdant robes array'd, Its herbs and flow'rs, its fruits and shade; Peopled with life of various forms, Of fish, and fowl, and beasts, and worms. 4 View the broad sea's majestic plains, And think how wide its maker reigns; That band remotest nations joins, And on each wave, his goodness shines. 5 But O! that brighter world ab ove, Where lives and reigns incarnate love! God's only Son in flesh array'd, For man, a bleeding victim made. 6 Thither, my soul with rapture soar; There in thee land of praise adore; The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day. Topics: Hymns, adapted to Particular Parts of Public Worship
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Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 110 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:3 Lyrics: 1 Come, O Thou all-victorious Lord, Thy power to us make known; Strike with the hammer of the Word, And break these hearts of stone. 2 O that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn! And turn at once from every sin, And to the Savior turn. 3 Give us ourselves and Thee to know In this our gracious day: Repentance unto life bestow, And take our sins away. 4 Convince us first of unbelief, And freely then release: Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace. Amen. Topics: Jesus Christ Ascension; Ascension; Conversion Used With Tune: ST. AGNES

Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

Author: J. Athelstan L. Riley (1858-1945) Meter: with alleluias Appears in 108 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103 Lyrics: 1 Ye watchers and ye holy ones, bright seraphs, cherubim, and thrones, raise the glad strain, alleluia! Cry out, dominions, princedoms, powers, virtues, archangels, angels' choirs: alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 2 O higher than the cherubim, more glorious than the seraphim, lead their praises, alleluia! Thou bearer of the eternal Word, most gracious, magnify the Lord, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 3 Respond, ye souls in endless rest, ye patriarchs and prophets blest, alleluia, alleluia! Ye holy twelve, ye martyrs strong, all saints triumphant, raise the song: alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 4 O friends, in gladness let us sing supernal anthems echoing: alleluia, alleluia! To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three-in-One, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Topics: Angels; Communion of Saints; Martyrs; Mary; Michael, the Archangel; Praise of God Used With Tune: LASST UNS ERFREUEN
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Hark, how the watchmen cry!

Author: C. Wesley Meter: D Appears in 85 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:10 Lyrics: 1 Hark, how the watchmen cry! Attend the trumpet's sound; Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh, The powers of hell surround. Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare, The day of battle is at hand-- Go forth to glorious war. 2 See, on the mountain-top The standard of your God; In Jesus' name 'tis lifted up, All stained with hallowed blood. His standard-bearers now To all the nations call: To Jesus' cross, ye nations, bow; He bore the cross for all. 3 Go up with Christ your Head; Your Captain's footsteps see; Follow your Captain, and be led To certain victory. All power to him is given; He ever reigns the same: Salvation, happiness, and heaven Are all in Jesus' name. Topics: The Christian Life Courage and Triumph; The Standard of the Cross
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If I Have Wounded Any Soul Today (An Evening Prayer)

Author: C. M. Battersby Meter: Appears in 82 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:3 First Line: If I have wounded any soul today Lyrics: 1 If I have wounded any soul today, If I have caused one foot to go astray, If I have walked in my own willful way, Dear Lord, forgive. 2 If I have uttered idle words or vain, If I have turned aside from want or pain Lest I offend some other through the strain, Dear Lord, forgive. 3 If I have been perverse, or hard, or cold, If I have longed for shelter in Thy fold, When Thou hast given me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, forgive. 4 Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee; Forgive the secret sins I do not see; O guide me, love me, and my keeper be, Dear Lord, forgive. Amen. Topics: The Christian Life Prayer and Intercession; Forgiveness; Prayer Used With Tune: AN EVENING PRAYER
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Author: George Rawson Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:13 First Line: In the dark and cloudy day Lyrics: 1 In the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches flee away, And the last hope will not stay, Saviour, comfort me! 2 When the secret idol's gone That my poor heart yearned upon,-- Desolate, bereft, alone, Saviour, comfort me! 3 Thou, who wast so sorely tried, In the darkness crucified, Bid me in thy love confide; Saviour, comfort me! 4 Comfort me; I am cast down: 'Tis my heavenly Father's frown; I deserve it all, I own: Saviour, comfort me! 5 So it shall be good for me Much afflicted now to be, If thou wilt but tenderly, Saviour, comfort me! Topics: Afflictions; Christ Temptation of; Christ Weeping; Christians Afflictions; Comfort; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table Used With Tune: LAST HOPE
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Earth has many a noble city

Author: Prudentius, 348-c. 413; Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:1 Lyrics: 1 Earth has many a noble city; Bethl'hem, thou dost all excel: out of thee the Lord from heaven came to rule his Israel. 2 Fairer than the sun at morning was the star that told his birth, to the world its God announcing seen in fleshly form on earth. 3 Eastern sages at his cradle make oblations rich and rare; see them give in deep devotion, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 4 Sacred gifts of mystic meaning: incense doth their God disclose, gold the King of kings proclaimeth, myrrh his sepulcher foreshows. 5 Jesu, whom the Gentiles worshipped at thy glad Epiphany, unto thee with God the Father and the Spirit glory be. Topics: Epiphany; Epiphany Used With Tune: STUTTGART
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All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus

Author: Thoro Harris, 1874-1955 Meter: with refrain Appears in 59 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 103:11 First Line: Who can cheer the heart like Jesus Topics: Joy in Christ; Praise to Christ Jesus Used With Tune: HARRIS


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