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Topics:all saints day

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Hear our prayer, O heavenly Father

Author: Harriett Parr Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Topics: Saints' Days and Other Holy Days St. Michael and All Angels, September 29 Used With Tune: OMNI DIE

I Will Exalt My God and King

Meter: D Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day Lyrics: 1 I will exalt my God and King, and I will ever praise your name. I will extol you every day and evermore your praise proclaim. You, LORD, are greatly to be praised; your greatness is beyond all thought. From age to age your people tell the mighty wonders you have wrought. 2 On your most glorious majesty and on your deeds my mind will dwell. Your deeds will fill the world with awe, and all your greatness I will tell. Your matchless goodness and your grace your people will commemorate; and all your truth and righteousness our joyful song will celebrate. 3 The LORD our God is rich in grace, tender to us, compassionate. His anger is most slow to rise; his love and kindness are most great. The LORD is good in all his ways; his creatures know his constant care. To all his works his love extends; all creatures in his mercies share. 4 All you have made will praise you, LORD; your mighty acts your saints will show, till all the peoples on the earth the splendor of your kingdom know. Eternal is your kingdom, LORD, forever strong and ever sure; while generations rise and die, your glorious reign will still endure. 5 The LORD is faithful to his word; he will extend his gracious hand. The LORD upholds the faltering feet and makes the weak securely stand. The eyes of all look up to you for food and drink, which you supply; your open hand is bountiful, and every need you satisfy. 6 The LORD is just in all his ways; in all his works the LORD is kind, and all who call on him in truth in him a present helper find. He will fulfill the heart's desire of those who fear him and obey. The LORD will surely hear their cry, will save them when to him they pray. 7 The LORD in grace preserves his saints, redeeming those who love his name. The wicked he will overthrow and put his enemies to shame. My mouth will sing the glorious praise of God, whom earth and heaven adore. Let every creature praise his name forever and forevermore! Scripture: Psalm 145 Used With Tune: JERUSALEM Text Sources: Psalter, 1912, alt.
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How shall I sing that majesty

Author: John Mason, c. 1645-1694 Meter: D Appears in 40 hymnals Topics: Year A All Saints' Day Lyrics: 1 How shall I sing that majesty which angels do admire? Let dust in dust and silence lie; sing, sing, ye heav'enly choir. Thousands of thousands stand around thy throne, O God most high; ten thousand times ten thousand sound thy praise; but who am I? 2 Thy brightness unto them appears, whilst I thy footsteps trace; a sound of God comes to my ears, but they behold thy face. They sing, because thou art their Sun; Lord, send a beam on me; for where heav'n is but once begun there alleluias be. 3 How great a being, Lord, is thine, which doth all beings keep! Thy knowledge is the only line to sound so vast a deep. Thou art a sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere; thy time is now and evermore, thy place is ev'rywhere. Scripture: Matthew 18:10 Used With Tune: SOLL'S SEIN

The LORD God from His Throne on High

Author: Marie J. Post Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day Lyrics: 1 The LORD God from his throne on high looks down with clear and searching eye on all that dwell below; and he that fashioned heart and mind looks ever down on human-kind, their hearts and minds to know. Not human strength or mighty hosts, not charging steeds or warlike boasts can save from overthrow; but God will save from death and shame all those who fear and trust his name, and they no want shall know. 2 God's eye is on all those who fear; to those who hope, the LORD is near, according to his Word. Death cannot touch those in his hand, nor famine conquer in the land; we wait upon the LORD. In God our hope is firm and sure, who makes the joyful heart secure, our helper strong and true. Our trust is in your holy name; your mercy, LORD, in faith we claim, as we have hoped in you. Scripture: Psalm 33 Used With Tune: GENEVAN 68 Text Sources: Psalter Hymnal, 1934 (St. 1)

Shepherd Me, O God

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day First Line: God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want Lyrics: Refrain: Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life. 1 God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want, I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love, I walk by the quiet waters of peace. [Refrain] 2 Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, you lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing the music of your name. [Refrain] 3 Though I should wander the valley of death, I fear no evil, for you are at my side, your rod and your staff, my comfort and my hope. [Refrain] 4 You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred, crowning me with love beyond my power to hold. [Refrain] 5 Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of my God forevermore. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: SHEPHERD ME

Psalm 34 (A Responsorial Setting)

Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day; Year A, All Saints' Day, November 1 First Line: Taste and see, taste and see the goodness of the Lord Scripture: Psalm 34 Used With Tune: [Taste and see, taste and see, the goodness of the Lord] Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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Jeg veed at evigt Himmerig

Author: Hans Sthen Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Jeg veed et evigt Himmerig, Som ei med Guld det røde Er smykket ud saa prydelig, Men med Guds Ord bet søde. 2 Der bor min Herre Jesus Krist, Som er Guds Søn den fromme, Min Brudgom kjær mig venter vist, Og beder til sig komme. 3 En Pilegrim er jeg forsand, Og snart hat Reisen Ende, Da gaar jeg til mit Fædreland, Mig kan ei bedre hænde. 4 Jeg fattig hid til Verden kom, Saa ringe var min Stamme, Gaar herfra ud med Haanden tom, Mig følger Død hin gramme. 5 Dog er jeg vis, at denne Krop I Døden ei skal blive, Men skal ved Guds Søns Kraft staa op, Han vil mig Glæden give. 6 Da opnaar jeg, det er min Tro, Som her led megen Plage, For Sorg og Strid Guds Fred og Ro I Evighedens Dage. 7 Jeg skilles fra al Usseldom Paa denne Jordens Tue, Min Herre Jesus raaber: Kom! Du tør slet ikke grue. 8 Jeg dig forløste med mit Blod, Og elskte dig af Hjerte, Vær derfor du kun ved godt Mod, Jeg døve vil din Smerte! 9 Har du mig kjær, min Hjertens Skat, Hvi vil du dig saa krænke? Thi paa din Synd, som er forladt, Jeg aldrig mer vil tænke. 10 Naar Verden al som Flyvesand Med Guld og Glæde viger, Da staar jeg hos din høire Haand, Den Ven, dig aldrig sviger. 11 Thi lader os i Evighed Gud takke allesammen For hans den store Miskundhed Ved Jesus Kristus! Amen. Text Sources: Efter ukj. Forfatter
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Jeg løfter op til Gud min Sang

Author: Landstad Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Jeg løfter op til Gud min Sang Endnu engang Fra disse Jordens Dale. Vor Herre Krist han henter mig Smart hjem til sig I Himlens høie Sale. Som Lynet far, Han kommer snar, Da skal hans Pris Paa anden Vis De Guds Basuner tale. 2 Naar min Forløsning stunder til, Jeg glædes vil Og løfter of mit Hoved, Da løses jeg, da gaar jeg ind Til Vennen min, Gud være evig lovet! Da reises af Den mørke Grav Det, som var saa'd Med Suk og Graad, Da er den Søvn udsovet. 3 Naar Figentræet skyder Blad, Jeg er saa glad, Da bliver her snart Sommer, Naar Himmerigets Blomster gro, Det er min Tro, Guds Rige snarlig kommer! Hans Brud jet er, Hans Ring jeg bær, Har Lampen tændt, Og Hjertet vendt Til ham, al Verdens Dommer. 4 Jeg hører hans livsalig Røst Guds Børn til Trøst Fra høien Himmel tone: Jeg kommer, se jeg kommer snart, Hold du kun hart, At ingen ta'r din Krone! Min Brud, dig glæd, Min Løn er med: Dig, som var tro, En evig Ro Og Glæde for Guds Throne! 5 I Aanden glad da Bruden from Hun siger: kom! Saa hjertelig hun frydes; Og hvo det hører siger: kom! Lad Livsens Flom Sødt over os udgydes! Hvo lider Tørst, Han komme først, Hvo vil og kan, Tag' Livsens Vand, Som uforskyldt tilbydes! 6 En Himmel ny saavelsom Jord, Det er hans Ord, Da vorder til hans Ære. Se, Guds Paulum blandt Menn'sken er, Han bor os nær, Og vi hans Folk skal være! Lad Verden saa I Stykker gaa, Guds Ord ei brast, De stande fast, Den Bro skal Bruden bære! 7 Gud skal da tørre af mit Kind Hver Taare min, Ei Død skal være mere, Ei heller Sorg, ei heller Skrig, Ei Pine slig, Som her Guds Børn maa bære; Det første fort Er veget bort, Og Glæden ny I Himlens By– Eia, hvor godt at være! 8 Da synger jeg for Thronen glad Et beder Kvad, Og løfter Palmegrene, Med hvide Klæder, som er to'd I Lammets Blod For Herrens Øine rene. Halleluja! Eia, eia, For liflig Klang! Og al min Sang Er Herren, Herren ene. 9 Amen, Vesignelse og Pris Paa alle Vis, Og Visdom, Magt og Styrke Tilhører Gud i Evighed, Som saa herned Til os i Dødens Mørke! Halleluja! Eia, eia! I Himmerig Der skal vi dig I Aand og Sandhed dyrke.
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Allevegne, hvor jeg vanker

Author: Ahasv. Fritsch; Brorson Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Allevegne, hvor jeg vanker, Jeg min Jesus har i Tanker, Hvor jeg ligger, sidder, gaar, Efter ham min Længsel staar. 2 Bort fra Verdens Land at ile, Mæt af Møie, hjem til Hvile, Er jeg reisefærdig til, Naar min søde Jesus vil. 3 Naar jeg med ham skal regjere, Livsens Krans og Krone bære, O, hvor vil jeg være glad I den gyldne Englestad! 4 O, hvor vil jeg da mig glæde, Naar min Jesus mig vil klæde, Føre ind paa Himlens Slot, O, hvad vil det være godt! 5 Da skal Mund og Hjerte klinge Med min Frelser Lov at bringe Blandt Udvalgtes Sang og Lyd I Guds Englers Samfunds Fryd. 6 Fri fra Sorgen, fri fra Nøden, Fri fra Synden, fri fra Døden, O, hvor vil jeg være fro I Guds Englers Samkvems Ro!

Blest Are the Uncorrupt in Heart

Author: Fred R. Anderson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal


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