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Ó, Aggódó Lélek, Ím, Békesség Néked!

Author: Charles Wesley; Anna Piroska Williams Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Ó, aggódó lélek, ím, békesség Néked Lyrics: 1 Ó, aggódó lélek, ím, békesség Néked, Ki embernek formált, így szól: "Ne félj!" Az Úr neveden hívott téged, Az övé vagy, bízzál, remélj! Ki drága vérén megváltott, Ő hűséges, őrző Pásztorod! 2 Ha utam nagy vízen kell átvigyen engem, Mit Ő ígért, kérem: "Uram, légy velem!" A hullámok ím, nem érnek el, A folyó el nem borít engem. Bár rémít az áradat—félnem nem kell: Egy cseppet sem árthat, hisz az Úr közel! 3 Nem kétkedő szívvel, ám gyermeki hittel— Bár tűzbe visz utam—bátran léphetek: A tűz tűznek lenni elfelejt, A sok-sok lángnyelv hűs táncot lejt. A láng meg nem perzsel—az Úr oltalom! A Megtartó, hű Úr az én Megtartóm! 4 Ám el ne hagyj engem, hatalmas Megmentőm, Ha rám törnek próbák, légy hű őrizőm! Rejts el kezed mélyén engemet, Hadd hirdessem majd mentő Neved! Karod legyen oltalmam, rejtekhelyem, Ki nem ragad onnan senki, semmi sem! 5 Mert Te hívtál engem: "Jöjj hozzám a vízen!" S mert jól tudom: jó vagy, és megbízható, Az élet viharzó tengere Szent szavadra, lám, már járható! De kétségek, félelmek riogatnak, Mint ásító örvények tátonganak. 6 S ha zúgó szél hangja a szívem riasztja, S mély bánat hulláma már majd’ eltemet, A szívem ijedten felkiált: "Uram, tarts meg! Elsüllyedek!" Egy jól ismert hang szól és békét teremt: "Csak bízzatok! Én vagyok! Ne féljetek!" Used With Tune: BROWNWELL Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739

O all that pass by, to Jesus draw near

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 43 hymnals

O all who seek with Christ to rise

Author: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius Appears in 2 hymnals

O all ye far-spreading lakes

Author: Alfred Robert George Appears in 1 hymnal
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O all ye good, who heav'n-born justice love

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O all ye good, who heav'n-born justice love, The Lord Jehovah sing, that rules above; Your great creator joyfully extol; The blest employ befits the pious soul. 2 Strike, strike the lute, in honour of his name; His praise the ten-string'd psaltery proclaim; 3 In sweet harmonious song the voice employ, And let the clarion join the general joy. 4 For his all-pow'rful word the right commands, And righteous are the wonders of his hands; 5 His love to justice and to truth he shews, And o'er the spacious globe his goodness flows. 6 He spoke, and straitway into being sprung, High heav'n, with all it's radiant glories hung; 7 He spoke; the waters of the main obey'd, Shrunk within bounds, and in the depths were laid. 8 Thou too, O earth, thy great creator fear, And bid thy scatter'd sons his name revere; 9 For at his word firm thy foundation stood; From his behest thy ev'ry blessing flow'd. 10 'Tis he confounds of impious men the schemes; He bids; they fleet away like morning-dreams: 11 While firm and fix'd his counsels still remain, And all th' assaults of time 'gainst them are vain. 12 That nation's doubly blest, whose God's the Lord; What nobler grace can heav'n's high king afford, Than such peculiar favour to us shown, To chuse us thus, and feal us for his own? 13 From his celestial throne th' all-seeing God Looks down, and calls his awful eye abroad; The sons of men in all their secrets views; Their schemes thro' all their labyrinths pursues; 15 He forms the close recesses of the mind, And he each lurking thought therein can find. 16 Earth's haughty potentates confide in vain In armed turrets and in hosts of men; The valiant chieftain, in his prowess proud, In vain his strength, his courage boasts aloud: 17 And oft, tho' fleeter than the wind his speed, Deceives in battle, the impetuous steed. 18 While God, all-pow'rful, with a watchful eye, Looks down on those, who on his aid rely; 19 Their souls, when famine threatens, to relieve; From death's dark dreary horrors to reprieve. 20 Therefore on his beneficence we'll wait, Our shield, our sure defence, in ev'ry strait: 21 To him, 'cause never he'll our hopes deceive, Our hearts the tribute of their praise shall give. 22 Thy mercy, Lord, shall on thy servants shine; On thee our hopes are fix'd, and we are thine. Scripture: Psalm 33


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