Person Results

Text Identifier:"^a_few_more_years_shall_roll$"

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Showing 21 - 27 of 27Results Per Page: 102050

Aldine S. Kieffer

1840 - 1904 Person Name: A. S. Kieffer Composer of "THE PILGRIM'S SONG" in The Good Old Songs Full name Aldine Silliman Kiefer

H. R. Christie

1848 - 1925 Composer of "[A few more years shall roll]" in Prayer and Praise Harvey Robert Christie, 1848-1925 Born: June 29, 1848, Mon­roe Coun­ty, West Vir­gin­ia. Died: March 19, 1925, Wil­low­ton, West Vir­gin­ia. Buried: Rest Ha­ven Me­mor­i­al Park, Prince­ton, West Vir­gin­ia. Christie taught sing­ing class­es from 1871 to 1874, which led him to a mu­sic­al ca­reer. He stu­died un­der Rig­don Mc­In­tosh, who at the time was in the mu­sic de­part­ment at Van­der­bilt Un­i­ver­si­ty. Christie re­mained in Ten­nes­see un­til 1876, when he re­turned to West Vir­gin­ia. Around 1877, he con­duct­ed a two month course at the Con­cord Nor­mal School, in Athens, West Vir­gin­ia, fol­lowed by a sim­i­lar course in Prince­ton, West Vir­gin­ia; Rur­al Re­treat, Vir­gin­ia (1878); and four cours­es in Snow­ville, Vir­gin­ia (1879-1880); and a nine month course at Rur­al Re­treat, Vir­gin­ia (1881). In 1881, he stu­died for a while at the Com­mer­cial Coll­ege at Ken­tucky Un­i­ver­si­ty, and in 1882, moved to Mil­li­gan Coll­ege, Ten­nes­see, where he event­u­al­ly rose to serve on the Board of Di­rect­ors. In 1894, Christie be­came mu­sic ed­it­or for the Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio. His works in­clude: Favorite Songs (co-ed­it­or), 1876 Gospel Light, 1894 Songs of Ser­vice (music ed­it­or) (At­lan­ta, Georg­ia: R. M. Mc­In­tosh Co., 1896) The Christ­ian Church Hymn­al, 1906 Songs of Evan­gel­ism, 1911 Worship and Ser­vice (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: The Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1916) Music: Let Him Come In --

Frederic H. Cowen

1852 - 1935 Person Name: F. H. Cowen Composer of "[A few more years shall roll]" in The Westminster Abbey Hymn-Book

Wyatt Minshall

Composer of "GLENDALE" in The Sacred Hymnal

George C. F. Haas

1854 - 1927 Composer of "ST. MARKS" in Luther League Hymnal Born: May 4, 1854, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Died: September 29, 1927, Staten Island, New York. Haas graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA 1876) and the Philadelphia Theological Seminary (1880). He pastored at St. Mark’s German Lutheran Church in Manhattan, New York, 1882-1921. Music: O CHRISTIANS, LEAGUED TOGETHER

Edward K. Glezen

Person Name: E. K. Glezen Composer of "KNIGHT" in Hymns of the Faith with Psalms

S. B. Ellenberger

1831 - 1899 Composer of "[A few more years shall roll]" in Bright Gems


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