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Hymnal, Number:ssm1866

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W. F. Lloyd

1791 - 1853 Person Name: William Freeman Lloyd Hymnal Number: d71 Author of "Sweet is the time of spring" in The Sabbath School Melodist Lloyd, William Freeman, was born at Uley, Gloucestershire, Dec. 22, 1791. As he grew up he took great interest in Sunday school work, and was engaged in teaching both at Oxford and at London. In 1810 he was appointed one of the Secretaries of the Sunday School Union. He also became connected with the Religious Tract Society in 1816. Miller (to whom we are indebted for these details) says in his Singers and Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 418:— "He commenced the Sunday School Teacher's Magazine, conducted for years the Child's Companion and the Weekly Visitor, and suggested the preparation of a large number of books for children and adults. His own literary productions were various, including several useful books for Sunday School teachers and scholars, and numerous tracts. He was also much engaged in compilation and revision." Mr. Lloyd died at the residence of his brother, the Rev. Samuel Lloyd, at Stanley Hall, Gloucestershire, April 22, 1853. Several of his hymns and poetical pieces were given in the Religious Tract Society Child's Book of Poetry (N.D.), and the Royal Tract SocietyMy Poetry Book (N.D.). In 1853 he collected his pieces and published them as, Thoughts in Rhyme, By W. F. Lloyd, London, Hamilton & Co., and Nisbet & Co. Of his hymns the following are common use:— 1. Come, poor sinners, come to Jesus. Invitation. (1835.) 2. Give thy young heart to Christ. A Child’s Dedication to Christ. 3. My [our] times are in Thine hand. My God, I Wish them there. Resignation. (1835.) 4. Sweet is the time of spring. Spring. 5. Wait, my soul, upon the Lord. In Affliction. (1835.) The date given above, 1835, is from Spurgeon's 0ur Own Hymn Book, 1866, and was supplied to the editor by D. Sedgwick. We have no other authority for that date. The earliest we can find is No. 3, which is in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838. That hymn is very popular. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907), p. 680

William Augustus Muhlenberg

1796 - 1877 Person Name: William A. Muhlenberg Hymnal Number: d66 Author of "The little flock" in The Sabbath School Melodist Mühlenberg, William Augustus, D.D., son of the Rev. Dr. Mühlenberg, and grandson of Henry Melchior Mühlenberg, the patriarch of Lutheranism in America, was born in Philadelphia Sept. 16, 1796. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1814. Entering Holy Orders in 1817, he was successively Assistant Rector of St. James's Lancaster, 1823; Rector of the Church of the Holy Communion, New York, 1843; St. Paul's College, Flushing (1828); St. Luke's Hospital, New York (1855); St. John's and Long Island (1865), were established by him. He died April 6, 1877. His poetical gift was genuine, but not largely used. In 1826 he contributed four hymns to the Prayer Book Collection (of which he was one of the Committee). His Poems appeared in 1859. He had previously published Church Poetry, 1823; and The People's Psalter, 1858. I would not live alway followed in 1859 (revised in 1871). This last contains 26 pieces, the hymns in the Prayer Book Collection, 1826, with the exception of "I would not live alway," being omitted. The following are his principal lyrics:— 1. Carol, brothers, carol. Christmas Carol. "Made for the boys of St. Paul's College—-the Chorus adapted from one of the Rev.[Bishop] A.C. Coxe's Christian Ballads"-—in 1840. 2. How short the race our friend has run. Death of a Young Person. Contributed to the Prayer Book Collection, 1826. 3. I would not live alway. Eternal rest desired. Four texts of this poem are extant: 1st the Original; 2nd the version given in the Prayer Book Collection, 1826; 3rd the author's revised version of 1859; and 4th his rewritten text of 1871, the second of these being that known to the hymnbooks. The history of the poem is somewhat complicated. We quote it here as given by us in the History of the American Episcopal Church, 1885, p.637, as we have nothing further to add thereto:-— "The most famous of these (Dr. Mühlenberg's hymns) was probably first written. 'I will not live alway' has an intricate history, which was not simplified by the author's lapse of memory in his later years. In his brief ‘story of the hymn,' printed with its ‘evangelized’ text in 1871, every date is wrong by two or three years; and his assertion, ‘The legend that it was written on an occasion of private grief is a fancy,' hardly agrees with the clear and minute recollections of persons of the highest character, still living, and who knew the circumstances thoroughly. The date of composition assigned, 1824, is probably (not certainly) correct; it was written at Lancaster, in a lady's album, and began:— I would not live alway; no, no, holy man, Not a day, not an hour, should lengthen my span.' In this shape it seems to have had six eight-line stanzas. The album was still extant in 1876, at Pottstown, Pa., and professed to contain the original manuscript. Said the owner's sister, ‘It was au impromptu. He had no copy, and, wanting it for some occasion, he sent for the album.' In 1826 he entrusted his copy to a friend, who called on him on the way from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, to carry to the Episcopal Recorder, and in that paper it appeared June 3, 1826 (not 1824). For these facts we have the detailed statement of Dr. John B. Clemson, of Claymont, Del., the Ambassador mentioned, who also chances to have preserved that volume of the paper. Thus appearing (without name) it was adopted by the sub-committee [of the Prayer Book Collection, 1826]. When their report was presented to the entire committee in 1826—-not 1829, as Dr. Mühlenberg had it—-'each of the hymns was passed upon. When this came up one of the members remarked that it was very sweet and pretty, but rather sentimental, upon which it was unanimously thrown out. Not suspected as the author, I voted against myself. That, I supposed, was the end of it.’ The committee, which sat until late at night at the house of Bishop White, agreed upon their report to the Convention, and adjourned. But the next morning Dr. Onderdonk (who was not one of their number, but who, on invitation, had acted with the sub-committee, which in fact consisted of him and myself), called on me to inquire what had been done. Upon my telling him that among the rejected hymns was this one of mine, he said, 'That will never do,' and went about among the members of the committee soliciting them to restore the hymn in their report, which accordingly they did; so that to him is due the credit of giving it to the Church.' As thus adopted it was a small and altered selection from the original lines, made by Dr. Onderdonk ‘with some revision' by the author. He was never satisfied with these texts, but revised the poem in 1859, and re¬wrote it in 1871….The authorship of this, as of many another popular lyric, has been disputed. The claim of Henry Ward, a printer of Lichfield, Conn., has been vehemently urged, and revived but a few years ago. Of course it is unsupported by adequate evidence. When Dr. Mühlenberg was asked to assure ‘some of his brethren, editors of Church papers,' of his paternity, his manly reply was, ‘If they thought I was capable of letting the work of another pass for so many years as my own, they would not be sure of anything I might say.'" 4. Jesus' Name shall ever be. The Holy Name, Jesus. This is entitled "The Blessed Name of Jesus. An Evangelical Rosary." It was written in 1842, and revised for Schaff's Christ in Song in Aug., 1868. 5. King of kings, and wilt Thou deign. Submission to Jesus. Appeared in his Poems, 1859. 6. Like Noah's weary dove. The Ark of the Church. Contributed to the Prayer Book Collection, 1826, No. 24, in 5 st. of 4 1. It sometimes begins with st. ii., "0 cease, my wandering soul;" and again with st. in., "Behold the Ark of God." 7. Saviour, Who Thy flock art feeding. Holy Baptism. This is the most widely known of Dr. Mühlenberg's hymns. It was contributed to the Prayer Book Collection, 1826, No. 86, in 4 st. of 4 1. It is sometimes given as "Jesus, Who Thy flock art feeding." 8. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing. Christmas. Contributed to the Prayer Book Collection, 1826, No. 46, in 3 st. of 4 1., with the chorus :— "Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing, Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King;" the opening lines, followed by the first stanza, and a repetition of the chorus, and so on to the end. Sometimes the hymn opens with st. i.: "Zion, the marvellous story be telling," or as “Sion the marvellous story be telling," instead of the chorus. Dr. Mühlenberg says that the hymn was written— "at the particular request of Bishop Hobart, who wanted something that would go to the tune by Avison, then popular, to the words of Moore, ‘Sound the loud timbrel,' &c. He liked the verses I made so well that he had them struck off before the hymns (Prayer Book Collection] were published, and sung in Trinity Church on Christmas day." 9. Since o'er Thy footstool here below. Earth and Heaven. Appeared in the Episcopal Register, 1824, and in his Poems, 1859. 10. The mellow eve is gliding. Evening. Dated 1825 (?) and published in his Poems, 1859. 11. The throne of his glory—-as snow it is white. Advent. Dated 1839, and published in his Poems, 1859. 12. Thine handmaid,Saviour, can it be? Admission of a Nursing Sister. Written on the words, "Come, follow me," for the reception of a Sister at St. Luke's Hospital, New York, 1859. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

George W. Bethune

1805 - 1862 Hymnal Number: d89 Author of "We come, we come, with loud acclaim" in The Sabbath School Melodist Bethune, George Washington, D.D. A very eminent divine of the Reformed Dutch body, born in New York, 1805, graduated at Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Phila., 1822, and studied theology at Princeton. In 1827 he was appointed Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church, Rinebeck, New York. In 1830 passed to Utica, in 1834 to Philadelphia, and in 1850 to the Brooklyn Heights, New York. In 1861 he visited Florence, Italy, for his health, and died in that city, almost suddenly after preaching, April 27, 1862. His Life and Letters were edited by A. R. Van Nest, 1867. He was offered the Chancellorship of New York University, and the Provostship of the University of Pennsylvania, both of which he declined. His works include The Fruits of the Spirit, 1839; Sermons, 1847; Lays of Love & Faith, 1847; The British Female Poets, 1848, and others. Of his hymns, some of which liave attained to some repute, we have:— 1. Tossed upon life's raging billow. Sailor's Hymn. Appeared in the Christian Lyre, 1830; in the Seamen's Devotional Assistant the same year, and in Dr. Bethune's Lays, 1847, p. 168, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. It "is said to have been the Author's first and favourite hymn, having been written when he was on a voyage to the West Indies, for the benefit of his health, in the year 1825" (Lyra Sac. Amer. p. 297). It is a "Sailor's Hymn;" as such it was given in Lyra Sac. Amer., and thence passed into The Hymnary, 1872, and other English collections. 2. O for the happy hour. Whitsuntide. "A Prayer for the Spirit," contributed to the Parish Hymns, Phila., 1843, and republished in the Lays, &c, 1847, p. 158, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is found in many modern collections. 3. It is not death to die. A translation of Caesar Malan's "Non, ce n'est pas mourir," (q.v.) from his Lays, 1847, p. 141, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. As stated above, Dr. Bethune died at Florence. His remains were taken to New York, and buried in Greenwood Cemetery. This hymn, in compliance with a request made by him before his death, was sung at his funeral. It is found in several English hymnals. 4. Light of the Immortal Father's glory. Evening. A translation of a Greek hymn. (q.v.). It appeared in his Lays, &c, 1847, p. 137, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines, and is in common use. 5. Farewell to thee, brother. Parting. "The departing Missionary," published in his Lays, &c, 1847, p. 170, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and included in Lyra Sac. Amer., 1868, and thence into English collections. It is not in common use in America. 6. O Jesus, when I think of Thee. Easter. This is said to bear the date of 1847. It was 1st pub. in his Life, &c, 1867. Included in Lyra Sac. Americana (where it is stated to have been found in MS. amongst the author's papers), and from the Lyra into English collections. It is an Easter hymn of no special merit. 7. Come, let us sing of Jesus. S. Schools. Published in 1850, suited to Sunday schools, and is found in Snepp's Songs of Grace and Glory and others. 8. O Thou Who in Jordan didst bow Thy meek head. Adult Baptism. Written for and much used by the Baptists. It is dated 1857. 9. There is no Name so sweet on earth. Name of Jesus. Said by Mr. H. P. Main to be by Dr. Bethune. It has been wrongly ascribed to E. Roberts, a musician. 10. When time seems short and death is near. Death anticipated. This was found in the author's portfolio, and was written on Saturday, April 27th, 1862, the day before his death at Florence (Life, &c, p. 409). It was included in the Lyra Sac. Amer., 1808, and from thence passed into one or two English hymnals. In his Lays, &c, 1847, Dr. Bethune included the following "Christmas Carols for Sunday School Children”: 1. The Almighty Spirit to a poor, &c. 2. Joy and gladness, joy and gladness. 3. Full many a year has sped. 4. We come, we come, with loud acclaim. In the same work there are also metrical renderings of Psalms ix., xix., xxiii., cxxvi., and cxxvii. In the Lyra Sacra Americana, 14 pieces by Dr. Bethune are given, including many of the above. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Bethune, George Washington, p. 138, ii. Other hymns from his Lays of Love and Faith, 1847, are in common use:- 1. 'Tis He, 'tis He, I know Him now. Easter. 2. Upon the well by Sychar's gate. Resignation. 3. Yes, boar them to their rest. Evening. "Hymn to Night, suggested by the Bas-relief of Thorwaldsen." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Laura E. Newell

1854 - 1916 Hymnal Number: d102 Author of "With joy we hail this day" in The Sabbath School Melodist Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1854, New Marl­bo­rough, Con­nec­ti­cut. Died: Oc­to­ber 13, 1916, Man­hat­tan, Kan­sas. Daughter of Mr. and Edward A. Pixley, but orphaned as an infant, Laura was adopted by her aunt, then Mrs. Hiram Mabie, who at the time lived in New York. In 1858, the Mabie family moved to a farm south of where Wamego, Kansas, now stands. Two years after the move, Mr. Mabie died, and his wife resumed teaching. In 1860, Mrs. Mabie accepted a position in Topeka, Kansas, where she taught many years. Under her tutelage, Laura received her education. As early as age 12, Laura was writing rhymes, and two years later her poems began to appear in local newspapers. She had no thought of a literary career; she simply wrote to give vent to her poetical mind. In 1871, Laura married Lauren Newell, a carpenter from Manhattan, Kansas. They had at least six children, and belonged to the Congregational denomination. In 1873, Laura was listening to an address by a speaker who lamented the death of "genuine" hymns, and she resolved to try her hand in that line of work. That began a long period of writing songs, sacred and secular, services for all anniversary occasions, cantatas, adapting words to music, and music to words. "Mrs. Newell is indeed a prolific writer. Her poems number in the thousands. She has had over eight hundred poems published in a single year, a most remarkable record. The great ease with which Mrs. Newell writes is one of her special gifts. Not long since an order, accompanied by music and titles, was sent her for eight poems to suit. At seven o’clock in the evening she sat down to her organ to catch the music. Then she went to her desk, and at ten o’clock the order was ready for the return mail. Her work pleased the publisher so well that he sent her an order for forty-eight additional poems. Mrs. Newell writes several hundred poems annually. She is a very modest and unpretentious lady, and goes about her daily work as cheerfully as her poems advise others to do. The deeply religious character of the woman stands out boldly in nearly all her work. The next world is apparently as real to her as the present. Her heart is in her work, and to the end of life’s chapter, while able, may she wield her pen to tell the Story to dear to her heart, in verse and song." Hall, pp. 316-17

John G. Adams

1810 - 1887 Person Name: J. G. Adams Hymnal Number: d77 Author of "Band of hope song" in The Sabbath School Melodist Adams, John Greenleaf. Co-editor with Dr. E. H. Chapin of the Universalist Hymns for Christian Devotion, 1846; and, alone, of the Gospel Psalmist, 1861. He was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1810. The collections named contain in each case 16 hymns by him. They are not, however, received outside his sect. The best are:— 1. Heaven is here, its hymns of gladness. [Peace.] Contributed to the Hymns for Christian Devotion, 1846, No. 419, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. 2. God's angels! not only on high do they sing. [Ministry of Angels.] No. 830 in his Gospel Psalmist, 1861, and No. 240 in Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, 1864. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, (1907)

Charles Swain

1801 - 1874 Hymnal Number: d60 Author of "O what a world this might be" in The Sabbath School Melodist

R. S. Taylor

Hymnal Number: d81 Author of "Something to do in heaven" in The Sabbath School Melodist

W. Meynell Whittemore

? - 1894 Person Name: W. M. Whittemore Hymnal Number: d92 Author of "We won't [we'll not] give up the Bible, God's holy book of truth" in The Sabbath School Melodist Whittemore, William Meynell, Editor of Sunshine, Rector of St. Katherine Cree, London, is the author of "I want to be like Jesus " (Early Piety), in his Infant Altar, 1842; and "We won't give up the Bible" (Holy. Scriptures), 1839. The form of the latter in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, is a revision by Bp. John Gregg. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Grace W. Hinsdale

1833 - 1902 Hymnal Number: d61 Author of "Little servants" in The Sabbath School Melodist Hinsdale, Grace Webster, née Haddock, a Congregationalism daughter married to Theodore Hinsdale, a lawyer of New York, in 1850. Mrs. Hinsdale is a contributor to the periodical press, and has published Coming to the King, a Book of Daily Devotion for Children, 1865; republished in England as Daily Devotions for Children, 1867. Her hymns include :— i. From Coming to the King, 1865. 1. A light streams downward from the sky. Heaven. 2. My soul complete in Jesus stands (1855). Safety in Jesus. ii. From Schaff’s Christ in Song, N.Y., 1869. 3. Are there no wounds for me? Passiontide. Written April, 1868. 4. Jesus, the rays divine. Jesus ever present. Written July, 1868. 5. There was no angel 'midst the throng. Jesus, the Deliverer; or, Redemption. Written April, 1868. The hymn, "Jesus, Thou art my Lord, my God,” in the 1874 Supplement to the New Congregational Hymn Book, is composed of st. viii.-x., xv.-xvii., slightly altered, of this hymn. 6. Thou stand'st between the earth and heave. Virgin and Child. This poem was "written after viewing Raphael's Madonna di San Sisto, in the Royal Gallery of Dresden, Aug., 1867." (Christ in Song.) It is not suited for congregational use. Her pen name is "Farin." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Jennie A. Bisbee

Hymnal Number: d46 Author of "Live for something be not idle" in The Sabbath School Melodist


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