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Ernst Christoph Homburg

1605 - 1681 Hymnal Number: d359 Author of "Jesu, meines Lebens Leben" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Ernst C. Homburg (b. Mihla, near Eisenach, Germany, 1605; d. Naumberg, Germany, 1681) wrote most of his hymns for his own devotions. He described this eight-stanza text as a "hymn of thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Savior for his bitter sufferings." In early life, Homburg was a writer of love and drinking songs. After a difficult time of family illness he experienced a religious conversion, and his poetry took a more serious turn. A lawyer by profession, he wrote hymns to express and strengthen his own faith rather than for public use. Some 150 of his hymn texts were published in his Geistliche Lieder. Bert Polman ====================== Homburg, Ernst Christoph, was born in 1605, at Mihla, near Eisenach. He practised at Nauraburg, in Saxony, as Clerk of the Assizes and Counsellor. In 1648 ho was admitted a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and afterwards became a member of the Elbe Swan Order founded by Rist in 1660. He died at Naumburg, Juno 2, 1681. (Koch, iii. 388, 392; Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, xiii. 43, 44.) By his contemporaries Homburg was regarded as a poet of the first rank. His earlier poems, 1638-1653, were secular, including many love and drinking songs. Domestic troubles arising from the illnesses of himself and of his wife, and other afflictions, led him to seek the Lord, and the deliverances he experienced from pestilence and from violence led him to place all his confidence on God. The collected edition of his hymns appeared in two parts at Jena and Naumburg, 1659, pt. i. as his Geistlicher Lieder, Erster Theil, with 100 hymns [engraved title, Naumburg, 1658]; and pt. ii. as the Ander Theil with 50 hymns. In the preface he speaks of them as his "Sunday labours," and says, "I was specially induced and compelled" to their composition" by the anxious and sore domestic afflictions by which God.....has for some time laid me aside." They are distinguished for simplicity, firm faith, and liveliness, but often lack poetic vigour and are too sombre. Two of his hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Ach wundergrosser Sieges-Held. Ascension. 1659, pt. i. p. 400, in 6 stanzas of 11 lines, entitled, "On the Ascension of Jesus Christ." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 327. The translations are: (l) “O wondrous Conqueror and Great," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 153, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 445. (2) "O glorious Saviour, conquering King," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 272. ii. Jesu meines Lebens Leben. Passiontide. 1659, pt. i. p. 318, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "Hymn of Thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Saviour for His bitter Sufferings." This is his most popular hymn, and has passed into many recent collections, including the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. Jesu! life! the life of heaven. Translation of stanzas i., ii., vi.-viii., by A. T. Russell, for his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 88. 2. Of my life the Life, 0 Jesus. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., contributed by R. Massie to the 1857 edition of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook, No. 404 (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 185), repeated in the Methodist New Connexion Hymn Book, 1863. 3. Christ the life of all the living. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 49. Repeated in full in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880; and abridged in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book., 1868, the Hymnary , 1872, and others. 4. Thou eternal life bestowest. Translations of stanzas i.-iii., viii., by Miss Borthwick, contributed to Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 73, and repeated in Hymns from the Land of Luther, ed. 1884, p. 257. Other translations are: (1) "Jesu, Source of my Salvation," by J. C. Jacobi, 1732, p. 29, repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 (1886, No. 97). (2) "Jesus! Source of life eternal," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Aug. 1865, p. 120, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 389. (3) "Jesus, of my life the living," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 198. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Andreas Rothe

1688 - 1758 Person Name: Johannes Andreas Rothe Hymnal Number: d316 Author of "Ich habe nun den Grund gefunden" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Rothe, Johann Andreas, son of Aegidius Rother, pastor at Lissa, near Görlitz, in Silesia, was born at Lissa, May 12, 1688. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1708, as a student of Theology, graduated M.A., and was then, in 1712, licensed at Gorlitz as a general preacher. In 1718 he became tutor in the family of Herr von Schweinitz at Leube, a few miles south of Gorlitz, and while there frequently preached in neighbouring churches. During 1722 Count N. L. von Zinzendorf, happening to hear him preach at Gross-Hennersdorf, was greatly pleased with him, and when the pastorate at Berthelsdorf became vacant shortly thereafter, gave him the presentation. He entered on his duties at Berthelsdorf Aug. 30, 1722. There he took a great interest in the Moravian community at Herrnhut, which formed part of his parish. But when, in 1737, he had to report to the higher ecclesiastical authorities regarding the doctrinal views of the Moravians, Zinzendorf showed his resentment in various ways, so that Kothe was glad to accept a call to Hermsdorf, near Gorlitz. Finally, in 1739, Count von Promnitz appointed him assistant pastor at Thommendorf, near Bunzlau, where he became chief pastor in 1742, and died there July 6, 1758. (Koch, v. 240; Wetzel’s Analecta Hymnica, ii. 756, &c.) Rothe was a man of considerable gifts and of unbending integrity, a good theologian, and an earnest, fearless, and impressive preacher. His hymns, about 40 in number, though they can hardly be said to rank high as poetry, are yet often characterised by glow and tenderness of feeling, and by depth of Christian experience. They are somewhat akin to Zinzendorf s better productions, but this resemblance may arise from the alterations which Zinzendorf seems to have made in them. The be6t known of them first appeared in Zinzendorf's hymn-books, and were for a time looked upon with suspicion, because as Zinzendorf did not affix authors' names, the new hymns were at first all ascribed to himself. Those of Rothe's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Ich habe nun den Grand gefunde. Joy in Believing. …At first the Lutherans suspected it, thinking that it was by Zinzendorf, but on discovering that it was by Rothe, soon adopted it. It is a powerful and beautiful hymn, is found in many recent German collections (e.g. the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 78), and in its English forms has found a very wide acceptance, and proved a comfort and blessing to many. It was doubtless suggested by Heb. vi. 19. Rothe's hymn under consideration ("Ich habe nun ") has been translated as:— 1. Now I have found the ground wherein. A fine but somewhat free translation of st. i., ii., iv., v., vi., x., by J. Wesley. It has also appeared in full, or abridged, under the following first lines:— (1) Now I have found the blessed ground (st. i ). Lady Huntingdon's Selections, 1780. (2) Now have I found the ground wherein (st. i.). W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873. (3) 0 Lord I Thy everlasting grace (st. ii.). Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884. (4) Father, Thine everlasting grace (st. ii.). J. Bickersteth's Psalms & Hymns1832. (5) 0 Love, thou bottomless abyss (st. iii.). Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878. (6) Jesus, I know hath died for me (st. iv.). Pennsylvanian Lutheran Church Book, 1868. (7) Though waves and storms go o'er my head (st. v.). Andover Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858. 2. I now have found, for hope of heaven. In full, by Dr. H. Mills, in theEvang. Review, Gettys¬burg, Jan. 1850, and in his Horae Germanica, 1850, p. 68. 3. My soul hath now the ground attained. A good tr. of st. i., iii., v., x., by A. T. Russell, as No. 167 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 4. My soul hath found the steadfast ground. A good tr, (omitting st. v.-ix., and with a st. iv. not by Rothe), by Mrs. Bevan, in her Songs of Eternal Life, 1858, p. 55. 5. Now I have found the firm foundation. By G. F. Krotel, as No. 251 in the OhioLutheran Hymnal, 1880, omitting st. vi.-viii. 6. Now I have found the ground to hold. By J. Sheppard, in his Foreign Sacred Lyre, 1857, p. 91. ii. Vor wahrer Herzensanderung. The Forgiveness of Sin. first pub. as No. 448 in the 3rd ed., 1731, of Zinzendorf's Sammlung as above, and in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Brüder Gesang-Buch , 1778, it is No. 392. The translations are:— (1) "Thanks be to Thee, Thou slaughtered Lamb!" (st. vii.). This is No. 345 in pt. ii., 1746, of the Moravian Hymn Book, (2) "Before conversion of the heart." A tr. of st. i., iv., by B. Latrobe, as No. 255 in the Moravian Hymn Book,1789, with the above tr. of st. vii. added. In the 1801 and later eds. (1886, No. 426) the tr. of st. vii. was alone retained. iii. Wenn kleine Himmelserben. Death of a Child. Written on the death of one of his daughters. The trs. are:— (1) "When children, bless'd by Jesus." This is No. 1196 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 1258). (2) "When summons hence by Death is given." By E. Massie, 1867, p. 105. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Michael Schirmer

1606 - 1673 Hymnal Number: d480 Author of "Nun jauchzet all, ihr frommen" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Schirmer, Michael, son of Michael Schirmer, inspector of wine casks at Leipzig, was born at Leipzig, apparently, in July, 1606, his baptism being entered as on July 18, in the registers of St. Thomas's Church there. He matriculated at the University of Leipzig, at Easter, 1619, and graduated M.A. in 1630. In 1636 he was appointed subrector, and in 1651 conrector of the Greyfriars Gymnasium at Berlin. During his conrectorship the rectorship fell vacant several times, and each time, after he had officiated as prorector during the vacancy, a younger man than he was set over him (probably on account of Schirmer's feeble health) till, last of all, in May, 1668, the sub-rector was promoted over his head. In the same year Schirmer retired from office. The remainder of his life he spent in Berlin, where he published, in the end of 1668, a version of the Aeneid in German Alexandrine verse, wrote various occasional poems, &c. He died at Berlin, apparently on May 4, and was certainly buried there, in the churchyard of the Kloster Kirche, on May 8, 1673…. Schirmer had many domestic and personal afflictions to bear. His wife and his two children predeceased him. The early part of his life in Berlin was spent amid the distress caused by the Thirty Years War, during which Brandenburg, and Berlin itself, suffered greatly from pestilence and poverty. In 1644 a deep melancholy fell upon him, which lasted for five years; and something of the same kind seems to have returned to him for a time, after his wife's death, in Feb. 1667. Schirmer was crowned as a poet in 1637. His earlier productions were mostly occasional pieces in German and Latin. In 1655 he published, at Berlin, a metrical version of Ecclesiasticus as, Das Buch Jesus Sirach, &c.; and in 1660, also at Berlin, a Scriptural play, which was acted by the scholars of the Gymnasium, and was entitled Der verfolgte David, &c. He also published, at Berlin, in 1650, versions of the Songs of the Old and New Testament as, Biblische Lieder und Lehrsprüche. The only compositions by him which have come into use as hymns, are those which he contributed to J. Crüger's Newes vollkömliches Gesang-Buch, Berlin, 1640; and to Crüger's Praxis pietatis melica, Berlin, 1648, &c. These, have in all, passed into many German hymnbooks of the 17th century, and most of them are still in use. They were reprinted by Dr. Bachmann …together with various selections irom his other poetical compositions. They are practical, clear, objective, churchly hymns, somewhat related to those of Gerhardt; and still more closely to those of Johann Heermann, from whom indeed Schirmer borrows a few expressions. The only hymn by Schirmer which has passed into English is:— 0 heilger Geist, kehr bei uns ein. Whitsuntide. First published, 1640, as above, No. 75, in 7 stanzas of 10 lines, entitled, "Another short hymn for Whitsuntide, M. Michael Schirmers." … Translated as:— 1. 0 Holy Ghost, desoend, we pray. This is a somewhat free translation of st. i., v., ii., iii., by W. M. Reynolds, as No. 794, in the American Lutheran Gen. Synod's Collection, 1850; and is repeated, with translations of st. iv., vi., vii., added, as No. 103, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 2. 0 Holy Spirit, enter in. This is a good translation, omitting st. ii., iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 70. It was repeated, as No. 249, in the Pennsylvania Luth. Church Book, 1868. In Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, it is Nos. 480, 481; No. 481 beginning, "O mighty Rock, O source of Life," which is the tr. of st. v. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Laurentius Laurenti

1660 - 1722 Hymnal Number: d121 Author of "Du wesentliches Wort" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Laurenti, Laurentius, son of Herr Lorenz, or Laurenti, a burgess of Husum, in Schleswig, was born at Husum, June 8, 1660. He entered the University of Rostock in 1681, and after a year and a half spent there, went to Kiel to study music. In 1684 he was appointed cantor and director of the music at the cathedral church at Bremen. He died at Bremen, May 29, 1722 (Koch, iv. 281; Rotermund's continuation of Jöcher's Gelehrten-Lexicon, iii. 1405, &c). Laurenti was one of the best hymn-writers of the Pietistic school. His hymns are founded on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, and they draw out the bearing on the Christian life of the leading thoughts therein contained. They are of noble simplicity; are Scriptural, fervent, and often of genuine poetical worth. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704 and 1714, no less than 34 are included, and many of these, with others by him, are still in extensive German use. They appeared in his:— Evangelia Melodica, das ist: Geistliche Lieder,und Lobgesange, nach den Sinn der ordentlichen Sonn-und Festages Evangelien, &c. Bremen, 1700 [Royal Library, Berlin], with 148 hymns on the Gospels, and two others. Of his hymns those which have passed into English are:—— i. Du wesentliches Wort. Christmas. Founded on St. John i. 1-12. In his Evangelia Melodica, 1700, p. 30, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "For the Third Day of Christmas." Included in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 20; and, recently, as No. 83, in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, 1863. The translations in common use are:— 1. 0 Thou essential Word, Who from. A good translation, omitting st. iii., v., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, first Ser., 1855, p. 15 (2nd edition, 1856, considerably altered); and repeated, abridged, in Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871. Varying centos, beginning with st. i., 1. 5, altered to "O Saviour of our race," are found in America, as in Boardman's Selections, Philadelphia, 1861; the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868; and the Dutch Ref. Hymns of the Church, 1869. 2. 0 Thou essential Word, Who wast. By Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 54. This is her 1856 version (as above) rewritten to the original metre. Repeated, in full, in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880; and, abridged, in the English Presbyterian Psalms & Hymns, 1867, and Laudes Domini, N. Y., 1884. ii. Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen. Second Advent. This is his finest hymn. In his Evangelia Melodica, 1700, p. 353, in 10 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "For the 27th Sunday after Trinity." It is founded on St. Matt. xxv. 1-13; and unites the imagery of the parable of the Ten Virgins with that of Rev. xx., xxi. Included, as No. 578, in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704; and, recently, as No. 1519, in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is:— Rejoice, all ye believers. By Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1st Ser., 1854, p. 61 (1884, p. 62), a good translation of st. i.-iii., vii., viii., x. In full, but altered to the original metre, in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1869 and 1870. This version is found in a large number of English and American hymnals, under the following forms:— (1) Rejoice, all ye believers (st. i.). Varying centos are found in Mercer, 1864, Hymnal Companion, 1876, &c.; and in America in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, Evangelical Hymnal, N. Y., 1880, and others. (2)

Christian Knorr von Rosenroth

1636 - 1689 Person Name: Christian Knorr Rosenroth Hymnal Number: d557 Author of "O Weisheit aus der hoeh Gib du mir zu erkennen" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Knorr, Christian, Baron von Rosenroth, son of Abraham Knorr yon Rosenroth, pastor at Altrauden in Silesia, was born at Altrauden, July 15, 1636. After studying at the Universities of Leipzig (where he graduated M.A. 1659, along with J. B. Carpzov, the famous Orientalist) and Wittenberg, he made an extended tour through France, England, and Holland. At Amsterdam he became acquainted with an Armenian prince, with the chief Rabbi, Meier Stern, from Frankfurt-am-Main, with Dr. John Lightfoot, Dr. Henry More, and others, and as the result of intercourse with them, devoted himself to the study of the Oriental languages, of chemistry, and of the cabalistic sciences. For his learning in these departments he was taken into the service of the like-minded Palsgrave Christian August of Sulzbach, who in 1668 appointed him Geheimrath and prime minister (Kanzlei-director). He was created Baron von Rosenroth by the Emperor Leopold I. in 1677, and died at Sulzbach (near Amberg, Bavaria), May 8, 1689, it is said at the hour he had himself predicted. (Wetzel, ii. 43, and A. H., ii. 444; Hömer's Nachrichten von Liederdichtern, Schwabach, 1775, p. 142, &c.) Knorr edited various Rabbinical writings, published various cabalistic works (e.g. his Kabbala denudata, 2 vols., Sulzbach, 1677), and was one of the seekers after the philosopher's stone. His hymns appeared as Neuer Helicon mit seiner Neun Musen, das ist: Geistliche Sitten-Lieder, &c. Nurnberg, 1684 [Hamburg Library], a work containing 70 hymns mostly flowing in expression and metre. Of these 12 are poetic versions from Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae, 8 are from Latin hymns, and 8 are recasts of older German hymns. Sixteen of his hymns were included by Freylinghausen in his Gesang-Buch, 1704 and 1714. Koch speaks of them not unjustly as "truly pious and spiritual," as "of genuine poetical elevation and glowing desire after inner union with Christ," and as the fruits of a "noble and chastely earnest mysticism." Two of Knorr's hymns have passed into English. One is a translation of "Ad coenam Agni" (p. 12 ii.). The other is Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit. Morning. This fine hymn appeared, 1684, as above, p. 159, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled " Morning Prayer," and is included in the Berlin G. L. 8., ed. 1863, No. 1121. It is based on a hymn by M. Opitz, but is more happily expressed, and has attained much greater popularity. Fischer, ii. 94, speaks of it as "one of the freshest, most original, and spirited of Morning Hymns, as if born from the dew of the sunrise." In all the translations in common use, st. ii., v. are omitted. Translated as:— 1. Light of heaven's eternal day! A good translation by A. T. Russell, as No. 68 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848, repeated in his own Psalms & Hymns, 1851, and the Cheltenham College Hymn Book, 1866. 2. Dayspring of Eternity! Dawn on us this morning-tide. A good translation by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 219. In full in the Hymnal for St. John's, Aberdeen, 1870, and E. Courtauld's Psalms, Hymns & Anthems, 1860; and abridged in Hymns of the Spirit Boston, U. S., 1864, Dr. Martineau's Hymns, 1873, and others. 3. Jesus, Sun of Righteousness. A good but rather free translation by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 23 (1884, p. 88), included in the Hymnal Companion, 1876; Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878; Church Praise, 1883, &c.; and in America in the Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858; Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, and others. In E. T. Prust's Supplemental Hymn Book, 1869, Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and others, 1 l. 5, 6 of each st. are omitted. In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, and others, it is rewritten to 6 lines of 7's. 4. Come, Thou bright And morning star. A good translation contributed by R. Massie to the 1857 ed. of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook., No. 502 (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 1), and in his own Lyra Domestica, 18&4, p. 136. Repeated in R. Minton Taylor's Hymnal, 1872, No. 42; Marlborough College Hymn Book, 1869 ; Rugby School Hymn Book, 1876, and others. 5. Sun of heaven's eternal day. A good translation contributed by Dr. John Ker to the United Presbyterian Juvenile Mission Magazine, 1858, p. 73; repeated in the Ibrox Hymnal 1871. 6. Dayspring of Eternity, Light of uncreated tight. By Dr. B. H. Kennedy, as No. 824 in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863. 7. Dayspring of Eternity! Hide no more thy radiant dawning. A good translation by Miss Winkworth (based on her 1855 version), as No. 159 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Repeated in R. Minton Taylor's Hymnal, 1872, No. 43, and the Book of Church Praise, 1865 (Bosworth). 8. Dayspring of Eternity, Brightness of the Father's glory. A good but free translation by J. H. Hopkins, first published in Dr. Walter's Chorals & Hymns, 1866, and then in his own Carols, Hymns & Songs, 1882, p. 145. Included in the Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874. 9. Dayspring of Eternity, Brightness of the Light divine. In Brown-Borthwick's Select Hymns, 1871, and Church Hymns, 1871, compiled mainly from the translations by Miss Winkworth an« Miss Borthwick, but partly from Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Russell. Thence in J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, and the Psalmist, 1878. 10. Dayspring of eternal day. A good translation by Edward Thring, contributed to the Uppingham and Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1874, No. 5. Other trs. are: (1) "Day-dawn of Eternity," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 35. (2) "Daystar from Eternity," in J. Sheppard's Foreign Sacred Lyre, 1857, p. 84. (3) and Reid's Praise Book, 1812, No. 404. [Rev. J. Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Knorr, Christian, Baron von Rosenroth, p. 620, i. E. Thring's translation of "Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit" (p. 630, i. 10), is altered in the Sherborne School Hymn Book, 1888, to "Day spring of Eternity, Light from depths of light unending." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Adam Drese

1620 - 1701 Hymnal Number: d581 Author of "Seelenweide, meine Freude, Jesu" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Drese, Adam, was born in Dec. 1620, in Thuringia, probably at Weimar. He was at first musician at the court of Duke Wilhelm, of Sachse-Weimar; and after being sent by the Duke for further training under Marco Sacchi at Warsaw, was appointed his Kapellmeister in 1655. On the Duke's death in 1662, his son, Duke/Bernhard, took Drese with him to Jena, appointed him his secretary, and, in 1672, Town Mayor. After Duke Bernhard's death, in 1678, Drese remained in Jena till 1683, when he was appointed Kapellmeister at Arnstadt to Prince Anton Günther, of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. He died at Arnstadt, Feb. 15, 1701 (Koch, iv. 270-274; Allg. Deutsche Biog., v. 397; Wetzel, i. 1934, and A. H. , vol. i., pt. iv., pp. 28-30). In 1680, the reading of Spener's writings and of Luther on the Romans led to a change in his religious views, and henceforth under good and evil report he held prayer meetings in his house, which became a meeting-place for the Pietists of the district. "His hymns," says Wetzel, "of which he himself composed not only the melodies, but also, as I have certain information, the text also, were Bung at the meetings of pious persons in his house, before they came into print." One has been translated into English, viz.:— Seelenbräutigam, Jesus, Gottes Lamm, appeared in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 147, in 15 stanzas of 6 1., repeated (with the well-known melody by himself added, which in the Irish Church Hymnal is called "Thuringia"), in the Darmstadt Gesang-Buch, 1698, p. 134, as No. 197 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and recently as No. 119 in the Berlin G. L.S. , ed. 1863. In Wagner's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1697, vol. iii. p. 420, it begins, "Jesu, Gottes Lamm." The translation in common use is:— Bridegroom, Thou art mine, a translation of stanzas 1, 2, 4, 8, 13-15, by Dr. M. Loy, as No. 283 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is, "God and man indeed," of stanza iii. as stanza i. of No. 463 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1189 (1886, No. 224). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Heinrich Albert

1604 - 1651 Person Name: Heinrich Alberti Hymnal Number: d187 Author of "Gott des Himmels und der Erden" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Alberti, or Albert, Heinrich, son of Johann Albert, tax collector at Lobenstein, in Voigtland (Reuss), born at Lobenstein, June 28, 1604. After some time spent in the study of law at Leipzig, lie went to Dresden and studied music under his uncle Heinrich Schutz, the Court Capellmeister. He went to Konigsberg in 1626, and was, in 1631, appointed organist of the Cathedral. In 1636 he was enrolled a member of the Poetical Union of Konigsberg, along with Dach, Roberthin, and nine others. He died at Konigsberg, Oct. 6, 1651. His hymns, which exhibit him as of a pious, loving, true, and artistic nature, appeared, with those of the other members of the Union, in his Arien etliche theils geistliche, theils iceltliche zur Andacht, guten Sitten, Keuscher Liebe und Ehrenlust dienende Lieder, pub. separately in 8 pts., 1638-1650, and in a collected form, Konigsberg, 1652, including in all, 118 secular, and 74 sacred pieces. Of the 78 sacred melodies which he composed and published in these 8 pts., 7 came into German common use (Koch, iii. 191-197; Allg. Deutsche Biog., i. 210-212, the latter dating his death, 1655 or 1656). Two of his hymns have been translated into English, viz.: i. Der rauhe Herbst kommt wieder. [Autumn.] 1st pub. as above in pt. viii., 1650, No. 9, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "On the happy departure, Sep. 2, 1048, of Anna Katherine, beloved little daughter of Herr Andreas Hollander," of Kneiphof. Included, as No. 731, in the Unverfalschter Leidersegen, 1851, omitting st. iii., viii., ix. The translations are:— (1) "The Autumn is returning," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 175. (2) "Sad Autumn's moan returneth," in E. Massie's Sacred Odes, vol. ii. 1867, p. 1. ii. Gott des Himmels und der Erden. [Morning.] First pub. as above in pt. v. 1643, No. 4, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, included as No. 459 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. Of this hymn Dr. Cosack, of Konigsberg (quoted in Koch,viii. 186), says:— "For two hundred years it is hardly likely that a single day has greeted the earth that has not, here and there, in German lands, been met with Alberti's hymn. Hardly another morning hymn can be compared with it, as far as popularity and intrinsic value are concerned, if simplicity and devotion, purity of doctrine and adaptation to all the circumstances of life are to decide." Sts. ii., iii., v. have been special favorites in Germany, st. v. being adopted by children, by brides, by old and young, as a morning prayer. The fine melody (in the Irish Church Hymnal called "Godesberg") is also by Alberti. Translations in common use:— 1. God, the Lord of what's created, in full in J. C. Jacobi's Div. Hymns 1720. p. 35. In his 2nd ed. 1732, p. 169, altered to—" God, the Lord of the Creation " ; and thence slightly altered as No. 478 in part i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, with a doxology as in the Magdeburg G. B., 1696. In 1789, No. 743, altered to—"God, omnipotent Creator"; with st. ii., iv., vii., omitted; st. iii., viii. being also omitted in the 1801 and later ed. In 1868, st. iii.—v. were included as No. 511 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Bk., with st. ii., vi., vii. from A. T. Russell. 2. God, Thou Lord of Earth and Heaven, in full, by H. J. Buckoll in his H. from the German, 1842, p. 22. His translations of st. iv.-vi. beginning—" Now the morn new light is pouring," were included as No. 3 in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1843 (ed. 1876, No. 4), and of st. v., vi., altered to "Jesus! Lord! our steps be guiding," as No. 130 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. 3. God, who heaven and earth upholdest. A good tr. omitting st. iv. and based on Jacobi, by A. T. Russell, as No. 64 in the Dalston Hospital Collection, 1848. In his own Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 3, the translations of st. vi., vii. were omitted, and this was repeated as No. 218, in the New Zealand Hymnal, 1872. The Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book takes st. i. partly from Miss Winkworth. 4. God who madest earth and heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st ser., 1855, p. 213 (later ed., p. 215, slightly altered). In full in R. M. Taylor's Par. Church Hymnal 1872, No. 27. A cento from st. i., 11.1-4; v., 11. 1-4; vi., 11. 1-4; with v., 11. 5, 6; and vii., 11. 5, 6, was included as No. 23 in the Irish Church Hymnal 1873. In 1868, included in L. Rehfuess' Church at Sea, p. 79, altered to—"Creator of earth and heaven." In 1863 it was altered in metre and given as No. 160 in the Chorale Book for England. From this Porter's Church Hymnal 1876, No. 54, omits st. iii. Also in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, No. 293. 5. God who madest earth and heaven. A good translation omitting st. vii., and with st. i., 11. 1-4, from Miss Winkworth, contributed by R. Massie, as No. 501, to the 1857 ed. of Mercer's Church Psalms & Hymns (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 7, omitting st. v.). 6. God of mercy and of might. A good translation (omitting st. v., vi,) by Dr. Kennedy, as No. 811, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863, repeated in Dr. Thomas's Aug. Hymn Book 1866, No. 510; and, omitting the translations of st. vii., as No. 31, in Holy Song, 1809. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen

1670 - 1739 Hymnal Number: d41 Author of "Auf, auf, mein Geist, auf, auf, den Herrn" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius, son of Dietrich Freylinghausen, merchant and burgomaster at Gandersheim, Brunswick, was born at Gandersheim, Dec. 2, 1670. He entered the University of Jena at Easter, 1689. Attracted by the preaching of A. H. Francke and J. J. Breithaupt, he removed to Erfurt in 1691, and at Easter, 1692, followed them to Halle. About the end of 1693 he returned to Gandersheim, and employed himself as a private tutor. In 1695 he went to Glaucha as assistant to Francke; and when Francke became pastor of St. Ulrich's, in Halle,1715, Freylinghausen became his colleague, and in the same year married his only daughter. In 1723 he became also sub-director of the Paedagogium and the Orphanage; and after Francke's death in 1727, succeeded him as pastor of St. Ulrich's and director of the Francke Institutions. Under his fostering care these Institutions attained their highest development. From a stroke of paralysis in 1728, and a second in 1730, he recovered in great measure, but a third in 1737 crippled his right side, while the last, in Nov., 1738, left him almost helpless. He died on Feb. 12, 1739, and was buried beside Francke (Koch, vi. 322-334; Allgemine Deutsche Biographie, vii. 370-71; Bode, pp. 69-70; Grote's Introduction, &c.) Almost all Freylinghausen's hymns appeared in his own hymnbook, which was the standard collection of the Halle school, uniting the best productions of Pietism with a good representation of the older "classical" hymns. This work, which greatly influenced later collections, and was the source from which many editors drew not only the hymns of Pietism, but also the current forms of the earlier hymns (as well as the new "Halle" melodies, a number of which are ascribed to Freylinghausen himself) appeared in two parts, viz.:— i. Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, den Kern alter und neuer sich haltend &c, Halle. Gedrucktund verlegt im Waysen-Hause, 1704 [Hamburg], with 683 hymns and 173 melodies. To the second edition, 1705 [Rostock University], an Appendix was added with Hymns 684-758, and 21 melodies. Editions 3-18 are practically the same so far as the hymns are concerned, save that in ed. 11, 1719 [Berlin], and later issues, four hymns, written by J. J. Rambach at Freylinghausen's request, replaced four of those in eds. 1-10. ii. Neues Geistreiches Gesangbuch,&c, Halle . . . 1714 [Berlin], with 815 hymns and 154 melodies. In the 2nd edition, 1719 [Rostock University], Hymns 816-818, with one melody, were added. In 1741 these two parts were combined by G. A. Francke, seven hymns being added, all but one taken from the first edition, 1718, of the so-called Auszug, which was compiled for congregational use mainly from the original two parts: and this reached a second, and last, edition in 1771. So far as the melodies are concerned, the edition of 1771 is the most complete, containing some 600 to 1582 hymns. (Further details of these editions in the Blätter für Hymnologie, 1883, pp. 44-46, 106-109; 1885, pp. 13-14.) A little volume of notes on the hymns and hymnwriters of the 1771 edition, compiled by J. H. Grischow and completed by J. G. Kirchner, and occasionally referred to in these pages, appeared as Kurzgefasste Nachricht von ältern und ncuern Liederverfassern at Halle, 1771. As a hymnwriter Freylinghausen ranks not only as the best of the Pietistic school, but as the first among his contemporaries. His finest productions are distinguished by a sound and robust piety, warmth of feeling depth of Christian experience, scripturalness, clearness and variety of style, which gained for them wide acceptance, and have kept them still in popular use. A complete edition of his 44 hymns, with a biographical introduction by Ludwig Grote, appeared as his Geistliche Lieder, at Halle, 1855. A number of them, including No. v., are said to have been written during severe attacks of toothache. Two (“Auf, auf, weil der Tag erschienen"; "Der Tag ist hin") are noted under their own first lines. i. Hymns in English common use: -- i. Monarche aller Ding. God's Majesty. 1714, as above, No. 139, in 11 stanzas of 6 lines, repeated in Grote, 1855, p. 88, and as No. 38 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. A fine hymn of Praise, on the majesty and love of God. Translated as:— Monarch of all, with lowly fear, by J. Wesley, in Hymns & Sacred Poems, 1739 (P. Works, 1868-1872, vol. i. p. 104), in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, from st. i., ii., v.-vii., ix.-xi. Repeated in full in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1754, pt. i., No. 456 (1886, No. 176); and in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841. The following forms of this translation are also in common use:-- (1) To Thee, 0 Lord, with humble fear, being Wesley's st. i., iii.-v., vii., viii. altered as No. 156 in Dr. Martineau's Hymns for Christian Church & Home, 1840, and repeated in Miss Courtauld's Psalms, Hymns & Anthems, 1860, and in America in the Cheshire Association Unitarian Collection, 1844. (2) Thou, Lord, of all the parent art, Wesley's, st. iii.-v., vii. altered in the College Hymnal, N. Y., 1876. (3) Thou, Lord, art Light; Thy native ray, Wesley's st. iv., v., vii., in Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. ii. 0 reines Wesen, lautre Quelle. Penitence. Founded on Psalm li. 12, 1714, as above, No. 321, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines, repeated in Grote, 1855, p. 41, and in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 777 (ed. 1881, No. 435). The only translation in common use is:— Pure Essence: Spotless Fount of Light. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth in the first series of her Lyra Germanica, 1855, p. 43, and in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 113. iii. Wer ist wohl wie du. Names and offices of Christ. One of his noblest and most beautiful hymns, a mirror of his inner life, and one of the finest of the German "Jesus Hymns." 1704, as above, No. 66, in 14 st. of 6 l., repeated in Grote, 1855, p. 33, and is No. 96 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translations in common use are: 1. 0 Jesu, source of calm repose, by J. Wesley, being a free translation of st. i., iii., v., viii., xiii. First published in his Psalms & Hymns, Charlestown, 1737 (Poetical Works, 1868-1872, vol. i. p. 161). Repeated in full as No. 462 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymnbook, 1754. In the 1826 and later editions (1886, No. 233) it begins, "Jesus, Thou source." The original form was included as No. 49 in the Wesley Hymns & Spiritual Songs , 1753, and, as No. 343, in the Wesley Hymnbook, 1780 (1875, No. 353). Varying centos under the original first line are found in Mercer's Church Psalter & Hymn Book, 1855-1864; Kennedy , 1863; Irish Church Hymnal, 1869-1873; J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, &c. It has also furnished the following centos:— (1) Messiah! Lord! rejoicing still, being Wesley's st. iv.-vi. altered in Dr. Martineau's Collection of Hymns for Christian Worship, 1840. (2) Lord over all, sent to fulfil, Wesley's st. iv., iii., v., vi. in the American Methodist Episcopal Hymnbook, 1849. 2. Who is like Thee, Who? a translation of st. i., ii., v., vii., x., xiii., as No. 687, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymnbook, 1754. Translations of st. xi., xiv. were added in 1789, and the first line altered in 1801(1886, No. 234), to "Jesus, who with Thee." The translations of st. i., ii., x., xiv., from the 1801, altered and beginning, "Jesus, who can be," are included in America in the Dutch Reformed Hymns of the Church, 1869; Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874; and Richards's Collection, N.Y., 1881. 3. Who is there like Thee, a good translation of st. i., ii., viii., xiv., by J. S. Stallybrass, as No. 234 in Curwen's Sabbath Hymnbook, 1859, repeated in the Irish Church Hymnal, 1873, and in W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873. 4. Who is, Jesus blest, a translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vi., xii., xiv., by M. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 5. Who, as Thou, makes blest, a good translation, omitting st. vii., ix., x., contributed by Dr. F. W Gotch to the Baptist Magazine, 1857. Repeated in the 1880 Supplement to the Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858. The translations not in common use are: — (1) "Whither shall we flee," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 55. (2) "Who has worth like Thine," in the U. P. Juvenile Miss. Magazine, 1857, p. 217. (3) "Thou art First and Best," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 267. ii. Hymns translated into English but not in common use:— iv. Herr und Gott der Tag und Nächte. Evening. 1705, as above, No. 755, in 6 stanzas, Grote, p. 105. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 106, beginning with stanza. ii. v. Mein Herz, gieb dioh rufrieden. Cross and Consolation. First in the Halle Stadt Gesangbuch, 1711, No. 503, in 11 stanzas; repeated 1714, No. 450, and in Grote, p. 71. Translated by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 86. vi. 0 Lamm, das keine Sünde je beflecket. Passiontide. 1714, No. 85, in 19 stanzas, Grote, p. 14. Translated as, (1) "Lamb, for Thy boundless love I praises offer," of st. xii. as stanza i. of No. 1023 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1849, No. 121). (2) "O Lamb, whom never spot of sin defiled," in the British Magazine, June, 1838, p. 625. vii. 0 Lamm, das meine Sündenlast getragen. Easter Eve. 1714, No. 95, in 8 stanzas; Grote, p. 23. Translated as "Christ Jesus is that precious grain," a translation of st. v. by F. W. Foster, as No. 71 in the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789 (1886, No. 921). viii. Zu dir, Herr Jesu, komme ich. Penitence. Founded on St. Matthew xi. 28-30. 1714, as above, No. 306, in 4 stanzas; Grote, p. 39. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 80). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Rist

1607 - 1667 Person Name: Johann von Rist Hymnal Number: d114 Author of "Du Lebensbrod, Herr Jesu Christ" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Rist, Johann, son of Kaspar Rist, pastor at Ottensen, near Hamburg, was born at Ottensen, March 8, 1607, and from his birth was dedicated to the ministry. After passing through the Johanneum at Hamburg and the Gymnasium Illustre at Bremen, he matriculated, in his 21st year, at the University of Rinteln, and there, under Josua Stegmann (q. v.), he received an impulse to hymn-writing. On leaving Rinteln he acted as tutor to the sons of a Hamburg merchant, accompanying them to the University of Rostock, where he himself studied Hebrew, Mathematics and also Medicine. During his residence at Rostock the terrors, of the Thirty Years War almost emptied the University, and Rist himself also lay there for weeks ill of the pestilence. After his recovery he seems to have spent some time at Hamburg, and then, about Michaelmas, 1633, became tutor in the house of the lawyer (Landschreiber) Heinrich Sager, at Heide, in Holstein. There he betrothed himself to Elizabeth, sister of the Judge Franz Stapfel, whose influence seems to have had a good deal to do with Rist's appointment as pastor at Wedel. In the spring of 1635 he married and settled at Wedel (on the Elbe, a few miles below Hamburg), where, spite of various offers of preferment, he remained till his death, on Aug. 31, 1667. (Johann Rist und seine Zeit, by Dr. T. Hansen, Halle, 1872; K. Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 79; Koch, iii., 212; Bode, p. 135, &c. The statements of the various authorities regarding the period 1624-1635 vary greatly and irreconcilably.) During the Thirty Years War Rist had much to endure from famine, plundering, and pestilence. Otherwise he led a patriarchal and happy life at Wedel, close to the congenial society of Hamburg, and as years went on more and more esteemed and honoured by his contemporaries. The Emperor Ferdinand III. crowned him as a poet in 1644, and in 1653 raised him to the nobility, while nearer home Duke Christian of Mecklenburg appointed him Kirchenrath and Consistorialrath. Among other literary honours he was received in 1645 as a member of the Pegnitz Order, and in 1647 as a member of the Fruitbearing Society, the great German literary union of the 17th century; while in 1660 he himself became the founder and head of the Elbe Swan Order, which however did not survive his death. Rist was an earnest pastor and a true patriot. He of course took the side, and that with all his might, of the Protestants, but he longed as few did for the union of the scattered elements of the body politic in Germany. He was a voluminous and many-sided writer (see the full bibliographies in Hansen and Goedeke as above). His secular works are of great interest to the student of the history of the times, and his occasional poems on marriages, &c, to the genealogist and local historian. Perhaps the most interesting to the general reader are the Friede wünschende Teutschland, 1647, and the Friedejauchzende Teutschland, 1653, two plays in which there are vivid pictures of the times, especially of the condition of the lower classes during the Thirty Years War. These plays, with selections from his other secular poems and from his hymns, are included in his Dichtungen, Leipzig, 1885, edited by Goedeke and E. Goetze. Hansen gives analyses of the secular works, with a few extracts from them; and in his second part gives a full selection from the hymns, often however greatly abridged. As a hymn-writer Rist takes high rank. He wrote some 680 hymns, intended to cover the whole ground of Theology, and to be used by all ranks and classes, and on all the occasions of life. Naturally enough they are not of equal merit, and many are poor and bombastic. Rist meant them rather for private use than for public worship, and during his lifetime they were never used in the church at Wedel. But they were eagerly caught up, set to melodies by the best musicians of the day, and speedily passed into congregational use all over Germany, while even the Roman Catholics read them with delight. Over 200 may be said to have been in common use in Germany, and a large number still hold their place. Unfortunately many are very long. But speaking of Rist's better productions, we may say that their noble and classical style, their objective Christian faith, their scriptualness, their power to console, to encourage, and to strengthen in trust upon God's Fatherly love, and their fervent love to the Saviour (especially seen in the best of his hymns for Advent, and for the Holy Communion), sufficiently justify the esteem in which they were, and are, held in Germany. The best known of Rist's hymns appeared in the following collections:— (1) Himlischs Lieder. This contains 50 hymns. The Erste Zehen is dated Lüneburg, 1641, the 2-6 Zehen are dated 1642 [Royal Library, Berlin]. In the later editions Rist made various alterations, and also expanded the titles of the hymns, these changes being almost all for the worse. (2) Neüer himlischer Lieder sonderbahres Buch, Lüneburg, 1651 [Wernigerode Library]. 50 hymns. (3) Sabbahtische Seelenlust, Lüneburg, 1651 [British Museum and Göttingen]. With 58 hymns on the Gospels for Sundays, &c. (4) Frommer und gottseliger Christen alltägliche Haussmusik, Lüneburg, 1654 [Brit. Mus. and Göttingen], with 70 hymns. (5) Neüe musikalische Fest-Andachten, Lüneburg, 1655 [Wernigerode]. With 52 hymns on the Sunday Gospels. (6) Neüe musikalische Katechismus Andachten, Lüneburg, 1656 [British Museum and Wernigerode]. With 50 hymns. Seven of Rist's hymns are separately noted under their German first lines. The others which have passed into English are:-- i. Du Lebensbrod, Herr Jesu Christ. Holy Communion. In his Haussmusik, 1654, No. 7, p. 32, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A devotional hymn, which may be sung when the people are about to take their place at the Holy Communion of the Lord." Founded on Ps. xxiii. Included as No. 473 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— Lord Jesu Christ, the living bread. A good translaton of stanzas i., ii., iii., v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 159 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. ii. Ehr und Dank sei dir gesungen. On the Angels. In his Fest-Andachten, 1655, No. 46, p. 304, in 9 stanzas of 10 lines, entitled "Another hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving on the same Gospel [S. Matt, xviii.] for St. Michael's Day. In which the great God who created the Angels, and appointed them for our service, is from the heart adored and praised." Included in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 219, and in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 233. The translations in common use are:— 1. Praise and thanks to Thee be sung. By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii.—vi., in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 205, repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 85. 2. Glory, praise, to Thee be sung. A translation of st. i. as No. 1224, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1886. iii. Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist. Christmas. Founded on Isaiah ix. 2-7. First published in the Erstes Zehen of his Himlische Lieder, 1641, No. 1, p. 1, in 12 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A hymn of praise on the joyful Birth and Incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 87, and recently, omitting st. viii., as No. 32 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. Be cheerful, thou my spirit faint. A translation of st. i. by J. Gambold, as No. 138 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754; repeated as st. i. of No. 437, altered to "Arise my spirit, leap with joy," and with his trs. of st. ii., iv., ix. added. In the edition of 1789, No. 46 (1886, No. 41), it begins, "Arise, my spirit, bless the day.” 2. O Jesu! welcome, gracious Name! This is a translation of st. ii., vi., xii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 55 in his Psalms & Hymns., 1851. Another translation is "My languid spirit, upward spring." By N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 179. iv. Gott sei gelobet, der allein. Joy in God. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder 1651, p. 126, No. 9, in 13 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled “A joyful hymn of Thanksgiving to God, that He permits us to enjoy our daily bread in health, peace and prosperity, with a humble prayer that He would graciously preserve us in the same." Included in Olearius's Singe-Kunst, 1671, No. 322, and recently in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz 1850, No. 1696 (1865, No. 1766). The tr. in common use is:— Now God be praised, and God alone . By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii., vi., viii., ix., in her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 192. Repeated, abridged, in Statham's Collection, Edinburgh, 1869, No. 63 (1870, No. 110). v. Jesu, der du meine Seele. Lent. In the Erstes Zehen of his Himlische Lieder, 1641, p. 35, No. 7, in 12 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A heartfelt hymn of penitence to his most beloved Lord Jesus, for the forgiveness of his many and manifold sins." Founded on prayer viii. in Class in. of J. Arndt's Paradiesgärtlein, 1612. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 382. The translations in common use are:—- 1. Thou hast cancell'd my transgression. A translation of st. vi., viii., as No. 1022, in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 107). 2. Jesu! Who in sorrow dying. A free translation of st. i., iii. lines 1-4, v. 11. 5-8, xii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 78 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. vi. 0 Jesu, meine Wonne. Holy Communion. This beautiful hymn appears in Rist's Hauss-musik, 1654, No. 9, p. 42, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "The heartfelt Thanksgiving of a pious Christian when he has partaken of the Holy Communion." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 285. The translation in common use is:— 0 Sun of my salvation. A good tr. of st. i., iii., v., vi., by A. T. Russell, as No, 160 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Another translation is:— “0 Christ, my joy, my soul's delight." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 65. vii. Werde licht, du Stadt der Heiden. Epiphany. In his Fest-Andachten , 1655, p. 82, No. 13, in 15 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Another festival hymn of the day of the Manifestation of Christ, in which the glorious, godlike, and eternal Light, which has graciously arisen on us poor heathen in thick darkness, is devotedly contemplated." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 82. Translated as:— 1. All ye Gentile lands awake. A good tr. of st. i.-iv., vi., vii., xiv. xv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 30. Repeated, abridged, in Schaffs Christ in Song, 1869 aud 1870, and in Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871. 2. Rise, O Salem, rise and shine. A good translation of stanzas i., iii., vii., xiv., xv., based on her Lyra Germanica version but altered in metre, by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 38. Repeated in J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, and the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868. viii. Wie wohl hast du gelabet. Holy Communion. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder, 1651, p. 78, in 9 stanzas of 12 lines, entitled "A hymn of heartfelt Praise and Thanksgiving after the reception of the Holy Communion." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 291. The translation in common use is:— O Living Bread from Heaven. A good tr., omitting st. iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 103; repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 94, omitting the trsanslations of iii., v., vi. Her translations of st. i.-iii., ix. were included, slightly altered, in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868. The following have also been tr. into English:— ix. Heut ist das rechte Jubelfest. Whitsuntide. In his Fest-Andachten, 1655, p. 216, No. 33, in 12 stanzas, founded on the Gospel for Whitsunday (St. John xiv.). In Olearius's Singe-Kunst, 1671, No. 704, and Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 173. The text translation is that in Bunsen's Allgemeine Gesang-Buch, 1846, No. 114, where it begins with st. v., "Heut hat der grosse Himmeleherr." Translated as "This day sent forth His heralds bold." By Miss Cox, in the Churchman's Shilling Magazine, June 1867. x. Ich will den Herren loben. Praise and Thanksgiving. Founded on Ps. xxxiv. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder, 1651, p. 132 (No. 10 in pt. ii.), in 12 st. of 8 1. This form is in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 174G, No. 1201. In his Haussmusik, 1654, p. 348, No. 64, Rist rewrote it to 6 stanzas of 12 lines, and of this form st. iv.-vi., beginning "Man lobt dich in der Stille, ed. 1863, No. 1018. The translation from this last text is "To Thee all praise ascendeth." In the British Herald, May 1866, p. 265, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christian Friedrich Richter

1676 - 1711 Hymnal Number: d301 Author of "Hueter, wird die Nacht der Suenden" in Neues Reformirtes Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelisch-Reformirten Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika ... nebst den Psalmen Davids Richter, Christian Friedrich, son of Sigismund Richter, Rath and Chancellor to Count von Promnitz at Sorau, in Brandenburg, was born at Sorau, Oct. 5, 1676. At the University of Halle he was first a student of medicine and then of theology. In 1698, A. H. Francke appointed him Inspector of the Paedagogium, and then made him, in 1699, physician in general to all his Institutions. In company with his younger brother, Dr. Christian Sigismund Richter, he made many chemical experiments, for which he prepared himself by special prayer; and invented many compounds which came into extensive use under the name of the “Halle Medicines," the most famous being the Essentia dulcis, which was a preparation of gold. He died at Halle, Oct. 5, 1711 (Koch, iv. 354, &c). Richter was one of the most important hymnwriters among the Pietists of the earlier Halle school; and his hymns possess the defects as well as the excellences of his school. They are emotional, and develop the idea of the spiritual union with Christ as the Bridegroom of the soul, with a minuteness that is hardly reverent (e.g. No. xi. below). They are also frequently not clearly thought out, and consequently somewhat obscure. Various of them are in unusual metres, and were wedded to tunes not very devotional in character. Apart from these defects there are various of his hymns worthy of note for their genuine, fervent piety, their childlike spirit of love to God, and the depth of Christian experience embodied in them. They appeared principally in the various Pietistic hymn-books of the period, especially in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704 and 1714, and were collected and appended (as his Geistliche Lieder) to an essay edited by his brother (named above) and published at Halle, in 1718, as Erbauliche Betrachtungen vom Ur sprung und Adel der Seelen. Richter's hymns …which have passed into English are:— i. Gott den ich als Liebe kenne. For the Sick. Included in Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714, No. 647, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines, repeated, 1718, as above, p. 420, entitled, "Hymn in Sickness." According to Ehmann, in his edition of Gottfried Arnold, 1856, p. xii., it had previously appeared in Arnold's Heilsamer Rath und Unterricht für Kranke und Sterbende, 2nd edition, 1709. It is in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 603. Translated as :— God! whom I as love have known. A full and very good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 236. Repeated, abridged, in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 53. A cento, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, taken from st. v., vi., iii., and beginning, "Let my soul beneath her load,” is No. 398, in the Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U. S. A., 1864. Another translation is: O God, Whose attributes shine forth in turn." By Miss Cox, 1864, p. 191. ii. Heine Armuth macht mich schreien. Supplication, or Longing for Christ. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 662, in 7 st. of 6 1. Repeated, 1718, as above, p. 381, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 769. Translated as:— Unto Him my spirit crieth . A good translation of st. i., ii., vi., by A. T. Russell, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. iii. Stilles Lamm und Friedefürst. Sanctification. A hymn on the Following of Christ the Lamb of God, and founded on Rev. xiv. 4. In Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch 1714, No. 432, in 8 st. of 5 1. Repeated in 1718, as above, p. 364, entitled. "On the name Agneta, which may be derived from Agnus, which in German is called a Lamb." In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 922. Tr. as:— Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace . A free tr., omitting st. iii., vii., by J. Wesley, in his Psalms & Hymns, Charlestown, 1736-7, p. 51, and Hymns & Sacred Poems, 1739 (P. Works, 1868-72, i.,p. 129). Included in the Wesleyan Hymn Book, 1780, No. 329 (1875, No. 338), and recently in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863, Mercer's Church Psalter & Hymn Book, 1857 and 1864, Holy Song, 1869, the American Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book 1849, and others. Another tr. is: "Holy Lamb and Prince of Peace." By J. Gambold, as No. 38 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1742 (1886, No. 486). Eight others of his hymns have been tr. into English, viz:-- iv. Die sanfte Bewegung, die liebliche Kraft. Whitsuntide. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 454, in 9 st.; and in 1718 as above, p. 393, entitled, "Of the Joy in the Holy Ghost." Tr. as: "This Impulse so gentle, this Movement so sweet," as No. 551, in pt. i., of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. v. Es glänzet der Christen inwendigem Leben. The Life of Faith. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 515, in 8 stanzas; and in 1718, as above, p. 398, entitled, "On the hidden life of believers." Repeated in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 410. It is Richter's finest hymn, and was (says Koch, viii. 249) a great favourite with Dr. F. Schleiermacher. It is founded on Col. iii. 3, 4, and gives a picture of what the inner life of a Christian should be: described from Richter's own experience. The trs. are: (1) "The Christian's Life inward displays its bright splendour." As No. 620, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "All fair within those children of the light." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 26. vi. Hüter! wird die Nacht der Sunden. Morning. A fine hymn, for use especially in Advent, and founded on Isaiah xxi. 11. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 599, in 9 st.: 1718, as above, p. 401, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 460. Tr. as: (1) "Watchman! is the Night retiring." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 45. (2) "O Watchman, will the night of sin." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 1. Repeated in Miss Warner's Hymns of the Church Militant , 1858, the Gilman-Schaff Library of Religious Poetry , 1881, &c. vii. Jesu, gib mir deine Fülle. Supplication. A prayer to Christ as the Great Physician. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 66, in 7 st., st. vii. being entitled "Answer." In 1718, as above, p. 406, entitled, "On Patience." In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 289. Tr. as:— "Jesu grant Thou me Thy Fulness." In the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 47. viii. Jesus ist das schönste Licht. Love to Christ. On St. John xii. 36. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 349, in 9 st.: and in 1718, as above, p. 379, entitled, "On Desire towards God and Christ." In the Berlin Geistlich Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 808. Tr. as:— "Jesus is my light most fair," as No. 630, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 (1886, No. 450). ix. Mein Salomo dein freundliches Regieren. Peace in Believing. A fine hymn, founded on St. John i. 14. In Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714, No. 512, in 11 st. In 1718, as above, p. 416; and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 424. Tr. as:— (1) "My Solomon! thy kind and gracious Sceptre," as No. 622, in pt. i., of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In 1789, altered to "Jesus, my King, Thy kind and gracious sceptre" (1886, No. 384). (2) "Jesus, my King! Thy mild and kind control." By Dr. Bomberger, in Schaff s Kirchenfreund , 1849, p.337. x. O Liebe die den Himmel hat zerissen. Christmas. In Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714, No. 34, in 9 st.: and in 1718, as above, p. 414, entitled, "On the Incarnation of the Son of God." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 52. Translated as:-- "Oh! love that did the heavens rend asunder." By Miss Manington, 1864, p. 35. xi. O wie selig sind die Seelen. Love to Christ. Founded on Hosea ii. 19, 20, and Eph. v. 25. In Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch., 1704, No. 512, in 10 st.: and in 1718, as above, p. 396, entitled, "On the high dignity of believers." In Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 412. It was (says Koch, viii. 297) originated by a dream Richter had about 1700, that in the hospital at Halle he would find a truly Christ-like soul. After searching all the wards he found an old neglected patient in a garret, with whom he conversed, and whom he found to be the person he was seeking. Inspired by her relations of her inner experience, he embodied her thoughts in this fine hymn. Tr. as:— "O what joy for them is stored." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 68. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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