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To thee we raise rejoicing

Author: E. Wilson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Adoration; Guidance; Worship Beginning of Used With Tune: GAUDEAMUS

What vessel is that passing

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: What vessel is that passing Across the boundless deep, On which the billows massing In foaming fury sweep? She seems in sore distress As though she soon would founder Upon the shoals around her And sink without redress. It is the storm-tossed vessel Of God’s own church on earth, With which the world doth wrestle, And send its fury forth, While Jesus oft appears As though He still were sleeping, With His disciples weeping And crying out in fears. But let the world with fury Against the church but rave, And spend its might to bury Her in the roaring wave! It only takes a word To hush the wild commotion And show the mighty ocean Her Lord is still aboard.

Arise, O Christian People

Author: Valentin Thilo, 1607-1662; Arthur T. Russell, 1806-1874; Unknown Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Arise, O Christian people! Lyrics: 1 Arise, O Christian people! Prepare yourselves today; prepare to greet the Savior, who takes your sins away. To us by grace alone the truth and light were given; the promised Lord from heaven to all the world is shown. 2 Prepare the way before him; prepare for him the best; cast out what would offend him, this great, this heav'nly guest. Make straight, make plain the way: the lowly valleys raising, the heights of pride abasing, his path all even lay. 3 The humble heart and lowly God raises up on high; beneath his feet in terror the haughty soul shall lie. The heart sincere and right, that heeds God's invitation and makes true preparation — it is the Lord's delight. 4 Prepare my heart, Lord Jesus; turn not from me aside, and help me to receive you this blessed Advent-tide. From stall and manger low come now to dwell within me; I'll sing your praises gladly And forth your glory show. Topics: Advent Scripture: Luke 3:4-5 Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

The Faith That God Believeth

Author: Hans Adolf Brorson ; P. C. Paulsen Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals

'Tis patience must support you

Author: Paul Gerhardt; J. Kelly Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: ’Tis patience must support you When sorrow, grief, or smart, Or whate’er else may hurt you, Doth rend your aching heart. Belov’d and chosen seed! If not a death will kill you, Yet once again I tell you, ’Tis patience that you need. The cup of patience drinketh With nausea flesh and blood, Back from the cross it shrinketh; When threaten’d with the rod, It shuddereth with fear. ’Tis bold when nought assaileth, Heart shrinks, and courage faileth, When storms and rain are here. Why patience causeth sadness, Is that the carnal mind Unclouded joy and gladness In God aye hop’d to find, Though He hath made it clear, He chastens whom He loveth, And whom He much approveth, He much afflicteth here. God giveth patience ever, The Spirit in the breast Begetteth it whenever Within us He doth rest; The worthy, noble Guest Preserves us from despairing, And nerves for burden-bearing The heart when sore distress’d. From faith all patience springeth, On God’s own word depends, To this she firmly clingeth, Herself with this defends. ’Tis her high tow’r and wall, Where she securely hideth, Where God for her provideth, Here fears she ne’er a fall. And patience trust reposeth On Jesu’s death and pain; When Satan her opposeth, Here takes she heart again, And saith, “Thou Prince of hell! Thou never shalt devour me, Too high I’m lifted o’er thee, In Jesus do I dwell.” Contented patience stayeth On God’s decree all-wise; Although His grace delayeth, Scarce feels fatigue arise; With trust she bears her load, And joyfully endureth, This thought her heart assureth, It is the hand of God. Long, long, can patience waiting The weary time beguile, On God’s word meditating Get saving good the while. With earnest fervent pray’r, Each morn and eve she guardeth Herself from ill, and wardeth Off Satan’s every snare. To God’s will patience boweth, Doth His command fulfil, ’Mid scorn of foes she knoweth ’Tis wisest to be still. Who will, let him despise, Unhurt by the dishonour And shame thus put upon her, Her heart doth o’er it rise. To honour patience serveth Her God, and never more From love and fealty swerveth; Although He smiteth sore, Yet doth she ever praise His holy hand, and telleth That God on high who dwelleth, Doth well in all his ways. And patience life sustaineth, Adds to our tale of years; She drives away what paineth The heart, and stills its fears. It is a beauteous light That giveth him who heedeth, And whom God’s guidance leadeth, A face with joy all bright. Great joy from patience springeth, The head a noble crown, Gems for the neck she bringeth From throne of Heaven down. She wipes from weeping eyes The tears of grief and anguish; Whose souls with longing languish, With ample good supplies. My soul for patience sigheth, My heart longs eagerly, How urgently it crieth And oft is known to Thee, Of grace who hast full store! Lord, hear my supplication, Give patient resignation; I ask for nothing more. For patience the petition Shall often up to Thee, From out my low condition, Ascend, O Lord, from me. And in my dying hour, Thy mercy still extending, Oh! grant a patient ending, Then need I nothing more. Paul Gerhardt’s Spiritual Songs, 1867

The faith that Christ embraces

Author: Hans Adolf Brorson, 1694-1764; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: The faith that Christ embraces And purifies the hearts The faith that boldly faces The devil’s fiery darts, That faith is strong and must Withstand the world’s temptation And in all tribulation, In Christ, the Saviour, trust. The faith that knows no struggle Against the power of sin, The faith that sounds no bugle To waken, fight and win, That faith is dead and vain, Its sacred name disgracing, And impotent when facing The devil’s mighty reign. A Christian wears his armor To wage the war of faith Against the crafty charmer, His foe in life and death. With Jesus he must stand Undaunted and victorious, If he would win his glorious Reward at God’s right hand. It is a comfort pleasing In our embattled life, To feel our strength increasing In trying days of strife. And as our days shall be The Lord will help accord us And with His gifts reward us When striving faithfully. O Lord, my hope most fervent, My refuge in all woe, I will hence be Thy servant Through all my days below. Let come whatever may, I will exalt Thee ever, And ask no other favor Than live with Thee for aye.
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My heart its incense burning

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My heart its incense burning, I'll offer thanks and praise, Now, with return of morning, And through all future days; I'll praise Thee on thy throne, Great Source of every blessing, My song to Thee addressing Through Christ, Thy only Son. 2 Thy mercy claims my praises! This kept me through the night; And now from sleep it raises, To greet the dawning light. This, too, it is that hath My many sins forgiven, Which, in the face of heaven, So oft provoked thy wrath. 3 In mercy still direct me Throughout the coming day: From Satan's wiles protect me, From sin, and from dismay: Defend from fire and storm, From want and every weakness, From sorrows and from sickness, From sudden death's alarm. 4 Let angels keep their stations, Nor cease their guard of me, Averting all temptations Which draw my soul from thee Thy shield hold thou above! Then nothing shall distress me, To duty I'll address me, Rejoicing in Thy love! Topics: Family Prayer Morning; Family Prayer Morning; Angels Used With Tune: [My heart its incense burning]


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