Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 God, who called us through the prophets
to be merciful and fair,
and in Jesus, walked among us,
teaching us to love and care,
send your Spirit now, renew us,
that together we may be
one in faith and one in mission,
one in our diversity.
2 When we ponder sacred scriptures,
when we come to you in prayer,
let us see with new-found vision
what we’re called to do and dare.
As more truth and light are springing
daily from your Holy Word,
and your thoughts invade our thinking,
help us act on what we’ve heard.
3 Fill us with your grace and wisdom,
give us courage that we may,
like the saints gone on before us,
meet life’s challenges today.
Help us trust in one another,
even when we disagree,
show respect in hard decisions,
work for peace and harmony.
4 Make our church a sanctuary
for each one who needs a friend:
poor and immigrant and outcast,
who on kindness now depend.
As we gather at your table,
may they always find a place
and, in sharing bread and chalice,
know, with us, your healing grace.
5 God of mercy, God of justice,
we give thanks that we belong
to a people, loved and loving,
rich and needy, weak and strong.
You have blessed our past and present,
bless the future we await.
Keep us faithful to our mission,
as your love we celebrate.
Topics: Church Scripture: Micah 6:8 Used With Tune: PROPHETS' CALL
God, Who Called Us Through the Prophets