Person Results

Text Identifier:ring_o_bells

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Caleb Simper

1857 - 1942 Composer of "[Ring out, O bells, in gladness]" in The Cyber Hymnal

George C. Hugg

1848 - 1907 Person Name: Geo. C. Hugg Composer of "[O ring the glad bells]" in Rich in Blessing George Crawford Hugg USA 1848-1907. Born near Haddonfield, NJ, he became choirmaster at the Berlin, NJ, Presbyterian Church at age 12. At age 14 he published his first song, “Walk in the light”, which became very popular. He married Anne E Ketchum, and they had a daughter, Evangeline. He served as choirmaster of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, and also the Broad Street and Arch Street Methodist Episcopal Churches there. He was also closely associated with the Harper Memorial Presbyterian Church there. He was a prolific composer with over 2000 works, publishing 18 books of revival and Sunday school music, and 90 songs for special occasions (Christmas, Easter, etc.). He died in Philadelphia, PA. John Perry

W. T. Giffe

1848 - 1926 Person Name: W. T. G. Author of "Christmas Bells" in Zion's Praises (1st ed.) Born: June 28, 1848, Port­land, In­di­a­na. Died: Ju­ly 13, 1926, Se­at­tle, Wash­ing­ton. Buried: Mount Hope Cem­e­te­ry, Lo­gans­port, In­di­a­na. Giffe grew up in Coll­ege Cor­ners, In­di­a­na (near Port­land), and served in the Army dur­ing the clos­ing days of the Amer­i­can ci­vil war. Af­ter the war, he at­tend­ed Li­ber Coll­ege, and stu­died law for two years. While in col­lege, he was a mem­ber of the col­lege glee club, and took les­sons in the col­lege sing­ing school. Lat­er, he stu­died with teach­ers such as J. W. Suff­ern, George Root, Lu­ther Em­er­son, Ho­ra­tio Pal­mer, and Hen­ry Perk­ins. Giffe had a fine bar­i­tone voice, and was in de­mand as a con­cert sing­er. He soon be­came pop­u­lar as a chor­us di­rect­or and con­ven­tion con­duct­or. His first book for sing­ing schools was New Fa­vo­rite, which sold thou­sands of co­pies. The Ol­iv­er Dit­son Com­pa­ny of Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, pub­lished ma­ny of his ear­ly works, but Giffe went on to form his own pub­lish­ing house, the Home Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, in Lo­gans­port, In­di­a­na. He al­so ed­it­ed the Home Mu­sic Jour­nal for sev­er­al years. Lat­er, Giffe be­came su­per­vis­or of mu­sic in the pub­lic schools in his home town. And he was one of three men se­lect­ed to de­liv­er an ad­dress in Lo­gans­port, In­di­a­na, at the me­mor­i­al ser­vic­es for as­sas­sin­at­ed pre­si­dent Will­iam Mc­Kin­ley. Giffe and his wife Nan­cy had no child­ren. His works in­clude: The Bril­liant, 1874 Crown of Gold, with Frank Da­vis (Lo­gans­port, In­di­a­na: Home Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, 1892) The New Deal, with Lou­is Eich­horn (Lo­gans­port, In­di­a­na: Home Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, 1898) A Prac­ti­cal Course in Har­mo­ny and Mu­sic­al Com­po­si­tion

Marion Franklin Ham

1867 - 1956 Author of "Ring, O ring, ye Christmas bells!" in The Beacon Song and Service book Born: February 18, 1867, Harveysburg, Ohio. Died: July 23, 1956, Arlington, Massachusetts. Buried: Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ham began his career as a journalist and bank clerk in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ordained a Unitarian minister in 1898, he pastored in Chattanooga (1898-1904); at the First Church in Dallas, Texas (1904-09); and in Reading (1909-34), Waverly (1934-42), and Gardner, Massachusetts (1943-45). The Meadville Theological School in Chicago, Illinois, awarded him a Doctor of Divinity degree in 1942, the year he retired. Ham’s works include: The Golden Shuttle, 1896 The Kinchin Stories, 1914 Songs of the Spirit, 1932 Songs of Faith and Hope, 1940 O Mother-Heart, 1941 Keeper of the Flame, 1945 Freedom, 1950 Songs at Sunset, 1951 Songs of a Lifetime, 1953 In a Rose Garden, 1954

William Burton Walbert

1886 - 1959 Person Name: W. B. Walbert Composer of "[O ring the bells of joy in ev'ry steeple]" in Temple Bells Gospel music singer, composer, and editor, long associated with the James D. Vaughan Music Company, father of noted pianist and composer James D. Walbert

Gioacchino A. Rossini

1792 - 1868 Person Name: Rossini Composer of "[Ring, glad bells! Oh, ring your joyful lay!]" in Zion's Praises (1st ed.) Gioacchino A. Rossini; b. 1792, Pesaro; d. 1868, Ruelle near Parise Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

T. Tertius Noble

1867 - 1953 Composer of "[O merry ring the Christmas bells across the western land]" in Carols Old and Carols New Thomas Tertius Nobel (1867-1953) was born in Bath, England, educated at the Royal College of Music, and was a noted composer and organist. He served as a church or­gan­ist in Cam­bridge and Col­ches­ter. He moved to Ely Ca­thed­ral in 1892 as or­gan­ist and choir­mas­ter, and in 1898 to York Min­ster, where he found­ed the York Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra, di­rect­ed the York Mu­sic­al So­ci­e­ty, con­duct­ed the York Pa­geant, and re­vived the York Mu­sic­al Fes­tiv­al af­ter a lapse of 75 years. He be­came an hon­or­a­ry fel­low of the Roy­al Coll­ege of Or­gan­ists in 1905. In 1913, he moved to New York Ci­ty, where he was or­gan­ist at St. Tho­mas’ Epis­co­pal Church, and es­tab­lished its choir school and a boys’ choir. In ad­di­tion to com­pos­ing, he wrote about mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion, and helped ed­it the 1916 Pro­test­ant Epis­co­pal hym­nal, and served on the mu­sic com­mit­tee that pre­pared its 1940 suc­ces­sor. He wrote a wide range of mu­sic, but on­ly his serv­ices, an­thems and hymn tunes are still per­formed reg­u­lar­ly. Died: May 4, 1953, Rock­port, Mass­a­chu­setts.

J. P. Lane

Person Name: J. P. L. Author of "Ring the Bells" in Heaven's Banner

Charles Spurgeon Brown

1860 - 1943 Person Name: Charles S. Brown Composer of "[O ring, glad bells, ring loud and sweet]" in The Cyber Hymnal Brown’s works in­clude: The King’s Prais­es (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Unit­ed So­ci­e­ty of Chris­tian En­dea­vor, 1899)

Peter A. Sveeggen

1881 - 1959 Person Name: Peter Andrew Sveegen Author of "Ring, O ye bells, O ring out" in The Concordia Hymnal


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