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Heinrich S. Oswald

1751 - 1834 Person Name: H. S. Oswald, 1751-1834 Author of "O let him whose sorrow" in Songs of Praise Oswald, Heinrich Siegmund, son of Johann Heinrich Oswald or Osswald, of Nimmersatt, near Liegnitz, in Silesia, was born at Nimmersatt, June 30, 1751. After passing through the school at Schmiedeberg he was for seven years clerk in a public office at Breslau. In 1773 he became Secretary to the Landrath von Prittwitz at Glatz, with whom he remained two years, and was thereafter in business at Hamburg and at Breslau. Through J. D. Hermes, Oberconsistorialrath at Potsdam, whose daughter he married, he became acquainted with King Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia, and in 1791 was appointed reader to the king. He accordingly removed to Potsdam, and was in 1791 appointed also Geheimrath. After the king's death, on Nov. 16, 1797, Oswald received a pension, and retired first to Hirschberg, and then to Breslau, where he died Sept. 8, 1834. (Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxiv. 528; Miller's Singers & Songs, 1869, p. 303; extracts from the Breslauer Zeitung, Sept. 12, 1834, and the Schlesische Provinzialblätter, 1835, p. 289, kindly communicated by Dr. Markgraf of the Breslau Stadt Bibliothek, &c.) Oswald's hymns, over 100 in all, appeared principally in his (1) Unterhaltungen für gläubige Seelen, Berlin, 1792. (2) Gedichte und Lieder fürs Herz, Berlin, 1793. (3) Letzten Mittheilungen meiner der Wahrheit und Religion geweihter Muse, Breslau, 1826. (4) Schwanengesänge, Breslau, n.d. (preface Aug. 1827). Three or four of Oswald's hymns have passed into German hymnbooks. One has been translated into English, viz.:— Wem in Leidenstagen. For Mourners. In his Letzte Mittheilungen, 1826, p. 42, in 14 stanza of 4 lines, and entitled "An exhortation to Tranquillity. To the Suffering. Psalm 50, v. 15." Bunsen, in his Versuch, 1833, No. 813 (Allgemeine Gesangbuche, 1846, No. 333), selects st. i.-iii., x., xii.-xir. The singing of this beautiful hymn (in Miss Cox's version) formed an impressive part of the service in the church at Edensor at the funeral of Lord Frederick Cavendish, May 11, 1882. Translated as:— 1. 0! Let him whose sorrow. A very good translation from Bunsen's text, by Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841… included in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844, and others…. Another translation is: "When in thine hours of grief," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 71. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Gustav Friedrich Ludwig Knak

1806 - 1878 Person Name: G. Knak Author of "Jesu, Gnadensonne" in Sonntagschulbuch Knak, Gustav Friedrich Ludwig, son of Christian F. L. Knak, Justiz Commissarius at Berlin, was born at Berlin, July 12, 1806. He matriculated as a student of theology at the University of Berlin, Easter, 1826. In the autumn of 1829 he became tutor in a private school at Königs-Wusterhausen, near Berlin, where he worked manfully for the sick and dying during the cholera year 1831. He returned to Berlin in August, 1832, and acted as one of the editors of the well-known Geistlicher Lieder Schatz (referred to in this Dictionary as the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz), to which he contributed a number of hymns, and for which he wrote the preface dated Dec. 11, 1832. In the autumn of 1834 he was ordained pastor of Wusterwitz, near Dramburg, in Pomerania; and in the end of 1849 was appointed Gossner's successor as Pastor of the Lutheran-Bohemian congregation (Bethlehemskirche) in Berlin. During a holiday visit to a married daughter at Dünnow, near Stolpemünde, he was taken suddenly ill, and died there July 27, 1878; his body being removed to Berlin and laid to rest in the graveyard belonging to his church (O. Kraus, 1879, p. 266; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xvi. 261, &c). Knak was a man of prayer, a faithful and successful preacher and pastor, and greatly interested in Missions at home and abroad, especially in the Lutheran missions to China and the Chinese Orphanage at Hong Kong. As a hymn-writer he is distinguished by elegance of style, harmony of rhythm, and deep love to the personal Christ. His hymns appeared in his Simon Johanna, hast du mich lieb? Berlin, 1829 (enlarged editions pub. at Berlin 1840, and again in 1843 as his Zionsharfe); in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832; and in his Liebe urn, Liebe . . . Nachtrag zu dessen Zionsharfe. Werder, 2nd ed. 1849 (3rd ed. Berlin, 1850). Those of Knak's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Lasst mich geh'n, lasst mich geh'n. Longing for Heaven. Of the origin of this favourite hymn, 0. Kraus, 1879, p. 269, gives the following account:— "Knak's earnest zeal in the cause of missions to the heathen had the natural result, that for many years he was summoned as festival preacher to the most distant Mission services. On the way to fulfil these engage¬ments many of Knak's hymns had their origin. About 1845, one day the pastor of Wusterwitz [his cure] came to pastor Sondermann at Coprieben, and asked him to play the well-known popular melody 'Morgenroth, orgenroth,' as he had just composed a hymn to that tune. As the desired melody rang out, the poet struck up for the first time that hymn since sung by hundreds of thousands, *Lasst mich geh'n! Lasst mich geh'n.” Later, Knak's blind organist, Voigtlander, in Berlin, composed the pleasing melody, to which at the present time the hymn is generally sung." This hymn appears to have been written on July 23, 1846, and is included in his Liebe um Liebe, 1849 (3rd ed., 1850, No. 48), in 5 stanzas of 5 lines, entitled "Longing after Jerusalem." It soon attained wide popularity, and is given as No. 1597 in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. To the sky, to the sky. A good and full translation by J. M. Sloan, contributed to J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865, No. 165, and Songs of Zion, 1878, No. 94; in both cases set to Voigtländer's melody. 2. Let me go, let me go, Jesus, face to face, to know. In full, by Mrs. Edmund Ashley, in the British Herald, Sept., 1867, p. 139; repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. In the Christian Hymns, Adelaide, 1872, No. 347 begins with st. ii. "Glorious light, glorious light." Other translations are, (1) "Let me close, let me close," as No. 12 in Heart Melodies , Lond., Morgan, N.D., signed “A. P. E. J." (2) "Let me flee, let me flee," by E. Massie, 1866. (3) "Let me go, let me go, Lord to me," by Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in the Southern Lutheran Service & Hymns for Sunday Schools , Philadelphia, 1883. (4) "Let me go! ah, let me go," by J. Kelly, 1885. Other hymns by Knak which have been translated into English are:— ii. Herr, du hast uns reich gesegnet. Close of Divine Service. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 92, in 2 st. Tr. as "Lord, we've tasted Thy rich blessing," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. iii. Ich bin ein Pilger Gottes hier auf Erden. Pilgrimage of Life. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 45, in 4 stanzas. Translated as "God's pilgrim am I here, on earth below," by J. Kelly, 1885. iv. Jesus sei mit dir auf alien Wegen. Birthday wish. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 36, in 22 lines. Tr. as (1) "Jesus be with thee in thy ways, Jesus favour," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. (2) “Jesu be with thee in all thy ways, Jesu crown," by J. Kelly, 1885. v. Mit der Sehnsucht heissen Blicken. Love to Christ. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 4, in 6 stanzas. Translated as "With the glow of ardent longing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Sept. 1865, p. 141. vi. Sei getrost, o Seele. Cross and Consolation. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 2, in 3 stanzas. Translated as "O my soul, be comforted, Give not," by J. Kelly, 1885. vii. Wenn Seelen sich zusammenflnden. Communion of Saints. Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832, No. 1857, in 5 stanzas. Tr. as "When they may chance to meet together," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 186). viii. Zieht im Frieden eure Pfade. Farewell. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 86, in 11 lines. Tr. as "Now in peace go on your ways," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Lydia Pedersen

Author, v. 3 of "Jesus, Stand among Us" in Voices United

Marye B. Bonney

b. 1910 Person Name: Marye B. Bonney, 1910- Author (vs. 2-5) of "Now the Day Is Over" in Singing the Living Tradition

Mrs. Hemans

1793 - 1835 Person Name: Felicia D. Hemans Author of "Saviour, now receive him" in The Spirit of Praise Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, née Browne, was born in Liverpool, Sep. 25, 1793. In 1800, her father having suffered severe losses in business, removed with his family near to Abergele, N. Wales, where he died sometime after. In 1812 she was married to Captain Hemans, who, on retiring from the army sometime after, removed to Bronnylfa, near St. Asaph. Some years after he left his wife and children and proceeded to Italy, where he died. In 1828 Mrs. Hemans removed to Wavertree, near Liverpool, and in 1831 to Dublin, where she died May 16, 1835, and was buried in St. Ann's Church, Dawson Street, in that city. From 1808, when at 15 she published Poems, to 1834, when her Scenes & Hymns of Life appeared, she produced a great number of poems and other works, including: (1) The Domestic Affections and Other Poems, 1812; (2) The Sceptic, 1820; (3) Dartmoor, 1821; (4) Vespers of Palermo, 1823; (5) The Siege of Valenciav, 1823; (6) Voice of Spring, 1823; (7) Forest Sanctuary, 1825; (8) Hymns for Childhood, 1827 (English edition, 1834; first published in America); (9) Records of Woman and Miscellaneous Poems, 1828; (10) Songs of the Affections, 1830; (11) Scenes and Hymns of Life (dedicated to the poet Wordsworth), 1834. Then followed (12) The Works of Mrs. Hemans; with a Memoir of her Life by her Sister [Mrs. Hughes]. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood & Sons, 1839, in 3 volumes. Her Poems were collected and published by Blackwood in 1849, and again as one of the Chandos Classics, 1886. Three distinct ideas pervade Mrs. Hemans's poetry, the Fatherhood of God, Heaven as our Home, and mutual recognition when there. The work of the Atonement has a very subordinate place; and the Holy Spirit is scarcely recognized. The rhythm, even in her most popular pieces, is often disappointing, and a tone of sadness pervades most of her work. The gloom of disappointment and the traces of shadowed memories run like black threads through the web and woof of her productions. As a writer of hymns she holds a subordinate place. The best are "Answer me, burning stars of light," "Calm on the bosom of thy God," “Come to the land of peace," and "Fear was within the tossing bark." [Rev. James Davidson, B.A.] Mrs. Hemans's hymns which have come into common use include;— 1. Answer me, burning stars of light. Trust in God. Written after the death of a sister-in-law, and published in her Records of Woman, &c, 1828, p. 242, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. (P. Works, N.Y., 1828, vol. ii. pp. 144, 268). 2. Calm on the bosom of thy God. Death and Burial. This hymn appears in the closing scene of her dramatic poem, The Siege of Valencia, 1823, p. 235, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, vol. iii. p. 379). It is supposed to be sung over the bier of Ximena, daughter of Gonzalez, the Governor of Valencia, during the final struggle of the siege. Mrs. Hemans subsequently added a third stanza ("Lone are the paths, and sad the bowers"); and in this form it is published separately as "A Dirge" in her Works, vol. iv. p. 330. It is one of the best known of her hymns. 3. Child, amidst the flowers at play. Hour of Prayer. This is given in her P. Works, 1828, vol. ii. p. 85, amongst the "Miscellaneous Pieces," in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, as a hymn for The Hour of Prayer. Dr. Martineau in his Hymns, &c, 1873, dates it 1825. 4. Come to me, dreams [thoughts] of heaven. Aspiration. Appeared in her National Lyrics, 1834, p. 251, and again in her Works, 1839, vol. vii. p. 88. 5. Come to the land of peace. The Angel's Greeting. Published in her Works, 1839, vol. vi. p. 186. 6. Earth! guard what here we lay in holy trust. Burial. Given in her Works, 1839, vol. iv. p. 327. This is a poem, and not a hymn. 7. Father! that in the olive shade. Gethsemane. Written at the death-bed of her mother, Jan., 1827, and published in her Hymns for Childhood, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, as a Hymn by the sick-bed of a Mother. (Works, 1839, vol. vi. p. 147.) Sometimes as "O Thou, Who in the olive shade." 8. Father, Who art on high. Prayer. This is part of her "Cathedral Hymn," published in her Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834. (Works, 1839, vi. p. 142.) 9. Fear was within the tossing bark. Stilling the Tempest. This hymn appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, 1827; her Poetical Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 124; and her Works, 1839, vol. iv. p. 325. 10. He knelt, the Saviour knelt and prayed. Gethsemane. This hymn appeared in The Almut (an annual) 1n 1825, and her Poetical Works, N.Y., 1828, ii. p. 125. It is also introduced in her dramatic poem, The English Martyrs: a Scene of the days of Queen Mary, published in her Scenes and Hys. of Life, 1834, p. 16. A betrothed couple are condemned to death: but are allowed a short intercourse before execution. This they employ in prayer and the singing of this hymn, which is based upon the sacred scene in Gethsemane. "The English Martyrs" is the opening piece of the Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834. (Works, vii. p. 130.) 11. I hear thee speak of the better land. Heaven. Published in her Poetical Works, N. York, 1828, ii. p. 193, and her Songs of the Affections, 1830, p. 225, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, and headed “The Better Land." (Works, 1839, vi. p. 123.) Popular as a sacred song, but not much used as a hymn. 12. Leaves have their time to fall. The Hour of Death Published in her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 114, and in her Forest Sanctuary , 2nd edition, 1829, p. 276, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, 1839, iv. p. 177.) It is usually given in an abbreviated form. 13. Lowly and solemn be Thy children's cry to Thee. Burial. This hymn, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, forms the closing portion of her poem on The Funeral Day of Sir Walter Scott. [He d. Sept. 21, 1832.] The poem was given in her Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834, p. 99. (Works, vii. p. 178.) In an abbreviated form this Burial hymn is in extensive use in Great Britain and America, and is found in more hymn-books than all the rest of Mrs. Hemans's hymns put together. 14. No cloud obscures the summer's sky. Ps. xix. Appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled “The Stars." (Works, 1839, iv. p. 253.) It is usually given in an abbreviated form, beginning with stanza ii., "Child of the earth, Oh lift thy glance." 15. Now autumn strews on every plain. Harvest. One of her juvenile pieces, published in her Poems, Liverpool, 1808, p. 94, as a "Harvest Hymn." 16. O lovely voices of the sky. Christmas Carol. Appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, 1827, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, and her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 123. (Works, v. p. 307. 17. Praise ye the Lord on every height. Ps. cxlviii. Published in her Hymns for Childhood, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, 1839, iv. p. 264.) 18. Saviour, now receive him. Burial. Scenes and Hys. of Life, 1834, p. 70, is a hymn entitled, "The Funeral Hymn" in the Burial of an Emigrant's Child in the Forest. It begins "Where the long reeds quiver." This extract opens with stanza ii. altered. 19. The breaking waves dashed high. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Published in her Records of Woman, &c, 1828, p. 261, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and in her Works, 1828, p, 261, "The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England." (Works, 1839, v. p. 280.) Popular as a sacred song, but not much used as a hymn. 20. The Church of our fathers so dear to our souls. The Holy Church. This hymn has not been traced to date. Snepp, in Songs of Grace & Glory, says 1834. 21. The kings of old have shrine and tomb. The Graves of Martyrs. In The Forest Sanctuary, 2nd edition, 1829, p. 284, "The Graves of Martyrs" in 7 stanzas. Also Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 150. 22. Where is the tree the prophet threw? Faith. Appeared in her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 170, and headed "The Fountain of Marah." Also in her Works, 1839, vi. p. 176. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology ================ Hemans, Felicia D., p. 509, i. No. 11, "I hear thee speak of the better land," and No. 12, "Leaves have their time to fall," appeared in J. Curtis's Union Collection, 1827, p. 274, i., and then in her Poetical Works, 1828. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

John Curwen

1816 - 1880 Person Name: John Curwen, 1817-1880 Author of "I'm a little pilgrim" in The Book of Praise Curwen, John, son of the Rev. S. Curwen, of an old Cumberland family, born at Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, Nov. 14, 1816, and educated at Coward College, and University College, London. In 1838 he became assistant minister in the Independent Church, Basingstoke; co-pastor at Stowmarket in 1841, and pastor at Plaistow, Essex, in 1844. There he developed and promoted the Tonic Sol-fa method of teaching to sing, using it in his own schools and church, and lecturing upon it in various parts of the country. Resigning his ministry through ill health, in 1867, he established a printing and publishing business in order the better to create a Tonic Sol-fa literature. In 1853 he assisted in founding the Tonic Sol-fa Association, for the promotion of that method of singing, and in 1862 the Tonic Sol-fa College. He died May 25, 1880. Besides a number of works explanatory of the Tonic Sol-fa system, Mr. Curwen was the compiler of Sacred Songs, 1840, and Hymns & Chants, 1844. In 1846 these were combined as The Child's Own Hymn Book. This was enlarged in 1865, and recast as The New Child’ s Own Hymn Book in 1874. As a Sunday-school hymn-book this collection has been exceedingly and deservedly popular. For it Mr. Curwen composed two hymns:— 1. I'm a little Pilgrim. Pressing Heavenwards. This was written in place of another with the same first line, whose author had refused permission for its use in Mr. Curwen's book. The time and chorus usually sung with it are American. 2. 0 what has Jesus done for me? Passiontide. This was also written in place of another having the same line. These are the only hymns known to be his The Sabbath Hymn Book, Lond. 1859, was also edited by Mr. Curwen. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edmund Stuart Palmer

1856 - 1931 Person Name: E. S. Palmer, 1856-1931 Translator of "Jesu, Son of Mary" in Common Praise Palmer, Edmund Stuart, M.A., was b. Dec. 31, 1856, at Wherwell Priory, Hants, and educated at the Univ. of Edinburgh (M.B. and C.M., 1882) and Cuddesdon College. He was ordained D. 1889, P. 1890, as curate of St. Saviour's, Leeds; was from 1893 to 1901 on the staff of the Universities Mission at Zanzibar, and in 1904 became Vicar of Kirton in Holland, Lines. While at Zanzibar he wrote, in Swahili, a hymn for the Holy Communion, beginning “Yesu Bin Mariamu," printed in the U.M.C. A. Hymn Book. He translation it into English as "Jesu, Son of Mary, Fount of life alone," and this, privately printed in 1902, was re-written for The English Hymnal, 1906, No. 356. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

H. Elvet Lewis

1860 - 1953 Person Name: Hywel Elfed Lewis Author of "Lamb of God Unblemished" in Rejoice in the Lord Lewis, Howell Elvet, M.A., born April 14, 1860, and educated for the Congregational Ministry. After holding several charges in the country, he removed to London in 1898. His Sweet Singers of Wales, 1889, contains translations of standard Welsh hymns. They are well done, and worthy of attention on the part of hymn-book compilers. Mr. Lewis is M.A. of the University of Wales. [Rev. T. G. Crippen] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ================= Howell Elvet Lewis, CH (14 April 1860 – 10 December 1953), widely known by his bardic name Elfed, was a Welsh Congregational minister, hymn-writer, and devotional poet, who served as Archdruid of the National Eisteddfod of Wales from 1924 to 1928. Elfed was born on 14 April 1860, the eldest son of twelve children of James and Anna Lewis, of Y Gangell, near Blaenycoed, Carmarthenshire. His father was a farm labourer and his mother was a local shopkeeper. He had a very limited early education, but through self-study and attendance at the local chapel schoolroom he managed to gain entry to Newcastle Emlyn Grammar School at the age of 14. Two years later he succeeded in an examination for admission to the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen, where he trained for the ministry. Elfed was ordained in 1880 and was made pastor of St John’s English Congregational Church in Buckley, Flintshire, where the local Secondary School Elfed High School is named after him. In 1884 he moved to minister at Fish Street Church, Hull. He returned to Wales in 1891 as minister of the English Congregational Park Chapel, Llanelli. In 1898 he accepted a calling to Harecourt Chapel in London, where he remained until 1904. In 1904 he became minister of Tabernacle Chapel (Capel y Tabernacl in Welsh) – a Welsh language Congregational chapel in King's Cross, London. He remained at Y Tabernacl until his retirement in 1940. He retired to Penarth, where he became a member of Ebeneser Chapel, Cardiff. Apart from serving as a church minister Elfed's ministry included two periods as chair of the London Missionary Board in 1910 and 1922. He was one of three representatives of the Congregational Union of England and Wales invited to visit Madagascar to celebrate the centenary of the arrival of the first missionaries to the country. He was elected President of the National Free Church Council, 1926–27, President of the Welsh Union of the League of Nations, 1927–28, and chairman of the Congregational Union in 1933. Elfed's literary output was prolific: he wrote essays, historical treaties, obituaries, devotional works and poetry. He won the National Eisteddfod Crown consecutively in 1888 (Wrexham) and 1889 (Brecon), and the Chair in 1894 (Caernarfon).[5] He was inaugurated into the bardic order of the Gorsedd in 1888 and enthroned as its Archdruid in 1924, a position which he held until 1928. Elfed's greatest contribution to Welsh literature was in the field of hymnody and hymnology. He published his first hymn, O Dywysog Pob Daioni, in 1881 during the first year of his ministry, he went on to write a large number of original hymns in Welsh and in English and to translate hymns between the two languages, many of which are still popular with congregations today. Among his best known original Welsh language hymns is the patriotic hymn Cofia'n gwlad Benllywydd tirion (described as "a kind of second national anthem"); while his original English hymn Lord of Light, Your Name Outshining is widely used in hymn books on both sides of the Atlantic. A number of Welsh hymns translated into English appeared in a series of articles published in the magazine Sunday at Home, and were republished in book form in 1889 by the Religious Tract Society as Sweet Singers of Wales. The University of Wales awarded Elfed three honorary degrees: MA (1906), D.D. (1937) and Ll.D (1949). He was the first person to achieve such an honour from the University. He was created a Companion of Honour in 1948. Marriage and family Elfed married three times. Elfed died on 10 December 1953. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered in Blaenycoed Principal publications: Welsh Caniadau (2 vols, 1895-1901) English My Christ and other Poems (1891) Israel and other Poems (1930) Songs of Assisi (1938) (excerpts) See also in: Wikipedia

James T. East

1860 - 1937 Person Name: James East Author of "Wise men seeking Jesus" in The Hymnary for use in Baptist churches Born: January 28, 1860, Kettering, Northamptonshire, England. Died: May 28, 1937, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Buried: Mellor Methodist Chapel, near Blackburn. A Methodist minister, East served at chapels in England, Scotland and Wales. He was also a prolific poet and wrote many articles for The Methodist Recorder.

Allen Eastman Cross

1864 - 1942 Author of "Jesus, Kneel beside Me" in Hymns for a Pilgrim People Born: De­cem­ber 30, 1864, Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire. Died: Ap­ril 23, 1942, Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire. Cross at­tend­ed Phil­lips An­do­ver Academy, Am­herst Coll­ege and the An­do­ver The­o­log­ic­al Sem­in­ary. He pas­tored in Clif­ton­dale, Mass­a­chu­setts (1892-96); Spring­field, Mass­a­chu­setts (1896-1901); at the Old South Church, Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts (1901-12); and Mil­ford, Mass­a­chu­setts (1916-25). His works in­clude: Pass on the Torch, 1929 Thunder Over Je­ru­sa­lem/, 1936


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