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One there is above all others

Author: John Newton Hymnal: Church Book #220 (1890) Meter: 8.7.7 Topics: Praise to Christ; Epiphany, Second Sunday; Epiphany, Fifth Sunday; Sundays in Lent; Passion Week; Third Sunday after Trinity; Twelfth Sunday after Trinity; Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 One there is above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend. His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end. They who once His kindness prove, Find it everlasting Love. 2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood? But this Saviour died to have us Reconciled in Him to God: This was boundless Love indeed: Jesus is a Friend in need. 3 When He lived on earth abaséd, Friend of sinners was His name, Now, above all glory raiséd, He rejoices in the same: Still He calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends. 4 O for grace our hearts to soften! Teach us, Lord, at length to love, We, alas! forget too often What a Friend we have above: But when home our souls are brought, We will love Thee as we ought. Languages: English Tune Title: LIEBE DIE DU MICH ZUM BILDE
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Jesus! the very thought of Thee

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux; Edward Caswall Hymnal: Church Book #224 (1890) Meter: Topics: Communion with Christ; Advent, Third Sunday; Circumcision; Name of Christ; New Years Day; Epiphany, Second Sunday; Epiphany, Third Sunday; Sundays in Lent; Second Sunday after Trinity; Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity; Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus! the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills the breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest. 2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find A sweeter sound than Thy blest Name, O Saviour of mankind! 3 O Hope of every contrite heart, O Joy of all the meek! To those who fall, how kind Thou art, How good to those who seek! 4 But what to those who find? ah, this Nor tongue nor pen can show; The Love of Jesus, what it is, None but His loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only Joy be Thou! As Thou our Prize wilt be; Jesus, be Thou our Glory now, And through eternity! Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD, 66
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O Jesus! King most wonderful

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux; Edward Caswall Hymnal: Church Book #225 (1890) Meter: Topics: Communion with Christ; Advent, Third Sunday; Advent, Fourth Sunday; Epiphany, Second Sunday; Epiphany, Third Sunday; Sundays in Lent; Easter Season, Fourth Sunday; Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Jesus! King most wonderful, Thou Conqueror renowned; Thou Sweetness most ineffable, In whom all joys are found! 2 When once Thou visited the heart, Then truth begins to shine: Then earthly vanities depart, Then kindles love divine. 3 O Jesus, Light of all below! Thou Fount of life and fire! Surpassing all the joys we know, All that we can desire,-- 4 May every heart confess Thy Name, And ever Thee adore; And, seeking Thee, itself inflame To seek Thee ore and more. 5 Thee may our tongues forever bless; Thee may we love alone; And ever in our lives express The image of Thine own. Languages: English Tune Title: WINCHESTER
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Aclamación al Evangelio (Gospel Acclamation)

Hymnal: Journeysongs (3rd ed.) #235 (2012) Topics: Rites of the Church Baptism; Rites of the Church Holy Orders; Rites of the Church Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Second Scrutiny (4th Sunday of Lent); Service Music for Mass Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia); Service Music for Mass Lenten Gospel Acclamation; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia); Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Lenten Gospel Acclamation First Line: Yo soy la Luz del mundo (I am the light of the world) Refrain First Line: Aleluya, alleluya (Alleluia, alleluia) Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: [Yo soy la Luz del mundo]
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O Fader vor, barmhjertig, god

Author: Olaus Petri; Ukjendt Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #247 (1919) Topics: Søndag Septuagesima Til Høimesse; Septuagesima Sunday; Second Sunday after Epiphany; Søndag Seksagesima Til Høimesse; Sexagesima Sunday; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Third Sunday in Lent; Nittende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Epistel; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Ordet; The Word; Trosbekjendelsen; Creed; Anden Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Epistel Lyrics: 1 O Fader vor, barmhjertig, god, Os vilde til dig kalde, Og stænke os med Kristi Blod, Som bortta'r Synder alle, Lad komme her dit hellig Ord, Din Vilje at forklare, Det, som har Himmel skabt og Jord, Vor Lærdom maa bevare, At vi ei vild skal fare! 2 Saa raabe vi nu her til dig, Ei andet er til Raade, Thi ingen ta'r dit Ord til sig, Om han ei faar din Naade: O hellig' Fader, tænk derpaa, At Djævlen gjør os Vaande, Vil tage dine Ord os fra Og faa os sig til Haande, Thi hjælp os fast at stande! 3 O Gud og Menn'ske Jesus Krist, Som Synden paa dig lagde, Du vidste vel vor store Brøst, Da du os Hjælp tilsagde: O Jesus Krist, vor Broder kjær, Du værdes det at holde, Husvaleren lad komme her, Som ter os Sandhed alle, At vi ei fra dig falde! 4 Du gode Helligaand, o kom, Slid sønder Djævlens Snare, Lad Guds Ord faa i Hjertet Rum, Og Krist i os forklare! Saa blive vi og helliggjort, Og prise Gud med Gammen, Af Jesu Kristi evig' Ord, Ham takker allesammen! Og synger alle Amen! Languages: Norwegian

O Fader vor, barmhjertig, god

Author: Olaus Petri; Ukj. Hymnal: M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg #247 (1897) Topics: Søndag Septuagesima Til Høimesse; Septuagesima High Mass; Guds Ord; God's Word; Anden Søndag etter Hellig Tre-Kongers Dag Til Aftensang; Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening; Søndag Seksagesima Til Hoimesse; Sexagesima High Mass; Tredie Søndag i Faste Til Hoimesse; Third Sunday in Lent High Mass; 19 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Lyrics: 1 O Fader vor, barmhjertig, god, Os vilde til dig kalde, Og stenke os med Kristi Blod, Som bortta'r Synder alle, Lad komme her dit hellig' Ord, Din Vilje at forklare, Det som har Himmel skabt og Jord, Det maa vor Lærdom vare, At vi ei vild skal fare! 2 Saa raabe vi nu her til dig, Ei andet er til Raade: Thi ingen ta'r dit Ord til sig, Om han ei faar din Naade: O hellig' Fader, tænk derpaa, At Djævlen gjør os Vaande, Vil tage dine Ord os fra Og faa os sig til Haande, Thi hjælp os fast at stande! 3 O Gud og Menn'ske Jesu Krist, Som Synden paa dig lagde, Du vidste vel vor store Brøst, Da du os Hjælp tilsagde: O Jesu Krist, vor Broder kjær, Du værdes det at holde, Husvaleren lad komme her, Som ter os Sandhed alle, At vi ei fra dig falde! 4 Du gode Helligaand, o kom, Slid sønder Djævlens Snare, Lad Guds Ord faa i Hjertet Rum, Og Krist i os forklare! Saa blive vi og helliggjort, Og prise Gud med Gammen, Af Jesu Kristi evig' Ord, Ham takker allesammen! Og synger alle Amen! Languages: Norwegian
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O God, Thou faithful God

Author: Johann Heermann; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #330 (1908) Topics: The Catechism Daily Duty; Second Sunday after Epiphany; Third Sunday after Epiphany; First Sunday in Lent; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity; Fifth Sunday after Trinity; Ninth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou faithful God, Thou Fountain ever-flowing, Without whom nothing is, All perfect gifts bestowing; A pure and healthy frame O give me, and within A conscience free from blame, A soul unhurt by sin. 2 And grant me, Lord, to do With ready heart and willing, Whate'er Thou shalt command, My calling here fulfilling; To do it when I ought, With all my strength, and bless The work I thus have wrought, For Thou must give success. 3 And let me promise naught But I can keep it truly, Abstain from idle words, And guard my lips still duly; And grant, when in my place I must and ought to speak, My words due power and grace; Nor let me wound the weak. 4 If dangers gather round, Still keep me calm and fearless; Help me to bear the cross, When life is dark and cheerless; To overcome my foe With words and actions kind; When counsel I would know, Good counsel let me find. 5 And let me be with all In peace and friendship living, As far as Christians may; And if Thou aught art giving Of wealth and honors fair, That nought be mingled there Of goods unjustly got. 6 And if a longer life Be here on earth decreed me, And Thou through many a strife To ripe old age wilt lead me, Thy patience in me shed. Avert all sin and shame, And crown my hoary head With pure untarnished fame. 7 Let nothing here earth Me from my Savior sever; And when I die, O take My soul to Thee forever; And let my body have A little space to sleep Beside my kindred' grave, And o'er it vigil keep. 8 And when the Day is come, And all the dead are waking, O reach me down Thy hand, Thyself my slumbers breaking; Then let me hear Thy voice, And change this earthly frame, And bid me aye rejoice With those who love Thy name. Languages: English Tune Title: MUNICH (O Gott, du frommer Gott)
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O Thou who wouldst not have

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #361 (1890) Meter: Topics: The Order of Salvation Repentance; Advent, Second Sunday; Sundays in Lent; Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Thou who wouldst not have One wretched sinner die, Who diedst Thyself, my soul to save From endless misery! Teach me my course to run, While yet I sojourn here, That when Thou comest on Thy throne I may with joy appear. 2 Thou art Thyself the Way, Thyself in me reveal; So shall I pass my life's short day Obedient to Thy will; So shall I love my God, Because He first loved me, And praise Thee in Thy bright abode, Through all eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: GÖTTINGEN
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The Spirit's fruits are peace and love

Author: Rev. Emanuel Cronenwett, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #383 (1908) Topics: Second Sunday after Epiphany; Third Sunday after Epiphany; Fifth Sunday after Epiphany; Third Sunday in Lent; Third Sunday after Easter; Eighth Sunday after Trinity; Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity; Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness Lyrics: 1 The Spirit's fruits are peace and love, And purity from heav'n above; Grace, meekness, gentleness, and joy, With goodness, new-born lives employ. 2 The Spirit makes life's pathway plain, Imparts the grace that will sustain; And grace its work in those who show, Who truly to the Spirit sow. 3 They that are Christ's have crucified Their flesh with all its lusts and pride, And seek in truth what they profess, And walk the paths of holiness. 4 Lord, fill with grace our wayward heart, Nor let Thy Spirit from us part; O save us from still hidden sin, And form our nature pure within: 5 That watchful, prayerful, sober, strong, We grow the more as strifes prolong, And of the Spirit reap at last Eternal life, when strife is past. Languages: English Tune Title: WARNER
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Christian, seek not yet repose

Author: Charlotte Elliot Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #395 (1908) Topics: Septuagesima; Sixth Sunday after Easter; Second Sunday after Trinity; Third Sunday after Trinity; Twenty First Sunday after Trinity; First Sunday in Lent; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness Lyrics: 1 Christian, seek not yet repose, Cast thy dreams of ease away, Thou art in the midst of foes, Therefore watch and pray. 2 Gird thy heavenly armor on, Wear it ever, night and day; Near thee lurks the evil one, Therefore watch and pray. 3 Listen to the sorrowing Lord, Him thou loves to obey; It is He who speaks the Word, Therefore watch and pray. 4 'Twas in watching and in prayer, Holy men of olden day Won the palms and crowns they wear; Therefore watch and pray. 5 Watch, for Thou Thy guard must keep; Pray, for God must speed thy way; Narrow is the road and steep, Therefore watch and pray. Languages: English Tune Title: GREY


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