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Psalm 9: Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heart

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heart Lyrics: 1Lord, thee I’ll praise with all my heart, thy wonders all proclaim. 2In thee, most High, I’ll greatly joy, and sing unto thy name. 3When back my foes were turn’d, they fell, and perish’d at thy sight: 4For thou maintain’dst my right and cause; on throne sat’st judging right. 5The heathen thou rebuked hast, the wicked overthrown; Thou hast put out their names, that they may never more be known. 6O en’my! now destructions have an end perpetual: Thou cities raz’d; perish’d with them is their memorial. 7God shall endure for aye; he doth for judgment set his throne; 8In righteousness to judge the world, justice to give each one. 9God also will a refuge be for those that are oppress’d; A refuge will he be in times of trouble to distress’d. 10And they that know thy name, in thee their confidence will place: For thou hast not forsaken them that truly seek thy face. 11O sing ye praises to the Lord, that dwells in Sion hill; And all the nations among his deeds record ye still. 12When he enquireth after blood, he then rememb’reth them: The humble folk he not forgets that call upon his name. 13Lord, pity me; behold the grief which I from foes sustain; Ev’n thou, who from the gates of death dost raise me up again; 14That I, in Sion’s daughters’ gates, may all thy praise advance; And that I may rejoice always in thy deliverance. 15The heathen are sunk in the pit which they themselves prepar’d; And in the net which they have hid their own feet fast are snar’d. 16The Lord is by the judgment known which he himself hath wrought: The sinners’ hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught. 17They who are wicked into hell each one shall turned be; And all the nations that forget to seek the Lord most high. 18For they that needy are shall not forgotten be alway; The expectation of the poor shall not be lost for aye. 19Arise, Lord, let not man prevail; judge heathen in thy sight: 20That they may know themselves but men, the nations, Lord, affright. Scripture: Psalm 9

Psalm 15: Within thy tabernacle, Lord

Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals First Line: Within thy tabernacle, Lord Lyrics: 1Within thy tabernacle, Lord, who shall abide with thee? And in thy high and holy hill who shall a dweller be? 2The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, And as he thinketh in his heart, so doth he truth express. 3Who doth not slander with his tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt; Nor yet against his neighbour doth take up an ill report. 4In whose eyes vile men are despis’d; but those that God do fear He honoureth; and changeth not, though to his hurt he swear. 5His coin puts not to usury, nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who doth thus shall never moved be. Scripture: Psalm 15

Psalm 22: My God, my God, why hast thou me

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: My God, my God, why hast thou me Lyrics: 1My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken? why so far Art thou from helping me, and from my words that roaring are? 2All day, my God, to thee I cry, yet am not heard by thee; And in the season of the night I cannot silent be. 3But thou art holy, thou that dost inhabit Isr’el’s praise. 4Our fathers hop’d in thee, they hop’d and thou didst them release. 5When unto thee they sent their cry, to them deliv’rance came: Because they put their trust in thee, they were not put to shame. 6But as for me, a worm I am, and as no man am priz’d: Reproach of men I am, and by the people am despis’d. 7All that me see laugh me to scorn; shoot out the lip do they; They nod and shake their heads at me, and, mocking, thus do say, 8This man did trust in God, that he would free him by his might: Let him deliver him, sith he had in him such delight. 9But thou art he out of the womb that didst me safely take; When I was on my mother’s breasts thou me to hope didst make. 10And I was cast upon thy care, ev’n from the womb till now; And from my mother’s belly, Lord, my God and guide art thou. 11Be not far off, for grief is near, and none to help is found. 12Bulls many compass me, strong bulls of Bashan me surround. 13Their mouths they open’d wide on me, upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening and roaring for his prey. 14Like water I’m pour’d out, my bones all out of joint do part: Amidst my bowels, as the wax, so melted is my heart. 15My strength is like a potsherd dry’d; my tongue it cleaveth fast Unto my jaws; and to the dust of death thou brought me hast. 16For dogs have compass’d me about: the wicked, that did meet In their assembly, me inclos’d; they pierc’d my hands and feet. 17I all my bones may tell; they do upon me look and stare. 18Upon my vesture lots they cast, and clothes among them share. 19But be not far, O Lord, my strength; haste to give help to me. 20From sword my soul, from pow’r of dogs my darling set thou free. 21Out of the roaring lion’s mouth do thou me shield and save: For from the horns of unicorns an ear to me thou gave. 22I will shew forth thy name unto those that my brethren are; Amidst the congregation thy praise I will declare. 23Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear; him glorify all ye The seed of Jacob: fear him all that Isr’el’s children be. 24For he despis’d not nor abhorr’d th’ afflicted’s misery; Nor from him hid his face, but heard when he to him did cry. 25Within the congregation great my praise shall be of thee; My vows before them that him fear shall be perform’d by me. 26The meek shall eat, and shall be fill’d; they also praise shall give Unto the Lord that do him seek: your heart shall ever live. 27All ends of th’ earth remember shall, and turn the Lord unto; All kindreds of the nations to him shall homage do: 28Because the kingdom to the Lord doth appertain as his; Likewise among the nations the Governor he is. 29Earth’s fat ones eat, and worship shall: all who to dust descend Shall bow to him; none of them can his soul from death defend. 30A seed shall service do to him; unto the Lord it shall Be for a generation reckon’d in ages all. 31They shall come, and they shall declare his truth and righteousness Unto a people yet unborn, and that he hath done this. Scripture: Psalm 22

Psalm 33: Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice Lyrics: 1Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice; it comely is and right, That upright men, with thankful voice, should praise the Lord of might. 2Praise God with harp, and unto him sing with the psaltery; Upon a ten-string’d instrument make ye sweet melody. 3A new song to him sing, and play with loud noise skilfully; 4For right is God’s word, all his works are done in verity. 5To judgment and to righteousness a love he beareth still; The loving-kindness of the Lord the earth throughout doth fill. 6The heavens by the word of God did their beginning take; And by the breathing of his mouth he all their hosts did make. 7The waters of the seas he brings together as an heap; And in storehouses, as it were, he layeth up the deep. 8Let earth, and all that live therein, with rev’rence fear the Lord; Let all the world’s inhabitants dread him with one accord. 9For he did speak the word, and done it was without delay; Established it firmly stood, whatever he did say. 10God doth the counsel bring to nought which heathen folk do take; And what the people do devise of none effect doth make. 11O but the counsel of the Lord doth stand for ever sure; And of his heart the purposes from age to age endure. 12That nation blessed is, whose God Jehovah is, and those A blessed people are, whom for his heritage he chose. 13The Lord from heav’n sees and beholds all sons of men full well: 14He views all from his dwelling-place that in the earth do dwell. 15He forms their hearts alike, and all their doings he observes. 16Great hosts save not a king, much strength no mighty man preserves. 17An horse for preservation is a deceitful thing; And by the greatness of his strength can no deliv’rance bring. 18Behold on those that do him fear the Lord doth set his eye; Ev’n those who on his mercy do with confidence rely. 19From death to free their soul, in dearth life unto them to yield. 20Our soul doth wait upon the Lord; he is our help and shield. 21Sith in his holy name we trust, our heart shall joyful be. 22Lord, let thy mercy be on us, as we do hope in thee. Scripture: Psalm 33

Psalm 11: I in the Lord do put my trust

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: I in the Lord do put my trust: Lyrics: 1I in the Lord do put my trust: how is it then that ye Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird, unto your mountain high? 2For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart they privily may hit. 3If the foundations be destroy’d, what hath the righteous done? 4God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eye-lids try 5men’s sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that vi’lence loves. 6Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain: This, as the portion of their cup, doth unto them pertain. 7Because the Lord most righteous doth in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholdeth the upright. Scripture: Psalm 11

Psalm 4: Give ear unto me when I call

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: Give ear unto me when I call Lyrics: 1Give ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness: Have mercy, hear my pray’r; thou hast enlarg’d me in distress. 2O ye the sons of men! how long will ye love vanities? How long my glory turn to shame, and will ye follow lies? 3But know, that for himself the Lord the godly man doth chuse: The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will not refuse. 4Fear, and sin not; talk with your heart on bed, and silent be. 5Off ‘rings present of righteousness, and in the Lord trust ye. 6O who will shew us any good? is that which many say: But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. 7Upon my heart, bestow’d by thee, more gladness I have found Than they, ev’n then, when corn and wine did most with them abound. 8I will both lay me down in peace, and quiet sleep will take; Because thou only me to dwell in safety, Lord, dost make. Scripture: Psalm 4

Psalm 5: Give ear unto my words, O Lord

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: Give ear unto my words, O Lord Lyrics: 1Give ear unto my words, O Lord, my meditation weigh. 2Hear my loud cry, my King, my God; for I to thee will pray. 3Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice: I early will direct My pray’r to thee; and, looking up, an answer will expect. 4For thou art not a God that doth in wickedness delight; Neither shall evil dwell with thee, 5Nor fools stand in thy sight. All that ill-doers are thou hat’st; 6Cutt’st off that liars be: The bloody and deceitful man abhorred is by thee. 7But I into thy house will come in thine abundant grace; And I will worship in thy fear toward thy holy place. 8Because of those mine enemies, Lord, in thy righteousness Do thou me lead; do thou thy way make straight before my face. 9For in their mouth there is no truth, their inward part is ill; Their throat’s an open sepulchre, their tongue doth flatter still. 10O God, destroy them; let them be by their own counsel quell’d: Them for their many sins cast out, for they ‘gainst thee rebell’d. 11But let all joy that trust in thee, and still make shouting noise; For them thou sav’st; let all that love thy name in thee rejoice. 12For, Lord, unto the righteous man thou wilt thy blessing yield: With favour thou wilt compass him about, as with a shield. Scripture: Psalm 5

Psalm 7: O Lord my God, in thee do I

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: O Lord my God, in thee do I Lyrics: 1O Lord my God, in thee do I my confidence repose: Save and deliver me from all my persecuting foes; 2Lest that the enemy my soul should, like a lion, tear, In pieces rending it, while there is no deliverer. 3O Lord my God, if it be so that I committed this; If it be so that in my hands iniquity there is: 4If I rewarded ill to him that was at peace with me; (Yea, ev’n the man that without cause my foe was I did free;) 5Then let the foe pursue and take my soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth, and let him lay mine honour in the dust. 6Rise in thy wrath, Lord, raise thyself, for my foes raging be; And, to the judgment which thou hast commanded, wake for me. 7So shall th’ assembly of thy folk about encompass thee: Thou, therefore, for their sakes, return unto thy place on high. 8The Lord he shall the people judge: my judge, Jehovah, be, After my righteousness, and mine integrity in me. 9O let the wicked’s malice end; but stablish stedfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins doth try. 10In God, who saves th’ upright in heart, is my defence and stay. 11God just men judgeth, God is wroth with ill men ev’ry day. 12If he do not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he hath already bent, and hath it ready set: 13He also hath for him prepar’d the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained hath. 14Behold, he with iniquity doth travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived hath, and falsehood shall bring forth. 15He made a pit and digg’d it deep, another there to take; But he is fall’n into the ditch which he himself did make. 16Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His vi’lent dealing also down on his own pate shall come. 17According to his righteousness the Lord I’ll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. Scripture: Psalm 7

Psalm 25: To thee I lift my soul

Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals First Line: To thee I lift my soul: Lyrics: 1To thee I lift my soul: 2O Lord, I trust in thee: My God, let me not be asham’d, nor foes triumph o’er me. 3Let none that wait on thee be put to shame at all; But those that without cause transgress, let shame upon them fall. 4Shew me thy ways, O Lord; thy paths, O teach thou me: 5And do thou lead me in thy truth, therein my teacher be: For thou art God that dost to me salvation send, And I upon thee all the day expecting do attend. 6Thy tender mercies, Lord, I pray thee to remember, And loving-kindnesses; for they have been of old for ever. 7My sins and faults of youth do thou, O Lord, forget: After thy mercy think on me, and for thy goodness great. 8God good and upright is: the way he’ll sinners show. 9The meek in judgment he will guide, and make his path to know. 10The whole paths of the Lord are truth and mercy sure, To those that do his cov’nant keep, and testimonies pure. 11Now, for thine own name’s sake, O Lord, I thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity; for it is very great. 12What man is he that fears the Lord, and doth him serve? Him shall he teach the way that he shall choose, and still observe. 13His soul shall dwell at ease; and his posterity Shall flourish still, and of the earth inheritors shall be. 14With those that fear him is the secret of the Lord; The knowledge of his covenant he will to them afford. 15Mine eyes upon the Lord continually are set: For he it is that shall bring forth my feet out of the net. 16Turn unto me thy face, and to me mercy show; Because that I am desolate, and am brought very low. 17My heart’s griefs are increas’d: me from distress relieve. 18See mine affliction and my pain, and all my sins forgive. 19Consider thou my foes, because they many are; And it a cruel hatred is which they against me bear. 20O do thou keep my soul, do thou deliver me: And let me never be asham’d, because I trust in thee. 21Let uprightness and truth keep me, who thee attend. 22Redemption, Lord, to Israel from all his troubles send. Scripture: Psalm 25

Psalm 8: How excellent in all the earth

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: How excellent in all the earth Lyrics: 1How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! Who hast thy glory far advanc’d above the starry frame. 2From infants’ and from sucklings’ mouth thou didest strength ordain, For thy foes’ cause, that so thou might’st th’ avenging foe restrain. 3When I look up unto the heav’ns, which thine own fingers fram’d, Unto the moon, and to the stars, which were by thee ordain’d; 4Then say I, What is man, that he remember’d is by thee? Or what the son of man, that thou so kind to him should’st be? 5For thou a little lower hast him than the angels made; With glory and with dignity thou crowned hast his head. 6Of thy hands’ works thou mad’st him lord, all under’s feet didst lay; 7All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts that in the field do stray; 8Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, all that pass through the same. 9How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! Scripture: Psalm 8


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