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Meter: d

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Showing 271 - 280 of 399Results Per Page: 102050

La Semana Ya Pasó

Author: John Newton; R. Wayne Andersen Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Culto Día del Señor

En la Vergonzosa Cruz

Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Cristo Su Muerte

Oh, Jesús, Mi Salvador

Author: Charles Wesley; T. M. Westrup; R. Wayne Andersen Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: ¡Oh Jesús, mi Salvador! Topics: Seguridad/Consolacion en Cristo

Unto Us a Child Is Born

Author: Harry Sanders Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given (Sanders)

Happy Magdalene, to Whom

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Happy Magdalene, to whom Christ the Lord vouchsafed t’appear! Newly risen from the tomb, Would He first be seen by her? Her by seven devils possessed, Till His Word the fiends expelled; Quenched the hell within her breast, All her sins and sickness healed. 2. Yes, to her the Master came, First His welcome voice she hears: Jesus calls her by her name, He the weeping sinner cheers, Lets her the dear task repeat, While her eyes again run o’er; Lets her wash His bleeding feet, Kiss them, and with joy adore. 3. Highly favored soul! To her Farther still His grace extends, Raises the glad messenger, Sends her to His drooping friends; Tidings of their living Lord First in her report they find: She must spread the Gospel word, Teach the teachers of mankind. 4. Who can now presume to fear? Who despair his Lord to see? Jesus, wilt Thou not appear, Show Thyself alive to me? Yea, my God, I dare not doubt, Thou shalt all my sins remove; Thou hast cast a legion out, Thou wilt perfect me in love. 5. Surely Thou hast called me now! Now I hear the voice divine, At Thy wounded feet I bow, Wounded for whose sins but mine! I have nailed Him to the tree, I have sent Him to the grave: But the Lord is ris’n for me, Hold of Him by faith I have. 6. Here for ever I would lie, Didst Thou not Thy servant raise, Send me forth to testify All the wonders of Thy grace. Lo! I at Thy bidding go, Gladly to Thy followers tell They their rising God may know, They the life of Christ may feel. 7. Hear, ye brethren of the Lord, (Such as He vouchsafes to call) O believe the Gospel word, Christ hath died, and rose for all: Turn ye from your sins to God, Haste to Galilee, and see Him, who bought Thee with His blood, Him, who rose to live in Thee. Text Sources: Hymns for Our Lord's Resurrection (London: William Strahan, 1746), number 3

Lo! The Day Of Days Is Here (Hymn for Easter Day)

Author: Brooke Herford Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Lo! the day of days is here! Lyrics: 1 Lo! the day of days is here! Brightest Sabbath of the year! Sing we hymns of gladdest cheer, Praising Thee, our Father! Not of earth, the light, alone; Not of man, the music’s tone; Angels sing around Thy throne, Praising Thee, our Father! 2 In that blessèd light abide Saints, with Jesus glorified, And the friends we thought had died, Praising Thee, our Father! Christ and all dear souls above, Who in realms immortal move, Bless with us Thy boundless love, Praising Thee, our Father! 3 So let all our voices ring, And the flowers their beauty bring, To adorn our worshipping— Praising Thee, our Father! And forever we confess Thy great love and holiness, And Thy fadeless glory bless, Praising Thee, our Father! Used With Tune: BLUMENTHAL Text Sources: The Carol by Charles W. Wendte (Cincinnati: John Church, 1886)

Fainting soul, be bold, be strong

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal

When From Scattered Lands Afar

Author: Charlotte E. Tonna Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: When from scat­tered lands afar Lyrics: 1 When from scat­tered lands afar Spreads the voice of ru­mored war, Nations in tu­mul­tu­ous pride Heave like ocean’s roari­ng tide; When the so­lar splen­dors fail, When the cres­cent wax­eth pale; World! do thou the sig­nal dread, We ex­alt the droop­ing head. 2 When the pow­ers that star-like reign Sink dis­hon­ored to the plain, We up­lift the ex­pect­ant eye— Our red­emp­tion draw­eth nigh, When the fig tree shoots ap­pear, Men be­hold their sum­mer near; When the hearts of re­bels fail, We the com­ing Con­quer­or hail. 3 Bridegroom of Thy weep­ing spouse, Listen to her long­ing vows, Listen to her wi­dowed moan, Listen to cre­a­tion’s groan; Bid, O bid Thy trum­pet sound, Gather Thine elect around: Call them from the cheer­less gloom, Call them from the mar­ble tomb. 4 From the grass-grown vil­lage grave, From the deep dis­solv­ing wave, From the whirl­wind and the flame, Mighty Head, Thy mem­bers claim. Where Thy cross in ang­uish stood, Where Thy life dis­tilled in blood, Where they mocked Thy dy­ing groan, King of na­tions, claim Thy throne. Used With Tune: ABERYSTWYTH Text Sources: Supplement to The New Jubilee Harp (Boston: Advent Christian Publications Society, 1888)

Zion, on the Holy Hills

Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Zion, on the holy hills, God, thy maker, loves thee well; All thy courts His presence fills, He delights in thee to dwell. Wondrous shall Thy glory be, City blest of God, the Lord; Nations shall be born in thee, Unto life from death restored. 2. When the Lord the names shall write Of thy sons, a countless throng, God most high will thee requite, He Himself will make thee strong. Then in song and joyful mirth Shall thy ransomed sons agree, Singing forth throughout the earth, All my fountains are in thee. Used With Tune: GUERNSEY Text Sources: The Psalter (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912), number 239


Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 46 hymnals First Line: Come, thou high and lofty Lord


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