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Mary B. Peck

Author of "There Is a Light" in Song Worship for Sunday Schools

Samuel Longfellow

1819 - 1892 Author of "O God, unseen, but ever near" in Jubilate Deo Longfellow, Samuel, B. A., brother of the Poet, was born at Portland, Maine, June 18, 1819, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated in Arts in 1839, and in Theology in 1846. On receiving ordination as an Unitarian Minister, he became Pastor at Fall River, Massachusetts, 1848; at Brooklyn, 1853; and at Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1860. In 1846 he edited, with the Rev. S. Johnson (q. v.), A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion. This collection was enlarged and revised in 1848. In 1859 his Vespers was published, and in 1864 the Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit , under the joint editorship of the Rev. S. Johnson and himself. His Life of his brother, the Poet Longfellow, was published in 1886. To the works named he contributed the following hymns:— i. To A Book of Hymns , revised ed., 1848. 1. Beneath the shadow of the Cross. Love. 2. 0 God, thy children gathered here. Ordination. ii. To the Vespers 1859. 3. Again as evening's shadow falls. Evening. 4. Now on land and sea descending. Evening. iii. To the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. 5. A voice by Jordan's shore. Advent. 6. Father, give Thy benediction. Ordination. 7. Go forth to life, 0 child of earth. Life's Mission. 8. God of ages and of nations. Holy Scriptures. 9. Holy Spirit, Truth divine. The Holy Spirit desired. 10. I look to Thee in every need. Trust in God. 11. In the beginning was the Word. The Word. 12. Love for all, and can it be? Lent. The Prodigal Son. 13. 0 God, in Whom we live and move. God's Law and Love. 14. 0 God, Thou Giver of all good. Prayer for Food. 15. O still in accents sweet and strong. Missions. 16. 0 Thou, Whose liberal sun and rain. Anniversary of Church dedication. 17. One holy Church of God appears. The Church Universal. 18. Out of the dark, the circling sphere. The Outlook. 19. Peace, peace on earth! the heart of man for ever. Peace on Earth. 20. The loving Friend to all who bowed. Jesus of Nazareth. 21. ’Tis winter now, the fallen snow. Winter. Of these, hymn No. 2 was written for the Ordination of E. E. Hale (q. v.), at Worcester, 1846. Several are included in Martineau's Hymns, 1873. Died Oct. 3, 1892. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907), p. 685 =============== Longfellow, S., p. 685, i. Since Mr. Longfellow's death on Oct. 3, 1892, his hymns have been collected by his niece, Miss Alice Longfellow, as Hymns and Verses(Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1904.) From this work we find many of the hymns signed Anon, in the Index to Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, were his; several of these, including E. Osier's "O God unseen, yet ever near," were popular English hymns which he rewrote from his own theological standpoint. These re¬written hymns are very widely used by Unitarians and others. During the last ten years the following additional hymns by S. Long¬fellow have come into common use:— 1. Eternal One, Thou living God. Faith in God. 2. God of the earth, the sky, the sea. God in Nature. 3. God's trumpet wakes the slumbering world. Call to duty. 4. Light of ages and of nations. God in and through all time. 5. Lo, the earth is risen again. Spring. (1876.) 6. Now while we sing our closing psalm. Close of Worship. 7. O Life that maketh all things new. Unity. (1874.) 8. O Thou in Whom we live and move. The Divine Law. 9. The summer days are come again. Summer. From his hymn,"The sweet[bright] June days are come again." 10. Thou Lord of lite, our saving health. In Sickness. (1886.) Of these hymns Nos. 2, 3 appeared in the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and all with the dates appended in Hymns and Verses, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ==================

Jane Taylor

1783 - 1824 Person Name: Miss Jane Taylor, 1783-1814 Author of "There is a glorious world of light" in Songs of Praise Taylor, Jane, the younger of two sisters, was born at London, Sept. 23, 1783. Her gift in writing verse displayed itself at an early age. Her first piece was printed in the Minor's Pocket Book for 1804. Her publications included Display, a tale, 1815; Essays in Rhymes, 1816; and the posthumous work edited by her brother, entitled The Contributions of Q. Q., 1824, being pieces in prose and verse from the Youth's Magazine, to which she had contributed under the signature of "Q. Q." She died at Ongar, Essex, April 13, 1824. Her Memoir and Poetical Remains, were published by her father in 1825. The joint productions of the two sisters, Ann Taylor Gilbert & Jane Taylor, were:-- (1) Original Poems, 1805; (2) Hymns for the Nursery, 1806; (3) Hymns for Infant Minds, 1809; 2nd edition 1810; 52nd edition 1877. To the 35th edition, 1844, Mrs. Gilbert interspersed 23 additional hymns by herself, thereby raising the total to 93. In 1886 Josiah Gilbert revised these hymns, added thereto from the works named above, supplied the initials "A." and "J." respectively, and published the same under the original title as the Authorized Edition." (4) Original Hymns for Sunday Schools, 1812. In addition to the hymns which are noted under their respective first lines, Miss Taylor is the authors of the following (the date in brackets indicates the book in which each hymn appeared):— 1. A sinner, Lord, behold I stand (1809). A Child's Humble Confession. 2. Almighty God, Who dwellest high (1809). Praise to God. 3. Come, my fond, fluttering heart (Collyer's Collection 1812). Renunciation of the World. 4. God is so good that He will hear (1809). Encouragement to Pray. 5. God!—What a great and awful name (1809). God's Condescension. 6. How dreadful to be turned away (1812). Expulsion from Sunday School. 7. Lord, I would own thy tender care (1809). Thanks for Daily Mercies. 8. Love and kindness we may measure (1809). Against Selfishness. 9. Now condescend, Almighty King (1809). Evening Hymn for a Small Family. 10. This is a precious book indeed (1809). Holy Scripture. 11. What is there, Lord, a child can do? Repentance. 12. When daily I kneel down to pray (1809). Against wandering thoughts in Prayer. 13. When for some little insult given (1809). Against Anger, &c. 14. When to the house of God we go (1809). Public Worship. Mr. Gilbert's edition of the Hymns for Infant Minds, 1886, together with manuscript notes, are our authorities for the foregoing ascriptions of authorship. Mr. Gilbert cannot distinguish the authorship of the following hymns by one or both sisters:— 1. Good David, whose Psalms have so often been sung (1812). Concerning David. 2. If Jesus Christ was sent (1812). Repentance. 3. King Solomon of old (1812). Concerning Solomon. In literary excellence Mrs. Gilbert's hymns surpass those of her sister. They are more elevated in style, ornate in character, broader in grasp, and better adapted for adults. The best are "Great God, and wilt Thou condescend?", "Jesus, Who lived above the sky," and "Lo! at noon 'tis sudden night." Miss Taylor's hymns are marked by great simplicity and directness. The most popular and one of the best is, "There is a path that leads to God." Taken as a whole, her hymns are somewhat depressing in tone. They lack brightness and warmth. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Samuel F. Coffman

1872 - 1954 Person Name: S. F. Coffman Author of "Extol the Love of Christ" in Church Hymnal, Mennonite Born: June 11, 1872, Dale En­ter­prise, Rock­ing­ham Coun­ty, Vir­gin­ia. Died: June 28, 1954, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Buried: First Men­non­ite Church, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Coffman spent most of his school years in Elk­hart Coun­ty, In­di­a­na, where his fam­i­ly had moved in 1879. He grad­u­at­ed from the Elk­hart High School in 1890, and at­tend­ed the Moo­dy Bi­ble Ins­ti­tute (1894-95 and for six months in 1897-98). From 1890-94, he worked for the Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Elk­hart. He was con­vert­ed at meet­ings held in Elk­hart by his fa­ther, and was bap­tized on May 26, 1888. He was elect­ed su­per­in­tend­ent of the Elk­hart Men­non­ite Sun­day school on De­cem­ber 28, 1893. In 1894-95 he served in the Men­non­ite Home Miss­ion in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. There he was or­dained to the min­is­try in 1895; he be­came bi­shop in Vine­land, On­tar­io, in 1903. Coffman served wide­ly in his de­nom­in­a­tion be­yond the bor­ders of his own con­gre­ga­tion and con­fer­ence. He was mod­er­at­or of the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence in 1931-34, and mod­er­at­or of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence in 1911 and 1933. He al­so served as sec­re­ta­ry of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence for a time. He was a mem­ber of the fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence com­mit­tees: Mu­sic Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1911 un­til 1947; Peace Prob­lems Com­mit­tee 1925-49; His­tor­ic­al Com­mit­tee from its in­cept­ion in 1911, and its chair­per­son from 1911 un­til 1947; Gen­er­al Sun­day School Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1915 un­til it was in­cor­por­at­ed in­to the Com­miss­ion for Christ­ian Ed­u­ca­tion and Young Peo­ple’s Work in 1937. He served for a time on the Miss­ions Com­mitt­ee of the Men­non­ite Board of Miss­ions and Char­i­ties. He served on the Men­non­ite Board of Ed­u­ca­tion from its incep­tion in 1905 un­til about 1944, serv­ing as sec­re­ta­ry for about 20 years. He al­so served on the Pub­li­ca­tion Board and its Pub­lish­ing Com­mit­tee. He was the found­er and served as prin­ci­pal of the On­tar­io Men­non­ite Bi­ble School in Kitch­en­er, 1907-47. He was ed­it­or of the Bi­ble stu­dy de­part­ment of the Christ­ian Mon­i­tor from the be­gin­ning of its pub­li­ca­tion in 1909 un­til 1953. He served as pas­tor of the Moy­er con­gre­ga­tion in Vine­land from 1902 un­til he died in 1954, and as bi­shop of the Ni­a­ga­ra Dis­trict from 1903. He was a char­ter mem­ber of the Non­re­sist­ant Re­lief Or­gan­i­za­tion in On­tar­io, or­gan­ized in 1918, and its se­cre­ta­ry 1920-54. In 1918 he was ap­point­ed the spe­cial cor­res­pond­ent with the Ca­na­di­an gov­ern­ment re­gard­ing mil­i­tary serv­ice and the im­mi­gra­tion of the Russ­ian Men­non­ites. He was as­so­ci­at­ed with the Ca­na­di­an Men­non­ite Board of Col­o­niz­a­tion (1922-44), and ac­tive­ly aid­ed the im­mi­gra­tion from Russ­ia to On­tar­io (1922-25). In his ear­li­er min­is­try, he was wide­ly used in Bi­ble con­fer­ence and evan­gel­is­tic work. In 1901 on a com­miss­ion from the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence, he or­gan­ized a num­ber of con­gre­ga­tions and or­dained min­is­ters and dea­cons in Al­ber­ta. During Coff­man’s time as hymn ed­it­or of the Mu­sic Com­mit­tee, the fol­low­ing books ap­peared at Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Church and Sun­day School Hymn­al Sup­ple­ment, 1911 Life Songs, 1916 (co-ed­it­or) Church Hymn­al, 1927 Songs of Cheer for Child­ren, 1928 Life Songs No. 2, 1938 (ed­it­or) Photo & bi­o­graphy cour­te­sy of the Men­non­ite His­tor­ic­al So­ci­e­ty of Ca­na­da

G. W. Lehmann

Author of "Heil! uns vereint die Jesulieb'" in Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies)

Henry J. Zelley

1859 - 1942 Person Name: H. J. Zelley, 1859-1942 Author of "When Saints of God in Danger Stood" in The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 Henry Jeffreys Zelley was born at Mt. Holly, NJ, on Mar. 15, 1859. Educated in the Mt. Holly public schools, at Pennington Seminary, and at Taylor University, where he earned his M. A., Ph. D., and D. D. degrees, he became a Methodist minister in 1882 and first served in the New Jersey Conference as a statistical secretary, treasurer, and trustee, becoming a promoter of the campmeeting movement. Noted for his evangelistic fervor, Zelley produced over 1500 poems, hymns, and gospel songs. One of his songs, "He Brought Me Out" with music by Henry L. Gilmour, appears in several denominational hymnals. Cyberhymnal also lists "When Israel Out of Bondage Came" or "He Rolled the Sea Away" with music by Gilmour too. Another of Zelley’s songs, "The Mountains of Faith" with music by M. L. McPhail, is found in Sacred Selections. After working with nineteen different churches in the New Jersey Conference over his lifetime, Zelley, who also served as a trustee of Pennington Seminary, retired in 1929 and died at Trenton, NJ, on Mar. 16, 1942. --

Frederic W. Root

1846 - 1916 Person Name: F. Root Arranger of "VARINA" in Christ in Song Frederic Woodman Root was the son of George F. Root and Mary Woodman, born 13 June 1846 in Boston, died 8 November 1916 in Chicago.

Hezekiah Butterworth

1839 - 1905 Author of "A Prayer" in The Carol Butterworth, Hezekiah, was born at Warren, Rhode Island, Dec. 22, 1839. He wrote The Story of the Hymns, American Tract Society, 1875. He is the author of "0 Church of Christ, our blest abode" (The Church) in Root's cantata, Under the Palms, and of "Jesus, I Thee believe" (Jesus All in All) in the cantata Faith Triumphant. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ========================= Butterworth, Hezekiah, was born at Warren, R.I., Dec. 22, 1839, and died in 1905. His hymn, "Little ones of God are we" (Christ's Lambs), in the Sunday School Hymnary, 1905, and other collections, is dated 1870. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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