Text Results

Scripture:Psalm 132:1-12

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Showing 31 - 40 of 55Results Per Page: 102050

Lift Up the Gates Eternal (Psalm 24)

Author: Arlo Duba; Willard F. Jabusch Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: See, all the earth is God's, its people and nations Refrain First Line: Lift up the gates eternal, lift up your voices Topics: Church Year Advent; Church Year Palm Sunday/Triumphal Entry Used With Tune: PROMISED ONE
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God's Chosen Dwelling-Place

Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Lord, remember thou for David Topics: Access to God; Adoption; Aspirations For Church Privileges; Children Promises for; Christ Exaltation; Christ Present in His Church; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Happiness of; Church An Abode of God; Church Beloved of God; Church Beloved of Saints; Church Covenanted; Church Divinely Furnished; Church Glorious; Church Triumph of; Civil Magistracy; Consecration and Dedication; Covenant Making; Covenant Of God; Covenant Promises; Election Divine; Enemies Will be Destroyed; Gospel Privileges of; House of God ; Ministers; Parents and Children; Prayer For Christ's Sake; Prayer For Rulers; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Intercession in; Prayer Promises to; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Vows; Worship Family; Worship Only as God Appoints Used With Tune: [Lord, remember thou for David]
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God hath sworn in truth to David

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:7-8 Topics: Blessings of Obedience Used With Tune: SICILIAN HYMN

¡Cuán Bienaventurado Es!

Author: Juan N. de los Santos Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: ¡Cuán bienaventurado es Used With Tune: [¡Cuán bienaventurado es]
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Arise, O JEHOVAH, into thy rest

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:8 Topics: Descriptive
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Thou Hast Chosen Zion

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion Refrain First Line: Thou hast ever loved her well Used With Tune: [Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion]

God of Jacob, Please Remember

Author: Calvin Seerveld Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: Anniversaries; Biblical Names & Places David; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Praise & Adoration; Advent; Anniversaries; Biblical Names & Places David; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Christmas; Covenant; Ministry & Service; Praise & Adoration Used With Tune: BLAENWERN

Psalm 132:1-5, 11-18

Author: Harrell Beck Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: I sing of your promise, O Lord Refrain First Line: I sing of your promise, O Lord Topics: Psalter Used With Tune: [I sing of your promise, O Lord]
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Let David, LORD, for evermore

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Let David, LORD, for evermore A Place in thy Remembrance find; Let all the Sorrows he endur'd, Be ever present in thy Mind. 2 Remember what a solemn Oath To thee, his LORD supreme, he swore; How to the mighty GOD he vow'd, The GOD, whom Jacob's Sons adore. 3 I will not go into my House; I will not to my Bed ascend; No soft Repose shall close my Eyes, No Sleep my drowsy Eye-Lids bend; 4 'Till for the LORD's design'd Abode I mark the destin'd Ground; 'Till I a decent Place of Rest For Jacob's GOD have found. 5 Th'appointed Place with Shouts of Joy, At Euphrata at length we found; And made the Wood and neighb'ring Fields Our Songs of Triumph loud resound. 6 Oh! with due Rev'rence, let us then To his most bless'd Abode repair; And prostrate at his Footstool fall, and offer up our humble Pray'r. 7 Arise, O mighty LORD, and now Possess thy sacred Place of Rest; Be that not only with thy Ark, But with thy constant Presence bless'd. 8 Clothe thou thy Priests with Righteousness, And make thy happy Saints rejoice; And for thy Servant David's sake, Attend to thine Anointed's Voice. 9 GOD sware to David in his Truth, Nor shall his solemn Oath be vain, One of thy Offspring, after thee, Upon thy righteous Throne shall reign. 10 And if thy Seed my Cov'nant keep, And to my holy Laws submit, Their Children too upon thy Throne In Safety shall for ever sit. 11 For Sion does, in GOD's Esteem, All other happy Seats excell; His Place of everlasting Rest, The Place where he delights to dwell. 12 Her Store, says he, I will increase, Her Poor I will with Plenty bless; Her Saints shall shout aloud for Joy, Her Priests my saving Health confess. 13 'Tis there that David's Pow'r shall long Remain, in his successive Line; And my anointed Servant there, Shall with perpetual Glory shine. 14 The Faces of his vanquish'd Foes, Shame and Confusion shall o'erspread; Whilst, with confirm'd Success, his Crown Shall flourish on his Royal Head. Topics: Description of The Church: Establishment and Steadfastness; Description of The Church: Happiness under the Government of the Messiah; Prayers Of the Church for her Ministers; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Used With Tune: [Let David, Lord, for evermore]
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A Song of Degrees

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Remember David, Lord Lyrics: 1 Remember David Lord, And all's affliction: 2 How to the Lord he swore,and vow'd To Jacob's might one. 3 I surely will not go My houses tent into; Now will up to my couch ascend, I thither will not go. 4 I will not verily Give sleep unto mine eyes; Nor slumber to my eye-lids give Will I in any wise. 5 Until that for the Lord, I do find out a seat: A fixed habitation For Jacob's God so great. 6 Behold at Ephrata, There did we of it hear: But in the fields of th' wood with joy We fount it to be there. 7 We'll go into his tents, And at his footstool bow. 8 Into thy rest arise, Lord thou Th' ark of thy strength also. 9 Oh let with right'ousness, Thy priests themselves array, And grant unto thy holy ones, That shout for joy they may. 10 Let not for David's sake, Who servant is to thee, The face of thine anointed one, Away quite turned be. 11 The Lord to David sware In truth: nor turn from it Will he: thy body fruit I'll make Upon thy throne to sit: 12 My covenant and law, Which I shall teach thy sons, If they will keep, then they shall sit Forever on thy throne. 13 Because Jehovah hath Made choice of Sion hill: He hath desired it to be The place where he will dwell. 14 This is my resting place To perpetuity: Here will I dwell and that because Desired it have I. 15 Bless her provision Abundantly I will: The poor that be in her with bread By me shall have their fill. 16 The priests with saving health Them also cloath will I: Her holy ones likewise they shall shout forth most joyfully. 17 The horn of David I Will make to bud forth there, A candle I prepared have For mine anointed dear. 18 His enemies will I With flame apparel them: But flourishing upon himself Shall be his diadem.


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