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Hymnal, Number:elhl1918

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O Jesus, King most wonderful

Meter: Appears in 248 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, King most wonderful, Thou Conqueror renowned, Thou Sweetness most ineffable, In whom all joys are found! 2 When once Thou visitest the heart, Then truth begins to shine, Then earthly vanities depart, Then kindles love divine. 3 O Jesus, Light of all below, Thou Fount of life and fire! Surpassing all the joys we know, All that we can desire,-- 4 May every heart confess Thy name, And ever Thee adore; And, seeking Thee, itself inflame To seek Thee more and more. 5 Thee may our tongues forever bless; Thee may we love alone, And ever in our lives express The image of Thine own. Topics: The Redeemer
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O morning star, how fair and bright

Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O morning star, how fair and bright Thou beamest forth in truth and light! O Sovereign meek and lowly! Sweet Root of Jesse, David's Son, My Lord and Bridegroom, Thou hast won My heart to love Thee solely! Lovely art Thou, fair and glorious, All victorious, Rich in blessing, Rule and might o'er all possessing. 2 O King high-born, Pearl dearly won, True Son of God and Mary's Son, Crown of exceeding glory! My heart calls Thee a Lily, Lord, Pure milk and honey is Thy Word, Thy sweetest Gospel-story. Rose of Sharon, hail! hosanna! Heavenly Manna, Feed us ever; Lord, I can forget Thee never! 3 Clear Jasper, Ruby fervent red, Deep, deep into my heart now shed Thy love's pure fire forever; Fill me with joy, grant me to be Thy member closely joined to Thee, Whom naught from Thee may sever; Toward Thee longing doth possess me: Come and bless me, For Thy gladness Eye and heart here pine in sadness. 4 But if Thou look on me in love, There straightway falls from God above A ray of purest pleasure; Thy Word and Spirit, flesh and blood, Refresh myself with heavenly food, Thou art my hidden Treasure. Let Thy grace, Lord, warm and cheer me, O draw near me; Thou hast taught us Thee to seek, since Thou hast sought us. 5 Lord God, my Father, mighty Shield, Thou in Thy Son art all revealed As Thou hast loved and known me: Thy Son hath me with Him betrothed, In His own whitest raiment clothed, He for His bride will own me. Hallelujah! Life in heaven Hath He given, With Him dwelling, Still shall I His praise be telling. 6 Then touch the chords of harp and lute, Let no sweet music now be mute, But joyously resounding, Tell of the marriage-feast, the bride, The heavenly Bridegroom at her side, 'Mid love and joy abounding; Shout for triumph, loudly sing ye, Praises bring ye, Fall before Him, King of kings, let all adore Him! 7 Here rests my heart, and holds it fast; The Lord I love is First and Last, The End and the Beginning! I welcome death. for I shall rise Through Him to His own Paradise Above all tears and sinning. Amen! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus, Soon release us! With deep yearning Lord, we look for Thy returning! Topics: The Redeemer
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Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comes

Meter: Appears in 823 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray, And on the eyeballs of the blind To pour the heav'nly day. 4 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure, And with the treasures of His grace T'enrich the humble poor. 5 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. Topics: Advent
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One thing's needful! then, Lord Jesus

Meter: 8.7 Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 One thing's needful! then, Lord Jesus, Keep this one thing in my mind; All beside, though first it please us, Soon a grievous yoke we find; Beneath it the heart is still fretting and striving, No true, lasting happiness ever deriving. The gain of this one thing all loss can requite, And teach me in all things to find true delight. 2 Soul, wilt thou this one thing find thee? Seek not 'midst created things; What is earthly, leave behind thee, Over nature stretch thy wings. For where God and Man both in One are united, With God's perfect fulness the heart is delighted, There, there is the worthiest lot and the best, My One and my All, and my Joy and my Rest. 3 How were Mary's thoughts devoted Her eternal joy to find, As intent each word she noted, At her Savior's feet reclined! How kindled her heart, how devout was its feeling, While hearing the lessons that Christ was revealing! For Jesus all earthly concerns she forgot, And all was repaid in that one happy lot. 4 Thus my longings, heavenward tending, Jesus, rest alone on Thee; Help me, thus on Thee depending, Savior, come and dwell in me! Although all the world should forsake and forget Thee, In love I will follow Thee, ne'er will I quit Thee; Lord Jesus, both spirit and life is Thy Word; And is there a joy which thou dost not afford? 5 Wisdom's highest, noblest treasure, Jesus, lies concealed in Thee; Grant that this may still the measure Of my will and actions be. Humility there, and simplicity, reigning, My steps shall in wisdom forever be training. Oh! if I of Christ have this knowledge divine, The fulness of heavenly wisdom is mine. 6 Christ, Thou art the sole oblation That I'll bring before my God; In His sight I've acceptation Only Through Thy streaming blood. Immaculate righteousness I have acquired, Since Thou on the tree of the cross hast expired; The robe of salvation for ever is mine, In this shall my faith through eternity shine. 7 Let my soul, in full exemption, Wake up in Thy likeness now; Thou art made to me redemption, My sanctification Thou. Whatever I need for my journey to heaven, In Thee, O my Savior, is unto me given; O let me all perishing pleasure forego, And Thy life, O Jesus, alone let me know. 8 Where should else my hopes be centered? Grace o'erwhelms me with its flood; Thou, my Savior, once hast entered Holiest heaven through Thy blood. Eternal redemption for sinners there finding, From hell's dark dominion my spirit unbinding, To me perfect freedom Thy entrance has brought, And childlike to cry "Abba, Father," I'm taught. 9 Christ Himself, my Shepherd, feeds me, Peace and joy my spirit fill; In a pasture green, He leads me Forth beside the waters still. Oh! naught to my soul is so sweet and reviving, As thus unto Jesus alone to be living; True happiness this, and this only, supplies, Through faith on my Savior to fasten mine eyes. 10 Therefore, Jesus, my Salvation, Thou my One, my All, shalt be. Prove my fixed determination, Root out all hypocrisy; Look well if on sin's slipp'ry paths I am hasting, And lead me, O Lord, in the way everlasting! This one thing is needful, all others are vain; I count all but lost that I Christ may obtain. Topics: The Redeemer
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The Lord my pasture shall prepare

Appears in 552 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd’s care; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye, My noonday walks He shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My every wandering steps He leads, Where peaceful rivers soft and slow Amid the verdant landscape flow. 3 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile; The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. 4 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For Thou, O Lord, art with me still; Thy friendly crook shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. Topics: The Redeemer
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Thou art the Way; to Thee alone

Meter: Appears in 606 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou art the Way; to Thee alone From sin and death we flee: And he who would the Father seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. 2 Thou art the Truth: Thy Word alone True wisdom can impart: Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life: the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conquering arm: And those who put their trust in Thee, Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life: Grant us that Way to know, That Truth to keep, that Life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. Topics: The Redeemer
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Blest be Thy love, dear Lord

Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Blest be Thy love, dear Lord, That taught us this sweet way, Only to love Thee for Thyself, And for that love obey. 2 O Thou, our soul's chief hope, We to Thy mercy fly; What'er we are Thou canst protect, What'er we need, supply. 3 Whether we sleep or wake, To Thee we both resign; The darkest night is as the day, If Thy light on us shine. 4 Whether we live or die, Both we submit to Thee; In death we live, as well as life, If Thine in death we be. Topics: Sanctification
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Come, follow me, the Savior spake

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, follow me, the Savior spake, All in my way abiding; Deny yourselves, the world forsake, Obey my call and guiding; O bear the cross, whate'er betide, Take my example for your guide. 2 I am the Light, I light the way, A virtuous life displaying; Who comes to me and follows, aye, I lead from his dark straying. I am the Way, and well I show How men should sojourn here below. 3 My heart in lowliness abounds, My soul with love is glowing, And from my mouth are words and sounds Of meekness overflowing. My heart, my mind, my strength, my all To God I yield, on Him I call. 4 I teach you to avoid and flee What harms your soul's salvation, Your heart to purify and free From sin's abomination. Your Rock and fortress e'er am I, And lead you to the life on high. 5 But if too hot you find the fray, I, at your side, stand ready; I fight myself, I lead the way, At all times firm and steady. A coward he who will not heed When the chief Captain takes the lead. 6 Who seeks to find His soul's welfare Without me, he shall lose it; But who to lose it may appear, In God shall introduce it. Who bears no cross, nor follows hard, Deserves not me, nor my reward. 7 Then let us follow our dear Lord, Bearing the cross appointed, And bravely cleaving to His Word, In suffering be undaunted. Who has not stood the battle's strain The crown of life shall ne'er obtain. Topics: Sanctification
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God, from all eternity

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 God, from all eternity In Thy Son Thou didst elect me; Therefore, Father, graciously In my course to heaven direct me; Send to me Thy Holy Spirit, That His gifts I may inherit. 2 Though alive, I'm dead in sin, To all good things lost by nature; Holy Ghost, change me within, Make of me a new-born creature; For the flesh deserves damnation, And can never gain salvation. 3 Drive away the gloomy night Of erroneous reflection; Quench all thoughts that are not right, Hold my reason in subjection; Grant that I from Thee with yearning Wisdom may be always learning. 4 All desires and thoughts of mine, From my youth, are only evil; Save me by Thy power divine From myself and from the Devil; Give me strength in ample measure, Both to will and do Thy pleasure. 5 A clean heart create in me, Which in Thee, O God, believeth, And at the iniquity Of my sins sincerely grieveth; And when hours of woe betide me, In the wounds of Jesus hide me. 6 As a branchlet in the vine, In my blessèd Lord implant me; Ever of my Head divine To remain a member, grant me; Ever of my Head divine To remain a member, grant me; O let Him, my Lord and Savior, Be my Life and Love forever. 7 Faith, and hope, and charity, Graciously, O Father, give me; Be my Guardian constantly, That no devil e'er may grieve me, Grant me humbleness, and gladness, Peace, and patience, in my sadness. 8 Help me speak what's right and just, And keep silence on occasion; Help me pray, Lord, as I must; Help me bear my tribulation; Help me die, and let my spirit Everlasting life inherit. Topics: Sanctification
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Holy Father! Thou hast taught me

Meter: Appears in 178 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Holy Father! Thou hast taught me I should live to Thee alone; Year by year Thy hand hath brought me On through dangers oft unknown. When I wandered, Thou hast found me; When I doubted, sent me light; Still Thine arm has been around me, All my paths were in Thy sight. 2 In the world will foes assail me, Craftier, stronger far than I; And the strife will never fail me, Well I know, before I die. Therefore, Lord, I come, believing Thou canst give the power I need, Through the prayer of faith receiving Strength--the Spirit’s strength, indeed. 3 I would trust in Thy protecting, Wholly rest upon Thine arm, Follow wholly Thy directing, Thou mine only guard from harm! Keep me from mine own undoing, Help me turn to Thee when tried; Still my footsteps, Father, viewing, Keep me ever at Thy side. Topics: Sanctification


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