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Hymnal, Number:pgtg1756

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Commit thy Ways and Goings

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #63 (1732) Lyrics: I. Commit thy Ways and Goings, And All that grieves thy Soul, To him, whose wisest Doings Rule all without Controul: He makes the Times and Seasons Revolve from Year to Year, And knows Ways, Means, and Reasons, When Help shall best appear. II. Unto the Lord turn wholly, For he will never fail To rescue thee from Folly, If thou dost but bewail Thy stiff-neck'd Self-Reliance; Shake off that Yoke of Hell, Which ever bids Defiance To him that governs well. III. Trust also in him ever, Without reluctant Will: His Promises will never Once come behind thy Zeal. His Goodness knows no Measure, His Love and Care no End, For such as wait with Pleasure Till he Salvation send. IV. And he shall surely lighten The Sorrows on thy heart, And with his Glory brighten Thy darken'd inward Part. When Thou his great Salvation With wond'ring Eyes shalt see, Thou'lt say, without Cessation, He loves and cares for Thee. V. Bring to to pass, O Blessed Above what Words can tell: And see us all released From Sin and Death and Hell. Direct us, O most Holy, In the blest heav'nly Way, That leads through this dark Valley To everlasting Day. Topics: Divine Providence Languages: English Tune Title: [Commit they Ways and Goings]
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All my Hope is firmly grounded

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #64 (1732) Lyrics: I. All my Hope is firmly grounded In the Lord of Earth and Seas: He's my Help when I'm surrounded With all Sorts of Enemies. Him alone, God or none, I acknowledge for my own. II. Vain's the Boast of Humane Wonders: Vain's the Trust in man's Device: Castles, Armies, Martial Thunders Fail, and vanish in a Trice. Built on Sands Nothing stands. Vain's the Work of Humane Hands. III. But the Love of our Great Maker Never, never will impair. Ev'ry Creature is Partaker Of his Blessings and his Care. Stores of Grace, All he has Waits for Those that seek his Face. IV. Does he not supply with Plenty Ev'ry Thing we truly want? Were his Blessings eve scanty? Did his Children ever want? Oh! his Love Is above All that Human Wit can prove. V. Let us, then, for his Salvation, Come before him all our Days, With the humblest Adoration, And the sweetest Songs of Praise, Through his Son, Who alone Brought this great Salvation down. Topics: Divine Providence Languages: English Tune Title: [All my Hope is firmly grounded]
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Why thus with Grief opprest, my Heart

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #66 (1732) Lyrics: I. Why thus with Grief opprest, my Heart, Dost thou, with Infidels, the Smart Indulge of worldy Care? Trust thou in God, who cares for Thee. And shortens thy Necessity. II. He will not leave thee comfortless: He knows the Depth of thy Distress: The Heav'ns andEarth are his: 'Tis the Creator of us all, Supplies thy Wants, and hears thee call. III. My God, the Dealer of my Lot, I trust i thee, forsake me not, Thy Creature, and thy Child: To me, a Heap of filthy Dust, Without thy Smiles, all Comfort's lost. IV. The Miser's Boast is in his Hoard, But mine is in the living Lord, Tho' here I bear Contempt: This Truth I never will recant; Who trust in God shall never want. V. Elijah speak! who gave thee Bread, When Dearth and Drought had overspread Thy land for sev'ral Years? Did not the Widow's Cruise supply Her own and thy Necessity? VI. When near the Juniper thou lay, God sent his Messenger away To furnish thee with Food, Which that uncommon Vigour gave, That thou couldst reach Mount Horeb's Cave. VII. Good Daniel, in the Lions Den, God ne'er forgot, tho' left by Men, But sent his Angel down To seize the prophet's Harvest-Mess, For his beloved in Distress. VIII. Tho' Joseph, into Egypt sold, By Potiphar was laid in Hold, For keeping God's Command: God rais'd him up to great Renown, To save that Nation and his own. IX. Did not the Furnace lose its Pow'r, When sev'n Times heated to devour The Three Men in the Flame? God sent his Angel to their Aid, And made the Tyrant sore afraid. X. Thy Plenty, Lord! is still as great, As t'was in Time of ancient Date: In Thee is all my Trust: Enrich my Soul with Faith and Love; Then have I ev'ry where enough. XI. Vain worldly Pomp I glad forbear: Lord! grant me but the meanest Share Of Bliss thou hast procur'd, By thy most bitter Death and Tomb; This antedates the Joys to come. XII. Whate'er this present World adores; Its Silver and its golden Stores, With all its glitt'ring Shew: These all to Worldlings I resign, And live content, if God be mine. XIII. I'll magnify thee, Christ, my Lord, Who hast confinc'd me by thy Word Of thine eternal Truth: Lord, make me constant in my Race To everlasting Blessedness. XIV. All Honour, Praise and Glory be To Thee, most awful Trinity! For this thy Grace bestow'd: Encrease in us thy blessed Love, 'Till Faith gives Way to Sight above. Topics: Divine Providence Languages: English Tune Title: [Why thus with Grief opprest my Heart]
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Lord Christ, reveal Thy holy face

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #69 (1732) Lyrics: I. Lord Christ, reveal thy holy Face, And send the Spirit of thy Grace, To fill our Hearts with fervent Zeal To learn thy Truth, and do thy Will. II. Lord, lead us in thy holy Ways, And teach our Lips to tell thy Praise. Increase our Faith, and raise the same To taste the Sweetness of thy Name. III. Till we with Angels join to sing Th'eternal Praise of Thee, our King; Till we shall see Thee Face to Face, And all the Glories of thy Grace. IV. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be Honour, Praise, and Glory giv'n By all on Earth, and all in Heav'n. Topics: Word of God Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord Christ, reveal thy holy Face]
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Blest's the Man, whose upright Walking

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #70 (1732) Lyrics: I. Blest's the Man, whose upright Walking Contradicts ill Counselors; Nor gives Ear to Sinners Talking, But their wicked Ways abhors; Who removes with Care his Feet From the Place where Scoffers meet; And whose Heart is wholly given To obey the Laws of Heaven. II. Blessed, who with constant Pleasure Studies God's revealed Will; Seeing there for Heav'nly Treasure, Day and Night, his Soul to fill. He is like a living Tree, Which by gentle Streams we see, Stretching forth its fruitful Branches Till the gath'ring Time advances. III. Thus shall he put forth and flourish, Who reveres the sacred Word; All the Seasons him shall nourish With sweet Blessings from the Lord: Tho' through Age he may be grey, Yet his Leaf shall ne'er decay; All his Actions God so blesses, That they'r crowned with Successes. IV. Not so fares th' ungodly Faction, Who the Law of Life disown: They, like Chaff, in Wild Distraction, Shall be driven up and down. Where God tries his pious Race, Sinners can't abide the Place. All the Righteous, God doth cherish; But the Wicked all shall perish. Topics: Word of God Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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Dearest Jesu, we are here

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #72 (1732) Lyrics: I. Dearest Jesu, we are here, To be in thy word instructed; Guide our Hearts, O Thou, who'rt near; Let our Minds hence be conducted And from Earth be elevated; Where we wish to be translated. II. All our Knowledge, brings no Light But is vain and dark by Nature, Till thy holy Spirit bright Forms within us the New Creature. Pious Thoughts and true Devotion Have their Source from thy blest Motion. III. O Thou Glory all Divine, Light of Light from God proceeding, All our Hearts and Minds refine, When thy Word our Souls is feeding. Let our Pray'r, and Meditation, Be a sweet and blest Oblation. Topics: Word of God Languages: English Tune Title: [Dearest Jesu, we are here]
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O Jesu, Bridegroom of my soul

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #73 (1732) Lyrics: I. O Jesu! Bridegroom of my Soul, Make me, a broken Vessel, whole, By that sweet Blood which on the Tree Thou pourest out for Sin and me. II. Full of Reproach, and full of Fear, To thy blest Table I draw near. Oh, tho' I'm naked, sick and blind, In Mercy, cast me not behind. III. O Thou great Master of the Feast, My King and Spouse, my Rock and Rest, Who hast o'e Sin the Vict'ry won, Put me the Wedding Garment on. IV. O Great Physician, ope my Eyes; And heal my great Infirmities. Wash ev'ry sinful Stain away; And let me taste thy Grace To-day. V. Drive me from Darkness, Sin and Wrath Endow me with a Living Fatih; And mortifie my proud Self-Love: And let thy Grace my Glory prove. VI. Thy Body is of Life the Bread To Man in Sin and Sorrows dead. Thy Blood's the sparkling Wine of Love; The richest in the Stores above. VII. Hung'ring and thirsting, lo! I come. Oh, find me at thy Table, Room. To me of this blest Banquet give: And let me eat and drink, and live. VIII. Tear from my Heart the Root of Sin: And there let Grace and Goodness shine; Grace to fear God, and Sin eschew; And Goodness to give all their Due. IX. What Soul or Body want, supply; Remove what's irksome to thine Eye; Dwell in my Heart; and let me be In strictest Union with Thee. X. Against my Soul when Earth and Hell Shall band; or my own Heart rebel; Subdue the Foes: My Heart subdue; And keep me to thy Service true. XI. Adorn my Conversation, Lord, With all the Graces of thy Word; And, oh, prepare me all my Days, To keep thy law, and sing thy Praise. XII. That when, O Gracious Prince of Life, Thou call'st me from this World of Strive, I may to thy blest Presence rise And sup with Thee above the Skies. Topics: Lord's Supper Languages: English
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Come and hear the sacred Story

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #75 (1732) Lyrics: I. Come and hear the sacred Story, All who have a Mind to learn, What's their Life, Reward and Glory, Who the Christian Title earn; Who, in ev'ry Word and Deed, Shew forth Christ, who for 'em bled; Honour God, and freely labour For the Service of their Neighbour. II. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, Who Humility possess; And disclaim their own Self-Merit, Conscious of their Nothingness; Who to God ascribe all Praise, Resting on him all their Days. To such humble Souls, in Heaven Crowns eternal shall be given. III. Blessed are the secret Mourners For Corruption yet within, And for all the Mocks that Scorners Make at the Deserts to Sin. God who numbers all their Tears, All their Sighs, and all their Pray'rs, Will remove those sweet Lamenters, Where no Sin nor Sorrow enters. IV. Blest, who in a scorn'd Condition, Bowing to the sacred Rod, Meekly bears the Fool's Derision, And the Insults of the Proud; Leaving Vengeance to the Lord; And obeying still his Word. To the Meek the Earth is given, And the brightest Crowns in Heaven. V. Blest are those who thirst and hunger For the Sweets of Righteousness; And in Grace grow daily stronger; And in all their Ways confess Truth and Love that well agree With the Dove's Simplicity; Hating Fraud and all Extortion, Sweetest Plenty is their Portion. VI. Blest are Those, who with Compassion, See their Fellow-Creatures Grief; And with Joy embrace th' Occasion To administer Relief. For God's saving Love and Care Putting up a fervent Pray'r. Such in Heav'n firm Root have taken, And shall never be forsaken. VII. Blest are Those, who from Subjection To the Tyrant Lust are free; And with chast and pure Affection Follow Truth and Purity: Who renounce the Sway of Sense For the Bands of Continence. Such shall have an endless Treasure Of the purest Love and Pleasure. VIII. Blest are Those, whose pious Labours Truth and Unity and Peace To establish with their Neighbours Never vary, never cease. Whose Behaviour still is seen Calm and steady and serene. These blest Mortals shall inherit Richest Unctions of the Spirit. IX. Blest are Those who in Affliction Yield to Heav'n and kiss the rode, Without Pride or Contradiction; Fearing still and praising God. Such shall in the sharpest Wrath Taste God's Goodness; and when Death Has from ev'ry Grief unbound 'em, Joys eternal shall surround 'em. X. Lord, with all those splendid Graces O, this Day, my wishes crown. Cover me with thy Embraces; And O! make me all thy own. Grant me true Humility, And an ardent Love for Thee. Bring my Foes to equal Measures; And bless them too with these Treasures. XI. Give me Grace, in all Conditions Firmly to adhere to Thee; And in all the Exhibitions Of thy bounteous Hand to me, To let my poor Neighbour share In my Plenty and my Pray'r. O my God, let me inherit All thy Graces of thy Spirit. Topics: True and False Christianity Languages: English
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Father, thine eternal Kindness

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #78 (1732) Lyrics: Part the First: 1 Father, thine eternal Kindness Shelters me from final Blindness. I in Christ behold thy Face. And before the World's Foundation, thou didst chuse me to Salvation; Blest for ever be thy Grace. II. Whilst I did, with wildest Fury, Wound thy Truth and mock they Glory Oh! who can thy Patience tell? Who describe that vast Compassion, Which weigh'd down thy Indignation, And deliver'd me from hell? III. Once I thought, Outside Profession Put me firmly in Possession Of Religion pure and true; While, alas! all my Devotion Was but empty airy Notion, Mere Hypocrisie and Shew. IV. Moral Duties and Dead letters Are what vain sufficient Creatures Build their Hopes of Heav'n upon. Works, Outside and Ceremony Make the Merit of a Many; Losing these, their Hope is gone. V. This was long my own lov'd Merit Till, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit All its Falsehood let me see: Shew'd me all my Soul's Diseases: That all Merit is in Jesus; Not a single Grain in me. VI. Oh, may I be daily dying To a wretched World, and flying All that's sinful, false and vain: Making Christ my highest Treasure, Firmest Trust and sweetest Pleasure, All my Glory, all my Gain. VII. Mortifie the Old Man in me. To my Saviour's Likeness bring me. Let me like a Phoenix rise From its Predecessor's Ashes; And with Beauty that surpasses Mount at Length above the Skies. Part the Second: VIII. Some make Shadows all their Treasure, Halt between base Fear and Pleasure, Or run headlong down to hell; Let my Faith take Wings and hasten To that Cross, where Christ did fasten All my Sins, for there I'll dwell. IX. While on Works (true Faith declining) Or on Talents gayly shining, Some their own proud Trophies raise; Be that glorious Gift of Heaven, Faith that's to Salvation given, All my Hope, and all my Praise. X. If for Egypt's wretched diet, Or for Sodom's hellish Riot, Satan shall enflame my heart; O! My God, do Thou restrain me: O! bestow in Plenty on me Grace to quench his fiery Dart. XI. When Temptation near' has won me, Pressing hard, and turning on me All her Pow'rs and Arts and Charms; In that Hour, My God, support me: In that Hour, let Nothing hurt me: Save, oh, save me in thy Arms. XII. When in Seas of Trouble tossing, Friends deserting, Terrors crossing, All my Strength and Skill are vain; From the threat'ning Dangers hide me: Be my Pilot too, and guide me Safe to Shore and Peace again. Part the Third: XIII. He that will not be deserted Must in Jesus be inserted, And become a fruitful Tree, Hate all worldly Care and Pleasure, Strive for Christ's most holy Treasure, And avoid Hypocrisy. XIV. Who in Christ seeks his Salvation, Builds upon the best Foundation, And of gaining Heav'n is sure And this Trust in his Salvation Ev'ry Evil and Temptation Makes him firmly to endure. XV. God of Mercy, bless thy Creature. Form me to they Holy Nature. Child-like Innocence be min. Grant me Joy in thy Salvation: Grant me this sweet Confirmation, That I'm destin'd to be thine. XVI. Resignation to all Trial, Faith and Hope and Self-denial, Be the Rulers of my Days. Take me out of mere Profession To a full and firm Possession Of the Truth which Christ displays. XVII. Mocks and Scorns at my Condition, Babel's Cursing and Derision, Will be Nothing in my Ear, If my Saviour does not fly me. If my Saviour stands but be me, Where's the Rage I cannot bear? XVIII. O Lord, heal my corrupt Nature. Make, O make me a new Creature. And confirm me with the Seal Of thy Holy Gracious Spirit. And abolish my Self-Merit, And whate'er withstands thy Will. XIX. Make me fond of still Recesses; Where thy Love and thy Caresses May enflame and fix my Heart, To love, pleasure and adore Thee, To walk faithfully before Thee, And no more from Thee depart. XX. Add my Friends and my Relations, To thy Holy Happy Nations, To the Empire of thy Grace. Guide 'em by thy blessed Spirit: Let 'em all at Length inherit Everlasting Joy and Peace. XXI. Bring both Jews and Gentiles to Thee: Bring thy straying Sheep to know Thee: From their Blindness set them free. Call, Thou loving faithful Shepherd, Call 'em from the barren Desart, To confess and follow Thee. XXII. Then shall all thy flock, united, With their Lamps full trimm'd and lighted, Keep the Marriage of the Lamb; Their Redeemer ever praising, Endless Hallelujahs raising And Hosannas to his Name. Topics: True and False Christianity Languages: English Tune Title: [Father, thine eternal Kindness]
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Vain foolish Men profanely boast

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #84 (1732) Lyrics: 1 Vain foolish Men profanely boast Of God and true Religion: Their faithless Hearts are full of Lust, Their Life's a Contradiction: Corrupted is their very Frame; God's Holiness abhors the same; There's None doth Good, but Evil. II. The Lord, from his coelestial Throne, Look'd down on evr'y Creature, To find one Man who had begun To love God's holy Nature; But ll the Race was gone astray, All had forsook the saving Way Of CHRIST'S bright Revelation. III. How long will they be ignorant Of their Abomination, Who thus despise my Covenant, Nor spare my Holy Nation? They never call upon the Lord, But trust unto their golden Hoard, And turn their own Defenders. IV. Yet are their Hearts in constant Pain, And secret Fear and Trembling. God with his SION will remain, Where Saints are still assembling: But you deride the Poors' Advice, Their greatest Comfort you despise, That God's their only Refuge. V. O, that the joyful Day wou'd come, To change our mournful Station, When God will bring his Children home, And finish our Salvation! Then shall the Tribes of JACOB sing, And JUDAH praise their Lord and King, With lasting HALLELUJAHS. Topics: True and False Christianity Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English


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