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Hymnal, Number:pgtg1756

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Psalmodia Germanica

Publication Date: 1732 Publisher: G. Smith (Printer) Publication Place: London Editors: John Christian Jacobi; G. Smith


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All my Hope is firmly grounded

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: I. All my Hope is firmly grounded In the Lord of Earth and Seas: He's my Help when I'm surrounded With all Sorts of Enemies. Him alone, God or none, I acknowledge for my own. II. Vain's the Boast of Humane Wonders: Vain's the Trust in man's Device: Castles, Armies, Martial Thunders Fail, and vanish in a Trice. Built on Sands Nothing stands. Vain's the Work of Humane Hands. III. But the Love of our Great Maker Never, never will impair. Ev'ry Creature is Partaker Of his Blessings and his Care. Stores of Grace, All he has Waits for Those that seek his Face. IV. Does he not supply with Plenty Ev'ry Thing we truly want? Were his Blessings eve scanty? Did his Children ever want? Oh! his Love Is above All that Human Wit can prove. V. Let us, then, for his Salvation, Come before him all our Days, With the humblest Adoration, And the sweetest Songs of Praise, Through his Son, Who alone Brought this great Salvation down. Topics: Divine Providence Used With Tune: [All my Hope is firmly grounded]
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Shepherds, rejoyce, lift up your Eyes

Appears in 162 hymnals Lyrics: I. Shepherds, rejoyce, lift up your Eyes, And send your Fears away! News from the Region of the Skies: Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. II. Jesus, the God, whom Angels fear, Comes down to dwell with you; To Day he makes his Entrance here, But not as Monarchs do. Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. III. No Gold nor Purple swadling Bands, Nor royal shining Things; A Manger for his Cradle stands, And holds the King of Kings. Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. IV. Go Shepherds! where the Infant lies, And see his humble Throne, With Tears of Joy in all your Eyes, Go Shepherds! kiss the Son. Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. V. Thus Gabriel sang, and strait around The heav'nly Armies throng; They tune their Harps to lofty Sound, And thus conclude the Song: Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. VI. Glory to God, that reigns above! Let Peace surround the Earth: Mortals shall know their Maker's Love, At their Redeemer's Birth. Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. VII. Lord, and shall Angels have their Songs, And Men no Tunes to raise? O! may we lose our useless Tongues, When they forget to praise. Salvation's born to Day. Salvation's born to Day. VIII. Glory to God that reigns above! That pity'd us forlorn: We join to sing our Maker's Love, For there's a Saviour born. Topics: Nativity of Christ Used With Tune: [Shepherds, rejoyce, lift up your Eyes]
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To God let all the Human Race

Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: I. To God let all the Human Race Bring humble Worship mixt with Grace; Who makes his Love and wisdom known, By Angels, that surround his Throne. II. These Angels, whom thy Breath inspires, Thy Ministers are flaming Fires1 And swift as Thought their Armies move, To bear thy Vengeance, or thy Love. III. They joy t'obey thy blessed Will; They love t'increase their Knowledge still; They always serve the Lord their Rock, In keeping Guard around thy Flock. IV. The Good, where'er thy Children dwell, They do, no mortal Tongue can tell; Not what their Heav'nly Care prevents, Where they are bid to pitch their Tents. V. Good Daniel found their Benefit, When mid'st the Lions forc'd to sit. The same enjoy'd the pious Lot; What great Deliv'rance had he not? VI. What did the three Men in the Flame, Assoon their Guardian-Angel came? Did not the Oven's devouring Fire, Resound the Notes of Heav'nly Quire? VII. Thus God defends us Day by Day, From many Mischiefs in our Way, By Angels, which do always keep A watchful Eye when we're asleep. VIII. O Lord! we'll bless Thee all our Days; Our Soul shall glory in thy Grace; Thy Praise shall dwell upon our Tongues; All Saints and Angels join our songs. IX. We pray to let their Hav'nly Host Be Guardians of our Land and Coast, To keep thy little Flock in Peace, That we may lead a Life of Grace. Topics: Holy Angels Used With Tune: [To God let all the Human Race]


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[Shepherds, rejoyce, lift up your Eyes]

Appears in 220 hymnals Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 15555 65432 34566 Used With Text: Shepherds, rejoyce, lift up your Eyes
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[To God let all the Human Race]

Appears in 1,956 hymnals Tune Key: B Flat Major Incipit: 11765 12333 32143 Used With Text: To God let all the Human Race
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[How bright appears the Morning-Star]

Appears in 367 hymnals Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 15315 66556 71766 Used With Text: How bright appears the Morning-Star


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Now the Savior comes indeed

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #1 (1732) Lyrics: I. Now the Savior comes indeed, Of the Virgin-Mother's Seed, To the Wonder of Mankind, By the Lord himself design'd. II. Not begot like Men unclean, But without the Stain of Sin; In our Nature God was born, Us to save, who were forlorn. III. Though the Virgin was with Child, Chastity prov'd undefil'd; All the Female Virtues were Thron'd in her, for God was there. IV. From his Chambers forth he went; Left the Glorious Element; And, at once both God and Man, He his blessed Course bagan. V. From his Father's Breast he came; And return'd to him again. Having first, our foes to quell, Triumph'd over Death and Hell. VI. O Thou God-like every Way, Carry thy victorious Sway In the Flesh to such a Length, That we gain thy Godly Strength. VII. Lord, thy Crib shines bright and clear, Chacing Darkness ev'ry where. Let no Sin o'ercloud this Light, That our Faith be always bright. VIII. Glory to the God of Love! Glory to his Son above! Glory to the Spirit be! Glory to the Blessed Three. Topics: Incarnation of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: [Now the Saviour comes indeed]
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How shall I meet my Saviour?

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #3 (1732) Lyrics: I. How shall I meet my Saviour? How shall I welcome Thee? What Manner of Behaviour Is now requir'd of me? Let thine Illumination Set Heart and Hands aright, That this my Preparation Be pleasing in thy Sight. II. Whilst with the gayest Flowers Thy Sion strews the way, I'll raise with all my Powers To Thee, a grateful Lay: To Thee the King of Glory I'll tune a Song Divine; And make thy Love's bright Story In graceful Numbers shine. III. What hast thou not performed, Lord, to retrieve my Loss, While I was so deformed By Sin and Hellish Dross? The Sense of lost Salvation Quite drove me to Despair, But thy own Incarnation Brought my Redemption near. IV. I lay in Fetters groaning, Thou cam'st to set me free. My Shame I was bemoaning; With Grace thou cloathedst me. Thou raisest me to Glory; Endow'st me with thy Bliss, Which is not transitory, As worldly Treasure is. V. What caus'd thy Incarnation? What brought Thee down to me? Thy Love to my Salvation Contriv'd my Liberty. O Love, beyond Expression! Wherewith thou dost embrace Mankind in its Digression From Thee, the Source of Grace. VI. Let this Consideration Heal up your wounds within, Ye Sons of Desolation, That feel the Smart of Sin. Take Courage, your Salvation Stands waiting at the door; The Gospel Consolation Is nearer than before. VII. 'Tis none of your Endeavour, Nor any Mortal Care Cou'd draw his Sav'reign Favour To Sinners in Despair; Uncall'd he comes with Gladness To save you from the Fall, And cure all Grief and Sadness You're still opprest withal. VIII. Be not cast down nor frighted At Sin, tho' ne'er so great; No! Jesus is delighted The Greatest to remit. He comes repenting Sinners With Life and Love to crown; And make them happy Winners Of Glory like his own. IX. Then fear not ye the Clamour Of Satan and his Clan; The Word, his pow'rful Hammer, Destroys their wicked Plan. He comes as King of Glory, Whose Nod confounds their Host; He carries all before ye, And baffles all their Boast. X. He comes to pass his Sentence On all his Enemies. But Children of Repentance Shall meet with Love and Peace. Come, Prince of Grace and Wonder! Fetch thy Beloved Home; Reveal thy Glories yonder; Thy longing Spouse says, Come! Topics: Incarnation of Christ Languages: English
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Due Praises to th' incarnate Love

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #6 (1732) Lyrics: I. Due Praises to th' incarnate Love, Manifested from above! All Men and Angels now adore What we, nor they have seen before. Hallelujah. II. The blessed Father's only Son Chose a Manger for his Throne: In the mean Vest of Flesh and Bloo, Was cloathed God, th' eternal Good. Hallelujah. III. Who had the World at his Command, Wants his Mothers swadling Band. Th' Almighty Word was pleas'd to come A helpless Infant from the Womb. Hallelujah. IV. Th' eternal Splendor is in Sight; Gives the World its saving Light; And drives the Clouds of Sin away, To make us Children of the Day. Hallelujah. V. God's only Son, and equal God, Took amongst us his Abode; And open'd, through this World of Strive, A Way to everlasting Life. Hallelujah. VI. In Poverty he came on Earth, To enrich us by his Birth, And make us Heirs of endless Bliss, With all the darling Saints of his. Hallelujah. VII. This all he did that he might prove Unknown Wonders of his Love; Then let us All unite to sing Praise to our New-born God and King. Hallelujah. Topics: Nativity of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: [Due Praises to th' incarnate Love]


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Johann Christian Jacobi

1670 - 1750 Person Name: J. C. Jacobi Hymnal Number: 110 Translator of "The Golden Alphabet" in Psalmodia Germanica Jacobi, John Christian, a native of Germany, was born in 1670, and appointed Keeper of the Royal German Chapel, St. James's Palace, London, about 1708. He held that post for 42 years, and died Dec. 14, 1750. He was buried in the Church of St. Paul's, Covent Garden. His publications included :— (1) A Collection of Divine Hymns, Translated from the High Dutch. Together with their Proper Tunes and Thorough Bass. London: Printed and Sold by J. Young, in St. Paul’s Churchyard; . . . 1720. This edition contains 15 hymns. Two years later this collection, with a few changes in the text and much enlarged, was republished as (2) Psalmodia Germanica; or a Specimen of Divine Hymns. Translated from the High Dutch. Together with their Proper Tunes and Thorough Bass. London: J. Young . 1722. This edition contained 62 hymns, of which 3 ("He reigns, the Lord our Saviour reigns"; "Is God withdrawing"? "Shepherds rejoice") and the first stanza of another ("Raise your devotion, mortal tongues," from "Hosannah to the Prince of Life") were taken from I. Watts. A second part was added in 1725, and was incorporated with the former part in 1732. London, G. Smith. After Jacobi's death the Psalmodia Germanica was republished, in 1765, by John Haberkorn, with a Supplement of 32 pieces. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Caspar Heunisch

1620 - 1690 Hymnal Number: 209 Author of "Eternity, delightful Sound!" in Psalmodia Germanica Heunisch, Caspar, was born July 17, 1620, at Schweinfurt, in Franconia. After graduating at Jena, he became, in 1645, pastor at Priesensbausen, near Schweinfurt; in 1646 at Oberndorf; and in 1647 diaconus at Schweinfurt. He died as superintendent at Schweinfurt, Oct. 18, 1690 (Wetzel, iv. 237-238). One of his hymns has been translated into English:— O Ewigkeit! du Freudenwort. Eternal Life. Included as No. 490 in the Schleusingen Gesang-Buch, 1688 [Ducal Library, Wernigerode], in 9 stanzas of 8 lines, signed M. C. H., i.e. Magister Caspar Heunisch. It is a companion hymn to "O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort" (q.v.), by Rist. The translations are: (1) "Eternity! delightful sound," by J.C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 101 (1732, p. 209). (2) "Eternity! that word, that joyful word," by Miss Fry, 1845, p. 112. (3) "Eternity! O word of joy," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Sept. 1865, p. 142, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

G. Smith

Publisher of "" in Psalmodia Germanica Princess street, Spittle Fields, London