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John Logan

1748 - 1788 Person Name: John Logan, 1748-1788 Topics: Gathering of the Community Author of "O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand" in Common Praise (1998) Logan, John, son of a farmer, born at Fala, Midlothian, 1748, and educated at Edinburgh University, in due course entering the ministry of the Church of Scotland and becoming the minister of South Leith in 1770. During the time he held this charge he delivered a course of lectures on philosophy and history with much success. While he was thus engaged, the chair of Universal History in the University became vacant; but as a candidate he was unsuccessful. A tragedy, entitled Runnamede, followed. He offered it to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, but it was interdicted by the Lord Chamberlain "upon suspicion of having a seditious tendency." It was subsequently acted in Edinburgh. In 1775 he formed one of the Committee by whom the Translations and Paraphrases of the Church of Scotland was prepared. In 1782 he was compelled to resign his charge at Leith in order to prevent deposition, and finally, having passed on to London, he supported himself partly by his pen, and died there, Dec. 28, 1788. [Also, see Bruce, Michael] The names of Michael Bruce and John Logan are brought together because of the painful controversy which has long prevailed concerning the authorship of certain Hymns and Paraphrases of Holy Scripture which are in extensive use in the Christian Church both at home and abroad. During the latter years of Bruce's short life he wrote various Poems, and also Hymns for a singing class at Kinnesswood, which were well known to his family and neighbours, and were eventually copied out by Bruce himself in a quarto MS. book, with the hope that some day he might see them in print. Immediately upon his death, in 1767, Logan called upon his father and requested the loan of this book that he might publish the contents for the benefit of the family. This was granted. Not till three years afterwards did a certain work, containing seventeen poems, and entitled Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, 1770, appear, with a Preface in which it was stated that some of the Poems were by others than Bruce. Bruce's father immediately pointed out the absence from the volume of certain hymns which he called his son's "Gospel Sonnets," and members of the singing class at Kinnesswood also noted the absence of hymns with which they were familiar. Letters of remonstrance and demands for the return of the quarto manuscript book of Bruce by the father remaining unanswered, led him eventually to see Logan in person. No book was forthcoming, a few scraps of manuscript only were returned, and Logan accounted for the absence of the book by saying he feared "that the servants had singed fowls with it." For a time the matter rested here, only to be revived with renewed interest by the publication, in 1781 (14 years after the death of Bruce, and 11 after the Poems, &c, were issued), of Poems. By the Rev. Mr. Logan, One of the Ministers of Leith. In this volume, an "Ode to the Cuckoo," a poem of exquisite beauty, and other poetical pieces which appeared in the Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, were repeated, and claimed as his own by Logan. In addition, certain Hymns and Paraphrases were included, most of which were of sterling merit, and poetical excellence. It has been shown, we think, most conclusively by Dr. Mackelvie in his Life of Bruce prefixed to the Poems, 1837 and by Dr. Grosart in his Works of M. Bruce, 1865, that the "Ode to the Cuckoo," "Lochleven," and other poetical pieces were taken from MS. book of M. Bruce. The Hymns and Paraphrases, most of which were included in the Translations and Paraphrases during the same year, were also claimed for Bruce. Until clearer evidence is brought forward on behalf of Bruce, the hymns, or paraphrases, following must be ascribed to John Logan: — "Who can resist th'Almighty arm"; "In streets and op'nings of the gates”; "Thus speaks the heathen: How shall man"; "Take comfort, Christians, when your friends"; "The hour of my departure's come." The following, which are found only in the Translations and Paraphrases of 1781, are claimed by W. Cameron for Logan, and have never been seriously disputed by the friends of Bruce, the second being original, the first a revise from the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745; and the third a revise of Doddridge and Dr. Hugh Blair:— "Let Christian faith and hope dispel"; “Thus speaks the high and lofty One"; "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe." In addition, we see no cause to deny to Logan the few changes, and new stanza, which are found in Doddridge's "0 God of Bethel, by Whose hand." Of the above hymns 5 are recasts of hymns in the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. Those are: "Behold the mountain of the Lord " (see "In latter days the mount of God "); "When Jesus by the Virgin brought" (see "Now let Thy servant die in peace"); "Behold the Ambassador divine" (see "Behold my Servant, see Him rise"); "Let Christian faith and hope dispel" (see “Now let our souls ascend above"); and "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe" (see "So firm the saints' foundation stands"). …It is curious to note that every hymn which we have ascribed to M. Bruce has come into more or less extensive use outside of the Translations and Paraphrases, and that not one which we have ascribed to Logan, except "Let Christian faith and hope dispel," and “Take comfort, Christians," &c, is found beyond that work, unless we give to Logan the plaintive "The hour of my departure's come" (which Dr. Grosart claims for Bruce), and the recast "O God of Bethel, by Whose hand," whose success is due to Doddridge. This is the verdict of 100 years' use of those hymns, and shows conclusively the poetic strength of Bruce and the weakness of Logan. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================

William Moore

1790 - 1850 Person Name: William Moore, fl. 1830 Topics: Solemnities of the Lord Most Holy Body and Blood of christ; Solemnidades del Señor Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo; Rites of the Church Eucharist; Ritos de la Iglesia Eucaristía; Alegría; Joy; Bienvenida; Welcome; Buscar; Seeking; Community; Comunidad; Dar Gracias; Thanksgiving; Feast; Fiesta; Gathering; Reunión, Entrada; Grace; Gracia; Hambre y Sed; Hunger and Thirst; Invitación; Invitation; Jesucristo; Jesus Christ; Journey; Viaje; Paz; Peace; Preocupación Social; Social Concern; Refuge; Refugio; Truth; Verdad Composer of "HOLY MANNA" in Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song William B Moore USA 1790-1850. He was born, possibly in TN. He was a composer, having contributed tunes to” Wyeth’s Repository” (1810) and known for his tunebook “Columbian Harmony” (1825) in TN. He also composed and arranged several tunes in William Walker’s “Southern Harmony” (1835). John Perry

Barry Rose

b. 1934 Person Name: Barry Rose (1934-) Topics: Gathering of the Community Composer (descant) of "WESTMINSTER ABBEY" in Common Praise (1998)

Thomas H. Troeger

1945 - 2022 Person Name: Thomas H. Troeger (1945-) Topics: Gathering of the Community Author of "O Praise the Gracious Power" in Common Praise (1998) Thomas Troeger (1945-2022), professor of Christian communication at Yale Divinity school, was a well known preacher, poet, and musician. He was a fellow of Silliman College, held a B.A. from Yale University; B.D. Colgate Rochester Divinity School; S.T. D. Dickinson College, and was awarded an honorary D.D. from Virginia Theological Seminary. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in 1970 and the Episcopal Church in 1999, and remained dually aligned with both traditions. Troerger led conferences and lectures in worship and preaching throughout North America, as well as in Denmark, Holland, Australia, Japan, and Africa. He served as national chaplain to the American Guild of Organists, and for at least three years he hosted the Season of Worship broadcast for Cokesbury. He was president of the Academy of Homiletics as well as Societas Homiletica. He had, as of 2009, written 22 books in the areas of preaching, poetry, hymnody, and worship. Many of his hymn texts are found in New Hymns for the Lectionary (Oxford, 1992), and God, You Made All Things for Singing (Oxford, 2009). Laura de Jong

Natalie Sleeth

1930 - 1992 Person Name: Natalie Sleeth (1930-1992) Topics: Gathering of the Community Author of "Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet" in Common Praise (1998)

A. Williams

1731 - 1776 Person Name: Aaron Williams (1731-1776) Topics: Gathering of the Community Composer of "ST. THOMAS" in Common Praise (1998) Aaron Williams (b. London, England, 1731; d. London, 1776) was a singing teacher, music engraver, and clerk at the Scottish Church, London Wall. He published various church music collections, some intended for rural church choirs. Representative of his compilations are The Universal Psalmodist (1763)— published in the United States as The American Harmony (1769)—The Royal Harmony (1766), The New Universal Psalmodist (1770), and Psalmody in Miniature (1778). His Harmonia Coelestis (1775) included anthems by noted composers. Bert Polman

Marty Haugen

b. 1950 Person Name: Marty Haugen, 1950- Topics: Gathering of the Community Author of "Sing out, earth and skies" in Common Praise (1998) Marty Haugen (b. 1950), is a prolific liturgical composer with many songs included in hymnals across the liturgical spectrum of North American hymnals and beyond, with many songs translated into different languages. He was raised in the American Lutheran Church, received a BA in psychology from Luther College, yet found his first position as a church musician in a Roman Catholic parish at a time when the Roman Catholic Church was undergoing profound liturgical and musical changes after Vatican II. Finding a vocation in that parish to provide accessible songs for worship, he continued to compose and to study, receiving an MA in pastoral studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul Minnesota. A number of liturgical settings were prepared for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and more than 400 of his compositions are available from several publishers, especially GIA Publications, who also produced some 30 recordings of his songs. He is composer-in-residence at Mayflower Community Congregational Church in Minneapolis and continues to compose and travel to speak and teach at worship events around the world. Emily Brink

Max Landsberg

1845 - 1927 Person Name: Max Landsberg (1845-1928) Topics: Gathering of the Community Translator of "The Living God Be Praised" in Common Praise (1998) Max Landsberg was born in Berlin as the eldest son of a long-established Jewish family, shortly before his father, Meyer Landsberg, in Hildesheim took a job as a rabbi. First, Landsberg was privately educated, but then went to the high school Josephinum in Hildesheim . After graduation he studied in Göttingen, Breslau and Berlin. The training to become a rabbi he received from Lazarus eagle at the University of Kassel, Samuel Ephraim Meyer at the University of Hanover and of Abraham Geiger in Wroclaw. On 7 November 1866 he was codd at the University of Halle with his work Vita sultani Muradi "a Mohammed Amyn Mohibby, e. Mss. Bibliothecae regiae Berolinensis, addita versione latina atque adjectis adnotationibus Dr. phil. Doctorate. Since 1866, he was pin Rabbi and teachers at the seminar for Jewish teachers in Hanover. rabbi he was to his Semicha 1870. Shortly before his departure to the U.S. married Landsberg on 26 February 1871 in Hanover Miriam Isengarten (* 1847, † April 16, 1912 in Baltimore) In the fall of 1869, as in 1848 decided orthodox founded community in Rochester, hire a rabbi who could preach both in German and in English and should be a "gentleman of advanced ideas and reformed religious views". This quote is an excerpt from the ad for the position of rabbi in Rochester in the weekly magazine "The American Israelite", the public forum of the American Reform Judaism. After they found no suitable person in the country, they turned to Abraham Geiger, a pioneer of Reform Judaism in Europe. Geiger encouraged his former students to apply to this job. Because of its application in December 1870 Landsberg was invited and settled for Passover 1871 (early April 1871) to Rochester. By 1915, he stayed on as chief rabbi. What the liturgical reforms were concerned in the community, so Landsberg based on that of David Einhorn in 1858 published prayer book Olat Tamid. It contained the majority of prayers in German and was printed according to and read from left to right. However, there were already 10 days after launch on 27th April 1873 in the town of B'rith Kodesh to controversy. Then the parish council withdrew this prayer book and replaced it with a more tradition-setting, but also reforming the liturgy, which from Temple Emanu El was published in New York City. Despite the shortcomings Landsberg used this prayer book over a decade. On the other hand, it prompted him to contribute their own ideas of liturgical revision. The result was that in 1880, along with Sol[omon] Wile (1853-1931) published book Hymn Book for Jewish Worship. For two-thirds of it contained English-language songs, and the remaining were in German. Sol Wile at the time was president of the Temple B'rith Kodesh and in his preface to the hymnal, which was more intended for the community, as for the rabbi and the choir, he wrote that he is a "inbrünstigeren" of these songs worship hoped. But only the ritual prayer book for Jewish Worship by Max Landsberg itself, introduced in 1884, the community took to the center of the radical Jewish reform movement. It was the result of Landsberg efforts, in accordance with the ideas of community members to create a new liturgy, which "conform to the sentiments of the living generation" was. Landsberg not only received praise, but also harsh criticism, including by Isaac Mayer Wise. Even in our own community Landsberg faced a opposition, but this did not change in a takeover of the liturgy. It Landsberg, despite all the criticism has managed to create a completely appropriate in the English language and the Reform movement liturgy. An outstanding event for Max Landsberg in 1895 was the focus of the annual meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). He himself was in this movement since its founding in 1889 active. At this meeting there was a full agreement in the views of Isaac Mayer Wise and Landsberg that the greatest achievements of American Reform Judaism was to have freed the Jews from the ceremonial constraints. Another special feature of this period was the increased involvement of women in the community and especially in community work. There were just the women who took part in the worship and wanted to have more influence on the fortunes of the community. Here, Max Landsberg did show, by advocating openly for the rights of women. In his essay The Position of Women Among the Jews he grappled with the theological implications of women's emancipation. But Max Landsberg himself alienated since that time increasingly of the community. Maybe because it a lifelong Office guidance was issued never, but he had to extend from the council's term of office again and again. Already in July 1910, adjusted for the community Horace J. Wolf as an assistant. His contract was also extended several times. They tried to limit Landsberg's influence on the community. Particularly hard hit Landsberg his wife Miriam's death in 1912. This event was marked by bitterness his last years, so it took every joy of life. When, in March 1913, a committee at Landsberg "the lack of interest in the religious life of the congregation" found and published recommendations in October, Max Landsberg offered his resignation. Well with regard to the posted position of Landsberg gave you his resignation until December 1914 known, but he stepped into force on 1 März 1915. In the United States, Max Landsberg sat for a reform of Jewish worship one. So he held his services in English and not in Hebrew. Also published by him prayer books passed to two-thirds of English songs and the rest in German language. He also pushed for the marriage of Jews and non-Jews. As part of the American Reform Judaism Landsberg was among the rabbis, which began in the municipality for exemption from the ceremonial constraints, to use appropriate liturgies and thereafter led worship. (excerpts)

Ralph Harrison

1748 - 1810 Person Name: Ralph Harrison (1748-1810) Topics: Gathering of the Community Composer of "WARRINGTON" in Common Praise (1998)

Roberto Escamilla

b. 1931 Person Name: Roberto Escamilla (1931-) Topics: Gathering of the Community Translator of "Let's Sing unto the Lord" in Common Praise (1998)


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