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Topics:kreuz +und+trostlied

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Johannes Leon

1530 - 1597 Person Name: Johann Leon Topics: Kreuz und Trost Author of "Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Leon, Johannes, was a native of Ohrdruf, near Gotha. He was for some time an army chaplain, then in 1557 pastor at Königsee (Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt), in 1560 at Gross-Muhlhausen, and in 1575 at Wolfis, near Ohrdruf. He died at Wölfis about Easter, 1597 (Allg. Deutsche Biographie, xviii. 298; Wachernagel, i. pp. 466, 654; iv. p. 490, &c). Leon's hymns appeared principally in his (1) Handbüchlin, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1566, and (2) Trostbülein. The edition printed at Nürnberg, 161-1, has a preface of Dec. 9, 1588, so that the first ed. was probably 1589. His hymns are reprinted in Wackernagel, iv., Nos. 671-715. The only hymn ascribed to him which has passed into English is:— Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt. For the Dying. Wackernagel, iv. p. 519, gives this, in 18 stanzas of 5 lines, from the Psalmen, geistliche Lieder und Kirchengesäng, Nürnberg, 1589; with a long note, in which he traces all the stanzas save xi., xiv., xv., viii., to Leon's Trostbüchlein, and to his Leich-Predigten [i.e. "Funeral Sermons"], 1581-82. Mützell, No. 347, cites it as in the Psalmen, geistliche Lieder und Lobgesänge, Strassburg, n.d., but apparently before 1587. In the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863, No. 1460.This hymn has been frequently ascribed to Dr. Johann Pappus [b. Jan. 16, 1549, at Lindau on the Lake of Constanz; 1571, professor of Hebrew at the University of Strassburg; d. at Strassburg, July 13, 3610]; but this ascription has not been traced earlier than about 1640, e.g. in the Cantionale sacrum, Gotha, pt. iii., 1648, No. 18, and the Königsberg Gesang-Buch, 1650, p. 530. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 609, thinks that Pappus may have arranged the hymn in its present form. It was probably suggested by a song beginning, "Ich hab meine Sach zu Gott gestellt," which Wackernagel iii., Nos. 1242, 1243, quotes from a Leipzig broadsheet of 1555, and other sources. This hymn has been translated as:— 1. My Life I now to God resign. By J. O. Jacobi, in his Psalter Germanica, pt. ii., 1725, p. 56 (1732, p. 199), omitting st. vii., xv., xvi. Repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 313 (1886, No. 1242, beginning with the translation of st. viii., "Teach us to number so our days"), and in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841 and 1852. In the Bible Hymn Book1845, it begins with st. iii., "What is this life? a constant scene." 2. My all I to my God commend. A very good translation of stanzas i., iii., vi., viii., x., xi., xiv., xvii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 246, in his Psalms & Hymns 1851; repeated, abridged, in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, and Kennedy, 1863, No. 156. Dr. Kennedy, also gives a cento, beginning with the translation of stanza x., "Few are our days and sad below." 3. My cause is God's, and I am still. A good tr. of stanzas i., xi.-xiv., xvi.-xviii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 210; repeated, omitting the translations of stanzas xii., xvii., in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 127. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Margrave Albrecht Alcibiades

1522 - 1557 Person Name: Albrecht jun. Markgraf zu Brandenburg Kulmbach Topics: Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder; Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder Author of "Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit" in Kirchen-Gesangbuch

Lampertus Gedicke

1683 - 1735 Topics: Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder; Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder Author of "Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn" in Kirchen-Gesangbuch Gedicke, Lampertus, son of Christian Gedicke, superintendent of Gardelegen in the Altmark, was born at Gardelegen Jan. 6, 1683. After the completion of his theological studies at Halle under Francke, he was for some time tutor in the orphanage at Halle, and then in a family at Berlin. Becoming an army chaplain he was successively appointed chaplain to the Guards (1709), accompanying them on several expeditions; chaplain to the Wartensleben regiment and garrison preacher at Berlin (1713); and Probst and inspector of all the garrison and regimental chaplains (1717). He died at Berlin, Feb. 21, 1735 (Koch, iv. 414, 415; Bode, p. 72, &c). He contributed two hymns to the Neu-vermehrtes geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Berlin, 1711. One of these is:- Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn. [Trust in God.] 1711, as above, No. 798, in 6 stanzas of 7 lines, repeated in Freylinghausen, 1714, and as No. 918 in the Berlin Geistlicher Leider Schlatz, 9 ed. 1863. Often used at weddings. The only translation in common use is:— Just as God leads me I would go , a good translation, omitting st. ii., as No. 258, in H. L. Hastings's Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are : (l) “As God shall lead I'll take my way," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 176). (2) "As God leads me, will I go," by Miss Warner, 1858 (1861, p. 498). (3) “As God doth lead me will I go," by Miss Burlingham in the British Herald, June, 1866, p. 278, repeated as No. 407 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Baptist von Albertini

1769 - 1831 Topics: Kreuz- und Trostlied Author of "Geh und säe Thränensaat" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Albertini, Johann Baptist. s. of Jakob Ulrich v. Albertini, a native of the Grisons, Switzerland, who had joined the Moravians, and settled among them at Neuwied, near Coblenz, b. at Neuwied Feb. 17, 1769. After passing through the Moravian school at Niesky, and their Theological Seminary at Barby, in both of, which he had Friedrich Schlciermacher as a fellow-student, he was, in 1788, appointed one of the masters in the Moravian school at Niesky, and in 1789 at Barby. In 1796, he was appointed tutor at the Theological Seminary at Niesky, and ordained as diaconus of the Moravian Church. Up to this time he had devoted himself chiefly to the study of the Oriental languages, and of botany, but now his studies of Holy Scripture for his theological lectures and for the pulpit, brought him to the feet of Christ, whose earnest and devoted disciple and witness he henceforth became. In 1804 he relinquished his tutorial work to devote himself entirely to ministerial labour in Niesky, where he was, in 1810, ordained presbyter. In Feb. 1814 he went to Gnadenberg, near Bunzlau, Silesia, as head of the Girls' School, and preacher; and while on a visit to Herrnhut, was, Aug. 24, 1814, constituted a bishop of the Moravian Church. By the synod of 1818, he was appointed to Gnadenfrei, near Reichenbach, Silesia, and after three years of faithful and successful labour, was chosen one of the heads of the Moravian Church (one of the UnitatS'Aeltesten-Conferenz), his special department being the oversight of their charitable and educational establishments ; and in 1824 President of the Conference. In love and meekness he ruled and visited the churches till, in Nov. 1831, an illness seized him, which terminated fatally at Berthelsdorf, near Herrnhut, Dec. 6, 1831. (Koch, vii. 330-334; Allg. Deutsche Biog., i. 216-217.) Distinguished as a preacher beyond the bounds of his church, he was, in the estimation of Koch, apart from Novalis, the most important hymn-writer of his time— spiritual, simple, and childlike. Yet it must be said that his brother Moravian, G. B. Garve, and E. M. Arndt, are more fully represented in hymnals since 1820. Albertini's hymns appeared to the number of 400, (many, however, being single verses,) in his Geistliche Lieder fur Mitglieder und Freunde der Bruder-yemeine, Bunzlau, 1821 (2nd ed. 1827). None of them have passed into English common use, and the only three we have to note are:— i. Brenne hell, du Lampe meiner Seele. [Second Advent.] On the Lamp of the Wise Virgin. 1st pub. 1821, as above, p. 139, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. The only translation is, "Lamp within me! brightly burn and glow," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 311. ii. Freund, komm in der Fruhe. [Morning.] 1st pub. 1821, as above, p. 273, in 5 st. of 10 1. Tr. as, " Come at the morning hour," by Miss Borthwick in Hymns from the Land of Luther 1862 (cd. 1862, p. 256; 1884, p. 190). iii. Langst suchtest du, mein Geist! ein nahes Wesen. [Christmas.] 1st pub. 1821, as above, p. 9, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. Translated as, "Long in the spirit world my soul had sought," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 191 (later eds. p. 193), assigned to St. Thomas's Day. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Sigismund Weingärtner

Topics: Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder; Kreuz-und Trost-Lieder Author of "Auf meinen lieben Gott" in Kirchen-Gesangbuch Weingärtner, Sigismund. Very little is known of this author. His name appears as "Sigismund Weingart" in the Index of Authors prefixed to the 766 Geistliche Psalmen, &c, published at Nürnberg in 1607, but no biographical particulars are there given. He is generally said to have been a preacher in or near Heilbronn. But Koch, ii. 300, says that no preacher of that name ever held office in or near Heilbronn on the Neckar; and conjectures that he may have been of Heilsbronn in Bavaria. As to Heilsbronn, Dr. Zahn, now of Neuendettelsau in Bavaria, informs me that there was no preacher of that name near Heilsbronn, and that he has been unable anywhere to trace this writer. Goedeke, in his Grundriss, vol. ii., 1884, p. 198, says, "he seems to have been of Basel," but for this also there is no clear evidence. In the 1607 work as above, the Index of First Lines reads thus:— "S. W. Auff Jesum Christum steht all mein Thun, 765." "Auff meinen Heben Gott, traw ich, 836." The latter has been translated into English, viz.:— Auf meinen lieben Gott. Trust in God. Included, 1607, as above, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled, "Another beautiful hymn"; but, as will be seen above, no initials are attached to it in the 1607 index of First Lines. The translations in common use are:— 1. On God in all my woes. This is a good translation of stanzas i.-iv. of the 1607, by A. T. Russell, as No. 231 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. In God my faithful God. This is a good and full tr. from the 1607, by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 147, slightly altered in her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 156. Repeated, omitting stanza iv., in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 18S0. Other translations are:— (1) “In God the Lord most just," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 82; repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book 1754, pt. i., No. 474. (2) "I trust my blessed God," by V. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 219. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Carl Friedrich Hartmann

1743 - 1815 Topics: Kreuz- und Trostlied Author of "Endlich bricht der heisse Tiegel" in Deutsches Gesangbuch

Heinrich Möwes

1793 - 1834 Topics: Kreuz- und Trostlied Author of "Der Himmel hängt voll Wolken schwer" in Deutsches Gesangbuch Pastor of Altenhausen and Ivenrode, Prussia, born at Magdeburg, Prussia

Jeremias Weber

1600 - 1643 Person Name: Jerem. Weber Topics: Kreuz und Trost In allgemeiner Not Author (ve. 9) of "O großer Gott von Macht" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden

Balthasur Schnur

Topics: Kreuz und Trost In allgemeiner Not Author of "O großer Gott von Macht" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden

M. Stiefel

Person Name: Michael Stiefel Topics: Kreuz und Trost In allgemeiner Not Author of "Herr, laß uns nicht verderben" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden


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