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Meter: d

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Showing 351 - 360 of 399Results Per Page: 102050

The Savior's Smile

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Why should we lament the lot

Tell Me, Jesus

Author: Daniel T. MacFarlan Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Tell me, Jesus, tell me now Lyrics: 1 Tell me, Jesus, tell me now, While to Thee I humbly bow, Wilt Thou take this heart of mine, And forever seal it Thine? Wilt Thou come, and there abide, While I see Thy opened side; Pouring forth the streams of life, Giving strength and ending strife? 2 If I yield myself to Thee, Wilt Thou come direct to me, And within Thy loving arms Cause my heart to feel Thy charms? Wilt Thou, oh, my precious Lord, Give me comfort by Thy Word, By Thy truth great joy impart To my poor and throbbing heart? 3 Hark! I hear my Savior say, "Come, My child, oh, come this way; Take My hand and walk with Me In the path I trod for thee; Look by faith and see the blood Sprinkled on the thorny road; See, My child, each step I trod Brings thee nearer to thy God." 4 "Give thy heart, thyself, to Me Give whate’er I ask of thee; Yield up all without restraint, Free from murmur or complaint; Then I’ll take that heart of thine, And with perfect love divine, Make it new and pure within, Spotless from all inbred sin." Used With Tune: GRAMERCY PARK Text Sources: Winnowed Hymns by Charles C. McCabe and Daniel McFarlan (New York: Biglow & Main, 1873)

Rest Awhile

Author: I. T. Walker Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Come, said Jesus, come apart now Refrain First Line: Come, oh come to Me and rest Lyrics: 1 "Come," said Jesus, "come apart now, From the stern and busy day"; He who knows thy weary footsteps, Calls thee to the desert way. Refrain: "Come, oh come to Me and rest, Find My bosom soft and sweet; Come to Me, and thou art blest, In the desert’s lone retreat." 2 "Rest awhile," but not forever, Back again with sharper sword; Take the world-lost for thy Savior, ’Tis the promise of His word. [Refrain] 3 "Hearts of sorrow, turn aside, Tears have told thy keenest grief; Come, and now in Me abide, And thy soul shall find relief." [Refrain] 4 Rest, sweet rest remains for you, When the battle work is done; Rest for loyal hearts and true, When the crown of life is won. [Refrain] Used With Tune: DADU Text Sources: Songs of Free Grace by Daniel B. Towner (Cincinnati: Cranston & stonew, 1883)

Pleading for Atonement

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 16 hymnals First Line: Father, God, who seest in me

Keep Me

Author: Charles W. Naylor Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: In this wicked world am I Refrain First Line: All I am or hope to be Lyrics: 1 In this wicked world am I, Watch Thou o’er me from on high; Keep my soul, lest I should be Led astray, O Lord, from Thee. Refrain: All I am or hope to be, I commit, dear Lord, to Thee; Oh, preserve me in Thy love, Till I reach Thy courts above. 2 Keep me spotless, keep me pure, Keep me lest the world allure; Keep me in Thy secret place, Where I e’er may see Thy face. [Refrain] 3 Keep me guiltless night and day, Help me Thy commands obey; Keep me humble, let not pride Ever in my soul abide. [Refrain] 4 Keep me gentle, let no word From my lips be ever heard That shall wound a tender heart, Cause a tear of grief to start. [Refrain] 5 Keep me for Thyself alone, Nevermore to be mine own; Keep me in Thy favor sweet, In Thy grace and truth complete. [Refrain] Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths) Used With Tune: [In this wicked world am I]

Tender Expostulation

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Sinners, turn, while God is near

The Crucifixion

Author: Henry Hart Milman Meter: D Appears in 63 hymnals First Line: Bound upon the accursed tree

Pensive, Doubting, Fearful Heart

Author: John Newton Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Pensive, doubting, fearful heart, Hear what Christ the Savior says; Every word should joy impart, Change thy mourning into praise: Yes, He speaks, and speaks to thee, May He help thee to believe! Then thou presently wilt see, Thou hast little cause to grieve. 2 “Fear thou not, nor be ashamed, All thy sorrows soon shall end: I who heav’n and earth have framed, Am thy husband and thy friend: I the High and Holy One, Israel’s God by all adored; As thy Savior will be known, Thy Redeemer and thy Lord. 3 “For a moment I withdrew, And thy heart was filled with pain; But My mercies I’ll renew, Thou shalt soon rejoice again: Tho’ I seem to hide My face, Very soon My wrath shall cease; ’Tis but for a moment’s space, Ending in eternal peace. 4 “When My peaceful bow appears Painted on the watery cloud; ’Tis to dissipate thy fears, Lest the earth should be o’erflowed: ’Tis an emblem too of grace, Of My covenant love a sign; Though the mountains leave their place, Thou shalt be for ever Mine. 5 "Though afflicted, tempest-tossed, Comfortless awhile thou art, Do not think thou canst be lost, Thou art graven on My heart: All thy wastes I will repair, Thou shalt be rebuilt anew; And in thee it shall appear, What a God of love can do." Used With Tune: VANUATU Text Sources: Olney Hymns (London, W. Oliver, 1779), Book 1

No Other Name

Author: Caroline L. Shacklock Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: I am guided on the way Refrain First Line: O the name, so sweet, so dear Lyrics: 1 I am guided on the way, I shall reach the perfect day, I can never faint or fall, Jesus ever hears my call. Refrain: O the name, so sweet, so dear, Trusting hearts to bless and cheer, In it all my hope I rest— In its promise I am blest. 2 This is all that I can claim, Trust in His redeeming name, In His power to save and bless, In His perfect righteousness. [Refrain] 3 I have cast on Him my care, He will all my burdens bear, He will every need supply, He is ever watching nigh. [Refrain] 4 I am singing as I go, I can only rapture know, Knowing that the Lord is mine, Fills my soul with joy divine. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ZAPORIZHZHIA Text Sources: Glorious Things in Sacred Song by Tullius C. O'Kane (Delaware, OH: T. C. O'Kane, 1886)

Show Your Face

Author: Martin E. Leckebusch Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Shepherd of the chosen flock


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