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Meter: d

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Showing 391 - 399 of 399Results Per Page: 102050

What Would Jesus Have You Do?

Author: Julia H. Johnston Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: What would Jesus have you do Refrain First Line: What would Jesus have you do Lyrics: 1 What would Jesus have you do, Youthful soldiers, brave and true? How would He the tempter meet? How would He the foe defeat? Refrain: What would Jesus have you do, Jesus, daily watching you? Follow Him along the way, Look to Jesus day by day. 2 What would Jesus do today? Would the Savior turn away? Would He not be kind indeed, Glad to help in time of need? [Refrain] 3 In the Word of God so true, Jesus shows you what to do; If you ask Him, He will hear, He will make the duty clear. [Refrain] 4 Lay up treasure far above, Walk with Jesus Christ in love; Every day your pledge renew, Do what Christ would have you do? [Refrain] Used With Tune: GRAND RAPIDS Text Sources: Bible Study Songs, by Bertha F. Vella and Daniel. B. Towner (Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1899)

For Me! For Me!

Author: Ira D. Sankey Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Home at last, thy labor done Refrain First Line: Depth of mercy, oh, how sweet Lyrics: 1 Home at last, thy labor done, Safe and blest, the victory won; Jordan passed, from sin set free, Angels now have welcomed thee. Refrain: Depth of mercy, oh, how sweet, Thus to rest at Jesus’ feet, In yon world of light afar, Safe within "the gate’s ajar!" 2 When dark waves were beating hard Thy frail bark on Jordan’s flood, Thou didst sing so glad and free, "Yes, the gate’s ajar for me." [Refrain] 3 One short day of joy below, Such as pardoned sinners know, Then away on wings of love, To thy home prepared above. [Refrain] 4 When earth’s songs have all been sung, Labor ended, trials done, "We’ll meet again," oh, happy word! And be "for ever with the Lord." [Refrain] Used With Tune: LECCE Text Sources: The Gospel Singer by Philip Phillips (Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1874)

Jesus Christ Wanikiya (For the brave of every race)

Author: George Wallace Briggs; Paul Mazakute Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Holy Week All Saints

Bless O God, This Healing Place

Author: Ernest K. Emurian Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Bless, O God, this healing place

Збаўца наш Ісус ускрос

Author: Чарлз Уэслі Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Збаўца наш Ісус ускрос. А–лі–лу–я! Lyrics: 1 Збаўца наш Ісус ускрос. А–лі–лу–я! Мір і радасьць нам прынёс. А–лі–лу–я! Ён у славе і красе. А–лі–лу–я! На зямлі сьпявайце ўсе: А–лі–лу–я! 2 Божую з’явіў любоў. А–лі–лу–я! У найбольшым із баёў. А–лі–лу–я! Сьмерці ўладу Ён скрышыў. А–лі–лу–я! Рай нябесны нам адкрыў. А–лі–лу–я! 3 Нас Хрыстос наўчае жыць. А–лі–лу–я! Сьмерць Хрыстовых не страшыць. А–лі–лу–я! Сьмерцю сьмерць Ён патаптаў. А–лі–лу–я! Моц у пекла адабраў. А–лі–лу–я! 4 Шлях адкрыўся нам прамы. А–лі–лу–я! Дзе Хрыстос, там будзем мы. А–лі–лу–я! Хто з Хрыстом тут на зямлі. А–лі–лу–я! Будзе з Ім на вышыні. А–лі–лу–я! Used With Tune: [Збаўца наш Ісус ускрос. А–лі–лу–я] Text Sources: 14-е стагодзьдзе; перакладзены з Лацінскай на Ангельскую ў Lyra Davidica

Thou whom chiefest I desire

Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals

Nothing of My Own to Claim

Author: C. E. Retters Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Would you know how I was saved Lyrics: 1. Would you know how I was saved, Gained the peace that now I have; How He saved me from the fall? Trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain Nothing of my own to claim, Trusting only Jesus’ name; Making Him my all in all, Trusting Jesus, that is all. 2. Poor and helpless soul was I, Sinful and afraid to die; Jesus heard my stammering call, Trusting Jesus did it all. [Refrain] 3. Not by works was my reward, But believing on the Lord; Saved was I through faith, though small— Trusting Jesus, that is all. [Refrain] Used With Tune: AYER Text Sources: Songs of the Great Salvation by William M. Runyan & Daniel Towner (Wichita, Kansas: The Runyan Music Publishing Company, circa 1919), number 105


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