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Glorious In Majesty

Author: Jeff Cothran, fl. 1972 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #619 (1986) Meter: 7.6.8 D with refrain Topics: Ordinary Time 5, Year C; Ordinary Time 13, Year C; Advent; Christ the King; Baptism of Children; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Children's Hymns; Christian Life; Commissioning; Compassion; Discipleship; Freedom; Gathering; Going Forth; Jesus Christ; Ministry; Paschal Mystery; Praise; Second Coming; Service; Social Concern; Song; Word of God Refrain First Line: Living is to love him Languages: English Tune Title: SHIBBOLET BASADEH

We Are Your People

Author: Brian Wren, b. 1936 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #623 (1986) Meter: Topics: Ordinary Time 16, Year C; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Christian Life; Commissioning; Community; Ministry; Service; Social Concern; Unity; Welcome; World Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12 Languages: English Tune Title: WHITFIELD

Cristo Te Necesita (Jesus Needs You)

Author: Cesáreo Gabaráin, 1936-1991; Ruth Duck, n. 1947 Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #639 (2013) Topics: Amor Para Otros; Love for Others; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fraternidad y Hermandad; Children's Hymns; Música Para Los Jóvenes; Christian Life; Vida Cristiana; Discipleship; Discipulado; Diversidad; Diversity; Extranjero; Stranger; Ministerio; Ministry; Misión; Mission; Pobreza; Poverty; Service; Servicio First Line: Cristo te necesita para amar (Jesus needs you to give the world your love) Refrain First Line: No te importen las razas ni el color de la piel (Let there be no distinction based on color or race) Scripture: John 13:34 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: CRISTO TE NECESITA

For the Healing of the Nations

Author: Fred Kaan, b. 1929 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #643 (1986) Meter: Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Christian Life; Creation; Freedom; Humility; Justice; Love for Others; Ministry; Peace; Service; Sharing; Social Concern; Stewardship; Unity; World Lyrics: 1 For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord; For a just and equal sharing Of the things that earth affords. To a life of love in action Help us rise and pledge our word. 2 Lead us now, Lord, into freedom, From despair your world release; That redeemed from war and hatred, All may come and go in peace. Show us how through care and goodness Fear will die and hope increase. 3 All that kills abundant living, Let it from the earth be banned; Pride of status, race or schooling, Dogmas that obscure your plan. In our common quest for justice May we hallow life's brief span. 4 You, Creator God, have written Your great name on humankind; For our growing in your likeness Bring the life of Christ to mind; That by our response and service Earth its destiny may find. Languages: English Tune Title: WESTMINSTER ABBEY

Said Judas to Mary

Author: Sydney Carter, b. 1915 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #644 (1986) Meter: Irregular Topics: Lenten Season; Penance; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Church; Jesus Christ; Justice; Love for Others; Poverty; Service; Sharing; Social Concern; Stewardship; World Scripture: John 12:1-7 Languages: English Tune Title: JUDAS AND MARY

Lord, You Give the Great Commission (Cristo, Tú Nos Has Mandado)

Author: Jeffrey Rowthorn, b. 1934; George Lockwood, b. 1946 Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #645 (2013) Meter: D Topics: Chrism Mass; Misa Crismal; Ascension of the Lord; Ascensión del Señor; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fraternidad y Hermandad; Church; Iglesia; Comisión; Commissioning; Commitment; Compromiso; Discipleship; Discipulado; Evangelización; Evangelization; Ministerio; Ministry; Misión; Mission; Preocupación Social; Social Concern; Service; Servicio Scripture: Matthew 28:18 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: ABBOT'S LEIGH

Sent Forth by God's Blessing (Con sus Bendiciones)

Author: Omer Westendorf, 1916-1997; Dimas Planas-Belfort, 1934-1992 Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #647 (2013) Meter: D Topics: Alabanza; Praise; Bendición; Blessing; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fraternidad y Hermandad; Compartir; Sharing; Daily Life and Work; Vida y Trabjo Diario; Dar Gracias; Thanksgiving; Despedida; Sending Forth; Enseñanza; Teaching; Faith; Fe; Grace; Gracia; Ministerio; Ministry; Misión; Mission; Name of Jesus; Nombre de Jesús; People of God; Pueblo de Dios; Reign of God; Reino de Dios; Sacrifice; Sacrificio; Service; Servicio; Unidad; Unity Scripture: Psalm 133:1 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: ASH GROVE

In Christ There Is No East or West

Author: John Oxenham, 1852-1961 Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #659 (1986) Meter: Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Church; Jesus Christ; Justice; Service; Social Concern; Unity; World Lyrics: 1 In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fam'ly bound by love Throughout the whole wide earth. 2 In him shall true hearts ev'rywhere Their high communion find; His service is the golden cord Close-binding humankind. 3 Join hands, disciples of the faith, Whate'er your race may be! Who serve each other in Christ's love Are surely kin to me. 4 In Christ now meet both east and west, In him meet south and north, All Christly souls are one in him Throughout the whole wide earth. Scripture: Isaiah 49 Tune Title: MC KEE

In Christ There Is No East or West (Ni Oriente Ni Occidente)

Author: William A. Dunkerley, 1852-1941; Juanita R. de Balloch, b. 1894 Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #668 (2013) Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fraternidad y Hermandad; Church; Iglesia; Discipleship; Discipulado; Ecumenism; Ecumenismo; Ministerio; Ministry; Misión; Mission; Mundo; World; Service; Servicio; Unidad; Unity First Line: In Christ there is no east or west (Ni oriente ni occidente hay) Lyrics: ENGLISH - 1 In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fam'ly bound by love Throughout the whole wide earth. 2 In him shall true hearts ev'rywhere Their high communion find; His service is the golden cord Close binding humankind. 3 Join hands, disciples in the faith, Whate'er your race may be! Who serve each other in Christ's love Are surely kin to me. 4 In Christ now meet both east and west, In him meet south and north, All Christly souls are one in him Throughout the whole wide earth. SPANISH - 1 Ni oriente ni occidente hay En Cristo y su bondad. Unida en su amor está La entera humanidad. 2 En Dios, los fieles al Señor Su comunion tendrán, Y con los lazos de su amor Al mundo ligarán. 3 ¡De razas no haya distinción, Obreros de la fe! El que cual hijo sirve a Dios, Hermanno nuestro es. 4 Oriene y occidente en él Se encuentran; y su amor Las almas une por la fe En santa comunión. Scripture: Isaiah 49 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: MCKEE

Many Are the Lightbeams (Muchos Resplandores)

Author: St. Cyprian of Carthage; Anders Frostenson, 1906-2006; Pablo D. Sosa, b. 1933 Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #673 (2013) Meter: Topics: Amor de Dios para Nosotros; Love of God for Us; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Fraternidad y Hermandad; Children's Hymns; Música Para Los Jóvenes; Christian Life; Vida Cristiana; Church; Iglesia; Community; Comunidad; Espíritu Santo; Holy Spirit; Gathering; Reunión, Entrada; Jesucristo; Jesus Christ; Light; Luz; Service; Servicio; Unidad; Unity First Line: Many are the lightbeams from the one light (Muchos resplandores, sólo una luz) Scripture: John 15:5 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: TJÄNSTERNA


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