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Hymnal, Number:nsne1825

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John Needham

? - 1786 Person Name: Needham, altered Hymnal Number: 32 Author of "Awake, awake, arise" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged Needham, John, was the son of John Needham, Baptist Minister, of Hitchin, Herts, but the date of his birth is unknown. He would doubtless be educated by his father, who was a tutor and in repute as a learned man. In 1750 Needham became co-pastor with John Beddome at the Baptist meetinghouse in the Pithay, Bristol; but, two years later, Beddome having retired through age, a violent controversy arose in the Church with regard to a continuance of the plan of co-pastorship. As the result, Needham and a number of his friends removed to a Baptist meetinghouse in Callowhill Street, where a Mr. Foot was pastor. For a time the two societies used the same builing at different hours, but in 1755 they were united, with Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot as co-pastors. It is known that up to 1774 this arrangement continued, and it is also known that in 1787, both Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot having died, the Callowhill Street Church became extinct, but which of the two pastors was the survivor is not known. The date of Needham's death is unknown. It was probably circa 1786. In 1768 he published Hymns Devotional and Moral on various Subjects, collected chiefly from the Holy Scriptures, &c, Bristol, S. Farley, 1768. These hymns are 263 in all, and whilst none of them possess great excellence, yet several are of a pleasing and useful character. During the past 120 years several have appeared in Nonconformist hymnbooks, and specially in those of the Baptists. Of these the following are still in common use:— 1. Ashamed of Christ! my soul disdains. Not ashamed of Christ. 2. Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring. The Divine Perfections. 3. Glory to God, Who reigns above. Jesus, the Messiah. 4. Great author of the immortal mind. Imitation of God's Moral Perfections. From "flow matchless, Lord, Thy glories are." 5. Happy the man whose cautious steps. Christian Moderation. 6. Holy and reverend is the Name. Reverence in Worship. 7. Kind are the words that Jesus speaks. Christ the Strengthener. 8. Lord,ere [Now Lord] the heavenly seed is sown. Parable of the Sower. 9. Methinks the last great day is come. The Judgment. 10. Rise, O my soul, pursue the path. The Example of the Saints. 11. See how the little toiling ant. Youth for Christ. 12. Thou art, O God, a Spirit pure. God a Spirit. 13. To praise the ever bounteous Lord. Harvest. 14. When some kind shepherd from his fold. The Lost Sheep. From this “O how divine, how sweet the joy," in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, New York, 1872, is taken. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edward Godwin

Person Name: Godwin Hymnal Number: 551 Author of "God of sabbaths, Israel's Lord" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged

John Ogilvie

1732 - 1813 Person Name: Ogilvie Hymnal Number: 238a Author of "Begin, my soul, th'exalted lay" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged John Ogilvie was born in 1733, and was minister of Midmar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, from 1759 until his death in 1814. He published some theological and philosophical treatises, and a number of poems. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============= Ogilvie, John, D.D., eldest son of the Rev. James Ogilvie, or Ogilvy, of Aberdeen, was born at Aberdeen in 1733. After studying at the University of Aberdeen (Marischal College), which, in 1766, conferred upon him the degree of D.D., he became parish minister of Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, in 1759, and of Midmar, Aberdeenshire, in 1760. He died at Midmar, Nov. 17, 1813. He published a number of poetical works, and among others Poems on Several Subjects, in 2 vols. (London, 1769). This includes his well known paraphrase of Psalm cxlviii.— "Begin, my soul, the exalted lay." He was a member of the Committee appointed by the General Assembly of 1775, to revise the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745, and is said to have contributed No. 62, “Lo, in the last of days behold", to the 1781 authorized ed. of the same. [Scottish Translations and Paraphraphs] [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Ogilvie, John, p. 856, ii. From his psalm version, "Begin, my soul, the exalted lay," the cento “Ye fields of light, celestial plains" is taken. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Matthew Wilks

Person Name: Wilks Hymnal Number: 567 Author of "Jesu's precious name excels" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged

Joseph Swain

1723 - 1792 Person Name: Swain Hymnal Number: 293 Author of "Firmly I stand on Sion's hill" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged Joseph Swain born in 1723 in Reading, Mass, graduated at Harvard College in 1744; was schoolmaster at Reading in 1746; was ordained as pastor of the Congregationalist Church at Wenham, Mass in 1750. He was the author of several hymns. He was pastor of his church for forty-two years, until he died June 27, 1792. Swain and allied families, compiled by William C. Swain, Milwaukee,Wis: Press of Swain & Tate Company, 1896

W. E. Miller

1766 - 1839 Person Name: Miller Hymnal Number: 675 Author of ""A Saviour!" let creation sing!" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged

John Dobell

1757 - 1840 Editor of "" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged Dobell, John, b. 1757, d. May, 1840, was a port-gauger under the Board of Excise, at Poole, Dorset, and a person of some local note. In 1806 he published:— A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns for Private, Family, and Public Worship (Many Original) from more than two hundred of the best Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, Arranged in alphabetical order; Intended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. By John Dobell. Lond., Williams and Smith, 1806. Subsequently this Selection was increased to "More than Eight Hundred" hymns, and the wording of the title-page was changed in several instances. Dobell's account of this work is:— "The hymns here presented to the public I have collected from more than two hundred authors; many of them are taken from Manuscripts which I deemed too valuable to be suffered to remain in obscurity, and some have been supplied by friends. As this work has been the labour of years, and the choice of many thousand hymns, it will, I trust, give satisfaction to the Church of God." Preface, p. iii. In addition to a work on Baptisms,1807, and another on Humanity, 1812, Dobell also published:— The Christian's Golden Treasure; or, Gospel Comfort for Doubting Minds, 1823. This work was in two vols., the first of which contained 124 hymns, several of which were by Dobell. Of this writer's hymns very few are found in modern hymn-books. We have from the 1806 book:—(1) "Come, dearest Lord, and bless this day" (Sunday Morning); (2) "Great Ruler of the earth and skies” (In time of War); (3) "Now is the accepted time," (Invitation) — in common use in Great Britain and America, out of twenty or more. It is not as a hymn-writer, but as a diligent and successful hymnologist, that J. Dobell is best known. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Thomas Greene

1710 - 1779 Person Name: Greene Hymnal Number: 534 Author of "It is the Lord--enthron'd in light" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged Greene, Thomas, of Ware, was for some time a member of the Congregational body in that town. In 1778 a minority of the members, of Arian principles, having obtained the lease of the chapel, the majority seceded and built themselves the "Old Independent Chapel." Mr. Greene was one of these seceders (Miller's Singers & Songs, 1869, p. 314). His Hymns and Poems on Various Subjects, chiefly Sacred, were published in 1780 (2nd ed., 1797). From this work the hymn "It is the Lord, enthroned in light" (Resignation), is taken. In Bickersteth's Christian Psalmody, 1833, it begins, "It is the Lord, my covenant God." In modern collections it is found in both forms. Another hymn from the same work is "The more my conduct I survey " (Trusting in Jesus), as in Spurgeon's 0ur Own Hymn Book, 1866. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Richard Burnham

1749 - 1810 Person Name: Burnham Hymnal Number: 260 Author of "'Twas fixed in God's eternal mind" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged Burnham, Richard, b. 1749, d. 1810, was for many years pastor of a Baptist Church in London, first in Little Chapel Street, and afterwards in Grafton Street, Soho. He is said to have been an excellent preacher. His hymns, 452 in all, were published as follows:— New Hymns on Divers Subjects, Lond., Gilbert and Plummer, 1783. This contained 141 hymns. A 2nd edition with 74 additional hymns as New Hymns on Various Subjects (same publishers), 1785. To this was added New Hymns on Divine Love, chiefly designed for Love Feasts or Christian Societies (25 hymns and 2 poetical pieces), Lond., W. Smith, but no date (cir. 1787). The 3rd edition of the Hymns, &c, is dated 1794, the 4th 1796, and the 5th, 1803. This last contains 452 hymns. In addition 3 hymns were printed at the end of a Sermon on Believer's Baptism, 1805, and many others on leaflets which have not been reprinted. Burnham's hymns rank with the most intensely Calvinistic in the English language, and have been much used by congregations of Calvinistic sentiments. In the last edition of Gudsbey’s Selection there are 20; in Denham's Selection 82; and in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory. 10. His best known hymns are, “Jesus! Thou art the sinner's Friend," and "O glorious God of grace." The following, from the editions of his Hymns, &c, indicated in brackets, are still in common use:— 1. Free grace, melodious sound [1794]. Grace. 2. God in Three appears all glorious [1796]. Holy Trinity. 3. Great Jehovah's love endureth [1794]. God unchangeable. 4. How truly glorious is the love [1803]. Love of God. In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, this is altered by Miss Havergal. 5. Jesus draws the chosen race [1794]. Election. 6. Love will I ever sing [1796]. Love of God. 7. Now 1 know the great Redeemer [1794]. The Advocate. 8. The goodness of our glorious God [1794]. Divine Goodness. 9. The people of the Lord were chosen, &c. [1796], Election. 10. Who can e'er fathom God's rich love [1803]. Love of God. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Hymnal Number: 244 Author of "My Father calls me to his arms" in A New Selection of Nearly Eight Hundred Evangelical Hymns, from More than 200 Authors in England, Scotland, Ireland, & America, including a great number of originals, alphabetically arranged


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