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Hymnal, Number:shba1819

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Daniel Turner

1710 - 1798 Hymnal Number: A61 Author of "Beyond the glittering, starry globe [globes] [sky] [skies]" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Turner, Daniel, M.A., was born at Blackwater Park, near St. Albans, March 1, 1710. Having received a good classical education, he for some years kept a boarding-school at Hemel Hempstead, but in 1741 he became pastor of the Baptist church, Reading. Thence he removed, in 1748, to Abingdon, and continued pastor of the Baptist church there until his death on Sept. 5, 1798. He was much respected throughout his denomination, and was the friend and correspondent of Robert Robinson, Dr. Rippon, and other eminent men of that day. He probably received the honorary degree of M.A. from the Baptist College, Providence, Rhode Island. Turner was the author of works on Open Communion and Social Religion; also of Short Meditations on Select Portions of Scripture. His Divine Songs, Hymns and other Poems were published in 1747, and his work, Poems Devotional and Moral, was printed for private circulation in 1794. Four of his hymns are in the Bristol Baptist Collection of Ash & Evans (1769), and eight (including the four already named) in Rippon's Baptist Selection 1787). Only the following are now in common use:— 1. Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss (1769). Excellence of Faith. 2. Jesus, full of all compassion (1769). Sinner's appeal to Christ. 3. Lord of hosts, how lovely fair (1787). Divine Worship. Altered in Baptist Psalms and Hymns, 1858, to “Lord of hosts, how bright, how fair!" The well-known hymn "Beyond the glittering starry skies," in its enlarged form of 28 stanzas, was the joint production of Turner and his brother-in-law, the Rev. J. Fanch. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Humphreys

b. 1720 Person Name: J. Humphreys Hymnal Number: 94 Author of "Blessed [Blest] are the sons of God" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Humphreys, Joseph, son of Asher Humphreys, minister at Burford, Oxfordshire, was born at Burford, Oct. 28, 1720, and educated at a grammar school at Fairford, and at an academy for the training of young men for the ministry in London. From the latter he was expelled, Dec. 25, 1739, because of his attachment to Whitefield. For a short time he associated with the Wesleys, but eventually joined G. Whitefield, and subsequently preached at Bristol, London, and Deptford. He died in London (date unknown), and was buried in the Moravian Cemetery at Chelsea. He was a contributor to Whitefield's Christian History (1741-1748), 1742, &c, and published, 1742, An Account of Joseph Humphreys's Experiences, &c. As a hymnwriter he is not widely known. His hymns were contributed to J. Cennick'e Sacred Hymns for the Use of Religious Societies (Bristol), 1743, pt. ii., and are thus introduced: "These were done by Mr. Joseph Humphreys." Of these hymns, two only are in common use:— 1. Blessed are the sons of God. Adoption. 2. Come, guilty souls, and flee away. Invitation. These are given in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and other collections. No. 1 is the more popular of the two. It is sometimes abbreviated, and has the concluding lines of st. viii. added as a refrain to each stanza. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Born: October 28, 1720, Burford, Oxfordshire, England. Died: London, England. Buried: Moravian Cemetery, Chelsea, England. Joseph was the son of Asher Humphreys, Rector of Barton, Hertfordshire, and subsequently Burford, Oxfordshire. At age 10, Joseph was sent to a grammar school at Fairfield, Gloucestershire. His father died in 1732, and Joseph was sent, at age 12, to a theological school in London. In 1738, having been converted to the doctrines of the Wesleys, he began to preach at the Foundry, London, in Bristol, and elsewhere. He attached himself particularly to John Cennick, and accompanied him frequently on his evangelistic tours. Hatfield reports, "For his irregularities in these respects, he was expelled, December 25, 1739, from the school." Following Cennick’s example, Humphreys separated from the Wesleys in April 1741 and became associated with Whitefield. The same year, he preached for the Moravians at Deptford, West Greenwich. He was also one of the four principal contributors to The Weekly History, just then established, in the interest of the new religious movement. Several of his "Letters to John Wesley," opposing his views, appeared in this journal. Humphreys frequently preached at the Bowling Green, Bristol, and the Tabernacle, London. In January 1743, he united with several clergymen and lay preachers in organizing, near Cardiff, Wales, the first Calvinistic Methodist Society. In 1790, according to John Wesley’s journal, Humphreys left Whitefield and was ordained a Presbyterian minister. He later received an Episcopal ordination. Humphreys’ works include: A Letter to the Religious Societies, in Testimony Against the Errors of Universal Redemption and Sinless Perfection (Bristol, England: 1741) An Account of Joseph Humphreys’ Experience at the Work of Grace upon His Heart (Bristol, England: 1742)

Thomas Scott

1705 - 1775 Hymnal Number: A64 Author of "Absurd and vain attempt, to bind" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Thomas Scott was born at Norwich, and was the son of a Dissenting minister. After his education he began his ministerial life at Wartmell, in Norfolk, adding also the labours of school-teaching. Subsequently he changed his pastoral relations several times, spending the last years of his life at Hupton, in Norfolk, where he died in 1776. He was the author of some prose works, several poems, and a few hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ============================ Scott, Thomas, son of Thomas Scott, Independent Minister at Norwich, brother of Elizabeth Scott, and nephew of Dr. Daniel Scott, was born at Norwich, 1705. As a young man he kept a school at Wortwell, and preached once a month at Harleston, Norfolk. Then, after a short ministry at Lowestoft, he removed in 1734 to Ipswich as co-pastor with Mr. Baxter of the Presbyterian congregation meeting in St. Nicholas Street Chapel. On the death of his senior in 1740 he became sole pastor. In 1774 he retired to Hapton, and died there in 1775. He was the author of various poetical works, including:— (1) The Table of Cebes; or, the Picture of Human Life, in English Verse, with Notes, 1754; (2) The Book of Job, in English Verse; translated from the original Hebrew, with Remarks, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, 1771; 2nd ed. 1773; (3) Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral. By Thomas Scott, London, James Buckland, 1773. To Dr. Enfield's Hymns for Public Worship, Warrington, 1772, he contributed "All-knowing God, 'tis Thine to know" (p. 43, ii.); "Angels! roll the rock away" (p. 69, i.); "As various as the moon " (p. 85, ii.); and the following:— 1. Absurd and vain attempt to bind. Persecution. 2. Behold a wretch in woe. Mercy. 3. Imposture shrinks from light. Private Judgment, its Rights and Duties. 4. Mark, when tempestuous winds arise. Meekness. 5. O come all ye sons of Adam and raise. Universal Praise to God. 6. Th' uplifted eye and bended knee. Devotion vain without Virtue. 7. Was pride,alas, e'er made for man? Humility. 8. Why do I thus perplex? Worldly Anxiety reproved. In his Preface to his Lyric Poems, 1773, he said that the object of his work was:— "To form a kind of little poetical system of piety and morals. The work opens with natural religion. Thence it proceeds to the mission of Jesus Christ, his sufferings, his exaltation, and the propagation of his doctrine. Next is the call to repentance, the nature and blessedness of a Christian life, and the entrance into it. These topics are succeeded by the various branches of devotion: after which are ranked the moral duties, personal and social, the happy end of a sincere Christian, and the coming of Jesus Christ to finish his mediatorial kingdom by the general judgment. The whole is closed with a description of the illustrious times, when by means of the everlasting gospel, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Of Scott's better known hymns this volume contained most of those named above, and:— 9. Hasten, sinner, to be wise. p. 493, ii. 10. Who, gracious Father, can complain? The Divine Dispensation In the Collection of Hymns and Psalms, &c, 1795, by Kippis, Rees, and others, several of the above were repeated, and the following were new:— 11. If high or low our station be. Justice. 12. Happy the meek whose gentle breast. Meekness. Doctrinally Scott might be described as an evangelical Arian. Hymns of his appear in most of the old Presbyterian collections at the close of the last century, and in the early Unitarian collections. Several are still in common use in G. Britain and America. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. Vokes

Hymnal Number: 418b Author of "Exert thy power, thy rights maintain" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Pseudonym. See also

John Fellows

? - 1785 Hymnal Number: 446 Author of "Dear Lord, and will [has] thy pardoning love" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Fellows, John. Date of birth unknown; d. 1785. He was the author of the following:— (1) Grace Triumphant, a Sacred Poem in nine books, 1770; (2) Bromsgrove Elegy, in blank verse, on the Death of Rev. G. Whitefield, 1771; (3) An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Gill, 1771; (4) Hymns on Believers' Baptism, Birmingham, 1773; (5) The Apostle Paul's Defence before Felix, in verse, 1775; (6) Hymns in a great variety of Metres, on the Perfection of the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 1776; (7) The History of the Holy Bible, attempted in easy verse, 4 vols., 1777; (8) Six Instructive Views of Believers' Baptism, a tract published both separately and as an Introduction to the 2nd edition of his “Hymns on Believers' Baptism" 1777; (9) A Fair and Impartial Enquiry into the Rise, &c., of the Church of Rome, 1779; and also (10) "A Protestant Catechism." Considering how numerous were the writings of J. Fellows, it is remarkable how little is known of him. It is stated by Dr. Joseph Belcher, in Historical Sketches of Hymns (Philadelphia, 1859), that he was a poor shoemaker, a member of the Baptist denomination, and that he lived in Birmingham. The evidence for this is tolerably clear. That Fellows was a Baptist and not a Methodist, as Watt & Allibone say, is clear from his baptismal hymns. That be lived in or near Birmingham is likely from the fact that most of his books date from Birmingham, and are said to be printed for the author, though sold by G. Keith, Gracecburch Street, London. Also, to the 2nd edition of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism (1777) is prefixed a note of commendation, signed by eight Baptist ministers, who say they are personally acquainted with the author; and the first three names are those of the Baptist ministers at Birmingham, Coventry and Bromsgrove. From the records of the Baptist church formerly in Cannon Street, Birmingham, it appears that a John Fellows joined it early in 1780, and continued a member till his death on July 30, 1785. But one of J. Fellows's earlier pieces is entitled a Bromsgrove Elegy. Combining these facts we infer that Fellows first lived at Bromsgrove, and then, removing to Birmingham, joined the church in Cannon Street. His hymns on Baptism are 55 in number. 6 are in Rippon's Selection, 1787. Some of his hymns are in all Baptist hymn-books, from Rippon to modern collections. These include the disputed "Humble souls who seek salvation", the hymn on behalf of children, "Great God, now condescend"; and others, all of which are annotated under their respective first lines. In addition the following are in limited use:— 1. Dear Lord, and will Thy pardoning love Embrace, &c. Adult Baptism. No. 28 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "The Believer constrained by the love of Christ to fol¬low Him in His Ordinance." In Rippon's Selection, 1787, it was reduced to 4 stanzas: and in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, to 6, stanza vi. being omitted. It is also sometimes given as "0 Lord, and will Thy pardoning love, &c." 2. Descend, Celestial Dove. Invocation of the Holy Spirit at Holy Baptism. No. 55 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. In Rippon's Selection, 1787, these were rearranged in 4 stanzas, and again in the American Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, 1871, to 3 stanzas. 3. Go, teach the nations and baptize. Holy Baptism. No. 454, in Rippon's Selection, 1787, in 3 stanzas of 3 lines. It is given in a few American collections. 4. Great God, we in Thy courts appear. Holy Baptism. No. 43 in his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, and Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 452, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It sometimes begins with stanza iii., "In Thy assembly here we stand." 5. Jesus, Mighty King of [in] Zion. Holy Baptism; Christ the Guide. No. 29 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines and headed, "Believers buried with Christ in Baptism." Rippon, 1787, reduced it to 3 stanzas, and these have been repeated in later collections as the American Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, 1871, &c. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Drennan

1754 - 1820 Person Name: Drennan Hymnal Number: 491 Author of "To thee, let my [our] first offering [offerings] rise" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Drennan, William, M.D., b. at Belfast, May 23, 1754, and educated at Glasgow, where he graduated M.A. in 1771, and M.D. 1778. He subsequently practised at Belfast. He died Feb. 5, 1820. In 1815 he published Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, Belfast, 1815; and his Poems were collected and published with a Memoir by his sons in 1859. Of his poems six are grouped under the heading of "Religious Poems." Seven hymns, including five of these "Religious Poems," were contributed to Aspland's Unitarian Selection, 1810; but in the 1859 Poems and Memoir most of them are in a longer form. As most of these are still in common use amongst the Unitarians in Great Britain and America, we subjoin the list of first lines:— 1. All nature feels attractive power. Law of Love. 2. Bless’d who with generous pity glows. Charity. 3. Humanity! thou sent of God. Faith, Hope, Charity. 4. In this fair globe, with ocean bound. Love of God. 5. O sweeter than the fragrant flower. Being Good. 6. The heaven of heavens cannot contain. Divine Worship. 7. The husbandman goes forth afield. Fruits of Benevolence. [William T. Brooke] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Benjamin Wallin

1711 - 1782 Hymnal Number: 77 Author of "Hail, mighty Jesus, how divine" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Wallin, Benjamin, son of Edward Wallin, pastor of the Baptist Church, Maze Pond, Southwark, was born in London in 1711. He received a good education under the care of the Rev. John Needham, of Hitchin (father of the hymnwriter of that name, and was for a time engaged in business. But in 1740 he responded to an earnest request to become pastor of the church over which his father had presided, and this position he retained until his death on Feb. 19, 1782. Mr. B. Wallin published nearly forty sermons, charges, and other small religious books and pamphlets. In 1750 he published a volume entitled, Evangelical Hymns and Songs, in Two Parts: Published for the Comfort and Entertainment of true Christians; with authorities at large from the Scriptures. The hymns in this volume are 100 in number, and the texts of scripture illustrated in each stanza are quoted in full in the lower part of the page. The versification is homely and the rhymes are often faulty. Two hymns from the work are in common use:— 1. Hail, mighty Jesus [Saviour] how divine. Divine Grace. 2. When I the holy grave survey. Easter. These, with others, appeared in A. M. Toplady's Psalms & Hymns, 1776. They are usually given with alterations, chiefly introduced by Toplady. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ambrose Serle

1742 - 1812 Person Name: Ambrose Searle Hymnal Number: 184 Author of "Jesus, commissioned from above" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Serle, Ambrose, a Commissioner in the Government Transport Office, was b. Aug. 30, 1742, and d. Aug. 1, 1812. He published Horae Solitariae: or Essays upon some remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, &c, 1786. In this work short hymns are appended to some of the articles, and of these, "Jesus commissioned from above" (Redemption), and "Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design" (Providence), have passed into several collections. Serle was also the author of other works. The Rev. E. Bickersteth published Selections from the Works of Ambrose Serle, in 1833. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Edmund Jones

1722 - 1765 Hymnal Number: 355 Author of "Come, humble sinner, in whose breast" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Jones, Edmund, son of the Rev. Philip Jones, Cheltenham, was born in 1722, and attended for a time the Baptist College at Bristol. At the age of 19 he began to preach for the Baptist Congregation at Exeter, and two years afterwards he became its pastor. In 1760 he published a volume of Sacred Poems. After a very-useful ministry he died April 15, 1765. From an old manuscript record of the Exeter Baptist Church, it appears that it was under his ministry in the year 1759, that singing was first introduced into that Church as a part of worship. As a hymn-writer he is known chiefly through:— Come, humble sinner, in whose breast. This hymn appeared in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1181, No. 355, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "The successful Resolve—'I will go in unto the King,' Esther iv. 16." It has undergone several changes, including:— 1. "Come, sinner, in whose guilty breast." In the Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymn Book, 1860. 2. “Come, trembling sinner, in whose breast." This is in a great number of American hymn-books. 3. “Come, weary sinner, in whose breast." Also in American use. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 333, attributes this hymn to a Welsh Baptist hymn-writer of Trevecca, and of the same name. Rippon, however, says in the first edition of his Selection that Edmund Jones, the author of No. 333, was pastor of the Baptist Church at Exon, Devon. This decides the matter. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Jones, Edmund, p. 605, ii. In The Church Book, by L. W. Bacon, N. Y., 1883, No. 279 begins with stanzas ii. of Jones's hymn, "Come, humble sinner, &c," and begins:—"I'll go to Jesus, though my sin." Also note that in that article the words “author of No. 333," should read "author of No. 355." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Samuel Pearce

1766 - 1799 Hymnal Number: 541a Author of "In the floods of tribulation" in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors. Pearce, Samuel, son of a silversmith at Plymouth, was born in that town, July 20, 1766. Early in life he joined the Baptist Church in Plymouth, and, showing gifts for the ministry, was invited to preach. After a course of study at the Baptist College, Bristol, he became, in 1790, pastor of the Baptist congregation in Cannon Street, Birmingham. There his ministry was remarkably successful; but after a brief and bright course he died on Oct. 10, 1799. He was strongly disposed to foreign mission work, and was one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society, in 1792. His Memoirs, by A. Fuller, was published in 1800. Embodied in the Memoirs were eleven poetical pieces. In the 2nd edition, 1801, these pieces were grouped together at the end of the Memoirs. He is known to hymnology through the following hymns:— 1. Author of life, with grateful heart. Evening. This in the Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymn Book, 1860, is the original with the omissions of st. iii.; that noted on p. 98, i. is a cento for "Morning." Both are from the Memoirs, 1800. 2. God of our lives, our morning song. Morning. From the Memoirs, 1800, into the Methodist Free Church Hymn Book, 1860, with the omission of st. ii. 3. In the floods of tribulation. In Affliction. His “Hymn in a Storm," in the Memoirs, 1800, in 4 st. of 10 1. In the 10th ed. of Rippon's Baptist Selections, 1800, it is given in another form of 8 st. of 6 1. This form has come down to modern hymnals. 4. Let ocean's waves tumultuous rise. Contentment. No in the Memoirs; but in Rippon's Selections, 1800, in 6 st. of 6 1. 5. Whene'er I look into Thy word. Sunday Morning. In the Memoirs, 1800, in 8 st. of 6 1. In the 27th ed. of Rippon's Selections., 1827, st. iv.-vii., slightly altered, were given as “Our precious Lord, on duty bent." [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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