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Meter: with refrain

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Marcílio de Oliveira Filho

1947 - 2005 Meter: with refrain Composer of "FAMÍLIA FELIZ" in Hinário para o Culto Cristão

Francisco Cook

Meter: with refrain Translator of "Entenderemos"

William Edie Marks

1872 - 1954 Meter: with refrain Composer of "THE LAST MILE OF THE WAY" in African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal Born: July 1872, Delaware (probably Wilmington) Died: November 20, 1954, Wilmington, Delaware. Buried: Lombardy Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware. Marks was ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Wilm­ing­ton, Del­a­ware, in 1913. His works in­clude: Cream of Song, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & O. B. Cul­pep­per & (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pick­ett Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1906) Tears and Tri­umphs No. 4, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & Ben­ja­min Butts (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky: Pen­te­cost­al Pub­lish­ing Company, 1910) Noted Hymns, 1927 (ed­it­or) Lyrics-- Christmas Joy Tasting the Joys Trying to Be More like Je­sus We Shall Hear Him Say, "Well Done" Music-- Best Thing I Ev­er Did, The End Is Not Yet, The I Am Go­ing to Con­tin­ue In the Morn­ing We Shall See It Is Mine Jesus Sa­tis­fies Jesus Took the Bur­den Off Keep Tell­ing It Last Mile of the Way, The Let Je­sus Re­move It To­day Lift Thy Face to the Light! Rapture In­deed! Tell It Wher­ev­er You Go When We Use Our Tal­ents You Ought to Know Him

Honorato T. Reza

1912 - 2000 Person Name: Honorato Reza Meter: with refrain Translator of "Salvador mío, como tú eres" Born: Oc­to­ber 27, 1912, Alahuixtlan, Guer­re­ro, Mex­i­co. Died: 2000, Kansas City. Reza’s ed­u­ca­tion be­gan at age six in the home of a Pro­test­ant pas­tor, and con­tin­ued in a board­ing school in Tel­o­lo­a­pan, and lat­er in Mex­i­co City. Re­za be­came a Chris­tian at age 11 af­ter hear­ing a sermon by Ruth Del­ga­do. He turned away from the faith as a teen, but was re­con­ciled in 1930. He grad­u­at­ed from the Bi­ble In­sti­tute in Mex­i­co Ci­ty in 1935, and took his first pas­tor­ate in Ma­tí­as Ro­me­ro, Oa­xa­ca. Reza en­rolled at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Pas­a­de­na, California, in 1937, re­ceived his ba­che­lor’s de­gree in 1939, and re­turned to Mex­i­co Ci­ty in 1935 to open a new church. A few months lat­er, he mar­ried Ernes­ti­na Ten­to­ri. Continuing post gra­du­ate stu­dies in paral­lel with his pas­tor­al du­ties, Re­za earned a de­gree from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Mex­i­co in 1941. H. Or­ton Wi­ley in­vit­ed him to Pas­a­de­na Un­i­ver­si­ty the fol­low­ing year to teach Span­ish and lit­er­a­ture. In ad­di­tion to his re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in Pa­sa­de­na, Re­za was dean and pro­fes­sor at a Bi­ble col­lege in Los An­geles for His­pan­ic pas­tors of the Church of the Nazarene in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. In 1944, the Gene­ral As­sem­bly of the Church of the Na­za­rene cre­ate­d a Span­ish ra­dio prog­ram, with Re­za as its di­rec­tor. He moved with his fam­i­ly to Kan­sas Ci­ty in 1946 to sup­port that ef­fort. For 23 years, he host­ed the ra­dio pro­gram La Ho­ra Na­za­re­na, which was even­tu­al­ly broad­cast on 700 sta­tions. In 1980, Re­za be­came found­ing pre­si­dent of the Na­za­rene Sem­in­a­ry in Mex­i­co Ci­ty, guid­ing it in its ear­ly years of de­vel­op­ment. Reza’s works in­clude: Brazil’s Open Door (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1958) Our Task for To­day (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1963) Nuestra Ta­rea pa­ra Hoy (Ca­sa Na­za­rene de Pub­lic­ci­o­nes) Ambassadors to La­tin Lands, 1965 Prescription for Per­ma­nence: The Sto­ry of Our Schools for Train­ing Min­is­ters in La­tin Amer­i­ca, 1968 Missions: Both Sides of the Coin (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1973) Through a Long Tun­nel: A Sto­ry of Sur­viv­al in Cu­ba (Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House, 1976) After the Storm, the Rain­bow: The Church of the Na­za­rene in Cu­ba Tras la Tor­men­ta, el Arco Iris (Ca­sa Na­za­rene de Pub­lic­ci­o­nes, 1993) --hymntime/tch/bio/r/e/z/reza_ht.htm Himnario Bautista gives his year of birth as 1913.

Jacob Henry Hall

1855 - 1941 Person Name: J. H. Hall Meter: with refrain Composer of "["Ask, and it shall be given you," brother]" Jacob Henry Hall, 1855-1941 Born: Jan­u­a­ry 2, 1855, near Har­ris­on­burg, Vir­gin­ia. Died: De­cem­ber 22, 1941. Buried: Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia. Son of farm­er George G. Hall and Eliz­a­beth Thom­as Hall, Ja­cob at­tend­ed sing­ing schools taught by Tim­o­thy Funk when he was a boy. As his love of mu­sic pro­gressed, he earned mo­ney by trap­ping quail and bought a Ger­man ac­cor­di­on; he soon learned to play one part while sing­ing an­o­ther. Af­ter he and his bro­ther joint­ly pur­chased an or­gan, he taught him­self to play hymn tunes, Gos­pel songs, and an­thems. He went on to stu­dy mu­sic the­ory, har­mo­ny, and com­po­si­tion in Har­ris­on­burg and else­where, and in 1877 at­tend­ed a Nor­mal Mu­sic School in New Mar­ket, Vir­gin­ia, taught by Ben­ja­min Un­seld and P. J. Merges. Af­ter­ward, he par­tnered with H. T. Wart­man for two years to con­duct sing­ing schools and con­ven­tions. In 1890, Hall at­tend­ed Da­na’s Mu­sical In­sti­tute in War­ren, Ohio, and a nor­mal school run by George & F. W. Root at Sil­ver Lake, New York. He lat­er served as prin­ci­pal of the Na­tion­al Nor­mal School of Mu­sic. Hall’s works in­clude: Hall’s Songs of Home, 1885 The Star of Beth­le­hem (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kief­fer Com­pa­ny) Musical Mil­lion (as­sis­tant ed­it­or) Spirit of Praise, with Will­iam Kirk­pat­rick & Charles Case (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: The Rue­bush-Kieff­er Com­pa­ny, 1911) Hall’s Quar­tettes for Men, 1912 Biography of Gos­pel Song and Hymn Writ­ers/em> (New York: Flem­ing H. Re­vell Com­pa­ny, 1914) Sources-- Hall, pp. 329-34 Lyrics-- Glorious Morn­ing Dawns, The O Thou Whose Match­less Pow­er Con­trols

Barry Brinson

Person Name: Barry Brinson, 1939- Meter: with refrain Composer of "STILLNESS" in Community of Christ Sings

Hiram Rollo

b. 1961 Person Name: Hiram Rollo Júnior Meter: with refrain Author of "Tua Voz Escuto a Convocar-me" in Hinário para o Culto Cristão Hiram Rollo is a Brazilian hymn writer. He now serves at Shade's Crest Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL.

Christopher Tambling

1964 - 2015 Person Name: Christopher Tambling Meter: with refrain Composer of "BIRNHAM"

Otis F. Presbrey

1820 - 1901 Person Name: O. F. Presbrey Meter: with refrain Composer of "[I have read of a beautiful city] (Presbrey)"

Solomon L. Ginsburg

1867 - 1927 Person Name: Salomão Luiz Ginsburg, 1867-1927 Meter: with refrain Translator of "A Jesus Cristo Contarei Tudo" in Hinário para o Culto Cristão Born in Poland in 1867, Ginsburg was a Baptist pastor and missionary to Brazil for thirty-five years. He wrote A Wandering Jew in Brazil: An Autobiography


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