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Scripture:Psalm 106:1-6

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Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 SiNG HALLELUJAH! to the LORD give thanks; for good is He, Because his mercy doth endure ev'n to eternity, 2 Who can the LORD's great pow'rs declare, or set forth all his praise? 3 Blessed are they who judgment keep, and justice do always. 4 LORD mind me with the favour Thou dost to thy people bear; And with thy great salvation me to visit now appear. 5 That I may fee thy nation's good which Thou hast made thy choice; And glory with thy heritage, and in their joy rejoyce. [2 Part] 6 We with our fathers sinned have, have sinned ev'ry one, Have trespassed exceedingly, and wickedly have done. 7 The mighty wonders Thou hast wrought in the Egyptian land. Our fathers saw, but did not mind or duly understand: Nor did they mind the multitude of thy benignities; But at the sea, at the red sea, they made thy wrath to rise. 8 Nevertheless He saved them ev'n for his own name's sake; That thereby He his sov'reign pow'r most manifest might make. 9 For He the mighty sea rebuk'd, and made before Him fly; And through the depths He led them safe, as through a desart dry. 10 From his high hand who hated them He timely did them save; And from the hand of mighty foes a full redemption gave. 11 The waters overwhelm'd their foes, not one was left alive; 12 Then they his word believ'd, and praise to Him in songs did give. [3 Part] 13 Yet soon did they his mighty works ungratefully forget; Nor for his sov'reign counsel would with due submission wait. 14 But journeying in the wilderness, they lusted shamefully; And in the desart would presume the glorious God to try. 15 And yet the things which they requir'd He gave them to the full; But leaness at the same time sent into their pining soul. 16 They envy'd Moses in' the camp, tho' their great prophet known; And with him Aaron their high priest, JEHOVAH's holy one. 17 The earth her mouth then op'ned wide, and Dathan did devour, With proud Abiram's company, and hid with dreadful roar. 18 Among the rest who mutiny'd, a fire was kindled then, Whose flame pursu'd and soon consum'd, those daring impious men. 19 They made a calf of melted gold, while they at Horeb were; And stupidly they worshipped the molten image there. 20 Thus they most foolishly exchang'd Him that their glory was, For the base likeness of an ox that feeding lives on grass. 21 They quite forgot the glorious God, who had their saviour been; By whom such mighty things perform'd they had in Egypt seen: 22 The wondrous works which He had done in Ham's astonish'd land, The fearful things at the red sea wrought by his sov'reign hand. 23 He said then, He would them destroy, if Moses in that day Had not stood in the dreadful breach, and turn'd his wrath away. [4 Part] 24. Yea they despis'd the pleasant land, and would not trust his word; 25 But murm'ring in their tents, refus'd to hearken to the LORD. 26 To make them in the desart fall, He lifted up his hand; 27 Among the nations to disperse their race in every land. 28 To Baal-peor they join'd themselves, made off'rings to the dead; 29 With these devices Him provok'd; the plague among them spread. 30 But Phineas rose, and judgment wrought, whereon the plague did cease: 31 Which to all ages is to Him accounted righteousness. 32 Yea at the streams of Meribah they there incens'd Him so, That ev'n with Moses for their sakes it grievously did go: 33 Their provocations were so great, his patient spirit stir'd, That with his lips he spake in haste an unadvised word. [5 Part] 34 They did not, at the LORD's command, the impious nations slay; 35 But with the heathen mix'd themselves, and learnt their works and way. 36 They serv'd their idols, which to them a fatal snare became; 37 Their sons and daughters sacrific'd to devils in the flame. 38 The blood of innocents they shed, to Canaan's idols vile; Their children's blood they sacrific'd, and did the land defile. 39 Then with their detestable works themselves polluted they; And with devices of their own a whoring went astray. 40 JEHOVAH's wrath was kindled then against his people more; So that his own inheritance He greatly did abhor, 41 He gave them to the heathen's pow'r, into their haters hand: 42 Their foes oppress'd them, and they were enslav'd to their command. 43 He many a time deliver'd them; but with their councils so They Him provok'd, that for their sins again He brought them low. 44 Yet He regarded their distress, whene'r He heard their cry; 45 And He his covenant for them recall'd to memory: 46 Yea, in his mercies multitude did He repent; and made Them to be pitied of all those who them had captive led. 47 O save us in this darksome day, O LORD our mighty God; Thy people gather where dispers'd, in gentile lands abroad: That so we to thy holy name may render thanks always, And all together joyfully, may triumph in thy praise. 48 The LORD, the God of Israel; be bless'd eternally; And let all people say, AMEN; sing HALLELUJAH ye.

O Praise the LORD, for He Is Good

Author: Marie J. Post Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 Topics: Doxologies; Biblical Names & Places Aaron; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Moses; New Year - Old Year; Profession of Faith; Biblical Names & Places Aaron; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Moses; Close of Worship; Doxologies; New Year - Old Year; Profession of Faith Used With Tune: SEDGWICK
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O Praise the Lord! O Thank the Lord!

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106:1-5 Lyrics: 1 O praise the Lord! O thank the Lord! For bountiful is he; because his lovingkindness lasts to all eternity. 2 Who can express Jehovah's praise or tell his deed of might? O blessed are they who justice keep and ever do the right. 3 Regard me with the favor, Lord, which thou dost bear to thine. O visit thou my soul in love; make thy salvation mine: 4 That I may see thy people's good and in their joy rejoice, and may with thine inheritance exult with cheerful voice. Topics: God His Goodness; Cheerfulness; God Mercy of Used With Tune: EXETER Text Sources: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 1973
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Praise ye the Lord, give Thanks to him

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1. Praise ye the Lord, give Thanks to him; He's good; his Mercy ne'er decays. 2. Who can his mighty Asts declare? Or who can shew forth all his Praise? 3. Blessed are they that keep his Laws; And always do the Thing that's right. 4. Think on me Lord, and Favour me, As one in whom thou dost delight. 5. With thy Salvation visit me, To see thy Chosen's good Advance; That I thy Nations Joy may share, Glory with thine Inheritance. 6. We, from our Fathers Days, have err'd, And, like them, from thy Paths have gone; Our Deeds have been perversly wrong, Against thee impiously we've done. 7. Thy Wonders, they in Egypt saw, Our Fathers did not understand; Thy many Mercies they forgot, Provok'd Thee, at the Red Sea's strand. 8. Yet them he sav'd, for his Name's sake; The Fame of's mighty Pow'r to spread, 9. He check'd the Sea, and up it dry'd; And them, thro' Deeps, as Plains, he led. 10. So, from the Malice of their Foes, Who close pursu'd, he them did save; And from their En'mies vengeful Arm, To them compleat Redemption gave. 11. But o'er their Foes the Waters rowl'd; Not one of them escap'd alive. 12. Then they, a while, believ'd his Word, And Praise, in Songs, to him did give. Second Part 13. Bat soon they all his Works forgot; Nor would they for his Counsel wait. 14. They lusted in the Wilderness; And tempted God, by asking Meat. 15. He granted their too rash Request; But Leanness in their Soul was thrown. 16. They envy'd Moses in the Camp, And A'ron God's choice holy one. 1 7. The gaping Earth Dathan devour'd; Clos'd on Abiram's, factious Crew. 18. The Fire on their Companions seiz'd; The Flame their bold Abettors slew. 19. Then they a Calf, in Horeb made; And did the Idol Homage pay: 20. Their Glory, to the Likeness, chang'd. Of a dull Ox, that eateth Hay. 21. Their God, and Saviour, they forgot; Who had, in Egypt great Things done: 22. Wrought Wonders, in the Land of Ham; His Terrors, by the Red Sea, shown. 23. He said, he would destroy them quite; But Moses, then, before him stood. And fill'd the Breach, to turn his Wrath; Lest he his Threat'ning should make good. 24. Yea; they the pleasant Land despis'd; And gave no Credit to his Word: 25. But murmur'd in their Tents; nor heard The Voice of their most gracious Lord. 26. Then sware he, there, they ne'er should come; But perish in the Desert Sands: 27. Nations should prey upon their Seed, And scatter them in distant Lands. Third Part 28. Yea, they to Baal-Peor joyn'd; And eat the Off'rings of the dead. 29. These Works did so provoke his Wrath, The dreadful Plague among them spread. 30. Then Phineas rose, and Judgment wro't; The Plague was stay'd, the guilty slain. 31. This Justice was in him esteem'd; His Race the high Rewards did gain. 32. They anger'd him, at Meribah; That Moses suffer'd for their Sake. 33. For they his Spirit so provok'd, With unadvised Lips he spake. 34. The Nations they did not destroy; As God had given them Command. 35. But mingled with the Heathen were, And learnt the Manners of their Land. 36. Yea, their vain Idol Gods they serv'd; Which them, in woful Mischief, snar'd. 37. In Sacrifice to Daemons, they, Their Offspring, cruelly prepar'd. 38. And guiltless Blood they shed; the Blood Of their own Sons, and Daughters, slain In Sacrifice to Canaan's Gods; The Gore did the whole Land distain. 39. Thus greatly were their Souls defil'd, While they on their own Works were bent; After their own Inventions, they, With lustful Hearts, a whoring went. Fourth Part 40. For this, against his People, flam'd. The Indignation of the Lord; That those who, his Inheritance, Before had been, he now abhor'd. 41. He gave them up to heathen Pow'rs; Their Haters rul'd with Rods of Steel. 42. Their Foes then greatly them oppress'd; And made them subject to their Will. 43. He sav'd them oft, but they as oft. Thro' their bad Counsels, did rebell, And mov'd his Wrath; until, beneath The Weight of their own Crimes, they fell. 44. Yet, in the Time of their Distrefss, His kind Regards to them were shown; His Bowels with Compassion mov'd. When e'er he heard their piteous Moan. 45. His Cov'nant he recall'd to Mind; In his great Goodness did relent. 46. He made them pitied be of all, Where they, as Captives had been sent. 47. Now save thou us, O Lord, our God, And from among the Heathen bring; That we may thank thine holy Name, And Songs of Praises to Thee sing. 48. Bless'd be Jehovah, Isr'el's God, Eternally; with one Accord, Let all the People hearty join, And say. Amen. Praise ye the Lord.
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The Lord praise, to the Lord give thanks

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 The Lord praise, to the Lord give thanks^ Because that good is he: Because his mercy doth endure To perpetuity. 2 Who can the Lord's strong acts forth tell, Or all his praise display? 3 Bless'd they that judgment keep, and who Doth righteousness alway. 4 With favour of thy people, Lord, Do thou remember me: Me visit with thy saving health, That com«s alone from thee, 5 To see thy chosen's good, and in Thy nation's joy rejoice; That I with thine inheritance May lift a glorious voice. 6 As our forefathers did, so we Have sinned wilfully: We practic'd have iniquity, And acted wickedly. [2] 7 Our fathers learn'd not wonders thine In Egypt, did not mind Thy many mercies: but at sea, Red sea, rebell'd unkind. 8 Nevertheless he saved them, Ev'n for his own name's sake, That thereby he, his mighty pow'r Most manifest might make. 9 The red-sea he rebuk'd also, And up the same was dry'd: So them, as through the wilderness, He through the sea did guide, 10 And from his hand that hated them He freely did them save: He from the en'mies hand likewise To them redemption gave. 11 The waters overwhelm'd their foes; Of them was left not one. 12 They did believe his word, they sang His praises thereupon. [3] 13 They, soon forgat his works, nor would They for his counsel stay. 14 But much in wilderness did lust, In desart God try'd they. 15 Then he their fruit them gave, but sent Leanness their soul into. 16 They envy'd Moses in the camp, Aaron God's saint also. 17 The open'd earth Dathan devour'd, And hid Abiram's troop. 18 And fire was kindled in their rout, Flame burnt the wicked up. 19 In Horeb made a molten calf Ador'd the image base: 20 They chang'd their glory to be like An ox that eateth grass. 21 They God forgot their saviour who In Egypt did great acts. 22 Works wonders in the land of Ham, By red-sea dreadful facts. 23 Then said he'd them destroy, but that His chosen Moses then Stood in the breach 'fore him to turn His wrath from wasting them. [4] 24 Yet they, despis'd the pleasant land, Nor did believe his word: 25 But murmur'd in their tents, the voice: They heard not of the Lord. 26 To make them fall in desart then Against them lift his hand: 27 Nations among disperse their seed And fan them in the land. 28 Then to Ba'1-Peer ihey join'd themselves Eat off'ring of the dead. 29 Their works his wrath did thus provoke The plague among them spread. 30 Then Phineas rose and judgment wro't And so the plague did stay. 31 Which justice to him counted was To age and age for aye. [5] 32 At waters of contention They angred him also, So that with Moses for their sake It very ill did go. 33 Because his spirit they provok'd With's lips he spake in haste. 34 The nations, as the Lord them charg'd They wholly did not waste. 35 But were among the heathen mix'd, And learn'd their works to do. 32 And did their idols serve, which them Become a snare unto. 37 Yea unto devils they their sons, And daughters offered. 38 And guiltless blood, blood of their sons And of their daughters shed. Whom unto Cana's idols they Gave up in sacrifice: The land with blood abundantly Polluted was likewife. 39 Thus with the works were they defii'd Which they themselves had done; And they did go a whoring with Inventions of their own. [6] 40 Then kindled was against his folk The anger of the Lord, So that he the inheritance, Which was his own abhorr'd 41 So gave he them to heathen's handm Their haters tjeir lords were. 42 Their foes oppressed them and made Them their hard yoke to bear. 43 Oft he deliver'd them, but they Provok'd him bitterly With their own counsels, and grew low Through their iniquity 44 Yet he regarded their distress When he heard their complaint: 45 And he did to remembrance call For them his covenant. And in his many mercies did 46 Repent. And made them be Pity'd of all who led them forth Into captivity. 47 Save us, O Lord our God, and us, From heathen's gathering raise To give thanks to thy holy name, To triumph in thy praise. 41 The Lord the God of Israel, From aye to aye blest be ; And let all people say Amen, O praise Jehovah ye.

Psalm 106

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 First Line: O give thanks to God, whose love endures forever Used With Tune: [O give thanks to God whose love endures forever]

Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: Johann J. Schütz; Frances Cox Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 First Line: Cast every idol from its throne Topics: Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Abiram; Biblical Names and Places Baal; Biblical Names and Places Baal; Biblical Names and Places Dathan; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Exodus; Biblical Names and Places Ham; Biblical Names and Places Horeb; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Meribah; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Biblical Names and Places Phinehas; Biblical Names and Places Red Sea; Bitterness; Blessing; Doxologies; Elements of Worship Sending; Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Historical Psalms; Idols and Idolatry; Mercy; Obedience; Occasional Services New Year; Prayer; Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); The Fall; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 9-15 Used With Tune: MIT FREUDEN ZART (fragment) Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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With thankful hymns address the mighty Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 With thankful hymns address the mighty Lord; With songs of joy be heav'ns high king ador'd; For his beneficence to all extends; His great, his glorious mercy never ends. 2 His wond'rous acts what eloquence displays? What tongue can utter all his pow'r, his praise? 3 Thrice happy they, that will his law observe, That love his law, nor from it's dictates swerve! 4 Me with that gracious mercy view, O God, Which to thy chosen thou hast constant shew'd; Look on me still with an indulgent eye, 5 That I thy people's blessings may enjoy, May long in their felicity rejoice, And to thy glory tune my grateful voice. 6 Stiff and rebellious, like our fires, we prove, And pay with base ingratitude thy love, Plunge into horrid mischiefs, and forget How vast thy pow'r, thy clemency how great; 7 So they, from hard, from cruel bondage freed, Them to the sea when humble Moses led, Reflected not the wonders of thy hand, Thy miracles in Egypt's idol-land; But, obstinately blind, in murmurs rose Against the leader heav'n himself had chose. 8 Yet his resentment still our God forbore; That all might know and tremble at his pow'r; 9 He his dread mandate to the waters gave; They heard, and strait subsided ev'ry wave; Erect, they rose--he spoke, and they obey'd-- By his directing hand his people led, 10 Pass o'er secure, and gain the farther shore, And soon the rageful tyrant fear no more. 11 For, as the hostile bands, resolv'd, pursue, The waves returning on their ranks they view; Whelm'd in the deep, they die--not one remains;-- 12 But oh! amid the tribes what transport reigns? How do they now believe? and how they praise Their great Protector-God in thankful lays? 13 But all their dangers, all their fears remov'd, Again rebellious to this God they prov'd; Soon his stupendous miracles forgot, Nor on his pow'r, nor on his mercies thought. 14 Urg'd by their lusts, their murmurs soon they breathe, Make insolent demands, and raise his wrath. 15 Their insolent demands they strait obtain'd; Down from high heav'n the feather'd food he rain'd; But while the cates the greedy tribes devour, Adown their throats they sure perdition pour; They eat and die--provok'd, their angry God With fatal fury, with dread vengeance glow'd. 16 But nought, when men are wilful in offence. Avails or vengeance or beneficence; Enflam'd with envy, still their murmurs rose, And Moses and his brother they oppose. 17 Their impious crimes dire punishments await; Her jaws earth opens, and devours them strait; 18 Consuming fire pours sudden from the sky, And all th' abettors and their race destroy. 19 Still they're perverse; they now their Lord forsake, On Horeb's mount an imag'd calf they make; Tore this they fall, and adoration pay; Absurd resemblance of what feeds on hay! 21 Ingrate! their great redeemer to forget, How he secur'd from bondage their retreat; 22 What gracious mercies to them he had shewn, What glorious wonders he had for them done. 23 'Twas then his dire resentment 'gainst them rag'd, Which had the faithful Moses not assuag'd, Had he not stood between their God and them, Extinct had been their race, and lost their name. 24 Sure now their harden'd hearts were struck with dread; Sure now with ease they by their chief were led Ah no! by punishment they're yet unaw'd, Again they murmur, and distrust their God. Against their leader and their God they rise; Swift o'er the camp the winged tumult flies; The joyous feats he promis'd them, they scorn, And to his mercies make a base return. 26 Th' All-high, provok'd, rais'd then his mighty hand, Resolv'd to slay them in that desart land; 27 To leave them to the nations round a prey, Destroy their race, and scatter them away. 28 Still obstinate, again they left their Lord, And Baal's imag'd deity ador'd; To him their victims and oblations paid, And bow'd before a mortal god for aid. 29 Jehovah, angry at this new offence, Sent on his tribes a deadly pestilence; In Baal's aid but poor relief they found; Death, clad in all his horrors stalk'd around; 30 When Phinehas with divine resentment glow'd, And due regard for heav'n's high honour shew'd; The madness of the wretched croud restrain'd, And a full respite from their miseries gain'd: No more th' infection on their vitals prey'd, But by his strenuous arm the plague was stay'd. 31 For this has he acquir'd a deathless name, And, long as lasts this earth, shall live his fame. 32 And, Meribah, their guilt thy waters saw, When still the All-high's dread anger cou'd not awe Their adamantine hearts; when still they shew'd Their base distrust in their almighty God. 'Twas then, O Moses, that thy meekness fail'd; Their constant murmurs o'er thy soul prevail'd; Their base reproaches rais'd thy wrath too high, And on this side of Jordan must thou die. 34 But sure, when of the promis'd land possest, When with the fruitful fields of Canaan blest, Their God they worshipp'd and his will obey'd, And never from the law he gave them stray'd? Ah! still his dread behests they durst withstand, And not destroy'd the natives of the land: 35 But, to their base idolatries inclin'd, 36 Soon in their impious rites with them they join'd; Of fancied deities they sought th' abodes, And offer'd human victims to their gods: 37 Nay; their own infants (horrid is the thought)! Unnatural parents to their demons brought; Around their altars stream'd the vital flood, And all the fsacred land's distain'd with blood. 39 Thus they the aid of fancied gods implor'd; Thus they the works of their own hands ador'd. 40 Therefore the Lord with dreadful fury burn'd; Justly the people he had chose, he scorn'd; 41 He to the nations gave them up a prey, And they their most invet'rate foes obey. 42 Their lordly foes with insolence oppress, And load them with the most severe distress. 43 And yet, if e'er their gracious God reliev'd, Still their obdurate hearts his spirit griev'd; Still to their wonted crimes wou'd they return, His name reject, and at his statutes spurn. 44 Yet still his mercy and his goodness sway'd; Oft he reliev'd them, when they sought his aid; 45 Oft mindful of his covenant he prov'd, Forgave their crimes, and all their woes remov'd. 46 And, when for their impieties brought low, They bore th' oppressions of the haughty foe, With soft compassion he the conqu'ror struck, That still more mild, more gentle, was the yoke. 47 O sov'reign Lord, thy favour'd tribes defend; Still 'gainst the heathen be our pow'rful friend; That we thy wond'rous glory may proclaim, And sing in grateful hymns thy holy name: 48 That Israel's race may Israel's God extol, And, while this earth shall live, on thee may call; Thy pow'r, thy might, thy majesty, may sing, And hail their gracious God, their heav'nly king.
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Sin and the Divine Patience

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 106:5-38 First Line: We with our fathers have transgressed Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions For sin; Afflictions From God; Afflictions Purpose of; Anger of God Righteous; Backsliding; Christ Power of; Church Afflicted; Church Unfaithful; Covenant False to; Covenant Keeping; Covenant Of God; Discontent; Disobedience; Doxology; Faith Act of; Glory of God In Creation; God Denied; Gospel Fullness of; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Idolatry; Ingratitude to God; Mercy of God Great; Miracles; Missions Need for; Praise Calls to; Prayer Answers to; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Christ's Sake; The Redeemed; Salvation From Sin and Troubled; Sin Confessed; Sin Hinders Communion with God; Sin Original; Unbelief; Zeal False Used With Tune: [We with our fathers have transgressed]


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