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Showing 51 - 60 of 173Results Per Page: 102050

Lead On, O Cloud of Presence

Author: Ruth Duck Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5 Year A Used With Tune: LANCASHIRE
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In Christ There Is No East or West

Author: John Oxenham Meter: Appears in 332 hymnals Topics: Church in the World Discipleship: Love in Action; Body of Christ; Brotherhood/Sisterhood; Church Community in Christ; Church Ecumenism; Church Universal; Community; Family; Freedom; Jesus Christ Example; Jesus Christ Friend; Justice; Love; Love for Others; Service; Social Concerns; Unity; World; Pentecost Year A; Proper 4 Year A; Proper 11 Year A; Proper 15 Year A; Easter 5 Year B; Trinity Sunday Year B; Proper 5 Year B; Proper 11 Year B; Proper 18 Year B; Advent 2 Year C; Epiphany 2 Year C; Epiphany 3 Year C; Lent 1 Year C; Easter 5 Year C; Pentecost Year C; Proper 7 Year C; Proper 13 Year C Lyrics: 1 In Christ there is no east or west, in him no south or north, but one great family of love throughout the whole wide earth. 2 In him shall true hearts everywhere their high communion find; his service is the golden cord close binding humankind. 3 Join hands, then, peoples of the faith, whate'er your race may be; all children of the living God are surely kin to me. 4 In Christ now meet both east and west, in him meet south and north: all Christ-like souls are one in him throughout the whole wide earth. Used With Tune: MCKEE

All my hope on God is founded

Author: J. Neander (1650-1680); R. Bridges (1844-1930) Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5, Revelation The Wisdom of God Lyrics: 1 All my hope on God is founded, all my trust he shall renew; he, my guide through changing order, only good and only true. God unknown, he alone, calls my heart to be his own. 2 Human pride and earthly glory, sword and crown betray his trust; what with care and toil we fashion, tower and temple, fall to dust; but God's power hour by hour, is my temple and my tower. 3 Day by day our mighty giver grants to us his gifts of love; in his will our souls find pleasure, leading to our home above: Love shall stand at his hand, joy shall wait for his command. 4 Still from earth to God eternal sacrifice of praise be done; high above all praises praising for the gift of Christ his Son: Hear Christ's call one and all — we who follow shall not fall. Used With Tune: MEINE HOFFNUNG

Sent Forth by God's Blessing

Author: Omer Westendorf Meter: D Appears in 43 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5 Year A Used With Tune: THE ASH GROVE

Have Faith in God, My Heart

Author: Bryn Rees Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals

Thanks to God Whose Word Was Spoken

Author: R. T. Brooks Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals
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Built on the Rock

Author: N. F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872; C. Døving, 1867-1937 Meter: Appears in 74 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5 First Line: Built on the Rock the Church doth stand Lyrics: 1 Built on the Rock the Church doth stand Even when steeples are falling; Crumbled have spires in ev'ry land, Bells still are chiming and calling, Calling the young and old to rest, But above all the soul distressed, Longing for rest everlasting. 2 Surely in temples made with hands God, the Most High, is not dwelling; High above earth His temple stands, All earthly temples excelling. Yet He whom heav'ns cannot contain Chose to abide on earth with men-- Built in our bodies His temple. 3 We are God's house of living stones, Builded for His habitation; He through baptismal grace us owns Heirs of His wondrous salvation; Were we but two His name to tell, Yet He would deign with us to dwell, With all His grace and His favor. 4 Now we may gather with our King E'en in the lowliest dwelling; Praises to Him we there may bring, His wondrous mercy forthtelling; Jesus His grace to us accords, Spirit and life are all His words, His truth doth hallow the temple. 5 Still we our earthly temples rear That we may herald His praises; They are the homes where He draws near And little children embraces; Beautiful things in them are said, God there with us His cov'nant made, Making us heirs of His kingdom. 6 Here stands the font before our eyes, Telling how God did receive us; Th'altar recalls Christ's sacrifice And what His table doth give us; Here sounds the Word that doth proclaim Christ yesterday, today, the same, Yea, and for aye our Redeemer. 7 Grant then, O God, where'er men roam, That, when the church-bells are ringing, Many in Jesus' faith may come Where He His message is bringing: "I know mine own, mine own know me, Ye, not the world, my face shall see; My peace I leave with you, Amen." Scripture: Ephesians 2:19-22 Used With Tune: KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Author: John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 289 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Blessings; Church Anniversaries; Church Dedication of a Building; Church Education; Church Triumphant; Comfort/Consolation; Glory; God House, Home; Healing; Heaven(s)/Paradise; Jesus Christ Images of; Jesus Christ Praise; Jesus Christ Reign; Jesus Christ Rock; Jesus Christ Strength and Refuge; Love; Opening Hymns; Petition; Prayer; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Service Music Gathering, Call to Worship, Greeting; Service Music Doxologies; Supplication; Trinity; Trust; Unity; Worship; Zion; Epiphany 7 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Proper 17 Year A; Proper 18 Year A; Lent 3 Year B; Easter 4 Year B; Proper 11 Year B; Christmas 2 Year C; Epiphany 3 Year C; Easter 7 Year C; Pentecost Year C; Proper 9 Year C; All Saints Year C; Proper 27 Year C; Reign of Christ Year C Lyrics: 1 Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone, chosen of the Lord, and precious, binding all the church in one; holy Zion's help for ever, and its confidence alone. 2 To this temple where we call you, come, O Lord of Hosts, today; with your faithful loving-kindness hear your servants as they pray, and your fullest benediction shed within its walls alway. 3 Here bestow on all your servants what they ask of you to gain; what they gain from you for ever with the blessèd to retain, and hereafter in your glory evermore with you to reign. 4 Laud and honour to the Father, laud and honour to the Son, laud and honour to the Spirit, ever three and ever one, one in mighty, and one in glory, while unending ages run. Used With Tune: WESTMINSTER ABBEY Text Sources: Latin, 7th century

Arise, Your Light Has Come

Author: Ruth C. Duck Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5 Year B First Line: Arise, your light is come! Used With Tune: FESTAL SONG

I, the Lord of Sea and Sky (Here I Am, Lord)

Author: Daniel L. Schutte Meter: D with refrain Appears in 63 hymnals Topics: Epiphany 5 Year C First Line: I, the Lord of sea and sky Refrain First Line: Here I am, Lord Used With Tune: HERE I AM, LORD


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