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George Wither

1588 - 1667 Person Name: G. Wither, 1588-1667 Author of "Come, O come, in pious lays" in Hymns and Chorales Wither, George, or Wyther—spelled in both ways by himself, the first usually, the second occasionally, e.g. in Prince Henrie's Obsequies (1612), and erroneously Withers, was born on June 11th, 1588, at Bentworth, near Alton, Hampshire. He was the only son of George Wither, of Bentworth. His early education was at the Grammar School of Colemore or Colemere, under its celebrated master; John Greaves. After thorough training and discipline here he was entered in 1604 at Magdalen College, Oxford. His tutor was John Warner, subsequently D.D. and Bishop of Rochester. He had only been three years at the University when malicious and ignorant persons persuaded his father that more learning was not required. And so, as he modestly tells us in his Abuses Stript and Whipt (1613), he was withdrawn "without taking any degree," being now destined, as he moderately puts it, "for the plough," that is, for rustic employment on the paternal estate. This proved utterly uncongenial. He is found next at one of the Inns of Chancery, afterwards at Lincoln's Inn, and intimate with William Browne, the poet, of Britannia's Pastorals. His title-pages from 1617 to 1620 self-describe him as "Gentleman,” and as "of the Societie of Lincoln's Inne" (Fidelia (1617), and 1st Psalme (1620), and Workes (1620)). But Anthony a-Wood informs us:— "still his geng after things more smooth and delightful, he did at length make himself known to the world (after he had taken several rambles therein) by certain speci¬mens of poetry, which being dispersed in several hands, he became shortly after a public author and most admired by some in that age for his quick advancement in that faculty " (Athenae. Oxon. s. n.). How uncritical was this miserable criticism, will be understood when it is recalled that amongst these "certain specimens" was the Shepherds Hunting under the first form of "A new song of a young man's opinion of the difference between good and bad women" (Pepysian, ad Percy MS.), Prince Henries Obsequies (1612), Epithalamia (1612), and his stinging and patriotically outspoken Abuses Stript and Whipt. The last drew down upon him the wrath of the monarch (James i.) and nobles, and cast him prisoner into the Marshalsea. Four large editions within a year, and numerous others up to 1622 and continuously onward (exclusive of the reproductions in his Workes) was the answer of the People to the Upper Ten. While in prison he wrote some of the most delicious of his verse. He likewise composed A Satyre to the King (1615). The wisest fool in Christendom was shrewd enough to perceive that it would be safer to make such a subject a friend than an enemy. He had deftly signed the dedication to the king "his Majesty's most loyall Subiect, and yet Prisoner in the Marshalsey." It procured him his release. From this time onward he was perpetually printing something, now in verse and now in prose, until the aggregate exceeded a hundred of books and pamphlets. There are several fairly accurate enumerations of them, e.g. British Bibliographer, i. 174-205, 305-32,417-40; ii. 17-32,378-91; Sir Egerton Brydges' Censuria and Restituta; Hazlitt's Bibliography (1867). The Spenser Society re¬printed a large portion of the Works in prose and verse; but there was really no editing and no annotation. His successive books are the main facts of Wither's life; yet was he an active member of the nation. Spite of his hard usage and imprisonments, he was loyal as any cavalier. When Charles i. proceeded to declare and carry war into his native Scotland against the Covenanters in 1639, George Wither served his Majesty as a captain of horse and quarter-master of his regiment under the Earl of Arundel. How sorrowful the wrongheadedness of the king who compelled such a true man as Wither to forsake him and prefer the kingdom to the king, as many others who with pathetic reluctance became Roundheads! In 1641-2 he sold his hereditary estates and raised a troop of horse for the Parliament, in whose army he was promoted to be major. On his colours he carried this motto, Pro Rege, Lege, Grege. Having been taken prisoner by the Royalists, a good-humoured jest of Sir John Denham it is alleged saved his life, to wit, that "his Majesty really must not hang George Wither, for so long as he lives no one will account him [Sir John] the worst poet in England." He was set free. Not long after he was constituted by the Long Parliament a Justice of Peace in quorum for Hampshire, Surrey and Essex. This he held for six years, and afterwards was made by Cromwell Major-General of all the horse and foot in the County of Surrey. On the title-page of his Boni Ominis Votu (1656) in the British Museum there is a contemporary manuscript note, "lately made Master of the Statute Office." At the Restoration he was shamefully dealt with, and by a vote of the Convention Parlia¬ment, was committed to Newgate because of his Vox Vulgi —a noble piece of fiery and idiomatic English, and manly pleading for respect to pipular rights and liberties. For his Prisoner's Plea humbly offered (1661) he was again imprisoned, this time in the Tower. He married (Aubrey informs us) Elizabeth, eldest daughter of H. Emerson of South Lanuk, who, he says, was "a great wit and could write in verse too," and was of the same English Emersons from whom the great American Ralph Waldo Emerson descended. He had issue. He was at liberty when he died on 2nd May, 1667. Aubrey states that he was buried within the east doorway of Savoy Church in the Strand, having apparently lived near it, and either died in the church or in his own house (the phrasing being ambiguous). James Montgomery, in his admirable Lectures on Poets and Poetry, thus sums up his estimate of him and them:— "There are scattered throughout his multifarious and very unequal productions, many passages of great beauty and excellence. He was avowedly a Christian poet, though he frequently lost his Christian meekness in the heat of polemics; but his zeal carried with it every evidence of honesty; and he was a sufferer almost to martyrdom, both for his loyalty and his orthodoxy, in the troublous times in which he lived. That he was a poet can never be questioned by any reader who has taste and sensibility enough to understand and enjoy the exquisitely affecting confession of his obligations to the Muse. That he was a Christian will be as little questioned by those who are most extensively acquainted with the character of his religious compositions" (s. n.). Archbishop Trench, in annotating a charming sacred song entitledVanished Blessing ("No voice which I did more esteem, Than music in her sweetest key," &c), thus annotates:— "I have detached these two stanzas from a longer poem of which they constitute the only valuable portion[?]. George Wither (‘a most profuse pourer forth of English rhyme,' Philips calls him) was indeed so intolerable a power in verse, so overlaid his good with indifferent or bad, that one may easily forget how real a gift he possessed, and sometimes showed that he possessed" (Household Book of English Poetry, 1865). Mrs. Masson says of him—"he is remembered now-a-days as pre-eminently the Puritan poet, whose irrepressible Muse made herself hsard even amid the din of civil war" (Three Centuries of English Poetr, p. 375). She quotes his delightful "Christmas" ("So now is come our joyfullest part"), and "Of Poesy" (which Milton did not disdain to utilize), and his "Shall I, wasting in despair." With reference to the "irrepressible Muse" of Wither, it is a felicitous characterisation however regarded, inasmuch as so "irrepressible " was he that he actually set up the types and printed off at least one of his bulkier books. Withers contributions to hymnology are to be found chiefly in the following:— (a) Exercises Upon the First Psalme......(1620). At the close is a metrical paraphrase of Ecclcsiastes xii. 1-8; (b) Paraphrase on the Creed and the Lord's Prayer (in Workes 1620; separately 1688 and misasserted to be now “first printed“); (c) The Songs of the Old Testament, Translated into English Measures: preserving the Naturall Phrase and genuine Sense of the Holy Text ...... To every Song is added a new and easie Tune.....(1621); (d) The Hymnes and Songs of the Church (1623). This was published Cum Privilegio Regis Begalu . It was reprinted like c.; (e) The Psalmes of David translated as Lyrick Verse, according to the scope of the Original......(1632). Gutch had an autograph manuscript of an alleged different text of the versified Psalmes which passed into the Caesar Library; (f) A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Modern, quickened with Metrical Illustrations both Morall and Divine......(1635). This was a special favourite of Elia; (g) Haldviah; or Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes......(1641). This was reprinted like c and d; (h) Three Graines of Spiritual Frankincense infused into Three Hymnes of Praise (1651). It is discreditable to the Church of England, of whom he was a devoted son to the close of his life, and to Nonconformity alike, that many, very many more of his Hymnes and Spiritual Songs have not found their way into their hymnals. A critical yet sympathetic reader would easily find a golden sheaf of musical, and well-wrought sacred song. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Wither, G., p. 1289, i. Another of his psalm versions, "The Lord is King, and weareth" (Ps. xciii.), from his The Psalmes of David, &c, 1G32, is in the Hymn Book for the Use of Wellington College, 1902. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Lady Wilde

1826 - 1896 Person Name: J. F. Wilde, 1826-96 Translator of "Jesus, Refuge of the Weary" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Wilde, Jane Francesca, née Elgee. Lady Wilde was daughter of Archdeacon Elgee, born at Wexford in 1826; married Dr., afterwards Sir, William Wilde, the Dublin oculist, 1851; and died at Chelsea, Feb. 3, 1896. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ====================== Wilde, Jane Francesca Elgee, Lady, 1826-1896; usage: Lady Wilde ("Speranza") began contrib. verse/prose to "The nation" using pseud. "John Fanshawe Ellis" or "Speranza"; 1851: married William Wilder (1864 knighted); Jane Wilde d. 3 Feb. 1896 LOC Name Authority

Arthur T. Russell

1806 - 1874 Author of "Oh The Love That Us Redeemed" in The Cyber Hymnal Arthur Tozer Russell was born at Northampton, March 20, 1806. He entered S. John's College, Cambridge, in 1824, took the Hulsean Prize in 1825, and was afterwards elected to a scholarship. He was ordained Deacon in 1829, Priest in 1830, and the same year was appointed Vicar of Caxton. In 1852, he was preferred to the vicarage of Whaddon. In 1863, he removed to S. Thomas', Toxteth Park, near Liverpool, and in 1867, to Holy Trinity, Wellington, Salop. He is the editor and author of numerous publications, among them several volumes of hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, 1872. ================================= Russell, Arthur Tozer , M.A. He was the son of the Rev. Thomas Clout, who later changed his surname for Russell (Gentlemen’s Magazine, 1848), an Independent or Congregational minister who won for himself a good reputation by editing the works of Tyndale, Frith, Barnes, and Dr. John Owen, &c. He was born at Northampton, March 20, 1806; educated at St. Saviour's School, Southwark, and at the Merchant Taylors' School, London. In 1822-24 he was at Manchester College, York. In 1825 he entered St. John's College, Cambridge, as a sizar, and in his freshman year gained the Hulsean Prize, its subject being, "In what respects the Law is a Schoolmaster to bring men to Christ." In 1829 he was ordained by the Bishop of Lincoln (Kaye), and licensed to the Curacy of Great Gransden, Hunts, and in 1830 was preferred to the Vicarage of Caxton, which he held till 1852. During his ministry here he published the following works: The Claims of the Church of England upon the Affections of the People (1832); Sermons for Fasts and Festivals; A Critique upon Keble's Sermon on Tradition, in opposition. About 1840 appeared his Apology of the Church of England and an Epistle to Seignor Sapio concerning the Council of Trent, translated from the original Latin of Bishop Jewell. About the same time appeared Hymn Tunes, Original and Selected from Ravenscroft and other old Musicians, In 1841 was published A Manual of Daily Prayer. In 1844 Memorials of the Works and Life of Dr. Thomas Fuller…. His first appearance as a hymnwriter was in the 3rd edition of the hymn-book published by his father (1st ed. 1813), and known amongst Congregationalists as Russet's Appendix. In 1847 followed The Christian Life. In 1851 Psalms and Hymns, partly original, partly selected, for the use of the Church of England. … In 1867 he removed to Wrockwardine Wood, Shropshire, where he remained until 1874, when he was presented to the Rectory of Southwick, near Brighton. Here he died after a long and distressing illness, on the 18th of November, 1874. In his earlier years he was an extreme High Churchman, but by the study of St. Augustine his views were changed and he became, and continued to the end, a moderate Calvinist. His original hymns are gracious and tender, thoughtful and devout. His translations on the whole are vigorous and strong, but somewhat ultra-faithful to the original metres, &c. He left behind him a History of the Bishops of England and Wales in manuscript sufficient to form three or four goodly octavos, and numerous MS. Notes on the Text of the Greek Testament; and also a large number of original chants and hymntunes in manuscripts. [Rev. A. B. Grossart, DD. LLD.] Of Russell's hymns a large number are included i Kennedy, 1863, and several also are in a few of the lesser known collections….Of his original hymns, about 140 in all, including those in Dr. Maurice's Choral Hymn Book, 1861, the following are found in a few collections:— 1. Christ is risen! O'er His foes He reigneth. Easter. 2. Give praise to God our King. Praise. 3. Great is the Lord; 0 let us raise. Ps. xlviii. 4. Hail, 0 hail, Our lowly King. Praise to Christ. 5. Hail, 0 Lord, our Consolation. Christ, the Consoler. 6. Holy Ghost, Who us instructest. Whitsuntide. 7. Holy Spirit given. Whitsuntide. 8. Hosanna, bless the Saviour's Name. Advent. 9. In the mount it shall be seen. Consolation. 10. In the tomb, behold He lies. Easter Eve. Sometimes "In the night of death, He lies." 11. Jesu, at Thy invitation. Holy Communion. 12. Jesu, Thou our pure [chief] delight. Praise for Salvation. 13. Jesu, when I think on Thee. In Afflictio. 14. Jesu, Who for my transgression. Good Friday. 15. Jesu, Lord most mighty. Lent . 16. Lift thine eyes far hence to heaven. Looking Onward. Sometimes "Lift thy longing eyes to heaven." 17. Lo, in 'mid heaven the angel flies. The Message of The Gospel. 18. Lord, be Thou our Strength in weakness. In Affliction. 19. Lord, my hope in Thee abideth. Hope in Jesus. 20. Lord, when our breath shall fail in death. Death anticipated. 21. Lord, Who hast formed me. Self-Consecration. 22. My God, to Thee I fly. In Affliction. Sometimes "Great God, to Thee we fly." 23. Night's shadows falling. Evening. 24. Now be thanks and praise ascending . Praise. 25. Now to Christ, our Life and Light. Evening. 26. 0 glorious, 0 triumphal day. Easter. 27. O God of life, Whose power benign. Trinity. In the Dalston Hymns for Public Worship, &c, 1848. 28. 0 Head and Lord of all creation. Passiontide. 29. 0 Jesu, blest is he. Consolation. 30. O Jesu! we adore Thee. Good Friday. 31. O Saviour, on the heavenly throne. The Divine Guide and Protector. 32. O Thou Who over all dost reign. Church Defence. 33. Praise and blessing, Lord, be given. Praise to Jesus. 34. Praise the Lord: praise our King. Advent. 35. The Lord unto my Lord thus said. Ps. cx. 36. The Morning [promised] Star appeareth. Christmas. 37. The night of darkness fast declineth. Missions. 38. The way to heaven Thou art, O Lord. Jesus the Way, Truth, and Life. Sometimes "Thou art the Way: Heaven's gate, O Lord." 39. Thou Who hast to heaven ascended. Ascension. 40. To Him Who for our sins was slain. Praise to Jesus, the Saviour. Written Friday, Jan. 24, 1851. 41. We praise, we bless Thee. Holy Trinity. 42. What, my spirit, should oppress thee. In Affliction. 43. What though through desert paths Thou leadest? Security and Consolation in Christ. 44. Whom shall I, my [we our] refuge making. Lent. Sometimes "Whom shall we our Refuge making." 45. Whosoe'er in Me believeth. The Resurrection. 46. Why, O why cast down, my spirit? In Affliction. 47. With awe Thy praise we sinners sing. Lent. Sometimes "With trembling awe Thy praise we sing." 48. With cheerful hope, my soul, arise. Security in God. 49. Ye hosts that His commands attend. Universal Praise of Jesus. 50. Your adoration, O earth and heaven, unite. Universal Praise to Christ. Unless otherwise stated, all the above appeared in Russell's Psalms & Hymns, 1851. The total number of original hymns contributed by him to Maurice's Choral Hymn Book was 21. --Exerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Leonhard Meisser

1803 - 1872 Person Name: Leonhard Meißer, 1803-1872 Author of "Daß es auf der armen Erde" in Gesangbuch der Bischöflichen Methodisten-Kirche

Walter Klaassen

b. 1926 Translator of "Heart with loving heart united" in The Mennonite Hymnal

John Kelly

1833 - 1890 Person Name: John Kelley Author of "Upon the Cross Extended" in The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 Kelly, John, was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, educated at Glasgow University, studied theology at Bonn, New College, Edinburgh, and the Theological College of the English Presbyterian Church (to which body he belongs) in London. He has ministered to congregations at Hebburn-on-Tyne and Streatham, and was Tract Editor of the Religious Tract Society. His translations of Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs were published in 1867. Every piece is given in full, and rendered in the metre of the originals. His Hymns of the Present Century from the German were published in 1886 by the Religious Tract Society. In these translations the metres of the originals have not always been followed, whilst some of the hymns have been abridged and others condensed. His translations lack poetic finish, but are faithful to the originals. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Kelly, John, p. 614, i. He died while on a visit to Braemar, July 19, 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Henrietta Ten Harmsel

Reviser of "Hours and Days and Years and Ages" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray) Henrietta Ten Harmsel (b. Hull, IA, 1921; d. Grand Rapids, MI, March 16, 2012) versified this psalm in 1985 for the Psalter Hymnal. Ten Harmsel attended Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. From 1949 to 1957 she taught English at Western Christian High School in Hull, Iowa, and from 1960 until retirement in 1985 was a member of the English department at Calvin College. Many factors contributed to Ten Harmsel's interest in the psalms. As a child she learned Dutch from her parents, and they instilled in her a love for the Dutch Psalter. Later J. W. Schulte Nordholt, poet, hymnologist, and professor of American history at the University of Leiden, became a great promoter of her interest in Dutch language and literature and her translation work. Ten Harmsel's translations from Dutch include Jacobus Revius: Dutch Metaphysical Poet (1968) and two collections of children's poems: Pink Lemonade (1981) and Good Friday (1984). In 1984 Ten Harmsel was awarded the Martinus Nijhoff translation award. Bert Polman

Heinrich Puchta

1808 - 1858 Person Name: Heinrich Puchta, 1808-1858 Author of "Herr, die Erde ist gesegnet von dem Wohltun deiner Hand" in Glaubenslieder Puchta, Christian Rudolph Heinrich, son of W. H. Puchta, then residing as Justizrath at Kadolzburg, near Nürnberg, was born at Kadolzburg, Aug. 19, 1808. He matriculated at the University of Erlangen, in 1826, and completed his theological course at Berlin. In 1832 he was appointed Stadtvicar (general assistant preacher) at Munich, where he became acquainted with many men of light and leading; and in 1837 became repetent in theology at Erlangen. In 1839 he was appointed professor of Philosophy and Religion in the newly organised Lyceum at Speyer (Spires), but his nervous system broke down in 1841, and he had to be confined in the lunatic asylum of Winnenthal, Württemberg. After a year he was able to take charge of the parish of Eyb, near Ansbach, and then became, in 1852, second pastor, and in 1856, first pastor of St. James's Church, in Augsburg. He died at Augsburg, Sept. 12, 1858 (Koch, vii. 277; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxvi. 687, &c). Puchta had a genuine poetic faculty, and a mastery of style. His early poems were secular; his later were mostly hymns. His hymns were mainly meant for private use, and appeared principally in his Morgen-und Abend Andachten am Christlichen Hausaltar in Gesängen, Erlangen, 1843 (2nd ed. 1857, 3rd 1868). Besides these, 38—including 11 translations from the Latin—-were given in Knapp's Christoterp, 1837-1852. A few others, with a selection of his poems, edited by Knapp, appeared in his posthumousGedichte, Stuttgart, 1860. Knapp in his Evangelischer Lieder, 1850, included 30 hymns by Puchta, and in his edition of 1865 no less than 42. Puchta was also one of the editors of the Bavarian Gesang-Buch, 1854. Those of his hymns which have passed into English (all from his Hausaltar, 1843) are:— i. Ein neues Jahr ist angefangen. New Year. In 1843, p. 173, as above, in 6 stanzas entitled, "New Year's Morning." In Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850, No. 2104. Translated as, "Another year we now have enter'd," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, January, 1866, p. 200, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Herr des Himmels, Gott der Gnade. Sunday. In 1843, p. 3, as above, in 6 st., entitled “Sunday Morning." In Knapp, 1850, No. 1171. Transalted as, "God of grace and Lord of heaven," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 88. iii. Herr ein ganzer Leidenstag. For the Sick. In 1843, p. 227, as above, in 6 st., entitled, "In sickness. First evening." In Knapp, 1850, No. 2689. Translated as, ”Lord, a whole long day of pain," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 81. Her st. i.-iv. are No. 263 in Bishop Ryle's Collection 1860. [Rev. James Mearns. M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Frederick W. Foster

1760 - 1835 Translator of "Christian Hearts, In Love United" in Baptist Hymnal 1991 Foster, Frederick William, second son. of William Foster, was born at Bradford, Aug. 1, 1760, and educated at Fulneck, near Leeds, and at Barby in Prussian Saxony. Entering the Moravian Ministry he held several appointments until 1818, when he was consecrated a Bishop of the Moravian Church. He died at Ockbrook, near Derby, April 12, 1835. He compiled the Moravian Hymn Book of 1801, the Supplement of 1808, and the revised edition of 1826. His translations from the German, and his original hymns appeared in that collection. Two of his original hymns are in the Irish Church Hymnal, 1873; (1) "Lord, Who didst sanctify" 1808 (Holiness desired); and (2) "With thanks before the Lord appear," 1826 (Praise of the Saviour). [George Arthur Crawford, M. A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Esther Bergen

1921 - 2005 Tr. al inglés of "Tu Palabra Es Divina y Santa" in Himnario Bautista Esther Bergen was born on June 18, 1921 in Mor­den, Man­i­to­ba, Can­a­da. She was the daughter of a Mennonite minister and graduated from the Men­non­ite Col­lege In­sti­tute in Gret­na, Man­i­to­ba. After teaching in several rural schools, she attended the Men­non­ite Breth­ren Bi­ble Col­lege in Win­ni­peg. She taught mu­sic at the Men­non­ite Breth­ren Bi­ble Col­lege, and served as Dean and Re­gis­trar at the Ca­na­di­an Men­non­ite Bi­ble Col­lege. She al­so worked as a mis­sion­a­ry in Mex­i­co with her hus­band, Men­no Ber­gen (1956-68). She trans­lat­ed some 150 hymns, and com­posed sev­eral hymn tunes. She was a teacher, musician, poet, translator, church worker, wife, and mother. She died in on March 1, 2005 in Winnepeg. [Sources: Hustad, Donald Paul. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, Illinois: Hope Publishing Company, 1978. p. 205] NN, Hymnary. Source:


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