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Now Sings My Soul a New Song

Author: Linda Bonney Olin Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: My soul, O Lord, your wondrous work beholds Lyrics: 1. My soul, O Lord, your wondrous work beholds and sings unending psalms of praise. The boundless universe and all it holds reveal the beauty of your ways. Now sings my soul a new song of adoration, with all Creation. Refrain Now sings my soul a new song, yes, a new song for the Lord! 2. My soul, O Lord, is breathing free once more, for you unburdened it of sin. In song, my gratitude and love outpour, as grace and mercy flooded in. Now sing my soul a new song, a proclamation of my salvation. (Refrain) 3. My soul, O Lord, cries out in joy today! It dances in the morning dew. The darkness of the night has passed away. Your light is making all things new. Now sings my soul a new song, a celebration of transformation. (Refrain) 4. My soul, O Lord, is deeply moved to share good news of all your grace has done, to yoin my voice with people everywhere, the many praising you as one. Now sings my soul a new song, an invitation to congregation. (Refrain) Used With Tune: EL NATHAN

Now Sinner, Now What Is Thy Hope?

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Now, sinner, now what is thy hope? Lyrics: 1 Now, sinner, now what is thy hope? Canst thou with confidence look up And see the angel nigh? Is death a messenger of peace? And dost thou long for thy release? And art thou fit to die? 2 Say, if prepared for death thou art, What means that faltering of thy heart, That inly stifled groan? Why shrinks thy soul with guilty fear, And loudly warns of judgment near, Starts from a God unknown? 3 Whither, ah! whither must thou go? Poor dying wretch, thou dost not know, Doubtful so near thine end; Doubtful with whom thou first shall meet, Who first thy parting soul shall greet, An angel, or a fiend? 4 Where wilt thou ease, or comfort take? Now to thy harmless life look back, From outward vice so free; Bring all thy works, and seeming good To balance with thy guilty load, And let them plead for thee. 5 Alas! they cannot buy thy peace, The rags of thy own righteousness They cannot screen thy shame: Full of all inward sin thou art, Anger, and lust, and pride of heart; And Legion is thy name. 6 Now let thy best endeavors plead, Now lean upon that feeble reed, Thou who hast lived so well! Thy dying weight it cannot bear But breaks, and leaves thee to despair, And lets thee sink to hell. 7 Now wilt thou mock the sons of God, Who felt the Savior’s sprinkled blood, And owned their sins forgiv’n? Tell them, their peace they cannot feel, The glorious hope, the Spirit’s seal, The antepast of Heav’n. 8 Hast thou received the Holy Ghost? Poor Christless soul, undone and lost, Already damned thou art; Now tell thy Lord, "It cannot be," He did not buy the grace for thee To dwell within thy heart. 9 His inspiration now blaspheme, And call it all a madman’s dream, That God in man should dwell; Th’enthusiastic scheme explode, That souls should here be filled with God; Go laugh at saints in hell! 10 Ah! no; thy laughter ceases there, Doomed with apostate fiends to share The unbeliever’s hire; There thou shalt die the second death, And gnaw thy tongue, and gnash thy teeth, And welter in that fire. 11 Alas! thy gracious day is past: The wrath is come: what hope at last The sentence to repeal? No longer thy damnation sleeps, The soul from off thy quivering lips Is staring into hell. 12 But if thou nothing hast to plead, Behold in this thy greatest need, An advocate is nigh: Ask Him to undertake thy cause, The Man that hung upon the cross, And deigned for thee to die. 13 See Him between the dying thieves— His grace the parting soul relieves, E’en at its latest hour; Ask, and His grace shall reach to thee, “Jesus, my king, remember me, Display Thy mercy’s power. 14 Thee for my Lord and God I own, With pity see me from Thy throne, And though my body dies, My soul, if Thou Thy Spirit give, My happy soul today shall live, With Thee in paradise. Used With Tune: FRANCES Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems (Bristol, England, Felix Farley, 1749)

Now, sinner, receive Him

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Jesus, the Lord, hath died for thee

Now slumber the flowers in the garden

Author: Friedrich Oser; C. W. Wendte Appears in 1 hymnal
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Now sound ye forth with trumpet tone

Author: Anon. Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: FATHERHOOD
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Now Sounding Over Hills and Lea

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Now sounding over hills and lea, I hear the pealing bells; My Sunday school is calling me, My heart with gladness fills. 2 Teach me to know Thee, dearest Lord, And walk upon Thy way; Take me in hand, lest from Thy Word My feet should go astray. 3 Thou knowest from afar so well What is within my soul, But not a thought therein shall dwell That Thou dost not control. 4 O Father, plant in me Thy seed And set me free from sin; But root Thou up each deadly weed That swiftly grows within. 5 My purpose is to please but Thee In spirit, soul, and mind, I pray Thee, Father, lead Thou me That I the way may find. 6 While over lea and dale and hills The bells their peal prolong, My heart the joy from heaven fills, I lift to God my song. Topics: Sunday School Hymns Sunday School Used With Tune: [Now sounding over hills and lea] Text Sources: Danish

Now spread are evening’s shadows

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Kelly Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Now spread are evening's shadows Lyrics: Now spread are evening’s shadows, O’er forests, towns, and meadows, And sleepeth ev’ry eye; Awake my pow’rs and sing ye, And pray’r and praises bring ye, That your Creator please on high! O Sun! where art thou vanish’d? The night thy light hath banish’d, The night of day the foe; Go then, for now appeareth Another Sun and cheereth My heart—’tis Jesus Christ, my joy! We’ve seen the day’s declining, The golden stars are shining In yonder dark-blue sky. There shall I be for ever When God doth me deliver, From this low vale of misery. To rest the body hasteth, Itself of clothes divesteth, Type of mortality! I’ll put it off, and o’er me Christ will the robe of glory Throw, and of immortality! Head, hands, and feet so tirèd Are glad the day’s expirèd, That work comes to an end; My heart be fill’d with gladness That God from all earth’s sadness, And from sin’s toil relief will send. Lie down, my members tirèd Upon your couch desirèd, Lie down my wearied head! A day and hour is nearing They’ll be for you preparing Beneath the sod, a quiet bed. Mine eyes scarce ope are keeping, A moment—I’ll be sleeping, Where’s body then and soul? In grace Thy care then make me, May evil ne’er o’ertake me, Thou Shepherd Lord of Israel! O Jesus, be my cover! And spread both Thy wings over Thy child, and shield Thou me! Though Satan would devour me, Let angels ever o’er me Sing, “This child shall uninjur’d be!” And you, my well belovèd! Shall by no ill be movèd, No danger shall betide. God peaceful slumbers send you, With golden arms defend you, Send guardian angels to your side!

Now sweeping down the years untold

Author: Laura C. Nourse Appears in 10 hymnals


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