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Samuel Wesley

1691 - 1739 Hymnal Number: d472 Author of "The Lord of Sabbath let us praise, In concert with the blest" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Samuel Wesley, M.A., the younger, was the eldest child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born in or near London in 1691. He received his early education from his mother, who always took a special interest in him as her firstborn. In 1704 he went to Westminster School, where he was elected King's Scholar in 1707. Westminster had, under the mastership of Dr. Busby for 55 years, attained the highest reputation for scholarship, and Samuel Wesley, as a classical scholar, was not unworthy of his school. In 1709, Dr. Spratt, Bishop of Rochester, patronised the young scholar, and frequently invited him to Bromley. In 1711 he went with a Westminster studentship to Christ Church, Oxford, and having taken his degree, returned to Westminster as an Usher. He then received Holy Orders and became an intimate friend of Bishop Atterbury, who was then Dean of Westminster. His intimacy with this prelate was a bar to his advancement, and he was bitterly disappointed at not being appointed undermaster at Westminster when that post was vacant. But he was faithful to his friend in his adversity, and the banished prelate warmly appreciated his attachment. In 1732 he was invited, without solicitation, to accept the headmastership of the Free School at Tiverton, and here he spent the remainder of his life. He strongly disapproved of John and Charles Wesley's proceedings; but though the brothers expressed their opinions to one another with characteristic frankness, the disagreement did not cause any interruption in the friendly relations between them. Samuel Wesley was universally acknowledged to be an honest, conscientious and deeply religious man. He was a most uncompromising High Churchman both in the political and the theological sense of that term; and there is no doubt that he was the mainstay of the Wesley family at Epworth. His kindness to his father and mother was unbounded, and he acted like a father to his younger brothers and sisters. He also took a great interest in works of charity, and was one of the first promoters of the Westminster Infirmary. He died at Tiverton in the 49th year of his age, Nov. 6, 1739. His epitaph in Tiverton Churchyard does not exaggerate his merits, when it describes him as— "a man for his uncommon wit and learning, For the benevolence of his temper, and simplicity of manner, Deservedly loved and esteemed by all: An excellent Preacher; But whose best sermon Was the constant example of an edifying life: So continually and zealously employed In acts of beneficence and charity, That he truly followed His blessed Master's example In going about doing good; Of such scrupulous integrity, That he declined occasions of advancement in the world, Through fear of being involved in dangerous compliances; And avoided the usual ways to preferment As studiously as many others seek them." Samuel Wesley published in 1736 A Collection of Poems on several occasions, some of which are full of a rather coarse humour, but all of a good moral and religious tendency. This work was reprinted in 1743, and again by W. Nichols in 1862. Dr. Adam Clarke specifies eight hymns of S. Wesley's composition which were in use among the Methodists of that time (1823). The Wesleyan Hymn Book of the present day contains five, the best-known of which is "The Lord of Sabbath let us praise." Six of his hymns are in common use, and are annotated as follows:— 1. From whence these dire portents around. 2. Hail, Father, Whose creating call. 3. Hail, God the Son in glory crowned. 4. Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third. 5. The Lord of Sabbath, let ns praise. 6. The morning flowers display their sweets. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Lawson

1787 - 1825 Hymnal Number: d130 Author of "Father of mercies, condescend" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Lawson, John, was born at Trowbridge, Wiltshire, July 24, 1787. He was articled to a wood-engraver in London; but believing that his knowledge of various manual arts might make him useful in the foreign mission field, he offered himself to the Baptist Missionary Society, and was sent to India. He arrived at Serampore in 1812, and soon rendered good service by showing how to reduce the types for printing used in the Eastern languages. He subsequently became pastor of a Baptist Church in Calcutta, devoting also much time to the work of education, He died Oct. 22, 1825. Mr. Lawson was an accomplished naturalist and a good musician, but his favourite recreation was the composition of poetry. Orient Harping, Roland, and other poems were published by him between the years 1820 and 1825. Two of his hymns were printed in the Baptist New Selection, 1828:— 1. Father of mercies, condescend. Prayer for a Missionary. 2. Fountain of truth and grace and power. Prayer for the Jews. The following are in the Comprehensive Rippon, 1844 :— 3. While in the howling shades of death. Missions. 4. Europe, speak the mighty name. Universal Doxology. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Richard Kempenfelt

1718 - 1782 Hymnal Number: d64 Author of "Burst, ye emerald [pearly] gates, and bring" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Kempenfelt, Richard, of Swedish descent, was born Oct., 1718. In Jan., 1741, he obtained a lieutenant's commission in the British Navy. He became captain in 1757, and admiral in 1780. He was drowned in the "Royal George," which sank in harbour at Portsmouth on Aug. 29, 1782. Admiral Kempenfelt was an admirer of Whitefield and the Wesleys, and interested himself much in evangelistic work. His hymns were published as Original Hymns and Poems. By Philotheorus. Exeter, printed by B. Thorn, 1777, and were dedicated "To the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, in Shropshire." They were reprinted, with a Preface, by D. Sedgwick, in 1861. Although most of these hymns are given in the older collections, only a few re¬main in modern hymn-books, and, including centos, are:— 1. Bear me on Thy rapid wing. Praise to Jesus in Heaven. 2. Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring. Praise to Jesus in Heaven. 3. Gentle Spirit, waft me over. Heaven desired. 4. Hail, Thou eternal Logos, hail. Adoration of Jesus. 5. Hark, 'tis the trump of God. The Last Day. 6. O my Redeemer, come. The Last Day. Of these Nos. 1 and 2 are from the same hymn; and Nos. 5 and 6 also from another. The original texts of Nos. 3, 5, and 6 are in Lyra Britannica 1867, pp. 349-52. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Straphan

b. 1757 Hymnal Number: d111 Author of "Delightful work, young souls to win" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Straphan, Joseph. This author contributed 3 hymns to Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1787 (see p. 149, i.), viz.:—(1) "Blest is the man whose heart expands" (Education of the Young, (2) "On wings of faith mount up, my soul, and rise" (Heaven anticipated); and (3) "Our Father, Whose eternal sway" (Divine Worship). From No. 1 two centos have been taken:—(1) "Blest work the youthful mind to win," in several collections in Great Britain; and (2), "Delightful work, young souls to win," in use in America. Straphan's birth is given as 1757. From a hymn in the Gospel Magazine, we find that he resided at that time at Hanley. Further details are wanting. [Rev. W. R. Stephenson] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Joseph Stennett

1663 - 1713 Hymnal Number: d406 Author of "Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. The author was a Baptist preacher in London, from 1690, to his death in 1713. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================= Stennett, Joseph, the earliest English Baptist hymnwriter whose hymns are now in common use, was born at Abingdon, Berks, in 1663. He received a superior education at the Grammar School of Wallingford, and at the age of 22 removed to London, where for several years he engaged in tuition. In 1688 he married a daughter of George Guill, a French Protestant refugee, another of whose daughters was the wife of the celebrated Presbyterian minister, Dr. Daniel Williams, who became a generous friend to Stennett. In the following year he was called to preach by the Baptist Sabbatarian congregation then meeting in Devonshire Square, London, afterwards in Pinners' Hall; and in 1690 became its pastor, a position he retained to his death, July 4, 1713. Since the meetings of this congregation for worship were on the seventh day of the week, he was free to preach to other congregations on the Sunday, which he did very frequently, especially to the General Baptist Church in the Barbican. Such was Stennett's repute for piety, learning and practical wisdom that his advice was very much sought by his Christian friends, and by the "great Whig Lords” of that day he was occasionally consulted as to the feeling of the Dissenters concerning national affairs. His published works include:— (1) Hymns in commemoration of the Sufferings of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, compos'd for the Celebration of his Holy Supper, 1697; 2nd ed. 1703 (This is entitled in Stennett's Works, 1732, Hymns for the Lord's Supper). These were 37 in number, increased to 50 in the 3rd edition, 1709. (2) In 1700 he published a poetical Version of Solomon's Song of Songs, together with the XLVth Psalm. A second edition, corrected, appeared in 1709. (3) In 1712 he published twelve Hymns composed for the Celebration of the Holy Ordinance of Baptism; 2nd ed. 1722. Stennett also translated Dacier's Plato and other works from the French, and published several sermons preached on days of National Thanksgiving and other public occasions. His Works were collected after his death and published in 1732, in 4 vols. They contain a Memoir, Sermons and Letters, the Hymns and Poems mentioned above, and a few other poetical pieces. A controversial work, An Answer to Mr. Russen's Book on Baptism, 1702, may be reckoned as a 5th vol. Of his hymns, that which, in the form of varying centos, is most widely known is, "Another six days' work is done". Others in common use include:— 1. Gracious Redeemer, how divine. Holy Communion. Appeared in his Hymns for the Lord's Supper, first edition, 1697. (Works, 1732, ii. p. 98.) Usually abbreviated. 2. Immortal praise be given. Holy Communion. Published in his Hymns for The Lord's Supper, first ed., 1697. (Works, 1732, ii. p. 97.) From this "We'll praise our risen Lord," is taken. 3. Jesus, O word divinely sweet. Redemption through Jesus. Published in Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 3rd ed. 1709, No. 47. 4. Lord, at Thy Table I behold. Holy Communion. This hymn is not in Stennett's Works. From it "With humble faith and trembling heart," is taken. 5. My blessed Saviour, is Thy love? Self-Consecration to God. Appeared in his Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 1697, No. 22. Usually abbreviated. 6. The great Redeemer we adore. Published in his Hymns for Baptism, 1712. 7. Whene'er one sinner turns to God. Holy Baptism. Published in his Hymns for Baptism, 1712, No. 12. From this "See how the willing converts trace" is taken. It begins with st. iii. Several of his hymns additional to these are given in the older collections, but have passed out of use. We may add that the Joseph Stennett, the subject of this article, had a son, Joseph Stennett, D.D., who also became an eminent Baptist minister, and was the father of Samuel Stennett. [Rev.W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Bengo Collyer

1782 - 1854 Hymnal Number: d309 Author of "Morning breaks upon the tomb" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. William Bengo Collyer was born at Blackheath Hill, in 1782, and studied at Homerton College. Before completing his twentieth year he became pastor of a Congregational society at Peckham, continuing in that position through his life. He died in 1854. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1808. For many years he was one of the most popular Dissenting ministers in London. He published many hymns and some works on theology. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. =================== Collyer, William Bengo, D.D., born at Blackheath, April 14, 1782, educated at Homerton College, where, when 16 years old, he was enrolled as a student for the ministry. At 20 he began his ministry at Peckham on Dec. 17, 1801 ordained pastor of a small church consisting of ten communicants. From 1814 to 1826 he was also pastor of a Church meeting in Salters' Hall. On June 17, 1817, a new chapel was opened for him at Peckham. There, from the time of his settlement in 1801, he laboured with great success and honour until Dec. 11, 1853, on which clay he preached for the last time. He died Jan. 8, 1854. Dr. Collyer was eminent in his day as an eloquent Evangelical preacher, when formalism in worship, and Arianism in doctrine, prevailed. He was a man of amiable disposition, polished manners, and Christian courtesy; popular with rich and poor alike. He was the author of a series of lectures on Divine Revelation, in seven volumes: Scripture Facts, Prophecies, Miracles, Parables, Doctrines, Duties, Comparisons. Dr. Collyer compiled a hymn-book with the title, Hymns partly collected and partly original, designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, 1812. It was intended at first for the use of his own congregation only, and was to include many hymns composed by himself, to be sung after sermons which he had preached to them, but he was led to alter the plan. It comprises 979 hymns, 6 choruses, and 4 doxologics, arranged in groups according to their authors, and not subjects. Of this number 57 were written by Dr. Collyer, and are for the most part short descriptive or didactic poems, religious or moral essays in verse, and not hymns addressed to the Creator and Redeemer. Some of them are devoid of Christian truth, and are poems of nature or of sentiment. Some of them were written during the hard and sorrowful times of the wars of Bonaparte, and relate to famine and national calamity. Several were prepared for the public meetings of missionary and benevolent societies, which had their origin in his time. He also published Services suited to the Solemnization of Matrimony, Baptism, &c, 1837, which contained 89 of his hymns, &c.; Hymns for Israel, a Tribute of Love for God's Ancient People, 1848 (41 hymns). In Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, there are also 39 of his compositions. Many of his pieces appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, and were also appended to his numerous published Sermons. A few of his hymns are still in common use, including. "Another fleeting day is gone"; "Assembled at Thy great command"; "O Jesu, in this solemn hour"; "O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope"; "Return, O wanderer, return," and the fine cento, "Great God, what do I see and hear." [Rev. F. J. Faulding, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Collyer, William Bengo, p. 243, ii. The following hymns by Dr. Collyer are also in common use:— 1. Another fleeting day is gone. Evening. (1812.) 2. 0 Jesus, in this solemn hour. Reception of Church Officers. (1842.) 3. O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope. On Behalf of Orphans. In the Evangelical Magazine, 1808, p. 48. 4. See the clouds upon the mountain. Sunday Morning. (1842.) 5. Soft be the gently breathing notes. Praise to the Redeemer. (1812.) 6. Softly the shade of evening falls. Evening. (1812.) From this, “Soon shall a darker night descend" is taken. 7. Thou Prince of glory slain for me. Good Friday. (1812.) The date 1812 is that of his Collection, and 1842 of Leifchild's Original Hymns. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

E. T. Winkler

1823 - 1883 Hymnal Number: d414 Author of "Savior of men, Thy searching eye" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Winkler, Edwin Theodore, D.D., was born in Savannah, Nov. 13, 1823, and educated at Brown University. He entered the Baptist ministry in 1846, and subsequently filled several important literary and other appointments in addition to his pastorates. He died at Marion, Alabama, Nov. 10, 1883. He compiled The Sacred Lute, a Collection of popular Hymns, 1855 (enlarged ed., 1860), to which he contributed 8 hymns, the first lines of which are given in Burrage. (Burrage's Baptist Hymn Writers, 1888, p. 416.) Some of these have passed into other American collections, including "Our land with mercies crowned." (National Hymn.) -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Winkler, E. T., p. 1287, i. From his Sacred Lute, &c, 1855, the hymn, "Now in this consecrated place." (On behalf of Church Officers), is included in the American Sursum Corda, 1898, No. 708. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Harriet Auber

1773 - 1862 Hymnal Number: d117 Author of "Ere mountains reared their forms sublime" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Auber, Harriet, daughter of Mr. James Auber, b. in London, Oct. 4, 1773. During the greater part of her quiet and secluded life she resided at Broxbourne and Hoddesdon, Herts, and died at the latter place on the 20th Jan., 1862. Miss Auber wrote devotional and other poetry, but only a portion of the former was published in her Spirit of the Psalms, in 1829. This collection is mainly her work, and from it some useful versions of the Psalms have been taken and included in modern hymn-books, about 20 appearing in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Miss Auber's name is widely known, but it is principally through her exquisite lyric, "Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed," and the Epiphany hymn, "Bright was the guiding star that led." (For criticism of her work, see English Psalters, §. 17.) In addition to these and other hymns by Miss Auber, which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in C. V., but principally in America:— 1.  Arise, ye people, and adore.   Easter. 2.  As Thy chosen people, Lord.   Ps. lxciii. 3.  Can guilty man indeed believe?   Ps. xciv. 4.  Delightful is the task to sing.   Ps. cxlvii. 5.  Father of Spirits, Nature's God.   Ps. cxxxi. 6.  Hail, gracious Source of every good.   Ps. Ixv. 7.  Hasten, Lord, the glorious time.   Ps. lxxii. 8.  Jehovah reigns, O earth, rejoice.   Ps. xccii. 9.  Join, all ye servants of the Lord.   H. Scriptures. 10.  Jesus, Lord, to Thee we sing.   Ps. cx. 11.  O all ye lands, rejoice in God.   Ps. lxvi. 12.  O God our Strength, to Thee the song.   Ps. lIxxxi. 13.  O praise our great and gracious Lord.   Ps. lxxviii. 14.  On thy church, O power divine.   Ps. lxvii. 15.  Sweet is the work, O Lord.   Sunday. 16.  That Thou, O Lord, art ever nigh.   Ps. lxxv. 17.  The Lord, Who hath redeemed our souls.   Ps. xxxi. 18.  When all bespeaks a Father's love.   Ps. set. 19.  When dangers press and fears invade.   Ps. lxii. 20.  Who, O Lord, when life is o'er.   Ps. xv. 21.  Whom have we   Lord,  in  heaven, but Thee.   Ps. lxxiii. 22.  Wide, ye heavenly gates, unfold.   Ascension. 23.  With hearts in love abounding.   Ps. xlv. 24.  With joy we hail the sacred day.   Sunday. 25.  Vainly through the night the ranger.   Ps. cxvii. All these psalm-versions and hymns are from her Spirit of the Psalms,   London, 1829. - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================= Auber, Harriet, p. 90, ii. The following versions of psalms from her Spirit of the Psalms, 1829, are also in common use:- 1. Great God, wert Thou extreme to mark. Ps. cxxx. "Thy servants in the temple watched," begins with stanza ii. of this. 2. How blest are they who daily prove. Ps. xli. 3. How blest the children of the Lord. Altered from Ps. cxii. 4. Jehovah, great and awful name. Part of Ps. Ixxviii. 5. 0 Thou Whom heaven's bright host revere. Ps. Ixxxiv. 6. Praise the Lord, our mighty King. Ps. cxxxv. 7. Spirit of peace, Who as a [celestial] Dove. Ps. cxxxiii. 8. Thou by Whose strength the mountains stand. Ps. Ixv. 9. To heaven our longing eyes we raise. Ps. cxxi. 10. Vainly through night's weary hours. Ps. cxxvii. Sometimes "Vainly through the night the ranger." 11. While all the golden harps above. Easter. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) See also in:Hymn Writers of the Church

Nathaniel Parker Willis

1806 - 1867 Person Name: N. P. Willis Hymnal Number: d475 Author of "The perfect world by Adam trod" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Willis, Nathaniel Parker, was born at Portland, Maine, Jan. 20, 1807, and educated at Yale College, graduating in 1826. After writing for a time for the American Monthly Magazine, which he established, and theNew York Mirror, into which the former was merged, he was attached to the American Legation at the French Court. His stay in Europe extended from 1831 to 1837. On his return he became in 1839 one of the editors of The Corsair. His works are numerous, and include Sacred Poems, 1843. He died Jan. 29, 1867. His sister, Mrs. Parton, is the well-known "Fanny Fern." His hymn —"The perfect world by Adam trod" (Dedication of a Place of Worship), was "Written to be sung at the Consecration of Hanover Street [Unitarian] Church, Boston," in 1826, and since then has been widely used, although of no exceeding merit. [Rev F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Gambold

1711 - 1771 Hymnal Number: d362 Author of "O tell me no more of this [the] world's vain [vain world's] store" in Hymns for the Use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Impr. ed. Gambold, John, M.A., was b. April 10, 1711, at Puncheston, Pembrokeshire, where his father was vicar. Educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1730, M.A. in 1734. Taking Holy Orders, he became, about 1739, Vicar of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, but resigned his living in Oct. 1742, and joined the United Brethren [Moravians], by whom lie was chosen one of their bishops in 1754. He d. at Haverfordwest, Sept. 13, 1771. He published an edition of the Greek Testament; Maxims and Theological Ideas; Sermons, and a dramatic poem called Ignatius. About 26 translations and 18 original hymns in the Moravian Hymn Books are assigned to him. One or two of his hymns, which were published by the Wesleys, have been claimed for them, but the evidence is in favour of Gambold. A collected ed. of his works was published at Bath in 1789, and afterwards reprinted. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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