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George F. Austin

Topics: Cross And Crown Composer of "AXMINSTER" in Methodist Hymn and Tune Book

B. C. Unseld

1843 - 1923 Person Name: Benjamin Carl Unseld (1843— ) Topics: Christ Captain; Christian Activity Calls to; Courage; Cross Soldier of; Crowns of Glory; Saints Perseverance of; Warfare and Victory Composer of "UNSELD" in Songs of Praise with Tunes Benjamin Carl Unseld, 1843-1923 Born: Oc­to­ber 18, 1843, Shep­herd­stown, West Vir­gin­ia. Died: No­vem­ber 19, 1923. Buried: Elm­wood Ceme­te­ry, Shep­herd­stown, West Vir­gin­ia. After leav­ing school at age 14, Un­seld worked as a clerk in a coun­try store. He re­ceived his first mu­sic­al in­struct­ion around age 15, from a com­pan­ion who had at­tend­ed a sing­ing school. He was shown the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the scale in the old Car­mi­na Sac­ra, and had it sung for him. At the friend’s sug­gest­ion, he got per­mis­sion from his pas­tor to prac­tice on the church or­gan. Since both boys worked, their on­ly chance to prac­tice was af­ter the store closed at 9:00 p.m., and oc­casion­al­ly at noon­time. They went to the church to­ge­ther and took turns, one at the key­board and the other at the bel­lows. Shortly af­ter the Bat­tle of An­tie­tam in Sep­tem­ber 1862, some of which Un­seld wit­nessed, he left home and be­came a book­keep­er in the gen­er­al of­fic­es of a rail­road in Co­lum­bia, Penn­syl­van­ia. He sang in a choir, and gained fur­ther prac­tice read­ing mu­sic. He rent­ed a mel­o­de­on and spent much time in his room im­pro­vis­ing on it. He bought a co­py of Wood­bur­y’s Har­mo­ny and Mu­sic­al Com­po­si­tion, and stu­died it as well as he could with­out a teach­er. He ac­cept­ed an in­vi­ta­tion to play the or­gan in the lo­cal Meth­od­ist church, on the con­di­tion that he re­ceived the tunes ear­ly in the week so he could learn them. This was his first po­si­tion as an or­ga­nist. In the spring of 1866, he en­tered the Mu­sic­al In­sti­tute in Pro­vi­dence, Rhode Is­land, con­duct­ed by Eben Tour­jée (found­er of the New Eng­land Con­serv­a­to­ry in Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, and fa­ther of Liz­zie Tour­jée). There he stu­died voice, pi­a­no, or­gan, and har­mo­ny. Af­ter learn­ing of Un­seld’s bus­i­ness ex­per­i­ence, Dr. Tour­jée made him sec­re­ta­ry of the school; in 1867, Un­seld be­came the first sec­re­ta­ry of the New Eng­land Con­ser­va­to­ry. Starting in 1870, Un­seld at­tend­ed schools led by The­o­dore F. Sew­ard. There he met George Webb, Low­ell Mason, James Mc­Gran­a­han, Charles Case, and other not­a­bles in the mu­sic com­mun­i­ty. In 1874, Uns­eld taught at Fisk Un­i­ver­si­ty in Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see, and helped train Fisk’s Ju­bi­lee Sing­ers for their Eur­o­pe­an trip. In 1877 and 1878, he was or­gan­ist and choir mas­ter at St. James’ Epis­co­pal Church, Lan­cas­ter, Penn­syl­van­ia. In 1879, Un­seld moved to New York Ci­ty, and for 15 years taught, led choirs, com­posed and pub­lished. In New York, his mu­sic­al head­quar­ters was the pub­lish­ing house of Big­low & Main Com­pa­ny, where he was in al­most dai­ly con­tact with the pop­u­lar com­pos­ers and teach­ers of the day: Ira San­key, Ho­ra­tio Palm­er, Hu­bert Main, Ro­bert Low­ry, et al. In 1894, Un­seld moved to Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, and worked as an ed­it­or for the Fill­more Mu­sic House. In 1898, he moved to Day­ton, Ohio, and worked in a sim­i­lar ca­pa­ci­ty for the Lo­renz Pub­lishing Com­pa­ny. He moved back to New York Ci­ty in 1901, then to Ha­gers­town, Ma­ry­land in 1905. He and his wife Sal­lie were ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Ten­nes­see as of 1920. Un­seld’s works in­clude: The Chor­al Stan­dard (New York: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1895) Progress in Song, with E. T. Hil­de­brand (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: The Fill­more Bro­thers Com­pa­ny) Unseld was in­duct­ed in­to the South­ern Gos­pel Mu­sic As­so­ci­a­tion Hall of Fame in 2004. Sources-- Hall, pp. 239-44 Music-- Ancyra Euphemia He Is Ris­en Hordville Make Haste! Meschach Twilight Is Fall­ing Unseld Wonderful Mess­age

Charles Beecher

1815 - 1900 Topics: Brotherhoods and Men's Guilds; Church Work; Cross Bearing of the; Crown of Life; Evangelistic Services; Self-Denial; Trials Blessings of Author (v. 4, 5) of "Must Jesus bear the cross alone" in The Hymnal Beecher, Charles, son of the well-known Dr. Lyman Beecher, whose autobiography he chiefly edited, and brother of Henry Ward Beecher, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, 1815. Mr. Beecher was for some time a Congregational pastor at Georgetown, Mass. He has published Review of Spiritual Manifestations, 1853; Pen Pictures of the Bible, 1855, &c. His hymns were contributed to his brother's Plymouth Collection, 1855, and include:— 1. There's rest in the grave. Heaven. 2. We are on our journey home. Heaven. The latter is in the more extensive use, but both are unknown to the English collections. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. H. Clark

1839 - 1888 Person Name: Rev. J. H. Clark Topics: Cross Crowns of Glory Translator of "He that overcometh" in Many Voices; or, Carmina Sanctorum, Evangelistic Edition with Tunes Clark, John Haldenby, M.A., born at Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Jan. 28, 1839, and educated at the Grammar School there, and at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1861. On taking Holy Orders, he became Curate of Barinby Moor and Fangfoss. After labouring in various parishes he became, in 1870, Vicar of West Dereham, Norfolk. Mr. Clark is known through his translation,"Soldiers, who are Christ's below." In 1880 he published The Marriage of Cana, and Other Verses; Lynn. It contains a few translations from the Latin, in addition to original verse. He died April 14, 1888. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Thibaud I

1201 - 1253 Person Name: Theobald, King of Navarre (1201-1253) Topics: Cross Crowns of Glory Composer of "INNOCENTS" in Many Voices; or, Carmina Sanctorum, Evangelistic Edition with Tunes

Dean B. McIntyre

Person Name: Dean McIntyre Topics: Affliction and Tribulation; Betrayal; Biblical Characters Barabbas; Crowns; Denial; Jesus Christ Cross; Lamb of God; Salvation; Shame and Disgrace; Affliction and Tribulation; Betrayal; Biblical Characters Barabbas; Crowns; Denial; Jesus Christ Cross; Lamb of God; Salvation; Shame and Disgrace Author of "Lord, Is It I?" in Worship and Song


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