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God's Care of the Saints; or, Deliverance by Prayer

Appears in 88 hymnals Topics: Fears and doubts suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: Lord, I will bless thee all my days Lyrics: 1 Lord, I will bless you all my days, Thy praise shall dwell upon my tongue; My soul shall glory in thy grace, While saints rejoice to hear the song. 2 Come, magnify the Lord with me, Let every heart exalt his name; I sought th' eternal God, and he Has not expos'd my hope to shame. 3 I told him all my secret grief, My secret groaning reach'd his ears; He gave my inward pains relief, And calm'd the tumult of my fears. 4 To him the poor lift their eyes, With heavenly joy their faces shine, A beam of mercy from the skies Fills them with light and joy divine. 5 His holy angels pitch their tents Around the men that serve the Lord; Oh fear and love him, all his saints, Taste of his grace, and trust his word. 6 The wild young lions, pinch'd with pain And hunger, roar through all the wood; But none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want supplies of real good. Scripture: Psalm 34
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Religious Education; or Instructions of Piety

Appears in 67 hymnals Topics: Fears and doubts suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: Children, in years and knowledge young Lyrics: 1 Children, in years and knowledge young, Your parents' hope, your parents' joy, Attend the counsels of my tongue, Let pious thoughts your minds employ. 2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state, Restrain your feet from impious ways, Your lips from slander and deceit. 3 The eyes of God regard his saints, His ears are open to their cries; He sets his frowning face against The sons of violence and lies. 4 To humble souls and broken hearts God with his grace is ever nigh; Pardon and hope his love imparts When men in deep contrition lie. 5 He tells their tears, he counts their groans, His Son redeems their souls from death; His spirit heals their broken bones, His praise employs their tuneful breath. Scripture: Psalm 34:11-12
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Prayer and Praise for eminent Deliverance

Appears in 60 hymnals Topics: Fears and doubts suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: I'll bless the Lord from day to day Lyrics: 1 I'll bless the Lord from day to day; How good are all his ways! Ye humble souls that use to pray, Come, help my lips to praise. 2 Sing to the honuor of his name, How a poor sufferer cried, Nor was his hope expos'd to shame, Nor was his suit denied. 3 When threatening sorrows round me stood, And endless fears arose, Like the loud billows of a flood, Redoubling all my woes. 4 I told the Lord my sore distress, With heavy groans and tears; He gave my sharpest torments ease, And silenc'd all my fears. Pause. 5 [Oh sinners, come and taste his love, Come, learn his pleasant ways, And let your own experience prove The sweetness of his grace. 6 He bids his angels pitch their tents Round where his children dwell; What ills their heavenly care prevents No earthly tongue can tell.] 7 [Oh love the Lord, ye saints of his; His eye regards the just. How richly bless'd their portion is, Who make the Lord their trust! 8 Young lions pinch'd with hunger roar, And famish in the wood; But God supplies his holy poor With every needful good.] Scripture: Psalm 34:1-10
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Exhortation to Peace and Holiness

Appears in 52 hymnals Topics: Fears and doubts suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: Come, children, learn to fear the Lord Lyrics: 1 Come, children, learn to fear the Lord, And that your days be long, Let not a false or spiteful word Be found upon your tongue. 2 Depart from mischief, practise love, Pursue the works of peace; So shall the Lord your ways approve, And set your souls at ease. 3 His eyes awake to guard the just, His ears attend their cry; When broken spirits dwell in dust, The God of grace is nigh. 4 What tho' the sorrows here they taste Are sharp and tedious too, The Lord, who saves them all at last, Is their supporter now. 5 Evil shall smite the wicked dead; But God secures his own, Prevents the mischief when they slide, Or heals the broken bone. 6 When desolation like a flood O'er the proud sinner rolls, Saints find a refuge in their God, For he redeem'd their souls. Scripture: Psalm 34:11-22
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Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!

Meter: 8.7 Appears in 625 hymnals Topics: Doubt and Fear Lyrics: 1 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus! Hail, Thou Galilean King! Thou didst suffer to release us, Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame! By Thy merit we find favor; Life is given through Thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our-sins on Thee were laid; By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made. All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood: Opened is the gate of heaven, Peace is made 'twixt man and God. 3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, There forever to abide; All the heavenly host adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side. There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare, Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honor, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive; Highest praises, without ceasing, Right it is for us to give. Help, ye bright angelic spirits, All your sweetest, noblest lays, Help to sing our Saviour's merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise. Used With Tune: MIGHTY LORD, VICTORIOUS SAVIOUR!
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Jesus, I my cross have taken

Meter: 8.7 Appears in 1,310 hymnals Topics: Doubt and Fear Lyrics: 1 Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow Thee; Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be. Perish every fond ambition, All I've sought, or hoped, or known; Yet how rich is my condition! God and heaven are still my own. 2 Let the world despise and leave me; They have left my Saviour, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me-- Thou art not, like them, untrue. Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast; Life with trials sore may press me, Heaven will bring me sweeter rest. 3 Go then, earthly fame and treasure! Come disaster, scorn, and pain! In Thy service pain is pleasure; With Thy favor loss is gain. I have called Thee Abba, Father; I have stayed my heart on Thee: Storms may howl, and clouds may gather, All must work for good to me. 4 Take, my soul, thy full salvation; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find, in every station, Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee, What a Father's smile is thine, What a Saviour died to win thee: Child of heaven, shouldst thou repine? 6 Haste, then, on from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by prayer; Heaven's eternal day's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there. Soon shall close thine earthly mission, Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days; Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Used With Tune: WORLD, FAREWELL! OF THE I'M WEARY
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O how shall I receive Thee

Meter: 7.6 Appears in 95 hymnals Topics: Doubt and Fear Lyrics: 1 O how shall I receive Thee, How greet Thee, Lord, aright? All nations long to see Thee, My hope, my heart's delight! O kindle, Lord, most holy, Thy lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly All that may please Thee best. 2 Thy Zion palms is strewing, And branches fresh and fair; My heart, its powers renewing, An anthem shall prepare. My soul puts off her sadness Thy glories to proclaim: With all her strength and gladness She fain would serve Thy name. 3 I lay in fetters groaning; Thou comest to set me free! I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou comest to honor me; A glory Thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me, As earthly riches fly. 4 Love caused Thy incarnation, Love brought Thee down to me. Thy thirst for my salvation Procured my liberty. O love beyond all telling, That led Thee to embrace, In love all love excelling, Our lost and fallen race! 5 Rejoice then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o'er joys departed, And tremble at your doom: He who alone can cheer you, Is standing at the door; In pity He is near you, And bids you weep no more. 6 Ye who, with guilty terror, Are trembling, fear no more; With love and grace the Saviour Shall you to hope restore. He comes to heal the spirit That mourneth, sin-oppressed, He comes, that we inherit Eternal joy and rest. 7 He comes to judge the nations, A terror to His foes, A light of consolations And blessed hope to those Who love the Lord's appearing: O glorious Sun, now come, Send forth Thy beams so cheering And guide us safely home! Used With Tune: O SACRED HEAD, NOW WOUNDED
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Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine!

Author: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 Meter: with refrain Appears in 1,069 hymnals Topics: Assurance in Doubt Refrain First Line: This is my story, this is my song Scripture: Isaiah 12:2 Used With Tune: ASSURANCE
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My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Author: Edward Mote, 1797-1874 Meter: with refrain Appears in 1,095 hymnals Topics: Assurance in Doubt Refrain First Line: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand Scripture: Psalm 125:1 Used With Tune: SOLID ROCK

As Pants the Deer for Cooling Streams

Meter: Appears in 323 hymnals Topics: Assurance in Doubt Scripture: Psalm 42 Used With Tune: LAND OF REST Text Sources: Tate and Brady's New Version, 1696, alt.


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