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Showing 61 - 70 of 98Results Per Page: 102050

The Lawful Use of the Law

Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: Here, Lord, my soul convicted stands Lyrics: 1 Here, Lord, my soul convicted stands Of breaking all thy ten commands; And on me justly might’st thou pour Thy wrath in one eternal shower. 2 But, thanks to God, its loud alarms Have warned me of approaching harms; And now, O Lord, my wants I see; Lost and undone, I come to thee. 3 I see my fig-leaf righteousness Can ne’er thy broken law redress; Yet in thy gospel plan I see, There’s hope of pardon e’en for me. 4 Here I behold thy wonders, Lord, How Christ has to thy law restored Those honours, on the atoning day, Which guilty sinners took away. 5 Amazing wisdom, power, and love, Displayed to rebels from above! Do thou, O Lord, my faith increase, To love and trust thy plan of grace.

Salvation by Christ alone

Author: Hart Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: How can ye hope, deluded souls Lyrics: 1 How can ye hope, deluded souls, To see what none e’er saw, Salvation by the works obtained Of Sinai’s fiery law? 2 [There ye may toil, and weep, and fast, And vex your heart with pain; And, when you’ve ended, find at last That all your toil was vain.] 3 That law but makes your guilt abound; Sad help! and (what is worst) All souls that under that are found, By God himself are cursed. 4 [This curse pertains to those who break One precept, e’er so small; And where’s the man, in thought or deed, That has not broken all?] 5 Fly, then, awakened sinners, fly; Your case admits no stay; The fountain’s opened now for sin; Come, wash your guilt away. 6 See how from Jesus’ wounded side The water flows and blood! If you but touch that purple tide, You then have peace with God. 7 Only by faith in Jesus’ wounds The sinner finds release; No other sacrifice for sin Will God accept but this.

Conviction of Sin by the Law

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 129 hymnals Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: Lord, how secure my conscience was Lyrics: 1 Lord, how secure my conscience was, And felt no inward dread! I was alive without thy law, And thought my sins were dead. 2 My hopes of heaven were firm and bright, But since the precept came With a convincing power and light, I find how vile I am. 3 [My guilt appeared but small before, Till terribly I saw How perfect, holy, just, and pure Was thy eternal law! 4 Then felt my soul the heavy load; My sins revived again; I had provoked a dreadful God, And all my hopes were slain.] 5 Thy gracious throne I bow beneath; Lord, thou alone canst save; O break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave.

The Law and Gospel

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: What curses doth the law denounce Lyrics: 1 What curses does the law denounce Against the man who fails but once! But in the gospel Christ appears Pardoning the guilt of numerous years. 2 My soul, no more attempt to draw Thy life and comfort from the law; Fly to the hope the gospel gives; The man that trusts the promise lives.

The Law and Gospel

Author: Berridge Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: The law demands a weighty debt Lyrics: 1 The law demands a weighty debt, And not a single mite will bate; But gospel sings of Jesus’ blood, And says it made the payment good. 2 The law provokes men oft to ill, And churlish hearts makes harder still; But gospel acts a kinder part, And melts a most obdurate heart. 3 “Run, run, and work,” the law commands, Yet finds me neither feet nor hands; But sweeter news the gospel brings; It bids me fly, and lends me wings. 4 [Such needful wings, O Lord, impart, To brace my feet and brace my heart; Good wings of faith and wings of love Will make a cripple sprightly move.] 5 With these a lumpish soul may fly, And soar aloft, and reach the sky; Nor faint nor falter in the race, But cheerly work, and sing of grace.

The law of the Lord is perfect and good

Author: W. Gadsby Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Law and the Gospel Lyrics: 1 The law of the Lord is perfect and good, But cannot afford nor comfort nor food, To sinners distressèd, o’erwhelmèd with fear, But Jesus the blessed can yield them good cheer. 2 The sinner may toil with care and with pain, Some comfort to bring from Sinai’s flame, Spend long nights in sorrow, and days in distress, Yet find on the morrow the law does him curse. 3 Where then can he flee for help or relief? A sinner is he, a rebel in chief; He feels himself guilty, and what can he do? He’s unsound and filthy, and no good can show. 4 Thanks be to the Lamb, the great King of kings, Who comes just in time, and glad tidings brings, Applies peace and pardon, with power from above, The poor soul to gladden, and calls him his love. 5 [These tidings Christ brings, and they reach the heart; The Spirit he sends his truth to impart; The sweet Spirit seals him a son and an heir, And comforts and cheers him, and banishes fear.] 6 Then ravished with joy, and o’ercome with love, “Abba, Father,” he’ll cry, “my Lord and my God, My Friend and my Portion, my Head and my All; Thou art my Salvation from guilt, sin, and thrall.” Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:8

"Dead to the law"

Author: W. Gadsby Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: Thanks be to my Head, the great King of kings Lyrics: 1 Thanks be to my Head, the great King of kings, My life from the dead, the death of my sins; Who took all my woes, and was made sin for me; Who died, and who rose, and from sin set me free. 2 His Spirit he sent, to soften my heart; The old veil to rend, and life to impart; To bring me from darkness to light in the Lord, And kill me to Moses, to sin, and the world. 3 Thus I, through the law, dead to the law am, Yet married am I to Jesus the Lamb! This union is sealèd, all heaven’s agreed; >From sin and from Moses I henceforth am freed. 4 My soul, then, rejoice; let Christ be thy song; With heart and with voice, with lip and with tongue, Before men or angels, sing, Worthy’s the Lamb Of unceasing praises, for ever. Amen.

Saints Freed from Hagar

Author: W. Gadsby Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Law and the Gospel First Line: What! must the Christian draw Lyrics: 1 What! must the Christian draw His comforts from the law, That can do nothing but condemn? If this be Zion’s rule, Then unto Hagar’s school, Must Sarah send her free-born son. 2 But the bond-woman’s son With such shall not be one, Isaac alone is lawful heir; So Abra’m must obey, And Ishmael send away, Nor Hagar must continue there. 3 Jehovah has decreed, None but the chosen seed Shall ever be accounted free; Not one shall e’er possess The promised land of bliss, But Abra’m’s lawful family. 4 And these shall all be freed From bondage, guilt, and dread, And bliss, immortal bliss enjoy; Beyond, beyond the grave, The land of promise have, And live with God eternally.
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Exultation in God

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Adoration; Afflictions Promises for; Assurance Enjoyed; Bible A Guide; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Christians Conscious of Safety; Church Christ the Head of; Covenant Promises; Faith Walking by; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Kingly Character of; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Grace Quickening; Grace Sustaining; Humility; Mercy of God Everlasting; Missions Influence of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Conversion of; Patience; Praise By Nations; Praise For God's Mercy; Pride; Revival; Royalty of Christ Bible His Law; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Strength in God; Truth; Worship Acts of First Line: With grateful heart my thanks I bring Lyrics: 1 With grateful heart my thanks I bring, Before the great Thy praise I sing: I worship in Thy holy place And praise Thee for Thy truth and grace; For truth and grace together shine In Thy most holy Word divine, In Thy most holy Word divine. 2 I cried to Thee and Thou didst save, Thy word of grace new courage gave; The kings of earth shall thank Thee, Lord, For they have heard Thy wondrous word; Yea, they shall come with songs of praise, For great and glorious are Thy ways, For great and glorious are Thy ways. 3 O Lord, enthroned in glory bright, Thou reignest in the heav'nly height; The proud in vain Thy favor seek, But Thou hast mercy for the meek; Thro' trouble though my pathway be, Thou wilt revive and strengthen me, Thou wilt revive and strengthen me. 4 Thou wilt stretch forth Thy mighty arm To save me when my foes alarm; The work Thou hast for me begun Shall by Thy grace be fully done; Forever mercy dwells with Thee; O Lord, my Maker, think on me, O Lord, my Maker, think on me. Scripture: Psalm 138 Used With Tune: THE SOLID ROCK
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The Books of Nature and Scripture

Author: Watts Appears in 144 hymnals Topics: Law of God And Gospel First Line: Behold the lofty sky Scripture: Psalm 19


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