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Tell me the old, old story

Author: Katherine Hankey Appears in 511 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 Tell me the old, old story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and his glory, Of Jesus and his love: Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Refrain: Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story, Of Jesus and his love. 2 Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones and grave; Remember, I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save: Tell me the story always, If you would really be, In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. [Refrain] 3 Tell me the same old story, When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear: Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story, "Christ Jesus makes thee whole." [Refrain] Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:18 Used With Tune: EVANGEL
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Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Author: Dorothy Ann Thrupp Meter: D Appears in 1,148 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care; in thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use thy folds prepare: blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us, thine we are; blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us, thine we are. 2 We are thine; do thou befriend us, be the guardian of our way; keep thy flock, from sin defend us, seek us when we go astray: blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, hear, O hear us when we pray; blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, hear, O hear us when we pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be; thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free: blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, let us early turn to thee; blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, let us early turn to thee. 4 Early let us seek thy favor; early let us do thy will; blessed Lord and only Savior, with thy love our bosoms fill: blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast loved us, love us still, blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast loved us, love us still. Scripture: John 10:14 Used With Tune: SHEPHERD Text Sources: Hymns for the Young, 1836
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More Love to Thee, O Christ

Author: Elizabeth Payson Prentiss Meter: Appears in 829 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Refrain First Line: more love, O Christ, to thee Lyrics: 1 More love to thee, O Christ, more love to thee! Hear thou the prayer I make on bended knee; this is my earnest plea, Refrain: more love, O Christ, to thee, more love to thee, more love to thee! 2 Once earthly joy I craved, sought peace and rest; now thee alone I seek; give what is best: this all my prayer shall be, [Refrain] 3 Let sorrow do its work, send grief and pain; sweet are thy messengers, sweet their refrain, when they can sing with me, [Refrain] 4 Then shall my latest breath whisper thy praise; this be the parting cry my heart shall raise, this still its prayer shall be, [Refrain] Scripture: John 21:17 Used With Tune: MORE LOVE TO THEE
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Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life

Author: George Herbert, 1593-1632 Meter: Appears in 66 hymnals Topics: Longing for God Lyrics: 1 Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a way as gives us breath; Such a truth as ends all strife; Such a life as killeth death. 2 Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a light as shows a feast; Such a feast as mends in length; Such a strength as makes his guest. 3 Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a joy as none can move; Such a love as none can part; Such a heart as joys in love. Scripture: John 1:10 Used With Tune: THE CALL

What shall I do my God to love

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Topics: Longing for God Lyrics: 1 What shall I do my God to love, my loving God to praise? the length, and breadth, and height to prove, and depth of sovereign grace? 2 Your sovereign grace to all extends, immense and unconfined; from age to age it never ends, to reach all humankind. 3 Throughout the world its breadth is known, wide as infinity; so wide it never passed by one, or it had passed by me. 4 My trespass was grown up to heav'n; but far above the skies, in Christ abundantly forgiv'n, I see your mercies rise. 5 The depth of all-redeeming love, what angel tongue can tell? O may I to the utmost prove the gift unspeakable. 6 Come quickly, gracious Lord, and take possession of your own; my longing heart be pleased to make your everlasting throne. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:15 Used With Tune: WILTSHIRE
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O thou that hear'st when sinners cry

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 342 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 O thou that hear'st when sinners cry, Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin; Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Not hide thy presence from my heart. 3 I cannot live without thy light, Cast out and banished from thy sight; Thy holy joys, my God, restore, And guard me, that I fall no more. 4 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 5 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just: Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. 6 Then will I teach the world thy ways; Sinners shall learn thy sovereign grace; I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pard'ning God. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: HAMBURG
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Jesus, Priceless Treasure

Author: Johann Franck; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 134 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 Jesus, priceless treasure, source of purest pleasure, truest friend to me: ah, how long in anguish shall my spirit languish, yearning, Lord, for thee? Thine I am, O spotless Lamb! I will suffer naught to hide thee, naught I ask beside thee. 2 In thine arms I rest me; foes who would molest me cannot reach me here. Though the earth be shaking, ev'ry heart be quaking, Jesus calms my fear. Lightnings flash and thunders crash; yet, though sin and hell assail me, Jesus will not fail me. 3 Satan, I defy thee; death, I now decry thee; fear, I bid thee cease. World, thou shalt not harm me nor thy threats alarm me while I sing of peace. God's great pow'r guards ev'ry hour; earth and all its depths adore him, silent bow before him. 4 Hence with earthly treasure! Thou art all my pleasure, Jesus, all my choice. Hence, thou empty glory! Naught to me thy story, told with tempting voice. Pain or loss or shame or cross shall not from my Savior move me, since he deigns to love me. 5 Hence, all fear and sadness! For the Lord of gladness, Jesus, enters in. Those who love the Father, though the storms may gather, still have peace within. Yea, whate'er I here must bear, thou art still my purest pleasure, Jesus, priceless treasure. Scripture: Psalm 73:25 Used With Tune: JESU, MEINE FREUDE
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Safely through another week

Author: John Newton Meter: with repeat Appears in 1,017 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 Safely through another week God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts today; Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest: Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we pray for pard'ning grace, Through the dear Redeemer's Name, Show thy reconciled face; Take away our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee, From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 3 Here we come thy Name to praise, Let us feel thy presence near; May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear: Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast, Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May thy gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints; May the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief for all complaints: Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above, Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above. Amen. Scripture: Isaiah 66:23 Used With Tune: SABBATH

I need thee, precious Jesus

Author: Frederick Whitfield Meter: D Appears in 304 hymnals Topics: Longing for Christ and God Lyrics: 1 I need thee, precious Jesus, For I am full of sin; My soul is dark and guilty, My heart is dead within. I need the cleansing fountain Where I can always flee, The blood of Christ most precious, The sinner's perfect plea. 2 I need thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poor; A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store. I need the love of Jesus To cheer me on my way, To guide my doubting footsteps, To be my strength and stay. 3 I need thee, precious Jesus, And hope to see thee soon, Encircled with the rainbow And seated on thy throne. There, with thy blood-bought children, My joy shall ever be, To sing my Jesus' praises, Amen. Scripture: Psalm 41:4 Used With Tune: MEIRIONYDD

Lord Jesus, if the same you are

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Meter: Appears in 56 hymnals Topics: Longing for God Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus, if the same you are, if all your promises are sure, set up your kingdom in my heart and make me rich, for I am poor; to me be all your treasure given, the kingdom of an inward heaven. 2 You have pronounced the mourners blest; for loss of you I ever mourn: I cannot, and I will not rest till you, my only rest, return; till you, the Prince of Peace, appear, and I receive the Comforter. 3 Where is the blessedness bestowed on all that hunger after you? I hunger now, I thirst for God: now this poor sinner's life renew, and satisfy with endless peace, and fill me with your righteousness. 4 Shine on your work, disperse the gloom, light in your light I'll see anew: say to my soul, 'Your light is come, glory divine is risen on you, your warfare's done, your mourning's past; look up, your tears shall end at last!' Scripture: Hebrews 13:8 Used With Tune: SURREY


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