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Grateful Praise

Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Benefits of; Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions Watchfulness in; Anger of God Restrained; Christ Confessing; Christ Glorying in; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Saved by Grace; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance from death; Deliverance From Sickness; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Holiness of; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Morning Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Praise For God's Holiness; Praise For Works of Providence; Prayer Answers to; Prayer For Deliverance from Death; Prayer Pleas in; Sickness Recovery from; Thanksgiving Due to God First Line: Lord, I will praise Thy Name Lyrics: 1 Lord, I will praise Thy Name, For Thou hast set me free, Nor suffered foes to claim A triumph over me; O Lord, my God, to Thee I cried And Thou hast health and strength supplied, And Thou hast health and strength supplied. 2 Thou hast my soul restored When I was near the grave, And from the depths, O Lord, Thou graciously didst save; O ye His saints, sing to the Lord, With thanks His holiness record, With thanks His holiness record. 3 His wrath is quickly past, His favor lives for aye; Tho' grief a night may last, Joy comes at break of day; In my prosperity secure I said, My peace shall still endure; I said, My peace shall still endure. Scripture: Psalm 30 Used With Tune: AVALON
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A Celebration of Divine Grace

Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Effectual Calling; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Omnipotence of; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Abounding; Missions Influence of; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; The Sea; The Sea; Sin Confession of; Sin Conflict with; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving Declared; Trust in God Expression of; Vows; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of First Line: Praise waits for Thee in Zion Lyrics: 1 Praise waits for thee in Zion; All men shall worship there And pay their vows before Thee, O God Who hearest prayer. Our sins rise up against us, Prevailing day by day, But Thou wilt show us mercy And take their guilt away. 2 How blest the man Thou callest And bringest near to Thee, That in Thy courts forever His dwelling-place may be; He shall within Thy temple Be satisfied with grace, And filled with all the goodness Of Thy most holy place. 3 O God of our salvation, Since Thou dost love the right, Thou wilt an answer send us In wondrous deeds of might. In all earth's habitations, On all the boundless sea, Man finds no sure reliance, No peace, apart from Thee. Scripture: Psalm 65 Used With Tune: MENDEBRAS
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Gracious Renewal and Testimoney

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Christian Activity; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Desired; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Confessing; Christians Debt of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Preaching of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Restoring; Grace Sovereign ; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Holiness Of Christians; The Holy Spirit; Humility; Joy Prayer for; Offerings; Penitence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Intercession in; Regeneration; Repentance; Revival; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Confession of; Sin Conviction of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving For God's Mercies; Worship Acts of; Worship Sincerity in; Zion Kept by God First Line: Gracious God, my heart renew Lyrics: 1 Gracious God, my heart renew, Make my spirit right and true; Cast me not away from Thee, Let Thy Spirit dwell in me; Thy salvation's joy impart, Steadfast make my willing heart. 2 Sinners then shall learn from me And return, o God to Thee; Saviour, all my guilt remove, And my tongue shall sing Thy love; Touch my silent lips, O Lord, And my mouth shall praise accord. 3 Not the formal sacrifice Hath acceptance in Thy eyes; Broken hearts are in Thy sight More than sacrificial rite; Contrite spirit, pleading cries, Thou, O God, wilt not despise. 4 Prosper Zion in thy grace And her broken walls replace; Then our righteous sacrifice Shall delight Thy holy eyes; Freewill off'rings, gladly made, On Thy altar shall be laid. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: GETHSEMANE
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Go, labour on; spend and be spent

Author: Dr. H. Bonar, 1808-1889 Appears in 441 hymnals Topics: Faithfulness Rewards of ; Winning Souls; Winning Souls; Faithfulness Rewards of ; Winning Souls; Winning Souls; Bridegroom Coming of the; Christ Bridegroom; Christian At work; Christian Servant; The Church and the Kingdom of God Social Service; Works, Christian ; Toil, daily Christian ; Man His Life and Experiences; Life Its Opportunities; Labour For God ; Only Plea; Night Approaching; Soul Saving the; Human Need; Reward; Life Purpose of Lyrics: 1 Go labour on; spend and be spent, Thy joy to do the Father's will; It is the way the Master went, Should not the servant tread it still? 2 Go labour on; 'tis not for nought, Thy earthly loss is heavenly gain; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises; what are men? 3 Go labour on, while it is day, The world's dark night is hastening on; Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away; It is not thus that souls are won. 4 Men die in darkness at thy side, Without a hope to cheer the tomb; Take up the torch and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thickest gloom. 5 Toil on, faint not, keep watch, and pray; Be wise, the erring soul to win; Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. 6 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; For toil comes rest, for exile home; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, "Behold, I come!" Used With Tune: ST. ALBAN
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Savior! Thy dying love

Author: Rev. Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, 1816-1896 Appears in 563 hymnals Topics: Christ Love of; Faith; Giving; God Love of; Lost The; Love; Seeking to save; Small but Great; Work Used With Tune: [Savior! Thy dying love ]
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Pardon and Testimony

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Christian Activity; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Assurance Desired; Christ Confessing; Christians Debt of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Preaching of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Restoring; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Holiness Of Christians; Humility; Mercy of God Prayer for; Offerings; Pardon Sought; Penitence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Intercession in; Repentance; Revival; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Confession of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving For God's Mercies; Worship Acts of; Worship Sincerity in; Zion Kept by God First Line: O God, the God that saveth me Lyrics: 1 O God, the God that saveth me, Remove my guilty stains, And I will sing thy righteousness In grateful, joyous strains. 2 O Lord, now open Thou my lips, Long closed by sin and shame; My mouth shall show before the world The glory of Thy Name. 3 No sacrifice dost thou desire, Else would I give it Thee; Now with appointed offerings Wilt Thou delighted be. 4 A broken spirit is to God A pleasing sacrifice; A broken and a contrite heart Thou, Lord, wilt not despise. 5 Do good to Zion in thy grace, Her ruined walls restore; Then sacrifice of righteousness Shall please Thee as of yore. 6 Thy people then with willing hands And hearts that Thou hast blessed Shall bring in thankful sacrifice Their choicest gifts and best. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: COOLING
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Hope and Trust

Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Prayer in; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Believers; Despondency; Faith Confidence of; God Our Guide; God the judge; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Hope; House of God Longed for and Loved; Spiritual Illumination; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Worship public First Line: Judge me, God of my salvation Refrain First Line: O my soul, why art thou grieving? Lyrics: 1 Judge me, God of my salvation, Plead my cause, for Thee I trust: Hear my earnest supplication, Save me from my foes unjust. Chorus: O my soul, why art thou grieving? What disquiets and dismays? Hope in God, His help receiving, I shall yet my Saviour praise. 2 On Thy strength alone relying Why am I cast off by Thee, In my helpless sorrow sighing, While the foe oppresses me? [Chorus] 3 Light and truth, my way attending, Send Thou forth to be my guide, Till Thy holy mount ascending, I within Thy house abide. [Chorus] 4 At Thy sacred altar bending, God, my God, my boundless joy, Harp and voice, in worship blending, For Thy praise will I employ. [Chorus] Scripture: Psalm 43 Used With Tune: AMARA
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The Obligations of Grace

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Benefits of; Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions From God; Afflictions Purpose of; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Christ Worshiped; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Saved by Grace; Consecration and Dedication; Faith Blessedness of; Godly Fear Described; Glory of God In Providence; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Works of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Preaching of; Grace Growth in; Grace Sustaining; Heart Claimed of God; Mercy of God Celebrated; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; The Righteous Troubles of; Royalty of Christ Providential; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Vows; Worship Call to ; Worship Grace Needed for First Line: O all ye peoples, bless our God Lyrics: 1 O all ye peoples, bless our God, Aloud proclaim His praise, Who safely holds our soul in life And steadfast makes our ways. Thou, Lord, hast proved and tested us As silver tried by fire Thy hand has made our burden great And thwarted our desire 2 Thro' pain and trouble Thou hast led, And humbled all our pride; But, in the end, to liberty And wealth Thy hand did guide. Here in Thy house I give to Thee The life that Thou dost bless, And pay the solemn vows I made When I was in distress. 3 Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear What He has done for me; My cry for help is turned to praise, For He has set me free. If in my heart I sin regard, My prayer He will not hear; But truly God has heard my voice, My prayer has reached His ear. 4 O let the Lord, our gracious God, Forever blessed be, Who has not turned my prayer from Him, Nor yet His grace from me. O all ye peoples, bless our God, Aloud proclaim His praise, Who safely holds our soul in life, And steadfast makes our ways. Scripture: Psalm 66 Used With Tune: ANCYRA
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Divine Grace Magnified

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Omnipotence of; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Missions Influence of; Nature Revelation of God in; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; The Sea; Sin Confession of; Sin Conflict with; Sin Salvation from; Strength in God; Thanksgiving Declared; Trust in God Expression of; Vows; Christian warfare; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of First Line: Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee Lyrics: 1 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee, And unto Thee shall vows be paid; O Thou that hearest those who cry, To Thee by all shall prayer be made. 2 Against us sin has battled hard; For help we look to Thee and pray; Thou our transgressions wilt forgive, Yea, Thou wilt take them all away. 3 How blest are they whom Thou dost choose To come and in Thy courts abide; Communing in Thy holy house, With good we shall be satisfied. 4 By mighty deeds in righteousness Prayer's answer surely comes from Thee, O God our Saviour,God the trust Of all Thy saints on land or sea. 5 Thy power has set the mountains firm, O God Almighty, girt with strength; At Thy command the waves are still, The nations cease from war at length. 6 The tokens of Thy mighty power Lead men in every clime to fear; From east to west through all the earth Thou sendest gladness fare and near. Scripture: Psalm 65 Used With Tune: HOLBORN HILL
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Personal Testimony

Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Benefits of; Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions Purpose of; Christ Worshiped; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Saved by Grace; Consecration and Dedication; Contributions; Faith Blessedness of; Godly Fear Described; Glory of God In Providence; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Works of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Preaching of; Grace Growth in; Grace Justifying; Mercy of God Celebrated; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; Royalty of Christ Providential; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Thanksgiving Declared; Vows; Worship Call to ; Worship Grace Needed for First Line: Come, alll ye people, bless our God Lyrics: 1 Come, all ye people, bless our God And tell His glorious praise abroad, Who holds our souls in life; Who never lets our feet be moved And, though our faith He oft has proved, Upholds us in the strife. 2 We come with off'rings to His house, And here we pay the solemn vows We uttered in distress; To Him our all we dedicate, To Him we wholly consecrate The lives His mercies bless. 3 Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord, While I with grateful heart record What God has done for me; I cried to Him in deep distress, And now His wondrous grace I bless, For He has set me free. 4 The Lord, Who turns away the plea Of those who love iniquity, Has answered my request; He has not turned away my prayer, His grace and love He makes me share; His Name be ever blest. Scripture: Psalm 66 Used With Tune: ADOWA


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