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William Horn

1839 - 1917 Person Name: W. Horn Translator of "Auf, Seel, komm zum Gnadenthron" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Horn, William. (Germany, May 1, 1839--April 27, 1917). Evangelical. Come to United States in 1855, settled in Wisconsin. Licensed in 1861, ordained elder 1866, presiding elder 1871, bishop 1891. Editor of various Evangelical German-language publications, including Das Evangelische Magazin and Christliche Kinderfreund. Editor of German weekly of the Evangelical Association, 1883, Christliche Botschafter. Editor of Evangelisches Gesangbuch, 1877, for which he supplied a number of hymns. His most famous hymn was "Pure and free from all corruption." He wrote 24 hymns in all, and has been called one of the greatest of the German writers in America. Translated many English hymns into German. Retired as bishop in 1915. --Robert S. Wilson, DNAH Archives --Ellen Jane Lorenz, DNAH Archives William Horn was born in Germany May 1, 1839. He died in 1917. He came to U.S. in 1855 and settled in Wisconsin. Licensed in 1861, he rose through the ranks of ordained elder and bishop. He retired as Bishop in 1915 and died April 27, 1917. He was the editor of various Evangelical German-lanuage publications including EVANGELISCHES GESANGBUCH of 1877, for which he supplied a number of hymns. Of his twenty-four hymns the most famous, according to Ellen J. Lorenz, was "Pure and free from all corruption". He also translated many English hymns into German. —Mary L. VanDyke for Dictionary of American Hymnology, Oberlin College Library (14 December 2003)

John Logan

1748 - 1788 Person Name: Rev. John Logan Author of "O God of Bethel, by whose hand" in Songs of Work and Worship Logan, John, son of a farmer, born at Fala, Midlothian, 1748, and educated at Edinburgh University, in due course entering the ministry of the Church of Scotland and becoming the minister of South Leith in 1770. During the time he held this charge he delivered a course of lectures on philosophy and history with much success. While he was thus engaged, the chair of Universal History in the University became vacant; but as a candidate he was unsuccessful. A tragedy, entitled Runnamede, followed. He offered it to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, but it was interdicted by the Lord Chamberlain "upon suspicion of having a seditious tendency." It was subsequently acted in Edinburgh. In 1775 he formed one of the Committee by whom the Translations and Paraphrases of the Church of Scotland was prepared. In 1782 he was compelled to resign his charge at Leith in order to prevent deposition, and finally, having passed on to London, he supported himself partly by his pen, and died there, Dec. 28, 1788. [Also, see Bruce, Michael] The names of Michael Bruce and John Logan are brought together because of the painful controversy which has long prevailed concerning the authorship of certain Hymns and Paraphrases of Holy Scripture which are in extensive use in the Christian Church both at home and abroad. During the latter years of Bruce's short life he wrote various Poems, and also Hymns for a singing class at Kinnesswood, which were well known to his family and neighbours, and were eventually copied out by Bruce himself in a quarto MS. book, with the hope that some day he might see them in print. Immediately upon his death, in 1767, Logan called upon his father and requested the loan of this book that he might publish the contents for the benefit of the family. This was granted. Not till three years afterwards did a certain work, containing seventeen poems, and entitled Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, 1770, appear, with a Preface in which it was stated that some of the Poems were by others than Bruce. Bruce's father immediately pointed out the absence from the volume of certain hymns which he called his son's "Gospel Sonnets," and members of the singing class at Kinnesswood also noted the absence of hymns with which they were familiar. Letters of remonstrance and demands for the return of the quarto manuscript book of Bruce by the father remaining unanswered, led him eventually to see Logan in person. No book was forthcoming, a few scraps of manuscript only were returned, and Logan accounted for the absence of the book by saying he feared "that the servants had singed fowls with it." For a time the matter rested here, only to be revived with renewed interest by the publication, in 1781 (14 years after the death of Bruce, and 11 after the Poems, &c, were issued), of Poems. By the Rev. Mr. Logan, One of the Ministers of Leith. In this volume, an "Ode to the Cuckoo," a poem of exquisite beauty, and other poetical pieces which appeared in the Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, were repeated, and claimed as his own by Logan. In addition, certain Hymns and Paraphrases were included, most of which were of sterling merit, and poetical excellence. It has been shown, we think, most conclusively by Dr. Mackelvie in his Life of Bruce prefixed to the Poems, 1837 and by Dr. Grosart in his Works of M. Bruce, 1865, that the "Ode to the Cuckoo," "Lochleven," and other poetical pieces were taken from MS. book of M. Bruce. The Hymns and Paraphrases, most of which were included in the Translations and Paraphrases during the same year, were also claimed for Bruce. Until clearer evidence is brought forward on behalf of Bruce, the hymns, or paraphrases, following must be ascribed to John Logan: — "Who can resist th'Almighty arm"; "In streets and op'nings of the gates”; "Thus speaks the heathen: How shall man"; "Take comfort, Christians, when your friends"; "The hour of my departure's come." The following, which are found only in the Translations and Paraphrases of 1781, are claimed by W. Cameron for Logan, and have never been seriously disputed by the friends of Bruce, the second being original, the first a revise from the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745; and the third a revise of Doddridge and Dr. Hugh Blair:— "Let Christian faith and hope dispel"; “Thus speaks the high and lofty One"; "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe." In addition, we see no cause to deny to Logan the few changes, and new stanza, which are found in Doddridge's "0 God of Bethel, by Whose hand." Of the above hymns 5 are recasts of hymns in the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. Those are: "Behold the mountain of the Lord " (see "In latter days the mount of God "); "When Jesus by the Virgin brought" (see "Now let Thy servant die in peace"); "Behold the Ambassador divine" (see "Behold my Servant, see Him rise"); "Let Christian faith and hope dispel" (see “Now let our souls ascend above"); and "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe" (see "So firm the saints' foundation stands"). …It is curious to note that every hymn which we have ascribed to M. Bruce has come into more or less extensive use outside of the Translations and Paraphrases, and that not one which we have ascribed to Logan, except "Let Christian faith and hope dispel," and “Take comfort, Christians," &c, is found beyond that work, unless we give to Logan the plaintive "The hour of my departure's come" (which Dr. Grosart claims for Bruce), and the recast "O God of Bethel, by Whose hand," whose success is due to Doddridge. This is the verdict of 100 years' use of those hymns, and shows conclusively the poetic strength of Bruce and the weakness of Logan. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================

Johann G. Nägeli

Person Name: Johann George Nägeli, 1773-1836 Composer of "AZMON" in The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 See Nägeli, Hans George, 1773-1836

Bernard Barton

1784 - 1849 Person Name: Bernard Barton (1784-1649) Author of "Walk in the light! so shalt thou know" in Hymns of the Ages Barton, Bernard, commonly known as the "Quaker Poet," was born in London Jan. 31, 1784, and educated at a Quaker school at Ipswich. In 1798 he was apprenticed to Mr. S. Jesup, a shopkeeper at Halstead, Essex, with whom he remained until 1806, when he removed to Woodbridge, Suffolk, and entered into business with his brother, as a coal and corn merchant. On the death of his wife at the end of the first year of their married life, he proceeded to Liverpool, where he acted as a private tutor for a short time. He returned to Woodbridge in 1810, where he secured an engagement in the local bank of the Messrs. Alexander. This appointment he held for 40 years. He died at Woodbridge, Feb. 19, 1849. During the same year his daughter published his Poems and Letters, with a Memoir. His poetical works were numerous, including:— (1) Metrical Effusions , 1812; (2) Poems by an Amateur, 1818; (3) Poems , 1820; (4) Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822; (5) Poetic Vigils, 1824; (6) Devotional Verses founded on Select Texts of Scripture, 1826; (7) A Widow's Tale, 1S27; (8) New Year's Eve, 1829; (9) The Reliquary, 1836; (10) Household Verses, 1845. A complete list of his works is given in Joseph Smith's Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, Lond., J. Smith, 1867, vol. i. pp. 196-200. From these works about 20 pieces have come into common use as hymns. These are found principally in the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, on the one hand, and various American Unitarian collections on the other. The best known are, “Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace," and "Walk in the light, so shalt thou know." From his Devotional Poems, &c, 1826, the following have passed into the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878:— 1. Fear not, Zion's sons and daughters. Gracious Promises. This is part of a poem on Isaiah xliii. 1, “Fear not, Jacob, tabulated." 2. Hath the invitation ended? Invitation. 3. See we not beyond the portal? Present vision Imperfect. This is part of the poem on 1 Cor. xiii. 12, “Dim and dark our present vision." 4. Those who live in love shall know. Peace. 5. Would'st thou share this benediction! Poor in Spirit. In addition, there are also in various collections:— 6. Around Bethesda's healing wave. Consolation. This is on pp. 182-185, in his Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines. A cento therefrom is given in a few American hymnals, including Mr. Beecher's Plymouth Collection, No. 746, as, "The waters of Bethesda's pool." 7. There is a life more dear. Spiritual Life. From the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 96, into Kennedy, 1863, No. 1177, with the omission of stanza v. 8. Say not the law divine. Spiritual Law. Also from the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 34, into various American hymnals, generally Unitarian, as the Hymn and Tune Book, Boston, 1868, No. 342, &c, where, however, it is rewritten from an irregular metre to S.M. This had previously appeared in Hedge and Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853. Other hymns, given in great part in American Unitarian collections, are annotated under their respective first lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Barton, Bernard, p. 116, i. Other hymns in common use:— 1. God made the country, yet in scenes. Country Life. This begins with stanza iii. of a poem "Addressed to a Friend in London" in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 83. 2. Lamp of our feet! whereby we trace. Holy Scriptures, published in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 116, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in its full form, and also abbreviated as (1) "Word of the ever-living God"; and (2) "Word of the everlasting God." In extensive use. 3. There is a Friend more tender, true. Jesus, the Friend. This begins with stanza iii. of "But yet, however cheerless seem," in his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 254. 4. Walk in the light! So shalt thou know. (Walking in the Light.) Published in his Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 242, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is found in many modern collections, and is one of the most popular of his hymns. 5. We journey through a vale of tears. Heaven Anticipated. In his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 193. Of these hymns, Nos. 3, 5, are of an earlier date than the Poems & Letters of 1853; but we have failed to find them in Barton's earlier works. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

David Gambrell

Author of "The Lord Is God" in Glory to God Rev. David Gambrell is associate for worship in the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship and editor of Call to Worship, and an ex officio advisor to the hymnal committee. Education: Ph.D., liturgical studies Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Benjamin H. Kennedy

1804 - 1889 Person Name: Benjamin Hall Kennedy Author of "Psalm 57" in Christadelphian Hymn Book Kennedy, Benjamin Hall, D.D., son of the Rev. Raun Kennedy, sometime Incumbent of St. Paul's, Birmingham, and editor of A Church of England Psalm-Book, &c, 1821 (12th ed. 1848), was born at Summer Hill, near Birmingham, Nov. 6, 1804, and educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham; Shrewsbury School; and St. John's College, Cambridge. He graduated B.A. in 1827 (First Class Classical Tripos and First Chancellor's Medallist). He was Fellow of his College 1828-36; Head Master of Shrewsbury School, 1836-66; and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge and Canon of Ely , 1867. Dr. Kennedy took Holy Orders in 1829, and was for some time Prebendaiy in Lichfield Cathedral and Rector of West Felton, Salop. He was elected Hon. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1880. Besides his Public School Latin Grammar, Palaestra Latina, Palaestra Stili Latini, &c, his editions of some of the Classics, and University Sermons, Dr. Kennedy published the following:— (1) The Psalter, or the Psalms of David, in English Verse. By a Member of the University of Cambridge, 1860; (2) Hymnologia Christiana, or Psalms & Hymns Selected and Arranged in the Order of the Christian Seasons (quoted in this Dictionary as Kennedy), 1863. i. From these two works many psalms and hymns have passed into other collections. The following versions of the Psalms first appeared in The Psalter, 1860, and again in the Hymnologia Christiana 1863. In many instances they have undergone considerable alteration in the latter work, and those of great length are broken into parts:— 1. All ye people, come and clap, &c. Ps. xlvii. 2. Arise, 0 Lord, with healing rod. Ps. x. 3. As pants the hind for cooling streams. Ps. xlii. 4. As Thy mercy lasts for ever. Ps. cix. 5. Be merciful to me, 0 God. Ps. lvii. 6. Be Thou my Judge, and I will strive. Ps. xvii. 7. Bless ye the Lord, His solemn praise record. Ps. cxxxiv. 8. Bow down Thine ear, and hear my cry. Ps. lxxxvi. 9. Come, ye children, list to me. Ps. xxxiv. 10. Ever, O my God and King. Ps. cxlv. 11. Ever will I bless the Lord. Ps. xxxiv. 12. Every king shall bow before Him. Ps. lxxii. 13. Full oft my chafing thoughts, &c. Ps. lxxiii. 14. God, avert the deadly blow. Ps. lix. 15. God, in Judah's homes is known. Ps. lxxvi. 16. God of my righteousness. Ps. iv. 17. Hear Thou my prayer, O Lord. Ps. cxliii. 18. Help us, O Lord, the good decay. Ps. xii. 19. How blest are they who flee, &c. Ps. cxix. 20. How blest the man, who fears to stray. Ps. i. 21. How blest the man whose errors, &c. Ps. xxxii. 22. How good it is to praise the Lord. Ps. xcii. 23. How long art silent, Lord? how long. Ps. xxxv. 24. How long forgotten, Lord, by Thee. Ps. xiii. 25. How long wilt Thou conceal Thy face. Ps. lxxxix. 26. I lift mine eyes unto the hills. Ps. cxxi. 27. I love the Lord, for He is nigh. Ps. cxvi. 28. I muse upon Thine ancient praise. Ps. lxxvii. 29. I praise Thee, Lord, who o'er my foes. Ps. xxx. 30. I trod the path of life, my strength. Ps. cii. 31. In trouble to the Lord I prayed. Ps. cxx. 32. Jehovah reigns, arrayed in light. Ps. xciii. 33. Judge me, O God; maintain my cause. Ps. xliii. 34. Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry. Ps. cii. 35. Lord, I am not lofty-minded. Ps. cxxxi. 36. Lord, I lift my soul to Thee. Ps. xxv. 37. Lord, my Rock. I cry to Thee. Ps. xxviii. 38. Lord, save me from the foeman's wrath. Ps. cxl. 39. Lord, Thou wilt guard with faithful love. Ps. xxxvii. 40. Lord, Thy love and truth I praise. Ps. ci. 41. My God, my God, to Thee I cry, Ah! why hast Thou, &c. Ps. xxii. 42. My heart is fain, O God, my heart. Ps. cviii. 43. My portion is the living Lord. Ps. cxix. 44. My Saviour is the living Lord. Ps. xi. 45. My Shepherd is the Lord, no care. Ps. xxiii. 46. My trust is in Thy holy Name. Ps. lxxi. 47. My voice to God ascends on high. Ps. lxxvii. 48. Not in envy, not in anger. Ps. xxxvii. 49. Not in Thy fury, Lord, reprove. Ps. xxxviii. 50. O grant us, God of love. Ps. lxvii. 51. O God, be merciful to me. Ps. li. 52. 0 God of hosts, a vine. Ps. lxxx. 53. 0 God, subdue the power of sin. Ps. vii. 54. O Lord, in Thine accepted day. Ps. lxix. 55. 0 Lord our King, how bright Thy fame. Ps. viii. 56. O Lord, the God of my salvation. Ps. lxxxviii. 57. 0 praise ye the Lord, Praise Him in His shrine. Ps. cl. 58. O rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord. Ps. xxxiii. 59. Oft, as to scatter kings. Ps. lxviii. 60. Out of the depths to Thee I cry. Ps. cxxx. 61. Praise, O my soul, the Lord and all. Ps. ciii. 62. Praise, 0 my soul, the Lord; how great. Ps. civ. 63. Praise the Lord, for good is He. Ps. cxxxvi. 64. Praise the Lord, for it is wise. Ps. cxlvii. 65. Praise the Lord from heaven on high. Ps. cxlviii. 66. Praise the Lord, His people; raise. Ps. cxlvi. 67. Praise ye the Lord, all nations. Ps. cxvii. 68. Praise ye the Lord, for good is He. Ps. cxviii. 69. Praise ye the Lord, for very good. Ps. cvii. 70. Praised be the Lord, my Rock of might. Ps. cxliv. 71. Save me, O God, the dangerous, &c. Ps. lxix. 72. Save me through Thy name, 0 God. Ps. liv. 73. Seek we Jehovah's house, they said. Ps. cxxii. 74. Sing a new song unto the Lord. Ps. xcvi. 75. Sing the Lord, ye sons of heaven. Ps. xxix. 76. Sing unto the Lord with mirth. Ps. c. 77. Take note, O Lord, of all my fears. Ps. lvi. 78. The heavens declare Thy wondrous fame. Ps. lxxxix. 79. The heavens, O God, Thy glory tell. Ps. xxx. 80. The king, 0 Lord, with hymns of praise. Ps. xxi. 81. The life of man is like the grass. Ps. ciii. 82. The Lord in thy distressful day. Ps. xx. 83. The Lord is King; glad earth, and ye. Ps. xcvii. 84. There is no God, so saith the fool. Ps. xiv. 85. Thou searchest all my secret ways. Ps. cxxxix. 86. To Thee I call. O Lord, be swift. Ps. cxli. 87. 'Twas dream-like, when the Lord's decree. Ps. cxxvi. 88. Unless the Lord with us had wrought. Ps. cxxiv. 89. Unto my feet a lantern shines Thy word. Ps. cxix. 90. Unto the Lord I make my moan. Ps. cxlii. 91. We sat and wept by Babel's stream. Ps. cxxxvii. 92. When Israel came from Egypt's strand. Ps. cxiv. 93. When through the dismal waste. Ps. lxviii. 94. Who rules his life by God's behest. Ps. cxxviii. 95. Whoe'er his secret home has made. Ps. xci. 96. With weary care brought low. Ps. lxix. 97. With my whole heart I will praise Thee. Ps. cxxxviii. 98. Within Thy tabernacle, Lord. Ps. xv. 99. Ye Judges of the earth, be still. Ps. lxxxii. ii. The following also appeared in The Psalter, 1860, and again in Hymnologia Christiana 1863, mostly altered, and based upon the corresponding Psalms by George Sandys (q.v.), published in his Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David, 1636:— 100. Blest he whose timely mercies heed. Ps. xli. 101. Hide not, 0 Lord, Thy cheering face. Ps. xl. 102. I waited for a gentle word. Ps. xl. 103. Israel of God, be Christ your Guide. Ps. cxv. 104. Who in the Lord securely lay. Ps. cxxv. iii. To the Rev. A. T. Russell's Psalms & Hymns, 1851, Dr. Kennedy was indebted to a limited extent in preparing his Psalter, 1860. In his Preface he says, p. viii.," Mr. Russell's metres, and occasionally his words, have been adopted in the following Psalms: 2, 24, 39, 45, 46, 50, 84, 85, 90, 110, 111, 113." Of these the following, sometimes with alterations of the 1860 text, were given in the

Robert Hawkey Moreton

1844 - 1917 Person Name: Robert Hawkey Moreton, 1844-1917 Translator (Portuguese) of "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Mil voces para celebrar)" in Santo, Santo, Santo Robert Hawkey Moreton was born in Argentina (1844-1917) and was instrumental in the founding of the Methodist Church (Mirante Chapel) in Oporto, Portugal.

Justus Henry Nelson

1850 - 1937 Person Name: Justus Henry Nelson (1849-1931) Translator of "Vem soberano amor, Jesus" in Mil Vozes para Celebrar Born 22 December 1850 in Menomonee Falls, WI. He was a missionary to Belém, Pará, Brazil at the mouth of the Amazon River and established the first Protestant church in the Amazon basin. He translated a number of hymns into Portuguese.

Josua Stegmann

1588 - 1632 Person Name: Stegmann Author of "Abide among us with Thy grace" in Worship in the School Room Stegmann, Josua, D.D., son of Ambrosius Stegmann, Lutheran pastor at Sülzfeld, near Meiningen, and finally, in 1593, superintendent at Eckartsberga, near Merseburg, was born at Sülzfeld, Sept. 14,1588. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1608, M.A. in 1611, and was for sometime adjunct of the Philosophical Faculty. In 1617 he was appointed Superintendent of the district (Grafschaft) of Schaumburg, and also pastor at Stadthagen, and first professor of the Gymnasium there; and before entering on his duties graduated D.D. at Wittenberg, on Oct. 24, 1617. When the Gymnasium was erected into a university, and transferred (1621) to Rinteln, he became ordinary professor of Theology there. By the outbreak of war he was forced to flee from Rinteln, in 1623. After his return he was appointed, in 1625, Ephorus of the Lutheran clergy of Hesse-Schaumburg. By the Edict of Restitution, promulgated by the emperor on March 6, 1629, he was greatly harassed; for the Benedictine monks, after they had settled in Rinteln, in 1630, claimed to be the rightful professors, and demanded the restoration of the old church lands, and especially the property formerly belonging to the nunnery at Rinteln, but which had been devoted to the payment of the stipends of the Lutheran professors. They sent soldiers into Stegmann's house to demand that he should refund his salary, and on July 13, 1632, compelled him to hold a disputation, at which they annoyed him in every possible way. Soon after he was seized with fever, and died Aug. 3, 1632. (Koch, iii., 128; Wetzel, iii., 251; Einladungsschrift des Gymnasium Bernhardinum, Meiningen, 1888; manuscript from Pastor A. Bicker, Rinteln; Dr. Förstemann, Leipzig), &c. Stegmann was known as a writer of Latin verse while yet a student at Leipzig, and by his contemporaries was reckoned as a hymn writer. It is, however, very difficult to discriminate his productions. The hymns interspersed in his devotional works are given without any indications of authorship, and many of them are certainly by earlier writers, or recasts founded on earlier hymns….Two hymns, which are usually ascribed to Stegmann, and are not found earlier than in his works, have passed into English as follows:— i. Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade. Supplication. In 1630 it is given in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, as a "Closing Hymn," after the "Prayer for the Preservation of the Doctrine, and of the Church of God." It is a simple and beautiful hymn, and is found in most recent German hymnals, e.g. as No. 208 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii., 146, relates various incidents regarding its use (it was, e.g., a favourite hymn of king Friedrich Wilhelm IV. of Prussia), and thus analyses it:— "It has as its keynote the saying of the two disciples at Emmaus, 'Abide with us.' St. i. puts this prayer simply before the Lord Jesus; st. ii.—vi. develop it in detail: Abide with us with Thy Word as our Saviour (ii.); with the illumination of Thy Spirit as our ever-guiding Truth (iii.) ; with Thy blessing as the God rich in power (iv.); with Thy protection as the Conqueror in battle (v.); and with Thy Faithfulness as our Rock in the time of need (vi.). The translations are:— 1. Abide with us, our Saviour. This is a free translation of st. i.-iii., as No. 51, in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848; and repeated in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 2. 0 Saviour, go beside us. This is a free translation of st. i., iv.,i v., with an original " Shepherd " st., as st. ii., by J. S. Stallybrass, in the Tonic Solfa Reporter, July 1857. 3. Abide among us with Thy grace. This is a good and full translation, in CM., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd ser., 1858, p. 84; and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 14. 4. Abide with us, Lord Jesus! Thy grace. This is a complete translation, as No. 8 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, and marked as a compilation. 5. Come, abide with Thy grace, in our hearts, 0 Lord. By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 197. ii. Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern, Vom Firmament des Himmels fern. Morning. Included in 1630, as above, p. 10, in 8 stanzas of 10 lines, entitled, "Morning Hymn." The translation in common use is — How beautiful the Morning Star shines from the firmament afar. This was contributed by Philip Pusey to A. R. Reinagle's Psalm & Hymn Tunes, Oxford, 1840, p. 130. Other trs. are :—(1) "How fair shines forth the Morning-star." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 24. (2) "How lovely now the morning-star." By Miss Cox, 1864, p. 3. (3) “How beautiful the morning star, Shines in." By R. Massie, in the Day of Rest, 1876, p. 472. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Melancthon Woolsey Stryker

1851 - 1929 Person Name: M. Woolsey Stryker, 1851-1929 Author of "Almighty Lord, with one accord" in The Hymnal Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey, D.D., son of the Rev. Isaac Pierson Stryker, was born at Vernon, New York, Jan. 7, 1851, and educated at Hamilton College (1872) and Auburn Theological Seminary (1876). In 1876 he entered the Presbyterian ministry as Pastor at Auburn, New York. In 1878 he removed to Ithaca, N. Y.; in 1883 to Holyoke, Massachusetts, and in 1885 to Chicago, Illinois. He received his degree of D.D. from Hamilton College in 1889. He has edited Christian Chorals, 1885 ; New Alleluia, 1880-86; and Church Song, 1889. He was also joint editor with H. P. Main of The Church Praise Book, 1882. He has also published Hymns and Verses, 1883, and Song of Miriam, and Other Hymns and Verses, 1888. To two of these works which have been designed for daily use in divine worship Dr. Stryker contributed the following original hymns:— i. The Church Praise Book, 1882. 1. Burst forth, 0 Bridegroom, from Thy chamber bright. Second Advent Desired. (1880.) 2. Death cannot make my soul afraid. Death Contemplated. (1881.) 3. Eternal day hath dawned. Heaven. (1881.) 4. Mighty God, Thy Church recover. Missions. (1881.) 5. King again, ye starry chime. Christmas. (1881.) 6. Sing, Israel, for the Lord your strength. Passing the Red Sea. (1878.) 7. The tribes of faith from all the earth. Heaven. (1881.) 8. Thy Kingdom come, 0 blessed Son of God. Second Advent Desired, (1880.) Re-written in Church Song, 1889, as "Thy Kingdom come, 0 everlasting Lord." 9. When the everlasting Lord. Morning. (1880.) ii. Church Song, 1889. 10. Arouse Thy Church, Almighty God. Missions. (1887.) 11. Father, as here we bow. Holy Trinity. (1886.) 12. Four hundred years their course have sped. American National Hymn. (1888.) 13. God of our Fathers, our God to-day. National Hymn. (1889.) 14. Lo, where that spotless Lamb for sin provided. Passiontide. (1884.) 15. My Maker, at Thy holy throne. Holy Baptism. (1888.) 16. O God, Thy judgments give the King, Thy Son. Missions. (1883.) 17. O Thou, Eternal, Changeless, Infinite. Praise to God. (1882.) 18. 0 Thou, Omnipresent. Omnipresence of the Father. (1885.) 19. O Thou Shepherd of Thine Israel, hear us. Ps. lxxz. (1883.) 20. Our God, and our Redeemer. Opening of a Place of Worship. (1883.) 21. Robbed, bruised, and dying, once I lay. The Good Samaritan. (1886.) 22. Sing, every boy and maiden. Praise to God. (1885.) 23. Thou, Lord of my life, by the words Thou hast said. Lent. (1887.) 24. Thy grace is all of grace. Divine Grace. (1886.) 25. To Thee, our God, these babes we bring. Holy Baptism. (1886.) 26. Tranquilly, slowly, solemnly, lowly. Burial. (1884.) 27. We close Thy blessed Word. Sunday Evening. (1S87.) 28. While all the night-stars fade and wane. Easter. (1884.) In addition to these original hymns Dr. Stryker has several translations from the German which are in common use. One of his hymns, No. 513, "Now I lay me down to sleep" (Child's Evening hymn), in Church Song, 1889 (dated 1884), begins with a stanza by another hand. In the same work there are also several of his tunes. Dr. Stryker's hymns are massive and rugged, full of dogmatism and fire, but they lack unity and purity of rhythm. In some instances words stand for thoughts, and exclamations for ideas. Nevertheless a few will live. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Stryker, M. W., pp. 1098, i.; 1525, ii. 7; 1615, iv. In 1892, Dr. Stryker became Presi¬dent of Hamilton College and also received the LL.D. from Lafayette College. His College Hymnal, 1897, 1904, contains 28 of his hymns, the majority of which date 1890-1894. Of these "From doubt and all its sullen pain" (Faith), written in 1890, is found in other collections. Dr. Stryker d. in 1905. His Dies Irae was published 1892, and his Latermath (verse) 1896. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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