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Hymnal, Number:bow1867

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Eliza Holmes Reed

1794 - 1867 Hymnal Number: d387 Author of "All Jesus' feet" in The Book of Worship Reed, Eliza, née Holmes, was born in London, March 4, 1794; married to the Rev. Andrew Reed in 1816; and died July 4, 1867. Mrs. Reed entered fully and earnestly into her husband's extensive charitable works. Her publications include Original Tales for Children; and The Mother's Manual for the Training of her Children, 1865. Her hymns, 20 in all, were contributed to her husband's collection, and were republished with his in the Wycliffe Chapel Supplement, 1872. They are only of average merit, and have not attained to a marked position. They include:— 1. Gracious Lord, as Thou hast bidden. Holy Baptism. 2. I would be Thine, 0 take my heart . Dedication of Self to Christ. 3. 0 do not let the word depart. The Accepted Time. 4. 0 that I could for ever dwell. Communion with God Desired. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Bakewell

1721 - 1819 Hymnal Number: d248 Author of "Jesus, hail, enthroned in glory" in The Book of Worship Bakewell, John, born at Brailsford, Derbyshire, 1721. At about the age of eighteen his mind was turned towards religious truths by reading Boston's Fourfold State. From that date he became an ardent evangelist, and in 1744 (the year of the first Methodist Conference) he begun to preach. Removing to London some short time after, he became acquainted with the Wesleys, M. Madan, A. M. Toplady, J. Fletcher, and other earnest evangelical men. After conducting for some years the Greenwich Royal Park Academy, he resigned in favour of his son-in-law, Dr. James Egau, and employed much of his time in preaching at various places for the Wesleyans. He died at Lewisham, near Greenwich, March 18, 1819, aged 98, and was buried in the Wesleyan burying ground connected with the City Road Chapel, London. Mr. Bakewell was the author of a few hymns, the best known being, "Hail Thou once despised Jesus," the abbreviations of the same, "Paschal Lamb, by God appointed," and “Jesus, hail, enthroned in glory." A short memoir of him was published by Mr. Stelfox, Belfast, 1864. - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Henry F. Chorley

1808 - 1872 Hymnal Number: d144 Author of "God, the all terrible, King, [Thou], who ordainest" in The Book of Worship Chorley, Henry Fothergill, was born at Blackleyhurst, Lancashire, Dec. 15, 1808, and educated at the Royal Institution, Liverpool. In 1834 he was engaged as a member of the staff of the London Athenaeum. This connection he retained for 35 years. He died Feb. 15, 1872. He published some novels and a large number of songs. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ============ Born: De­cem­ber 15, 1808, Black­ley Hurst, near Bil­linge, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Pseudonym: Paul Dell. Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 16, 1872, Lon­don, Eng­land. Buried: Bromp­ton Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land. Son of an ir­on work­er and lock mak­er, Chor­ley moved with his fam­i­ly to Li­ver­pool af­ter his fa­ther’s death in 1816. He was ed­u­cat­ed by pri­vate tu­tors in Li­ver­pool and at the school of the Roy­al In­sti­tu­tion. His youth was shaped part­ly by time spent in the house­hold of the wealthy and in­tel­lect­u­al Mrs. Ben­son Rath­bone of Green Bank, and he be­came a close friend of her son Ben­son, who died in an ac­ci­dent in 1834. Chorley be­gan writ­ing for the Lon­don Athen­æ­um in 1830, and was the pa­per’s mu­sic critic and lit­er­a­ry re­view­er un­til 1868. He al­so be­came mus­ic crit­ic for the Lon­don Times and wrote, for these and other jour­nals, re­views and mu­sic­al gos­sip col­umns, dis­cuss­ing com­pose­rs and per­form­ers in Bri­tain and on the Eur­o­pean con­ti­nent. He was quite con­ser­va­tive, and was a per­sist­ent op­po­nent of in­no­va­tion, but was a live­ly chron­ic­ler of Lon­don life. In the Athen­æ­um and else­where, Chor­ley oft­en cri­ti­cized the mu­sic of Schu­mann and Wag­ner for what he called "de­ca­dence." In 1850 and 1851, Chor­ley ed­it­ed the La­dies’ Com­pan­ion, which co­vered fa­shion and do­mes­tic wo­men’s is­sues. Chorley was al­so a jour­nal­ist, no­vel­ist, play­wright, and po­et, and op­era li­bret­tist. One of his best known piec­es was his obit­u­ary of Tur­ge­nev, mis­tak­en­ly writ­ten while the Russ­ian was still ve­ry much alive. Tur­ge­nev was not of­fend­ed by the er­ror near­ly as much as he was by the cri­tic­al opin­ions of his work Chorley gave in the obit­u­a­ry. Chorley was con­sid­ered ec­cen­tric and abras­ive, but was re­spect­ed for his in­te­gri­ty and kind­ness. He en­thus­i­as­tic­al­ly gave and at­tend­ed din­ner par­ties, and cul­ti­vat­ed friend­ships with Eliz­a­beth Bar­rett, Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn, Charles Dick­ens, Ar­thur Sul­li­van and Charles Sant­ley. Af­ter the death of his bro­ther, John Rut­ter Chor­ley (1806–1867), Hen­ry in­her­it­ed enough mo­ney to re­tire from the Athen­æ­um, though he con­tin­ued to con­trib­ute ar­ti­cles for that pa­per and for The Or­ches­tra. In spite of Chorley’s ef­forts to pro­mote the mu­sic of Charles Gou­nod in Eng­land, the com­poser dis­liked Chor­ley in­tense­ly. When Gou­nod lived in Eng­land in the ear­ly 1870’s, he wrote a satir­i­cal pi­a­no piece in­tende­d to be a par­o­dy of Chor­ley’s per­son­al­i­ty. It great­ly amused Gou­nod’s Eng­lish pa­tron, Geor­gi­na Weld­on, who de­scribed Chor­ley as hav­ing a "thin, sour, high-pitched so­pran­ish voice" and mov­ing like a "stuffed red-haired mon­key." Gou­nod in­tend­ed to pub­lish the piece with a ded­i­ca­tion to Chor­ley, but died be­fore this was pos­si­ble. Wel­don then in­vent­ed a new pro­gram for the piece, which was re-titled Fun­er­al March of a Mar­i­onette. It be­came pop­u­lar as a con­cert piece, and in the 1950s, its open­ing phras­es be­came well known as the theme mu­sic for the tel­e­vi­sion pro­gram Al­fred Hitch­cock Pre­sents. Chorley’s works in­clude: Music and Man­ners in France and Ger­ma­ny, 1841 Pomfret, 1845 Roccabella, 1859 The Pro­di­gy, 1866

Cornelius Elven

1791 - 1873 Person Name: C. Elven Hymnal Number: d593 Author of "With broken heart and contrite sigh" in The Book of Worship Elven, Cornelius, pastor for fifty years of the Baptist Church at Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, was born in 1797, and died in 1873. His hymn, "With broken heart and contrite sigh” (Lent), is found in several collections in Great Britain and America. It was written in Jan., 1852 (Miller's Singers & Songs, p., 449) for use at special services by his own congregation, and was included in the Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. Freeman Young

1820 - 1885 Person Name: J. F. Young Hymnal Number: d455 Author of "Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright" in The Book of Worship John Freeman Young (1820-1885) Born: Oc­to­ber 30, 1820, Pitts­ton, Maine. Died: No­vem­ber 15, 1885, New York Ci­ty. Buried: Old Ci­ty Cem­e­te­ry, Jack­son­ville, Flor­i­da. Young at­tend­ed Wes­ley­an Un­i­ver­si­ty, Mid­dle­town, Con­nec­ti­cut; Wes­ley­an Sem­in­a­ry, Read­field, Maine; and the Vir­gin­ia The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, Al­ex­and­ria, Vir­gin­ia. Or­dained a Pro­test­ant Epis­co­pal min­is­ter, he served in Tex­as, Mis­sis­sip­pi, Lou­i­si­a­na, and New York, and be­came the se­cond bi­shop of Flor­i­da in 1867. His works in­clude: Carols for Christ­mas Tide (New York: Dan­i­el Da­na, Jr., 1859) Hymns and Mu­sic for the Young, 1860-61 Great Hymns of the Church (ed­it­or; pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in 1887 by John H. Hop­kins)

Andrew Reed

1787 - 1862 Hymnal Number: d181 Author of "Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divine" in The Book of Worship Reed, Andrew, D.D., son of Andrew Reed, was born in London on Nov. 27, 1787, and educated for the Congregational Ministry at Hackney College, London. He was first the pastor of the New Road Chapel, St. George's-in-the-East, and then of the Wycliffe Chapel, which was built through his exertions in 1830. His degree was conferred by Yule College, America. He died Feb. 25, 1862. As the founder of "The London Orphan Asylum," "The Asylum for Fatherless Children," “The Asylum for Idiots” "The Infant Orphan Asylum," and "The Hospital for Incurables," Dr. Reed is more fully known, and will be longer remembered than by his literary publications. His Hymn Book was the growth of years. The preparation began in 1817, when he published a Supplement to Watts, in which were a few originals. This was enlarged in 1825; and entirely superseded by his collection The Hymn Book, prepared from Dr. Watts's Psalms & Hymns and Other Authors, with some Originals, in 1842 (Preface). His hymns, mostly of a plain and practical character, numbering 21, were contributed to these various editions, and were republished with those of his wife in the Wycliffe Supplement, 1872. The best known are "Ah Jesus, let me hear Thy voice” and ”Spirit Divine, attend our prayer." All Dr. and Mrs. Reed's hymns are anonymous in The Hymn Book, 1842, but are given with their names in the Wyclife Supplement, 1872. His hymns now in common use include, in addition to those annotated under their respective first lines :— 1. Come, let us strike our harps afresh. Praise. 2. Come, my Redeemer, come. Desiring Christ's Presence. 3. Gentle Saviour, look on me. Christ's protection Desired. 4. Gracious Lord, as Thou hast taught us. Public Worship. 5. Hark, hark, the notes of joy. Missions. 6. Holy Ghost, with light divine (1817). Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes given as "Holy Ghost, Thou light divine;" and again as "Holy Spirit, Light divine." 7. Listen, sinner, mercy hails you. Invitation. Generally given as "Hear, O Sinner, mercy hails you." 8. Rich are the joys of solitude. Retirement. Some-times given as "How deep and tranquil is the joy." 9. There [comes] is an hour when I must part. Death anticipated. 10. Ye saints your music bring. Praise of the Cross. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Michael Altenburg

1584 - 1640 Person Name: Johann M. Altenburg Hymnal Number: d106 Author of "Gustavus Adolphus' hymn" in The Book of Worship Altenburg, Johann Michael, b. at Alach, near Erfurt, on Trinity Sunday, 1584. After completing his studies he was for some time teacher and precentor in Erfurt. In 1608 he was appointed pastor of Ilversgehofen and Marbach near Erfurt; in 1611, of Troch-telborn; and in 1621 of Gross-Sommern or Som-merda near Erfurt. In the troublous war times he was forced, in 1631, to flee to Erfurt, and there, on the news of the victory of Leipzig, Sept. 17, 1631, he composed his best known hymn. He remained in Erfurt without a charge till, in 1637, he was appointed diaconus of the Augustino Church, and, in 1638, pastor of St. Andrew's Church. He d. at Erfurt February 12, 1640 (Koch, iii. 115-117 ; Allg. Deutsche Biog., i. p. 363, and x. p. 766—the latter saying he did not go to Erfurt till 1637). He was a good musician, and seems to have been the composer of the melodies rather than of the words of some of the hymns ascribed to him. Two of his hymns have been tr. into English, viz. :—1.    Aus  Jakob's   Staxnm  ein  Stern  sehr  klar. [Christmas.]   Included as No. 3 of his Christ-liche liebliche und anddchtige newe Kirchen- und Hauss-Gestinge, pt. i., Erfurt, 1G20, in 3 st. of 5 1.    According to Wetzel's A. H., vol. i., pt. v. p. 41, it was first pub. in J. Forster's Jlohen Festtags-Schreinlein, 1611.    In the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 24.    It has been tr. as " From Jacob's root, a star so clear," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 13.2. Verzage nicht du Hauflein klein.  [In Trouble.] Concerning the authorship of this hymn there are three main theories—i. that it is by Gustavus Adolphus; ii. that the ideas are his and the diction that of his chaplain, Dr. Jacob Fabricius; and iii. that it is by Altenburg.   In tracing out the hymn we find that:—The oldest accessible form is in two pamphlets published shortly after the death of Gustavus Adolphus, viz., the Epicedion, Leipzig, n.d. but probably in the end of 1632 [Royal Library, Berlin]: and Arnold Mengering's Blutige Siegs-Crone, Leipzig, 1633 [Town Library, Hamburg]. In the Epicedion the hymn is entitled, " Konig-licher Schwanengesang So ihre Majest. vor dem Ltltzen-schen Treffen inniglichen zu Gott gesungen "; and in the Siegs-Crone, p. 13, "Der S. Kon. Mayt. zu Schweden Lied, welches Sie vor der Schlacht gesungen." In both cases there are 3 sts. :—i. Verzage nicht, du Hiiuffiein klein. ii. Triistedich dess, dass deine Sach. iii. So wahr Gott Gott ist, und sein Wort.The next form is that in J. Clauder's Psalmodiae Novae Pars Tertia, Leipzig, 1636, No. 17, in 5 st. of 6 lines, st. i.-iii. as above, and—iv. Ach Gott gieb in des deine Gnad v. Hilff dass wir auch nach deinem Wort. No author's name is given.   In the Bayreuth G. B., 1668, p. 266, st. iv., v., are marked as an addition by Dr. Samuel  Zehner; and  by J. C.  Olearius in his Lieder-Schatz, 1705, p. 141, as written in 1638 (1633 ?), when the  Croats  had partially burnt  Schleusiugen, where Zehner was then superintendent.The third  form  of importance is that  given in Jcremias Weber's Leipzig G. B., 1638, p. 651, where it is entitled  " A soul-rejoicing hymn of Consolation upon the watchword—God with us—used by the Evangelical army in the battle of Leipzig, 7th Sept., 1631, composed by M. Johann Altenburg, pastor at Gross Soinmern in Dtiringen," [i.e. Sommerda in Thuringia].  It is in 5 sts., of which sts. i.-iii. are the same as the 1633, and are marked as by Altenburg.   St. iv., v., beginning— iv. Drilmb sey getrost du kleines Heer v. Amen, das hilff Ilerr Jesu Christ, are marked as " Additamentum Ignoti."   This is the form in C. U. as in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863, No. 1242.In favour of Altenburg there is the explicit declaration of the Leipzig G. B., 1638, followed by most subsequent writers. The idea that the hymn was by Gustavus Adolphus seems to have no other foundation than that in many of the old hymn-books it was called Gustavus Adolphus's Battle Hymn. The theory that the ideas were communicated by the King to his chaplain, Dr. Fabricius, after the battle of Leipzig, and by Fabricius versified, is maintained by Mohnike in his Hymnologische Forschungen, 1832, pt. ii. pp. 55-98, but rests on very slender evidence. In Koch, viii. 138-141, there is the following striking word-picture:—If, then, we must deny to the hymn Albert Knapp's characterisation of it as " a little feather from the eagle wing of Gustavus Adolphus," so much the more its original title as his "Swan Song" remains true. It was on the morning of the 6 Nov., 1632, that the Catholic army under Wallenstein and the Evangelical under Gustavus Adolphus stood over against each other at Lutzen ready to strike. As the morning dawned Gustavus Adolphus summoned his Court preacher Fabricius, and commanded him, as also the army chaplains of all the other regiments, to hold a service of prayer. During this service the whole host sung the pious king's battle hymn—" Verzage nicht, du Hauflein klein."He himself was on his knees and prayed fervently. Meantime a thick mist had descended, which hid the fatal field so that nothing could be distinguished. When the host had now been set in battle array he gave them as watchword for the fight the saying,  "God with us," mounted his horse, drew his sword, and rode along the lines of the army to encourage the soldiers for the battle. First, however, he commanded the tunes Ein feste Burg and Es wollt tins Gott genadig sein to be played by the kettledrums and trumpets, and the soldiers joined as with one voice. The mist now began to disappear, and the sun shone through. Then, after a short prayer, he cried out: " Now will we set to, please God," and immediately after, very loud, " Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, help me today to fight for the honour of Thy Holy Name." Then he attacked the enemy at full speed, defended only by a leathern gorget. " God is my harness," he had said to the servant who wished to put on his armour. The conflict was hot and bloody. About 11 o'clock in the forenoon the fatal bullet struck him, and he sank, dying, from his horse, with the words, “My God, my God!" Till twilight came on the fight raged, and was doubtful. But at length the Evangelical host obtained the victory, as it had prophetically sung at dawn."This hymn has ever been a favourite in Germany, was sung in the house of P. J. Spener every Sunday afternoon, and of late years has been greatly used at meetings of the Gustavus Adolphus Union—an association for the help of Protestant Churches in Roman Catholic countries. In translations it has passed into many English and American collections. Translations in C. U.:— Fear not, 0 little flock, the foe.    A good tr. from the text of 1638, omitting st. iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Ger., 1855, p. 17.    Included, in England in Kennedy, 1863, Snepp's S. of G. and G., 1871, Free Church H. Bk., 1882, and others; and in America in the Sabbath H. Book., 1858, Pennsylvania Luth. Ch. Bk., 1868, Hys. of the Church, 1869, Bapt. H. Bk., 1871, H. and Songs of Praise, 1874, and many others. Be not dismay'd, thou little flock.   A good tr. of st. i.-iii. of the 1638 text in Mrs. Charles's V. of Christian Life in Song, 1858, p. 248.    She tr. from the Swedish, which, in the Swensha Psalm Boken, Carlstadt, N.D. (1866), is given as No. 378, "Forfaras ej, du lilla hop !" and marked Gustaf II. Adolf.    Her version is No. 204 in Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. Thou little flock, be not afraid.    A tr. of st. i.-iii. from the 1638  text, by M. Loy, in the Ohio Luth. Hymnal, 1880, No. 197. Other trs. are all from the text of 1638.(1.) " Be not dishearten'd, little flock," by Dr. II. Mills, 1856, p. 121. (2.) " Despond not, little band, although," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 41. (3.) "Be not dismay'd, thou little flock, Nor," by E. Massie, 1866, p. 143. (4.) " 0 little flock, be not afraid," in J. D. Burns's Memoir and Remains, 1869. p. 226. –John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Bengo Collyer

1782 - 1854 Hymnal Number: d436 Author of "Saints for whom the Savior bled" in The Book of Worship William Bengo Collyer was born at Blackheath Hill, in 1782, and studied at Homerton College. Before completing his twentieth year he became pastor of a Congregational society at Peckham, continuing in that position through his life. He died in 1854. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1808. For many years he was one of the most popular Dissenting ministers in London. He published many hymns and some works on theology. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. =================== Collyer, William Bengo, D.D., born at Blackheath, April 14, 1782, educated at Homerton College, where, when 16 years old, he was enrolled as a student for the ministry. At 20 he began his ministry at Peckham on Dec. 17, 1801 ordained pastor of a small church consisting of ten communicants. From 1814 to 1826 he was also pastor of a Church meeting in Salters' Hall. On June 17, 1817, a new chapel was opened for him at Peckham. There, from the time of his settlement in 1801, he laboured with great success and honour until Dec. 11, 1853, on which clay he preached for the last time. He died Jan. 8, 1854. Dr. Collyer was eminent in his day as an eloquent Evangelical preacher, when formalism in worship, and Arianism in doctrine, prevailed. He was a man of amiable disposition, polished manners, and Christian courtesy; popular with rich and poor alike. He was the author of a series of lectures on Divine Revelation, in seven volumes: Scripture Facts, Prophecies, Miracles, Parables, Doctrines, Duties, Comparisons. Dr. Collyer compiled a hymn-book with the title, Hymns partly collected and partly original, designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, 1812. It was intended at first for the use of his own congregation only, and was to include many hymns composed by himself, to be sung after sermons which he had preached to them, but he was led to alter the plan. It comprises 979 hymns, 6 choruses, and 4 doxologics, arranged in groups according to their authors, and not subjects. Of this number 57 were written by Dr. Collyer, and are for the most part short descriptive or didactic poems, religious or moral essays in verse, and not hymns addressed to the Creator and Redeemer. Some of them are devoid of Christian truth, and are poems of nature or of sentiment. Some of them were written during the hard and sorrowful times of the wars of Bonaparte, and relate to famine and national calamity. Several were prepared for the public meetings of missionary and benevolent societies, which had their origin in his time. He also published Services suited to the Solemnization of Matrimony, Baptism, &c, 1837, which contained 89 of his hymns, &c.; Hymns for Israel, a Tribute of Love for God's Ancient People, 1848 (41 hymns). In Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, there are also 39 of his compositions. Many of his pieces appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, and were also appended to his numerous published Sermons. A few of his hymns are still in common use, including. "Another fleeting day is gone"; "Assembled at Thy great command"; "O Jesu, in this solemn hour"; "O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope"; "Return, O wanderer, return," and the fine cento, "Great God, what do I see and hear." [Rev. F. J. Faulding, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Collyer, William Bengo, p. 243, ii. The following hymns by Dr. Collyer are also in common use:— 1. Another fleeting day is gone. Evening. (1812.) 2. 0 Jesus, in this solemn hour. Reception of Church Officers. (1842.) 3. O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope. On Behalf of Orphans. In the Evangelical Magazine, 1808, p. 48. 4. See the clouds upon the mountain. Sunday Morning. (1842.) 5. Soft be the gently breathing notes. Praise to the Redeemer. (1812.) 6. Softly the shade of evening falls. Evening. (1812.) From this, “Soon shall a darker night descend" is taken. 7. Thou Prince of glory slain for me. Good Friday. (1812.) The date 1812 is that of his Collection, and 1842 of Leifchild's Original Hymns. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Morison

1750 - 1798 Hymnal Number: d79 Author of "Come, let us to the Lord our God With contrite hearts return" in The Book of Worship Morison, John, D.D., was born in Aberdeenshire in 1749. He studied at the University of Aberdeen (King's College), where he graduated M.A. in 1771. In 1780 he became parish minister of Canisbay, Caithness. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1792. He died at Canisbay, June 12, 1798. He was one of the members added on May 26, 1781, to the Committee appointed by the General Assembly of 1775 to revise the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. To him are ascribed Nos. 19, 21, 29, 30 and 35, in the 1781 collection, and he is said to have been joint author with John Logan of Nos. 27 and 28. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ralph Wardlaw

1779 - 1853 Hymnal Number: d376 Author of "O Lord, our God, arise, The cause of truth maintain" in The Book of Worship Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. This venerable and (in his generation) influential Scottish divine contributed twelve hymns to the praise of the Church Universal that are likely to live in a humble and useful way. As having so done, and besides edited several collections of hymns, he claims a place of honour in this work. Critically, and regarded as literature, his hymns have little of poetry in them; no "winged words" to lift the soul heavenward. They reflect simply and plainly the lights and shadows of everyday experiences of the spiritual life, rather than its etherialities and subtleties. His "Lift up to God the voice of praise " is the most widely known; and there is a certain inspiriting clangour about it when well sung; yet it is commonplace. His "Hail morning, known among the blest," is narrative and prosaic, though it filled a gap at the time in Sabbath morning worship. “At the time by God appointed," "Remember Thee! remember Christ!" and "Contemplate, saints, the source divine," have vanishing gleams of imaginative light and fine and tender emotion. "O how good the hallowed union," "Where the sounds of plaintive wailing," and "See the Sun of truth arise," are melodious and singable, and pleasant but shallow. “Christ of all my hopes the ground," (Pt. ii.) "When with wasting sickness worn," is much too long, but is a fairly good song of Zion. Wardlaw published in 1803 a Selection of Hymns, to displace what was called The Tabernacle Collection, 1800, that had been used by the Congregationalists of Scotland, and to which he contributed a few hymns. He was assisted in the preparation of this compilation by Dr. Charles Stuart, of Dunearn. The first edition contained 322 hymns. In 1817 a Supplement was added of 171, bringing up the number to 493. Of these eleven (or twelve strictly) were by Wardlaw. Two of these had previously appeared in the Scottish Missionary Magazine (vol. viii. 48). His hymns bear so very slight a proportion to Dr. Wardlaw's writings as a profound theologian and expositor and thoroughly-equipped controversialist on the chief problems of the period, as to make it necessary to refer the reader to his remarkable Life, by the Rev. Dr. W. L. Alexander, entitled, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. (2nd ed., 1856). Wardlaw was born at Dalkeith on December 22, 1779, where he received his early education, later attending Glasgow University. His only church was in Glasgow. He died at Easterhouse near Glasgow on Dec. 17, 1853, and his public funeral is still remembered for the representative character of the vast multitude who attended it. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] Of Dr. Wardlaw's hymns the following are still in common use:— 1. Glad when they saw the Lord. Easter. 2. Hail, morning known amongst the blest [saints]. Sunday Morning. 3. Lift up to God the voice of praise. Praise to the Father. 4. 0 Lord our God, arise. Missions. 5. Remember Thee, remember Christ. Holy Communion. 6. See the Sun of Truth arise. Christ the Light. Of these Nos. 3-5 appeared in the Tabernacle Collection, 1800. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============= Wardlaw, R., p. 1232, ii. Of his hymns, Nos. 1, 2 are in his Selection, 1803, and No. 6 was added in the Supplement of 1817. This Supplement also contains "O how good the hallowed union," and "Whence the sounds of plaintive wailing," p. 1232, ii. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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