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Hymnal, Number:pgtg1756

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With what Fervour of Devotion

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #157 (1732) Lyrics: I. With what Fervour of Devotion Shall I praise the Lord of Hosts? Put my Heart and Tongue in Motion, Acted by the Holy Ghost: For my Thoughts in full Extension Cannot reach thy Love's Dimension. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. II. Lord, inflame my Soul and Spirit To revere thy wond'rous Might: JESUS,let thy boundless Merit Be exalted Day and Night. Blessings now in my Possession Prove thy Grace beyond Expression. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. III. When I make a deep Reflection On my former Course of Sin, Shame might run me to Distraction, So ungrateful I have been! Great thy Patience, my Redeemer, To so wretched a Blasphemer. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. IV. When my serious Thoughts consider With what Love and Tenderness, Thou hast still pursu'd me hither All this precious Time of Grace, I proclaim with full Confession Thy Long-suff'ring and Compassion. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. V. All my Steps thou hast been watching, Still to save me from the fire: When at worldly Lucre catching, I was sinking in the Mire, Thou didst bid me seek the Treasure, Which affords eternal Pleasure. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. VI. O, with what unwearied Patience Hast thou drawn my Soul to thee, That I from the sinful Legions To those healing wounds might flee, Which recover'd me thy Creature From the Curse of fallen Nature. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. VII. Yea, my God, but Truth and Kindness Ever dwell before thy Face; Thou revealest to our Blindness Both thy Judgments and thy Grace, That we by thine Operations May discern thy Pow'r and Patience. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. VIII. As in Number, Weight and Measure All Things in the Universe Are dispos'd at thy good Pleasure, None but must thy Pow'r rehearse: So have I the greatest Reason To admire Thee ev'ry Season Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. IX. Now with Comfort, then with Suff'ring Didst thou, Father, come to me, To prepare a Free-will Off'ring Of what's wholly due to Thee, That my Heart's Desire and Treasure Might depend upon thy Pleasure. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. X. Parents grant, or give Denial, As their Children's Good requires: So my heav'nly Father's Tryal Has prov'd best to my Desires; For thy Goodness has reliev'd me When the fiercest Pains have griev'd me. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. XI. Thou on Eagle's Wings hast carried Me through many dismal Ways, When on Shore, or when I ferried Over Rivers,or the Seas: When Distress and Fear ran highest, Thy supporting Hand was nighest. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. XII. Thousands on my Left were falling; On my Right Hand Ten Times more; Guardian-Angels of thy Calling Stood behind me and before, To defend me from the Danger Of the Plague and th' hellish Range. Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. XIII. Lord, thy Father-like Behaviour Is beyond my deepest Thought: With what Price, oh glorious Saviour! My Salvation hast thou bought? And thy Grace, O sacred Spirit, Is above my Thanks and Merit Thousand, Thousand Thanks to Thee, Greatest King, for ever be. XIV. Thousand Hymns of Adoration Be return'd to Thee, good Lord, For thy gracious Preservation And thy saving Love restor'd: Grant me Grace, whilst Time is wasting, To secure Life everlasting, Where thy holy Praise shall sound In a never-ceasing Round. Topics: Praise of God Languages: English
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How bright appears the Morning-Star

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #162 (1732) Lyrics: I. How bright appears the Morning-Star, With Grace and Truth beyond Compare, The Royal root of JESSE; O David's Son, of Jacob's Line! My Soul's Delight, and Spouse Divine, Thy Love can only bless me. Precious, Gracious, Far and Glorious, e'er victorious, Thou my Treasure, Far beyond all earthly Pleasure. II. My choicest Pearl, and precious Crown, God and the Virgin Mary's Son, Thou King of endless Glory! Thou art compar'd to Sharon's flow'r; Thy Gospel and its saving Pow'r Excells what's Transitory. Lovely Lilly, O Hosanna, Heav'nly Manna, Thy sweet Favour Be mine everlasting Savour. III. Thy Love, so pow'rful and divine, Dart deep into this Heart of mine, Thou brilliant Stone and Jewel! Confirm me more and more to be A Branch of Thee, the living Tree, That Self may lose its Fewel. Sighing, Dying Is thy Creature; for in Nature Is no Pleasure Without Thee, my King and Treasure. IV. From God descends a Glance of Joy. When thou, with thy most gracious Eye, Beholdst thy loving Creature: Immanuel! my sov'reign Good, Thy Word, thy Spirit, Flesh and Blood Renew my very Nature; Grant me sweetly Thine Embraces, that the Graces Of Salvation May root out all Depravation. V. Thou Father, from Eternity, In Mercy was inclin'd to me, Through CHRIST, thy well-beloved; Thy son has chose me for his Bride; In this my Spouse I can confide; My Love shall ne'er be moved. O! this Bliss is Of his giving, who's the Living Bread and Manna; Ever will I sing HOSANNA. VI. Tune all your Strings of Lute and Harp, Resolve the Notes of Flat and Sharp Into Celestial Concords, That Nothing may disturb my Frame, Which is wrapt up in JESUS' Name, The sweetest of all Comforts. Ringing, Singing, In your Praises, let the Phrases Of your Duty Please the Lord of Bliss and Beauty. VII. My Joy to all the World be known, That my Beloved keeps his Throne, On Hills of Light and Glory. He'll kindly bring me to that Place, Where all the Wonders of his Grace Shall lie disclos'd before me. Amen! Amen! Lord my Sov'reign! come and govern All the Nations; Come! I wait with great Impatience. Topics: Spiritual Marriage Languages: English Tune Title: [How bright appears the Morning-Star]
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O Lord, in Mercy cast an Eye

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #165 (1732) Lyrics: I. O Lord, in mercy cast an Eye On thy distressed SION; How few of Christians canst thou spy That 'scape th' infernal Lion? Thy Truth was never more despis'd; Faith, Charity is but disguis'd Amongst its mere Professors. II. They teach but Lies and Flattery, What is their own Invention; Their Doctrine is but Mockery Of God and his Intention: One chuses this, another that, Pretending to they know not what, Thought Saint-like in Appearance. III. Root out all mere Formality, O Lord! and its Infection, Confound refin'd Hyporcrisy, Which is beyond Correction. Yet shall our words be free, thy cry: Where is the Lord will ask us why? who dares controul our Sayings? IV. The Lord, who sees the Poor opprest, And hears the proud Professors, Will rise to give his Children Rest, And curb their sore Oppressors; Nor will he send his Word in vain, But wilful Mockers shall be slain, to save his poor Beloved. V. As Silver sev'n Times purify'd Shines in its greatest Beauty; So, Lord, thy word, the oftner try'd, Exerts the greater Duty; Affliction shall refine it more, And shew its Energy and Pow'r According to thy Promise. VI. O Lord, we pray, preserve it pure In this our Generation, And let us dwell in Thee secure From all Abomination. For Sin increases ev'ry Day, In ev'ry Place where bear the Sway The Church of CHRIST'S Blasphemers. Topics: Sion's Complaints Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, in Mercy cast an Eye]
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My Soul, awake, and tender

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #167 (1732) Lyrics: I My Soul, awake, and tender To God, thy great Defender, Thy Prayer and Thanksgiving, Because thou art still living. II. Last Night, when lying senseless, And utterly defencelsss, I was in greatest Danger, From Darkness and its Ranger. III. Nay, when that Lion's fury Was ready to devour me; Thy gracious Condescention Has cross'd his foul Intention. IV. Thou said'st: My Child, be easy; My Presence shall release Thee From frightful Pain and Evil, In Spite of Hell and Devil. V. Thou, Lord, hast kept thy Promise; In vain was Satan's Malice; With Joy I now discover Thy Light, O Lord, my Lover. VI. My Thanks shall be the spices Of Morning Sacrifices; My deep Humiliation Sues for thine Acceptation. VII. In gracious condescension Despise not my Intention; Nor Body, Soul, nor Spirit Can boat of any Merit. VIII. Fulfil in me thy Pleasure; Thy Mercy be my Treasure; Thy Angel guard my Goings From Satan's guileful Doings. IX. Bless ev'ry Thought and Action; Thy Will be my Direction: Beginning, Middle, Ending To Thee alone be tending. X. Thy Bliss be my Salvation; My Heart thy Habitation: Thy Word my Food and Relish, Till thou destroy'st what's Hellish. Topics: Morning Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [My Soul, awake, and tender]
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God, the Lord of the Creation

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #169 (1732) Lyrics: I. God, the Lord of the Creation, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Night and Day, in Separation, Sun and Moon thy Glory boast. All Things in the Universe Thy preserving Grace rehearse. II. Lord! to thee my Praise and Prayer Are directed from my Heart; 'Tis thou sil'st my Soul's Betrayer, And preserv'st me from his Art; So that his ensnaring Train, By thy Grace, is laid in vain. III. Let the Night of my Transgression With the Darkness pass away JESU! into thy Possession I resign my self to Day. In thy Wounds I find Relief For my greastest Sin and Grief. IV. Grant, that free I rise this Morning From the Lethargy of Sin; That my Soul, through thy adorning, Be all glorious within; And that at the Judgment-Day I be not a Cast-away. V. Let my Life and Conversation Be directed by thy Word; Lord! thy constant Preservation To thy erring Child afford. No where but alone in thee From all harm I can be free. VI. Lord! my Body, Soul and Spirit, Keep in thine Almighty Hand: By thy All sufficient Merit, Make me follow thy Command. Oh! my Glory and Renown, Fit me for th'eternal Crown. VII. To they Angels' keeping give me, To direct my erring Feet; And, when Satan would deceive me, Disappoint the hellish Cheat. Bring at last my Soul to Rest, Where thou reign'st among the Blest. VIII. Hear my humble Supplication, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! With sincerest Adoration Thee I love, of Thee I boast. O, I'll praise thy Grace to me Here, and in Eternity. Topics: Morning Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [God, the Lord of the Creation]
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Before thy Throne I now appear

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #171 (1732) Lyrics: I. Before thy Throne I now appear, O Lord, bow down thy gracious Ear To me; and cast not from thy Face A sinful Wretch that sues for Grace. II. Thou Father of Eternity, Thine Image hast impress'd on me: In thee I am, and live, and move' Nor can I breathe without thy Love. III. Oft hast thou snach'd me from Distress, And rais'd me oft when comfortless; When but a Step, nay, one Hair's Breadth Was 'twixt my tott'ring Life and Death. IV. My Sense and Reason come from thee; And Sustenance thou giv'st to me; A Christian Friend bestow'st withal, To aid me when I'm like to fall. V. Thou, SON! by thy most precious Blood Hast purchas'd everlasting Good: The cursing LAW thou dost repeal, And sav'st me from the Rage of Hell. VI. When Sin and Satan me impeach, And Conscience is within their Reach, As Mediator thou step'st in, And say'st me from the Curse of Sin. VII. My Intercessor and High Priest, My Joy, Truth, Comfort, and my Rest! Thy All-sufficient Merit is The Source of my eternal Bliss. VIII. Thou, HOLY GHOST! Supremest Good, Disposer of the Heav'nly Food, What can be counted good in me, But what proceeds alone from Thee? IX. Through thee, I now my God adore, And call him Father evermore; Through thee, thy Word and Sacrament I see and hold with great Content. X. Through thee, I'm in Temptation free From Fear and sad Despondency; Through thee, I'm quicken'd oft to taste The Sweets of thine eternal Rest. XI. This makes my Heart and Tongue rehearse Thy glorious Praise in faithful Verse, For all the Grace and Mercy free Thou, to this Hour, hast shed on me. XII. Beseeching thine Almighty Grace To aid me till I've run my Race: Whilst All thou hast conferr'd on me, Intirely is ascrib'd to Thee. XIII. Give me a Heart that is sincere, To love thy Truth, and persevere In real Christianity, And shun all foul Hypocrisy. XV. A blessed EXIT grant I make; And when, at last, I shall awake, O, let me see thy glorious Face, And reap the endless Joys of Grace. Topics: Evening Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [Before thy Throne I now appear]
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And now another Day is gone

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #174 (1732) Lyrics: I. And now another Day is gone; The Sun has left the shore; All seek for Rest, whose Work is done, And leave the lab'ring Oar. II. But thou, my God, want'st no such Rest; Thy Glory knows no Night; With Thee thy Darkness can't contest, For Thou thy self art Light. III. In Mercy, Lord, remember me, This instant passing Night; And grant to me most graciously The Safeguard of thy Might. IV. Destroy old Satan's Tyranny, By th' Holy Angel's Host; So shall I be from Danger free; And Sorrow will be lost. V. And though I feel the Lord of Sin, Which still oppresses me, Yet th' Anguish thy dear son was in, Has greater Weight with Thee. VI. 'Tis he alone that pleads for me; His Merits hide my Drime: A Reprobate I ne'er can be While I've a Share in him. VII. With chearful Heart I close my Eyes, Since thou'lt not from me move. O, in the Morning let me rise Rejoicing in thy Love. VIII. Away from me, ye vain Desires: A new Design I start; A Temple in me God requires; And it shall be my Heart. IX. O, if this Night shall prove my last, And end my transient Days, Convey me to thy promis'd Rest, Where I may sing thy Praise. X. Thus I desire to live and dye To Thee the God of Love; In Life and Death I do rely On Thee who reign'st above. Topics: Evening Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [And now another Day is gone]
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Rouse thy self, my Soul, and gather

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #176 (1732) Lyrics: I. Rouse thy self, my Soul, and gather All thy Senses from abroad, To adore thy Heav'nly Father, And the Goodness of thy God, For preserving Thee this Day, Chasing Satan's Host away, That their Malice and Delusion Cou'd not put Thee to Confusion. II. Blessed be thy gracious Favour, Father of Eternity! That thou'st helpt me in my Labour, And my great Necessity; That in all my Care and Grief Thou hast sent me sure Relief, And remov'd, on all Occasion, What might frustrate my Salvation. III. None of all the skill'd in Numbers, Nor the Sons of Eloquence Can express or count the Wonders Of thy gracious providence. O, thy Mercies are too great For us Mortals to repeat. Let us then adore in Spirit What's above our Sense and Merit. IV. Now this tiresome Day is finish'd, Gloomy Night draws on apace; Chearful Day Light is diminish'd, And the sun has hid his Face. Lord, endow me with thy Love, That the Instances I prove Of thy Care and thy Protection work in me a pure Subjection. V. Pardon, Lord, each sad Transgression, Whether open or unknown, With the Weight of whose Oppression I all Night in secret moan; So that Satan's fiery Dart Often pierces through my Heart, And disturbs the blest Intention Of thy Grace and thy Redemption. VI. Tho' I've stray'd and thee denied; As I willingly return, For his Sake who for me died, Let thy Wrath no longer burn; I confess the Guilt of Sin; But thy Grace can make me clean, Which exceeds, beyond Expression, All the Poison of Transgression. VII. Author of illumination, Light of Light, eternal Word, Soul and Body's Preservation I commit to thee, O Lord: My Redeemer, dwell in me, That I sleep and wake with Thee, And enjoy thy Consolation In the Night of Perturbation. VIII. Guard me from the Snares of Satan, And the Pow'r of Sin and Hell; Which raise Dreams I never thought on, And abominate to tell. Let me never lose the Sight Of thy good and gracious Light. Having thee, I can be quiet 'Midst the Furies-Storm and Riot. IX. When I close mine Eyes to slumber, And my Senses fall asleep, Let my Heart, awake, the Number Of thy mercies tell and keep. Fill me with thy sacred Love, That I dream of what's above, And keep close to Thee my Saviour Even in my Nights Behaviour. X. Grant, that under thy Protection, I enjoy a quiet Rest; Guard me from Night-Sin's Infection; Number me among the Blest; Soul and Body, Heart and Mind Keep from harm of ev'ry Kind Friends and Foes and each Relation Visit with thy new Creation. XI. Let no frightful Rumour wake me From within or from abroad; Let no Sickness overtake me; Lord, be thou my sure Abode. Fire and Water, pestilence, Death that's sudden off me fence, Lest I dye in my Transgression, And fall short of thy Possession. XII. Father, hear the Supplication Of thy poor unworthy Child. JESU! through thy Meditation, Make me truly reconcil'd. Holy Ghost, of equal Praise, I depend upon thy Grace. Sacred Three! be pleas'd to say then: Even so it shall be. AMEN! Topics: Evening Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [Rouse thy self, my Soul, and gather]
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Christ, everlasting Source of Light

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #179 (1732) Lyrics: I. CHRIST, everlasting Source of Light, All Things lie naked in thy Sight; Thou Splendor of thy Father's Face, Teach us to tread the Paths of Grace. II. We come t'implore thy sov'rein Might, To keep thy Flock this instant Night From all the wiles of th' Enemy, O Father of Eternity. III. Remove our sinful Drowsiness; Shield us, when Satan would oppress; The feeble Flesh keep chaste and pure, And let us rest in Thee secure. IV. And when our Eyes are bound in Sleep, The Lamp of Faith still burning keep; And, oh, sustain us while we rest; And Sin remove, and we are blest. V. Great Guardian of thy Christian Flock, Thy Presence be our saving Rock; Thy Agony and bloody Sweat Be our Support in ev'ry Strait. VI. Forget not, Lord, the Pain and Woe That fast pursue us here below: The Soul, whou'st ransom'd by thy Blood, Unite with Thee th' eternal Good. VII. To God the Father and the Son, Who wears his Father's brightest Crown, And to the Spirit of his Grace, Be highest Majesty and Praise. Topics: Evening Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [Christ, everlasting Source of Light]
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Now give Thanks, ye Old and Young

Hymnal: PGTG1756 #181 (1732) Lyrics: I. Now give Thanks, ye Old and Young; Praise the Lord with Heart and tongue: For his Mercy still supplies All Mankinds Necessities. As he feeds the Birds and Beasts, So he makes us all his Guests; Giving daily joyous Feasts. II. Praise him, for it is but just; He has rais'd us from the Dust; Gives us Being; gives us Breath, Saves us from eternal Death: From the Time that we remove From the womb, we taste his Love, And it daily doth improve. III. Soon as we from Dust are rear'd, Our Provisions are prepar'd. Mercy feeds us in the womb, Till we break the living Tomb: Ev'ry Feature of our Frame Speaks the Wisdom of his Name From whose Love our Being came. IV. God adorns this Earth below; Ev'ry where Provisions grow; Hills and Dales, the Wood and Field Our Creator's Blessings yield. Wine and Bread, the Best of Food, He bestows on Bad and Good; Were his Love but understood! V. Seas and Rivers Fish afford For us Boarders on the Lord: Birds and Cattle multiply In a vast Variety; Nay, where'er we turn our sight, God displays for our Delight Endless Wonders of his Might. VI. Lord, enlarge our narrow Sense, So t'adore thy Providence, That our Body, Soul and MInd, May to thee be all resign'd, Keeping up a thankful Frame, Till we praise thy glorious Name At the Supper of the Lamb. Topics: Praise after Meat Languages: English Tune Title: [Now give Thanks, ye Old and Young]


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