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Johan Nordahl Brun

1745 - 1816 Person Name: Joh. N. Brun Topics: Adoption Author of "Du fødes maa paany, om du vi se Guds rige" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

F. Rostgaard

Person Name: Fr. Rostgaard Topics: Adoption Translator of "Skulde jeg min Gud ei prise" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

Charlotte Elliott

1789 - 1871 Topics: Adoption Author of "Just As I Am" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined Elliott, Charlotte, daughter of Charles Elliott, of Clapham and Brighton, and granddaughter of the Rev. H. Venn, of Huddersfield, was born March 18, 1789. The first 32 years of her life were spent mostly at Clapham. In 1823 she removed to Brighton, and died there Sept. 22, 1871. To her acquaintance with Dr. C. Malan, of Geneva, is attributed much of the deep spiritual-mindedness which is so prominent in her hymns. Though weak and feeble in body, she possessed a strong imagination, and a well-cultured and intellectual mind. Her love of poetry and music was great, and is reflected in her verse. Her hymns number about 150, a large percentage of which are in common use. The finest and most widely known of these are, "Just as I am” and "My God, my Father, while I stray." Her verse is characterized by tenderness of feeling, plaintive simplicity, deep devotion, and perfect rhythm. For those in sickness and sorrow she has sung as few others have done. Her hymns appeared in her brother's Psalms & Hymns and elsewhere as follows:— (1) Psalms and Hymns for Public, Private, and Social Worship; selected by the Rev. H. V. Elliott, &c., 1835-48. In this Selection her signature is "C. E." (2) The Christian Remembrancer Pocket Book. This was originally edited by Miss Kiernan, of Dublin. Miss Elliott undertook the editorship in 1834. (3) The Invalid's Hymn Book. This was originally compiled by Miss Kiernan, but before publication was re-arranged by Miss Elliott, who also added 23 hymns in the first edition., 1834. These were increased in the following edition to the sixth in 1854, when her contributions amounted to 112. From that date no change was made in the work. (4) Hours of Sorrow Cheered and Comforted; or, Thoughts in Verse, 1836. (5) Morning and Evening Hymns for a Week, printed privately in 1839 for sale for a benevolent institution in Brighton, and published in 1842. (6) Thoughts in Verse on Sacred Subjects, 1869. Miss Elliott's Poems were published, with a Memoir by her sister, Mrs. Babington, in 1873, and an additional volume of Leaves from her unpublished Journals and Poems, also appeared in 1870. In addition to her more important hymns, which are annotated under their respective first lines, there are in common use:— i. From The Invalid's Hymn-book, 1834-1841:— 1. Clouds and darkness round about thee. (1841.) Resignation. 2. Not willingly dost Thou afflict [reject]. (1841.) Divine Chastisement. 3. O God, may I look up to Thee. (1841.) Teach us to Pray. 4. This is enough; although 'twere sweet. (1834.) On being debarred from Divine Worship. 5. With tearful eyes I look around. (1841.) The Invitation "Come Unto Me." ii. From H. V. Elliott's Psalms & Hymns, 1835-1839:— 6. Glorious was that primal light. Christmas. 7. Hail, holy day, most blest, most dear. Easter. 8. My only Saviour, when I feel. Jesus His people's Rest. 9. Now let our heavenly plants and flowers. Monday Morning. 10. The Sabbath-day has reached its close. Sunday Evening. iii. From Miss Elliott's Hours of Sorrow, 1836:— 11. Father, when Thy child is dying. Prayer for a Departing Spirit. 12. Leaning on Thee, my Guide, my Friend. Death Anticipated. 13. My God, is any hour so sweet? The Hour of Prayer. 14. O faint and feeble-hearted. Resignation enforced. 15. There is a holy sacrifice. The Contrite Heart. iv. From her Hymns for a Week, 1839:— 16. Guard well thy lips; none, none can know. Thursday Morning. 17. There is a spot of consecrated ground. Pt. i. 18. This is the mount where Christ's disciples see. Pt. ii. Monday Evening. 19. This is the day to tune with care. Saturday Morning. v. From Thoughts in Verse on Sacred Subjects, 1869:— 20. As the new moons of old were given. On a Birthday. 21. I need no other plea. Pt. i. 22. I need no prayers to saints. Pt. ii. Christ, All in All. 23. Jesus, my Saviour, look on me. Christ, All in All. Several of the earlier of these hymns were repeated in the later works, and are thus sometimes attributed to the wrong work. [Rev. James Davidson, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Elliott, Charlotte, p. 328, i. Other hymns are:— 1. O how I long to reach my home. Heaven desired. From the Invalid's Hymn Book, 1834. 2. The dawn approaches, golden streaks. Second Advent. From Thoughts in Verse, &c, 1869. Of her hymns noted on p. 328, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, and 13, all appeared in the 1st edition of Elliott's Psalms & Hymns, 1835. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================== Elliott, Charlotte, pp. 328, i.; 1561, ii. Further research enables us to give amended dates to some of her hymns as follows:— 1. With tearful eyes I look around (No. 5). This is in the 1835 Appendix to The Invalid's Hymn Book. 2. My only Saviour, when I feel (No. 8). Also in the 1835 Appendix. 3. Father, when Thy child is dying (No. 11). In the 1833 Appendix. 4. I want that adorning divine, p. 559, i. In the Christian Remembrancer 1848, p. 22. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

B. K. Kaas

Person Name: Birgitte Kaas Topics: Adoption Translator of "Sørg, o kjære Fader, du" in Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika

Girolamo Savonarola

1452 - 1498 Person Name: Savonarola Topics: The Christian System Adoption And Sanctification Author of "Jesus, refuge of the weary" in The Voice of Praise Savonarola, Girolamo, p. 1533, i. His hymns were printed in a collected form as Poesie di Fra Girolamo Savonarola tratte dall’ Autografo, at Florence, 1862. A number of them had appeared in Fra Serafino Razzi's Laudl Spirituali, Venice, 1563, and elsewhere. The best-known is:— Giesu sommo conforto. [Passiontide.] This is in 1862 as above, No. xii., p. 27, entitled "Praise to the Crucified." Also in Razzi, 1563, f. 4, in Eugenia Levi's Lirica Italiana Antica, Florence, 1905, p. 118, &c. Translated as "Jesus, Refuge of the weary," by Jane Francesca Wilde. Contributed to R. R. Madden's Life and Martyrdom of Savonarola, 1853, i., p. 376; reprinted in her own Poems by Speranza, Dublin, 1864, p. 199. See further p. 1574, ii. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


Topics: Christian Experience The Spirit of Adoption Composer of "AMES" in Hymns of Grace and Truth

Benjamin Cleveland

1733 - 1811 Person Name: Cleveland Topics: The Christian System Adoption And Sanctification Author of "Oh, could I find, from day to day" in The Voice of Praise Cleveland, Benjamin. Probably a Baptist, but known only by his Hymns on Different Spiritual Subjects, in Two Parts, whereof the 4th ed. appeared in Norwich, Connecticut, 1792. He is the author of:— 0 could I find from day to day. [Longing for Christ.] This was preserved from oblivion by the Hartford Selection 1799, and is now in general use as altered and abridged to 4 stanzas by Nettleton, in his Village Hymns, 1824, No. 145. What is supposed to be the original text of the first four stanzas is found in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, No. 876. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ Cleveland, Benjamin. (Windham, Connecticut, August 30, 1733--March 9, 1811, Horton [now Wolfville], Nova Scotia). Baptist. Son of Benjamin Cleveland. The name is sometimes spelled "Cleavland" or "Cleaveland" in family records. He was a layman and a Baptist deacon; little else is known of his life except that of his twelve children, one, Nathan Cleveland, became a Baptist minister. He published in 1792 his Hymns on Different Subjects. In Two Parts in Norwich, Connecticut. His hymn, "O could I find from day to day," was widely reprinted through most of the nineteenth century. In his 1792 collection, it had six stanzas. Joshua Smith reprinted it in 1797, and it was altered for the Hartford Selection of 1799. Asahel Nettleton abridged it to four stanzas and altered it for his Village Hymns in 1824. It was in this form that it was widely sung; it was reprinted in the same for in Edwin Francis Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872. the original first four stanzas treat the desire to "find from day to day a nearness to my God" throughout the course of life, ending in stanza 4 "Thus, till my last expiring breath, Thy goodness I'll adore . . ." --Thomas W. Hunt, DNAH Archives

Henry A. Bruinsma

1916 - 1991 Topics: Adoption Harmonizer of "ZION'S GATES" in Psalter Hymnal (Blue) It was in Bruinsma's musical compositions that his brilliance was most displayed. “Henry’s personality was … embodied in his music: colorful, radiating charisma, magnetic in a nonverbal way,” niece Jane DeGroot said. Bruinsma displayed musical potential even before he was considered old enough to take music lessons, said his wife, Grace Hekman Bruinsma. The preschooler would eavesdrop on his older brother’s piano lessons. After the teacher left, Bruinsma would climb onto the piano bench to practice his brother’s lesson assignment. Later on, he chose to attend Ottawa Hills High School in Grand Rapids, Mich., for its music program. Following high school graduation in 1933, Bruinsma attended the University of Michigan for a degree in music. He stayed on to complete a Ph.D. in musicology, becoming the first musicologist to graduate from the University of Michigan. It was during his graduate work that Bruinsma wrote Scherzo on a Dutch Nursery Song. “He never lost his love for Dutch history or Dutch Reformed music,” Grace Bruinsma said. It was also during his time at U of M that Bruinsma began taking Grace to music concerts, and in 1939 they were married. Bruinsma began his time as a professor of music at Calvin College (1946-55). In addition to his teaching duties at the college, Bruinsma taught the first music and theology course at Calvin Seminary. He also chaired the first Conference on Liturgy of Music. However, not long after his time at Calvin, Bruinsma decided he was being called to move from teaching to education administration. Of note is his time at Ohio State University (1959-64), where he served as the director of the School of Music. He also held the position of executive committee member of the College of Education. Next, Bruinsma moved to what is now Arizona State University (1964-79), another notable mark in his education administration career. During that time, he served first as chair of the School of Music, then as founding dean of the College of Fine Arts. He is also known to have started the first religious studies program at Arizona State as part of the university’s interdisciplinary studies program. Due to the amount of time he spent in education administration, much of Bruinsma’s musical compositions were never published. After his death, Grace Bruinsma contacted Gerry Bouma of Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa. Bouma and Henry Bruinsma had met in 1969 at a Grand Rapids Christian High School concert in Chicago. “For whatever reason, Henry and Grace treated us like we were their kids,” Bouma said. Grace asked Bouma to catalog and publish the 10,000 pages of Henry’s material. Taking a semester sabbatical, Bouma began his work. Bouma’s catalog of Bruinsma’s work can be found in the Heritage Hall Archives at the Hekman Library, Calvin College. The Archives also hosts additional works from Bruinsma’s time at Calvin. --Excerpted from Calvin Spark, Spring 2006 issue

Frank Allaben

1867 - 1927 Person Name: F. Allaben Topics: Christian Experience The Spirit of Adoption Author of "Sweet the Blessed Name of Father" in Hymns of Grace and Truth

Alexander B. Morton

Person Name: A. B. Morton Topics: Adoption Composer of "[God's foundation stands unmoved]" in Bible Songs


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