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S. Graham

Hymnal Number: 590 Author of "Heave, mighty ocean, heave" in Hymns for Public Worship

William Roscoe

1753 - 1831 Person Name: Roscoe Hymnal Number: 207 Author of "Let one loud song of praise arise" in Hymns for Public Worship Roscoe, William, the father, was born March 8, 1753, in Liverpool, of humble origin. After very meagre schooling, and three years of work in his father's market garden, he was articled to an attorney, and subsequently practised in Liverpool till 1796, when he withdrew from the profession. From the first literature was his chief delight, and throughout a long career of public usefulness he united its pursuit with the efforts of enlightened patriotism and the advocacy of higher education and reform. Liverpool was a centre of the old slave-trade, and Roscoe was one of the first to raise his voice against the iniquity. At the age of 20 he had already uttered a protest in his descriptive poem Mount Pleasant, and in 1787 he published a longer poem, The Wrongs of Africa (Pt. ii. 1788), devoted to the subject. During his brief parliamentary experience as member for Liverpool, in 1807, he had further opportunity of advocating the cause of liberty and humanity. His first great historical work, the Life of Lorenzo dé Medici, was published in 1796, and the Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, in 1805. After withdrawing from his legal practice, Roscoe had hoped to be able to devote himself entirely to letters, but the claims of friendship induced him in 1800 to enter into a banking business, which involved him in commercial troubles, ending in 1820 in his bankruptcy. His library had to be sold, but part of it was bought by friends, and presented to the Liverpool Athenæum, which in 1789 Roscoe had been instrumental in founding. In 1822 he published Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo dé Medici, defending the views adopted in his former history, and two years later edited a new edition of Pope's works, with a life of the poet. He died June 30, 1831. (Cf. The Life of William Roscoe, by his son, Henry Roscoe, in 2 vols., London, T. Cadell, 1833.) As a member of the congregation of Unitarians meeting in Renshaw Street Chapel, Liverpool, Roscoe took part in preparing A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Worship, printed for their use in 1818. He contributed eight hymns and the concluding anthem. Of these hymns the following are in common use at the present time:— 1. Let our loud song of praise arise. Praise. 2. Go, suffering habitant of earth. Life, a Warfare. 3. Great God, beneath Whose piercing eye. Divine Providence. 4. Thus said Jesus, Go and do. Love to our Neighbour. 5. What is the first and great command ? The Commandments. These hymns are in several Unitarian collections, including Martineau's Hymns, 1840. No. 3 was written in 1788, as a "secular hymn" of ten stanzas, to be sung at the Benn's Garden Chapel on the Centenary of the Revolution. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Enfield

1741 - 1797 Person Name: Enfield Hymnal Number: 430 Author of "I hear the voice of wo!" in Hymns for Public Worship Enfield, William , LL.D., born at Sudbury, Suffolk, March 29, 1741, of poor parents. Through the assistance of Mr. Hextall, the local Dissenting Minister, at 17 he entered the Daventry Academy under Dr. Ashworth. His first pastorate was of the congregation at Benn's Garden, Liverpool, to which he ministered from 1763 to 1770. In conjunction with Rev. J. Brekell of Key St. chapel, he edited A New Collection of Psalms proper for Christian Worship, in three parts. I. Psalms of David, &c. II. Psalms of Praise to God. III. Psalms on various Subjects. Liverpool. Printed in the year 1764. Known as the Liverpool Old Collection; Later eds., 1767, 1770, 1787. In this last, 60 more hymns are added to the 3rd part. From 1770 to 1785 Enfield was at Warrington, as minister to the Old Presbyterian congregation, and as teacher of Belles-lettres and other subjects, in the Dissenting Academy founded there in 1757. He published in 1774, The Speaker; 1783, Institutes of Natural Philosophy, and other works, including:— Hymns for Public Worship: selected from Various Authors, and intended as a supplement to Dr. Watts’s Psalms. Warrington. Printed for the Editor, 1772. 3rd ed. 1789. London. Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard, and W. Kyres, Warrington. Contains 160 hymns, rather more than half being the same as in the Liverpool Collection. In this Collection some of Mrs. Barbauld’s hymns appeared for the first time. From Warrington he proceeded to Norwich as pastor of the Octagon chapel, and died there Nov. 3, 1797. In 1791 he published an abridgment of Brucker's History of Philosophy , and at the time of his death was engaged with Dr. J. Aikin, son of his late colleague at the Warrington Academy, in bringing out a General Biographical Dictionar , vol. i. 1796. He also published A Selection of Hymns for Social Worship. Norwich. Printed by J. March for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church¬yard, London, 1795. 2nd ed., 1797 ; 3rd ed., 1802. Lon-don, J. Johnson. Printed by W. Eyres, Horse Market, Warrington. Contains 232 hymns, more than half by Watts, and of the rest 93 were retained from the Warrington Collection. In this Collection Enfield's own hymns first appeared, “Behold where in a mortal form" (Example of Christ); "Wherefore should man, frail child of clay" (Humility); and "O Thou, through all thy works adored" (God the Ruler of Nature). They are characteristic of the "moral preacher" and the Unitarian, and in taste are unexceptionable. Dr. Enfield received his degree from Edinburgh University. On his death Johnson brought out 3 volumes of his Sermons "on Practical Subjects,” with a Memoir by Dr. Aikin. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Drennan

1754 - 1820 Person Name: Drennan Hymnal Number: 10 Author of "The heaven of heavens cannot contain" in Hymns for Public Worship Drennan, William, M.D., b. at Belfast, May 23, 1754, and educated at Glasgow, where he graduated M.A. in 1771, and M.D. 1778. He subsequently practised at Belfast. He died Feb. 5, 1820. In 1815 he published Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, Belfast, 1815; and his Poems were collected and published with a Memoir by his sons in 1859. Of his poems six are grouped under the heading of "Religious Poems." Seven hymns, including five of these "Religious Poems," were contributed to Aspland's Unitarian Selection, 1810; but in the 1859 Poems and Memoir most of them are in a longer form. As most of these are still in common use amongst the Unitarians in Great Britain and America, we subjoin the list of first lines:— 1. All nature feels attractive power. Law of Love. 2. Bless’d who with generous pity glows. Charity. 3. Humanity! thou sent of God. Faith, Hope, Charity. 4. In this fair globe, with ocean bound. Love of God. 5. O sweeter than the fragrant flower. Being Good. 6. The heaven of heavens cannot contain. Divine Worship. 7. The husbandman goes forth afield. Fruits of Benevolence. [William T. Brooke] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James Flint

1779 - 1855 Person Name: Flint Hymnal Number: 556 Author of "In pleasant lands have fallen the lines" in Hymns for Public Worship Flint, James, D.D., born at Reading, Mass., 1779, and graduated at Harvard, 1802. In 1806 he became pastor of a Unitarian Church at East Bridgewater, Mass., from which he passed to East Church, Salem, 1821. Died in 1855. In 1820 he contributed one hymn to Sewell’s New York Collection, and in 1843 he also published A Collection of Hymns, to which he contributed from 10 to 12 originals. His best known hymns are:— 1. Here to the High and Holy One. This hymn, "On leaving an Ancient Church," appeared in the Cambridge Selection of 1828. 2. In pleasant lands have fallen the lines. Remembrance of our Fathers. Written for the bicentenary of Quincy, Mass., May 25, 1840, and published in his Collection, 1843. 3. Happy the unrepining poor. Appeared in Sewell's New York Collection, 1820. Dr. Flint's hymns are unknown to the English Collections. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jane Cotterill

1790 - 1825 Person Name: Mrs. Cotterill Hymnal Number: 143 Author of "O Thou, who hast at thy command" in Hymns for Public Worship Cotterill, Jane, née Boak, daughter of Rev. John Boak, and mother of the Right Rev. Henry Cotterill, Bishop of Edinburgh; born in 1790, married 1811 to the Rev. Joseph Cotterill; died 1825. Mrs. Cotterill contributed to the Appendix to the 6th ed. of Cotterill’s Selection, 1815, the following hymns:— 1. "O! from the world's vile slavery," (For Holiness). 2. "O Thou! Who hast at Thy command," (For Resignation). These hymns were repeated in Montgomery's Christian Psalmist, 1825, and Mrs. Cotterill's name was appended thereto for the first time. Their use is not extensive. The first, "O! from the world's," &c, is found in Kennedy, 1863, No. 521, as, "From this enslaving world's control," the alterations being by Dr. Kennedy. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Gerard T. Noel

1782 - 1851 Person Name: Noel Hymnal Number: 533 Author of "If human kindness meets return" in Hymns for Public Worship Gerard Thomas Noel was born in 1782. His studies were pursued at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge. He graduated M.A. from Trinity College, Cambridge. He was successively Curate of Radwell, Vicar of Rainham, and Curate of Richmond. In 1834, he was Canon of Winchester, and in 1840, Vicar of Romsey, were he died in 1851. He published some Sketches of Travel, and a Selection of Psalms and Hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. =================== Noel, Hon. Gerard Thomas, M.A., elder brother of the Hon. Baptist W. Noel, was born Dec. 2, 1782, and educated at Edinburgh and Cambridge. Taking Holy Orders, he held successively the curacy of Bad well, Hertfordshire, the Vicarages of Rainham and Romsey, and a Canonry in Winchester Cathedral. He died at Romsey, Feb. 24, 1851. His published works include Fifty Sermons for the Use of Families, 1830; Sermons preached in Romsey, 1853; and Arvendel, or Sketches in Italy and Switzerland, 1813. In this last work some of his earlier hymns appeared. He also compiled:— A Selection of Psalms and Hymns from the New Version of the Church of England and others; corrected and revised for Public Worship, London, J. Hatchard, 1810. In this Selection he gave a few hymns of his own, but anonymously. The 3rd edition, 1820, is enlarged, and has an Appendix of 17 hymns. Three of his hymns are in common use:— 1. If human kindness meets return. Jesus the Friend. This appeared in his Arvendel, &c, and his Selection of Psalms & Hymns, 1810, No. 45. It is in extensive use. 2. Stamped as the purpose of the skies. Missions. This is found in the February number of the Christian Observer, 1810, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and is signed "N." In his Selection of Psalms & Hymns, 1810, No. 48, and in the 3rd edition, 1820, No. 174, it begins "Mark'd as the purpose of the skies." In this form it is known to the modern collections. 3. When musing sorrow weeps [mourns] the past. Desiring Heaven. Given in the second edition of his Selection 1813, No. 48. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Samuel Francis Smith

1808 - 1895 Person Name: S. F. Smith Hymnal Number: 492 Author of "Sister, thou wast mild and lovely" in Hymns for Public Worship Smith, Samuel Francis, D.D., was born in Boston, U.S.A., Oct. 21, 1808, and graduated in arts at Harvard, and in theology at Andover. He entered the Baptist ministry in 1832, and became the same year editor of the Baptist Missionary Magazine. He also contributed to the Encyclopaedia Americana. From 1834 to 1842 he was pastor at Waterville, Maine, and Professor of Modern Languages in Waterville College. In 1842 he removed to Newton, Massachusetts, where he remained until 1854, when he became the editor of the publications of the Baptist Missionary Union. With Baron Stow he prepared the Baptist collection known as The Psalmist, published in 1843, to which he contributed several hymns. The Psalmist is the most creditable and influential of the American Baptist collections to the present day. Dr. Smith also published Lyric Gems, 1854, Rock of Ages, 1870, &c. A large number of his hymns are in use in America, and several have passed into some of the English collections. Taking his hymns in common use in alphabetical order, we have the following:— 1. And now the solemn deed is done. Ordination. Given in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 954. In Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, it is altered to "The solemn service now is done." 2. As flows the rapid river. Life Passing Away. In Christian Psalmody, 1833, No. 33; the Hymns for the Vestry and Fireside, Boston, 1841; and The Psalmist, 1843, No. 1059. Found in a few English hymn-books, and in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. 3. Auspicious morning, hail. American National Anniversary. Written for July 4th, 1841, and published in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 1007. 4. Beyond where Cedron's waters flow. Gethsemane. In L. Bacon's Appendix, 1833; the Psalmist, 1843, No. 220, and later collections. 5. Blest is the hour when cares depart. Divine Worship. In The Psalmist, 1843, No. 947, and others. 6. Constrained by love we follow where. Holy Baptism. Appeared in the Baptist edition of the Plymouth Hymn Book, 1857. 7. Down to the sacred wave. Holy Baptism. Contributed to Winchell's Additional Hymns added to his Collection of 1817, in 1832, No. 510; repeated in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 818, and in several collections. Also in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. 8. Hail! ye days of solemn meeting. Public Worship. An altered form of No. 26 below, in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, as an "American Hymn, 1840." 9. How blest the hour when first we gave. Holy Baptism. Appeared in the Baptist edition of thePlymouth Hymn Book, 1857, No. 1468. 10. How calmly wakes the hallowed morn. Holy Baptism. Given in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 810, in later collections, and in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. 11. Jesus, Thou hast freely saved us. Salvation. In Winchell's Additional Hymns, 1832, No. 503, and others. 12. Meekly in Jordan's Holy Stream. Holy Baptism. Contributed to The Psalmist, 1843, No. 808. 13. My country, 'tis of thee. National Hymn. "Written in 1832, and first sung at a children's Fourth of July celebration in Park Street church, Boston." Included in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 1000, and found in a large number of American hymn-books, but not in use in Great Britain. It is one of the most popular of Dr. Smith's compositions. Text, with note in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. 14. 0 not my own these verdant hills. Bought with a Price. Appeared in Nason's Congregational Hymn Book, 1857, and given inLaudes Domini, 1884. 15. Onward speed thy conquering flight. Missions. Appeared in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 892, and is found in several modern collections in Great Britain and America. Also in Lyra Sac. Americana, 1868. 16. Planted in Christ, the living Vine. Christian Fellowship; or, For Unity. Given in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 929, inLyra Sacra Americana, 1868, and several hymn-books. Of the hymns contributed by Dr. Smith to The Psalmist this is the best, and one of the most popular. 17. Remember thy Creator. Youthful Piety Enforced. In Christian Psalmody, 1832, No. 32; the Hymns for the Vestry and Fireside, 1841; The Psalmist, 1843, No. 778; Lyra Sac. Americana, 1868, and other collections. 18. Sister, thou wast mild and lovely. Death and Burial. Written on the death of Miss J. M. C. of Mount Vernon School, Boston, July 13,1833, and published in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 1096. 19. Softly fades the twilight ray. Sunday Evening. Written in 1832, and included in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 56. Also in Lyra Sacra Americana, and several hymn-books. 20. Spirit of holiness, descend. Whitsuntide. Appeared in the Hymns for the Vestry and Fireside, 1841, No. 295, and again in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 384. In the Unitarian Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, 1853. St. ii., iii., iv. were given as "Spirit of God, Thy churches wait." This form of the text and the original are both in modern hymn-books. 21. Spirit of peace and holiness. Institution of a Minister. Appeared in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 953, and Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872. 22. The morning light is breaking. Missions. Written in 1832, and included in Hastings's Spiritual Songs, 1832-33, No. 253; and The Psalmist, 1843, No. 912. This hymn is very popular and has been translated into several languages. Dr. Smith says of it that “it has been a great favourite at missionary gatherings, and I have myself heard it sung in five or six different languages in Europe and Asia. It is a favourite with the Burmans, Karens, and Telegus in Asia, from whose lips I have heard it repeatedly.” 23. The Prince of Salvation in triumph is riding. Missions. Given in Hastings and Mason's Spiritual Songs, 1832-33, No. 274; The Psalmist, 1843, and later collections. 24. Tis done, the [important] solemn act is done. Ordination. Appeared in The Psalmist 1843, No. 951, and later hymn-books. 25. Today the Saviour calls. Invitation. First sketch by Dr. Smith, the revised text, as in Hastings and Mason's Spiritual Songs, No. 176, and The Psalmist, No. 453, by Dr. T. Hastings (p. 495, i. 19). 26. Welcome, days of solemn meeting. Special Devotional Services. Written in 1834, and given in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872. See No. 8. 27. When shall we meet again ? Parting. This is a cento. The first stanza is from Alaric A. Watts's Poetical Sketches, &c, 1822, p. 158 ; and st. ii.-iv. are by Dr. Smith. In this form it was published in L. Bacon's Supplement to Dwight, 1833, No. 489. It is in several American hymn-books; and also the English Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858, &c. 28. When the harvest is past and the summer is gone. Close of Worship. Contributed to Hastings and Mason's Spiritual Songs, 1831, No. 244; and repeated in the Fuller and Jeter Supplement to The Psalmist, 1847, No. 22, and later collections. 29. When thy mortal life is fled. The Judgment. Contributed to Winchell's Additional Hymns, 1832, No. 379, and repeated in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 455, and later hymn-books. Also in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. 30. While in this sacred rite of Thine. Holy Baptism. Appeared in The Psalmist, 1843, No. 803: Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868, &c. 31. With willing hearts we tread. Holy Baptism. In The Psalmist, 1843, No. 798; and again in the Baptist Praise Book, 1871. 32. Yes, my native land, I love thee. A Missionary's Farewell. Contributed to Winchell's Additional Hymns, 1832, No. 445, and found in later collections. Also in Lyra Sacra Americana, 1868. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

G. W. Briggs

1875 - 1959 Person Name: George W. Briggs Author of "" in Hymns for Public Worship George Wallace Briggs is a Canon of Worcester Cathedral and one of the most distinguished British hymn writers and hymnologists of today. Six of his hymns appear in the Episcopal Hymnal of 1940 (American). Another hymn on the Bible entitled "Word of the living God" was written for the 25th Anniversary of the British Bible Reading Fellowship and was sung in Westminster Abbey on June 5, 1947. It has been widely used since that time. Canon Briggs is a leading member of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland. He is also the composer of several hymn times, six of which have appeared in British hymnals. In addition to his work as a clergy man of the Church of England and an hymnologist, he has interest himself actively in the field of religious education, being largely responsible for two books with wide circulation in Britain, "Prayers and Hymns for used in Schools" and "The Daily Service." These books have had great influence on the worship practices of British schools, public and private. It is of historic interest that he is the author of one of the prayers used at the time of the famous meeting of Churchill and Roosevelt on H.M.S. Prince of Wales in 1941 when the Atlantic Charter was framed. --Ten New Hymns on the Bible, 1952. Used by permission.

John Ryland

1753 - 1825 Person Name: Ryland Hymnal Number: 269 Author of "Sovereign Ruler of the skies" in Hymns for Public Worship Ryland, John, D.D., son of Rev. John Collett Ryland, was born at Warwick, Jan. 29, 1753. At that time his father was Baptist minister at Warwick, but in 1759 removed to Northampton. "J. Ryland, junior," as for many years he was accustomed to subscribe himself, was in 1781 ordained co-pastor with his father at Northampton. In 1794 he accepted the presidency of the Baptist College and the pastorate of the church in Broadmead, Bristol, and these offices he retained until his death on June 25, 1825. Dr. Ryland was a man of considerable literary culture, and received the degree of D.D. from Brown University, Rhode Island. He was one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society, and for the three years following the death of Rev. A. Fuller, in 1815, acted as its secretary. His prose works were Memoirs of Rev. B. Hall, Arnsby (2nd ed., 1852); A candid statement of the reasons which induce Baptists to differ from their Christian brethren; and many Sermons and Charges. After his death appeared 2 vols. of Discourses, selected from his manuscripts, and entitled Pastoral Memorial. To these discourses are appended many of his hymns, with their dates. Dr. Ryland's hymns were composed at different times, from his sixteenth year to the year of his death. The earliest were published when he was 16, in his Serious Essays, 1771. These 36 hymns were never republished. Several appeared in the Gospel Magazine from 1771 to 1782, and the Protestant Magazine, 1782-83; others in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1787; 2 in the Collection for the Monthly Prayer Meeting at Bristol, 1797 ; 2 in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831; and 25 in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825. His Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects, to the number of 99, were reprinted from his mss. by D. Sedgwick, and were published, with a Memoir, in 1862. The hymns are dated therein from the mss. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] Those of Dr. Ryland's hymns now in common use include:— 1. For Zion's sake I'll not restrain. Missions. Dated 1798, and printed by D. Sedgwick from Ryland's manuscripts, 1862. 2. Had not the Lord, my soul may say [cry] . Ps. cxxiv. From his Serious Essays, 1771. It is No. 124 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Not in Sedgwick's reprint. 3. Holy, holy, holy Lord, self-existent Deity. Holy Trinity. Dated 1796. It was given in the tenth edition of Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1800, Pt. 2, No. 22; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 4. Look down, my soul, on hell's domain. Gratitude for escape. This is No. 881 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book. 1866, and dated 1777. We cannot trace it in any of Ryland's works or amongst his hymns. 5. Lord, teach a little child to pray. A Child's Prayer. Dated 1786. The note to this hymn by Dr. Ryland's son, in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, p. 15, is:— "This and the following hymn ["God is very good to me “was composed at the request of Mrs. Fuller, wife of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, of Kettering, for the use of Miss Sarah Fuller, who died May 30th, 1789, aged six years and six months." It was published in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831, p. 442, andsin Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 6. Now let the slumbering church awake. Activity in the Church desired. Dated "Feb. 20, 1798." Published in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. 7. O Lord, I would delight in Thee. Delight in Christ. Dated "Dec. 3, 1777." Dr. Ryland added this note to the ms.:—-" I recollect deeper feelings of mind in composing this hymn, than perhaps I ever felt in making any other." It was published in Rippon's Selection 1798, No. 248; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 7 st. of 41. It is in extensive use in its original, or an abbreviated form; or as "O Lord we would delight in Thee." In the American Methodist Episcopal Hymns, 1849; and their Hymn, 1878, st. i., ii., vi., vii. are rewritten in S. M. as "Lord, I delight in Thee." 8. Out of the depths of doubt and fear. Ps. cxxx. From the Serious Essays, 1771 (misdated in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book 1775). It is not in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, nor in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 9. Rejoice, the Saviour reigns. Missions. Dated "Jan. 19, 1792." In the 10th ed. of Rippon's Selection, 1800, 422 (2nd pt.) it is given in 6 st. of 6 1., as in the Ryland ms., and then after the word "Pause" two stanzas are added on, which are not in the ms. The 6 stanzas were repeated in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862; and in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866 (abbreviated), and other modern hymnals. 10. Sovereign Ruler of the skies. Guidance, Peace, and Security in God. Dated "Aug. 1,1777." Included in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 545 ; the Pastoral Memorials, 1825 ; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 9 st. of 4 1. 11. Thou Son of God, and Son of Man. Praise to God, the Son. This is undated. It was given in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 12. When Abraham's servant to procure. Onward, Heavenward. Dr. Ryland's son, under the date of Nov. 4, 1861, informed D. Sedgwick that this hymn "was written with a slate pencil on a rusty iron blower by moonlight, past twelve o'clock, Dec. 30, 1773," and he gives these words as a quotation from his father's manuscript. It is almost needless to add that this account does not agree with the generally received history of the hymn, as set forth in Miller's Singers and Songs, 1869, p. 313. In the May number of the Gospel Magazine, 1775, p. 235, the hymn was given in 9 st. of 4 1., with the heading" Hinder me not-—Gen. xxiv. 56," and signed "Elachistoteros." It was repeated in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 447; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Rippon a note is added, "This hymn may begin with 6th verse." This direction has been followed in some modern collections, the result being the hymn commonly known as "In all my Lord's appointed ways." 13. When the Saviour dwelt below. Compassion of Christ. Dated 1806. Included in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. Dr. Ryland's hymns are plain and simple, but they lack poetry and passion, and are not likely to be largely drawn upon, for future hymnals. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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