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Lord, to Thee I make confession

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a234 (1895) Topics: The Catechism Repentance Lyrics: 1 Lord, to Thee I make confession, I have sinned and gone astray, I have multiplied transgression, Chosen for myself my way. Forced at last to see my errors, Lord, I tremble at Thy terrors. 2 But from Thee how can I hide me, Thou, O god, art everywhere: Refuge from Thee is denied me, Or by land or sea or air; Nor death's darkness can enfold me So that Thou shouldst not behold me. 3 Yet, though conscience' voice appall me, Father, I will seek Thy face; Though Thy child I dare not call me, Yet receive me to Thy grace; Do not for my sins forsake me; Let not yet Thy wrath o'ertake me. 4 For Thy Son hath suffered for me, And the blood He shed for sin, That can heal me and restore me, Quench this burning fire within; 'Tis alone His cross can vanquish These dark fears and soothe this anguish. 5 Then on Him I cast my burden, Sink it in the depths below! Let me know thy gracious pardon, Wash me, make me white as snow. Let Thy Spirit leave me never, Make me only Thine forever! Languages: English
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O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a238 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Repentance Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord, I have not kept Thy holy Word, But sinned, and oft offended Thee, Now I repent—it grieveth me! 2 Thou, Father, merciful and kind, No pleasure in my death dost find, But strong desire doth in Thee burn, That I would unto Thee return. 3 Since Thou then, Father, callest me, I, needy sinner, come to Thee, Relying on the precious blood That from five wounds most holy flowed. 4 I pray through Christ Thine only Son, Who for my good here flesh put on, Let not Thy love to me e'er fail; O'er justice still may grace prevail. 5 In tender mercy let Thy grace Through Jesus' blood my sins efface; Then I, the poor lost child, will be Of all offenses rid through Thee. 6 Let me, according to Thy Word, Live henceforth unto Thee, I Lord; That I may after time is o'er Inherit life forevermore. Languages: English
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Jesus! Savior! come to me

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a279 (1895) Topics: The Catechism The Redeemer Lyrics: 1 Jesus! Savior! come to me, Let me ever be with Thee; Come, and nevermore depart, Thou who reignest in my heart. 2 Ever do I for Thee sigh, Nothing else can satisfy. Ever do I cry to Thee: Jesus, Jesus, come to me! 3 Earthly joys can give no peace, Ne'er can bid my longing cease; Still to have my Jesus near, This is all my pleasure here. 4 All that makes the angels glad, In their garb of glory clad, Only fills me with distress If Thy presence does not bless. 5 Take Thou all away from me, I shall still thus minded be, Thou who madest me Thine own Shalt be all my joy alone. 6 None shall claim my heart beside, None but Jesus crucified; Savior, I am only Thine, Other love shall ne'er be mine. 7 Thou alone, my God and Lord, Art my glory and reward; Thou hast bled for me and died, I will be no other's bride. 8 Come, then, Lamb for sinners slain, Come and ease me of my pain; Evermore I cry to Thee: Jesus, Jesus, come to me! 9 Patiently I wait and pray; Jesus do not say me nay; That when death shall come to me, Thou my Jesus sweet wilt be. Languages: English
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My heart, with deep emotion

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a294 (1895) Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 My heart with deep emotion Gives thanks to Thee and praise, In early morn's devotion, And throughout all my days; O God, upon thy throne! To honor and adore Thee, I bring my praise before Thee Through Christ, Thine Only Son. 2 For, 'twas Thy grace that o'er me Kept vigil through the night, And 'twas Thy arm that bore me, Safe through morning light. To Thee my prayer I raise; Werein I did offend Thee, Do Thou forgive; defend me In all my future days. 3 My life, my soul,--defend them! My wife, child goods, and home,-- To Thy hand I commend them, From Thee these blessings come. Thy bounteous hand bestows My household and my treasures, my parents, friends, and pleasures; Through thee my cup o'erflows. 4 God shall do my advising, Whose might with wisdom blends; May He bless rest and rising, My efforts, means and ends! To god, forever blessed, Will I with mine confide me, And suffer Him to guide me As seemeth to Him best. 5 Amen: Lord, Thou wilt hear me With this I close my prayer; In all I do wilt cheer me, And keep me in Thy care. So I put forth my hands, And look not long behind me, But ply the task assigned me By God, as He commands. Languages: English
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To Thee, O Lord, with dawning light

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a297 (1895) Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, with dawning light, My grateful voice I'll raise, Thy mighty power to celebrate, Thy holy name to praise: For Thou, in helpless hour of night, Hast guard kept round my bed, And now again from peaceful sleep Thou liftest up my head. 2 Grant me, O Lord, Thy quick'ning grace Through this and every day, That, guided and upheld by Thee, My feet may never stray. Increase, I pray, my faith and hope, Increase my zeal and love; And fix my hearts affections all On Christ and things above. 3 And when, life's labors o'er, I sink To slumber in the grave, In death's dark vale be Thou my trust To succor and to save; That so, through Him who bled and died, And rose again for me, The grave and gate of death may prove A passage home to Thee. Languages: English
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Lord of my life! O may Thy praise

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a300 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life! O may Thy praise Employ my noblest powers, Whose goodness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours! 2 Preserved by Thy almighty arm, I pass the shades of night, Serene and safe from every harm, And see returning light. 3 When sleep, death's semblance, o'er me spread, And I unconscious lay; Thy watchful care was round my bed To guard my feeble clay. 4 For Jesus' sake, Thy tender care My waking hours attend: From every trespass, every snare, My heedless steps defend. 5 Smile on my minutes as they roll And guide my future days; And let Thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise. Languages: English
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Another day has passed away

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a306 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 Another day has passed away, A day of praise and prayer; Then come, my soul, thy God extol, And own Thy Savior's care. 2 Secure from harm, His mighty arm Has led me through the day, And from above, with gifts of love, He cheered me on my way. 3 Now, as of old, He leads His fold On meads of shady free; While on His breast, in sweetest rest, The ewe and lambkin lean. 4 Care not, says He, but trust in me, And I will care for you; My faithfulness and kindnesses And every morning new. 5 O bliss divine, that Christ is mine, Who thus attends His own! Then come, my soul, Thy God extol, And make His praises known. Languages: English
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When, O dear Jesus, when shall I

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a307 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 When, O dear Jesus, when shall I Behold Thee all serene? Blest in perpetual holy day, Without a veil between! 2 Assist me, while I wander here, Amidst a world of cares; Incline my heart to pray in love, And then accept my prayers. 3 Release my soul from every chain, No more hell's captive led; And pardon Thy repenting child, For whom the Savior bled. 4 Spare me, O God, O spare the soul, That gives it self to Thee: Take all that I possess below, And give Thyself to me. 5 Thy Spirit, O my Father, give, To be my guide and friend, To light my way to ceaseless joys, To rest without an end. Languages: English
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Now say good night! O Father be

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a323 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 Now say good night! O Father be My refuge still; to Thee I flee. When darkness, death, and terrors rise, Thy grace shall still for me suffice. 2 All praise to Christ my Savior give, For He this day hath let me live My life away in His dear name: "To live is Christ, to die is gain." 3 O Holy Ghost, Thy grace impart, To rest in Christ my troubled heart. O sweet the rest Thy grace goth bring, And bids me to my Saviour cling. 4 Now say good night! May angels bright Kep watching o'er me through the night, And spread their guardian, heavenly wings, O'er these my wearied, slumb'ring limbs. 5 "And now I lay me down to sleep; I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray, Thee, Lord, my soul to take." 6 Now say good night! To all, good night! God keep you safe till morning's light, That with His praise you all may wake; "And this I ask for Jesus sake." Languages: English
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In God's name let us on our way!

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a332 (1895) Meter: Topics: The Catechism Lyrics: 1 In God's name let us on our way! The Father's help and grace we pray; His love shall guard us round about From foes within and harms without. 2 And Christ, be Thou our Friend and Guide, Through all our wanderings at our side, Help us all evil to withstand That wars against Thy least command. 3 The Holy Spirit, day by day, With needful gifts attend our way, With hope and strength when dark our road, And bring us home again in God! Languages: English


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