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Tune Identifier:"^herr_jesu_christ_dich_zu_uns_wend_13532$"

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Showing 81 - 90 of 100Results Per Page: 102050

O Gud, af Naade rig

Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: O Gud, af naade rig og stor Used With Tune: [O Gud, af naade rig og stor]
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So wie ich bin—arm und unrein

Author: W. Horn Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: [So wie ich bin—arm und unrein]
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Ach Herr, vertilg aus meiner Brust

Author: J. Dreisbach Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: [Ach Herr, vertilg aus meiner Brust]
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O Christ, Thy Grace unto Us Lend

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Christ, Thy grace unto us lend, Thy Holy Spirit to us send, Lift up our hearts, hear us, we pray, And lead us in life's narrow way! 2 Help us, O Lord, Thy Name to praise, On us bestow Thy pow'r and grace, Increase our faith, give us Thy light To hear and keep Thy word aright. 3 Till we in heaven, with one accord, Sing, "Holy, holy, holy Lord." And there in glory Thee behold, Revealed 'mid angel hosts untold. 4 Praise to the Father and the Son, And to the Spirit, Three in One. Yea, to the Holy Trinity Be praise throughout eternity! Amen. Topics: Worship Prayer and Praise; Doxologies; Thanksgiving Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND Text Sources: Wilhelm II, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 1651.

O Herre Krist, dig til os vend

Appears in 8 hymnals Used With Tune: [O Herre Krist, dig til os vend]

Idag paa apostolisk Vis

Appears in 5 hymnals Used With Tune: [Idag paa apostolisk vis]

Another Year Has Now Begun

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Another year has now be­gun Lyrics: 1 Another year has now be­gun With si­lent pace its course to run; Let us our hearts and voic­es raise To God in songs of pray­er and praise. 2 Accept our pe­ni­tent­ial tears, O Lord, for sins of by­gone years; And with the blood of Je­su spilt O wash away Thy ser­vants’ guilt. 3 Father, Thy boun­te­ous love we bless, For gifts and mer­cies num­ber­less; For life and health, for grace and peace, And hope of joys that nev­er cease. 4 Our days and years de­cay and die, Mementos of mor­tal­ity; Make us to see our own brief hours In fall­ing leaves, and fad­ing flow­ers. 5 O Son of God, Thou Sav­ior dear, Teach us to walk as stran­gers here, With hearts in Heav’n, that we may come To where Thou art, our Fa­ther’s home. 6 Make us to feel that Thou art nigh, We ever in our mas­ter’s eye, Mindful of that ac­count to live, Which we to Thee, our judge, must give. 7 Thou, Christ, who mak­est all things new, O give us hearts both pure and true, That each may shine, a pre­cious gem, Lord, in Thy New Je­ru­sa­lem. 8 Grant us, O Com­fort­er, Thy grace, And speed us on our earth­ly race, In body, spir­it, and in soul, Right on­ward to the heav’n­ly goal. 9 Blest Three in One, to Thee we pray, Defend, and guide us on our way; That we at last with joy may see The New Year of eter­ni­ty. Used With Tune: IOSCO Text Sources: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862)

Lord Jesus Christ, be with us now

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Wilhelm August. II., Duke of Saxe-Weimar Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND (Cantionale)
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Ku nam się zwrócić, Jezu chciej

Author: Wilhelm II Saksońsko-Weimarski Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Ku nam się zwrócić, Jezu, chciej. Świętego Ducha na nas zlej! Swą łaską, Panie, nami rządź i przewodnikiem w prawdzie bądź. 2 Ach, otwórz usta ku Twej czci, niech w sercach pieśn pobożna brzmi, krzep myśl i wiarę w dzieciach swych, uwielbij swoje imię w nich! 3 Aż z chórem niebian wzniesiem Ci hymn: Świętyś, świętyś, świętyś Ty, aż ujrzę Ciebie twarzą w twarz w światłości wiecznej, Panie nasz! 4 Pospieszmy Ojcu chwałę nieść, Synowi i Duchowi cześć, niech Trójcy Świętej będzie wraz cześć tu i tam po wieczny czas! Topics: Nabożeństwo Początek I koniec naboźeństwa Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND Text Sources: St. 4: Gotha 1651

O Ojcze, Ducha ześlij nam

Author: bp Johann Olearius Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O Ojcze, Ducha ześlij nam, którego obiecałeś sam, by seca obdarzone Nim, przybytkiem świętym by--y Twym. 2 Pobożność w duszy naszej zbudź, ku niebu nasze myśli zwróć i serca chętne racz nam dać, gotowe przy Twym słowie trwać. 3 Niech nas oświeci prawdy blask, daj ufność w skarby Twoich łask, abyśmy mogli na Twą sześć w Jezusa imię pienia wznieść. 4 O Boże! Ciebie światy czczą, niebiosa chwała Twoja brzmią: Więc, Ojcze, Synem, z Duchem wraz, s-ɵwiony bądź i pośr´d nas. Topics: Nabożeństwo Początek I koniec naboźeństwa Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND


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