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Hymnal, Number:hshm1799

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Showing 91 - 100 of 378Results Per Page: 102050
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Sinners invited to come to Christ

Appears in 1,468 hymnals First Line: Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
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The farewel

Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals First Line: Dead be my heart to all below Lyrics: 1 Dead be my heart to all below, To mortal joys and mortal cares; To sensual bliss that charms us so, Be dark mine eyes, and deaf my ears. 2 Lord, I renounce my carnal taste Of the fair fruit that sinners prize; Their paradise shall never waste One thought of mine, but to despise. 3 All earthly joy are over weigh'd With mountains of vexatious care: And where's the sweet that is not laid A bait to some destructive snare? 4 Come heav'n, and fill my vast desires, My soul pursues the sov'reign good: She was all made of heav'nly fires, Nor can she live on meaner food. Topics: Farewell To sin and the world
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A Prayer for the promised rest in Christ

Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Dear friend of guilty sinners, hear Lyrics: 1 Dear friend of guilty sinners, hear, And magnify thy grace divine; Pardon a worm that would draw near, And make his heart to thee resign, A worm, by guilt and sin distrest, That pants to reach the promis'd rest. 2 With holy fear, and rev'rend love, I long to lie beneath thy throne; In thee to live, in thee to move, And stay myself on thee alone: Teach me to lean upon thy breast, To find in thee the promis'd rest. 3 Sure, Lord, thou wilt thy servants keep, And bless them with thy gracious smiles, A gentle shepherd of thy sheep, to guard them from the tempter's wiles; How calm their state, how truly blest, Who trust in thee for promis'd rest. 4 Take me, dear Saviour, for thine own, And make me love thy righteous case; Be thou my portion, Lord, alone, And bend me to obey thy laws: Let me in thy dear arms be blest, And find in thee the promis'd rest! Topics: Prayer For rest in Christ; Prayer For rest in Christ
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Patience from an assurance of divine love

Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals First Line: Dear Lord, though bitter is the cup Lyrics: 1 Dear Lord, though bitter is the cup, Thy gracious hand pours out to me, I cheerfully will drink it up, That cannot hurt which comes from thee. 2 'Tis fill'd with thine unchanging love, And not a drop of wrath is there; The saints for ever bless'd above, Were often most afflicted here. 3 From Jesus, thy incarnate Son, I'll learn obedience to thy will; And humbly kiss the chast'ning rod, When its severest strokes I feel. Topics: Patience; Patience
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For a time of general sickness

Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals First Line: Death with his dread commission seal'd Lyrics: 1 Death with his dread commission seal'd, Now hastens to his arms: In awful state he takes the field, And sounds his dire alarms. 2 Attendant plagues around him stand, And wait his dread command; And pains, and dying groans obey The signal of his hand. 3 With cruel force, he scatters round His shafts of deadly pow'r; While the grave waits its destin'd prey, Impatient to devour. 4 Look up, ye heirs of endless joy, Nor let your fears prevail; Eternal life is our reward, When life on earth shall fail. 5 What though his darts promiscous hurl'd, Deal fatal plagues around; And heaps of putrid carcases O'erload the cumber'd ground; 6 The arrows, that shall wound your flesh, Were giv'n him from above, Dipt in the great Redeemer's blood, And feather'd all with love. 7 These, with a gentle hand he throws, And saints lie gasping too; But heav'nly strength supports their souls, And bears them conqu'rors through. Topics: Sickness General
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Characters of Christ borrowed from inanimate thing sin scripture

Appears in 96 hymnals First Line: Go worship at Emmanuel's feet Topics: Christ His character from scripture metaphors
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The day of judgment will shew the connection between sin and misery

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: God from his throne with piercing eye Lyrics: 1 God from his throne with piercing eye, Naked does ev'ry heart behold; But never, till we come to die, To us will such a view unfold. 2 Should sin, in naked form appear, Just as it rises in the heart, And others know and see it there In ev'ry feeling, every thought: 3 The fire of hell must kindle soon, How envy and revenge would flame! One heart would urge another on, Till rage and vengeance want a name! 4 Sin in its nature would appear A living death, to form a hell; The worst of mis'ries creatures fear, The worst of plagues the tongue can tell. 5 Unvail'd and naked ev'ry heart Before the judgment seat must stand, Sin act no more a double part, But meet a death from its own hand. 6 The fiery lake must hotter grow From the fierce clash of sinful souls; Each bosom like a furnace glow, Nor God the rage, or fire control. Topics: Sin And misery connected
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The Gospel of Christ

Meter: Appears in 337 hymnals First Line: God, in the gospel of his Son Lyrics: 1 God, in the gospel of his Son, Makes his eternal councils known; 'Tis here his richest mercy shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here sinners of an humble frame May taste his grace, and learn his name; "Tis writ in characters of blood, Severely just, immensely good. 3 Here Jesus, in ten thousand ways, His soul-attracting charms displays Recounts his poverty and pains, And tells his love in melting strains. 4 Wisdom its dictates here imparts, To form our minds, to cheer our hearts; Its influence makes the sinner live, It bids the drooping saints revive 5 Our raging passion it controls, And comfort yields to contrite souls; It brings a better world in view, And guides us all our journey through. 6 May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart, and near my eye, 'Till life's last hour my soul engage, And be my chosen heritage! Topics: Christ His gospel; Sanctification And Atonement; Christ His gospel; Gospel Of Christ; Sanctification And Atonement
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On being admitted a member of a church

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Great source of Being, heav'nly King! Lyrics: 1 Great source of Being, heav'nly King! Whose eye my inmost thought surveys, To thee, with grateful joy, I bring My tribute of unequal praise. 2 United to thy chosen flock, Within thy courts my soul would dwell, And in thy strength sustain the shock, Of all the pow'rs in earth and hell. 3 O send thy spirit from on high, And let our Church thy blessing prove! So shall our praises reach the sky, And ev'ry bosom grow with love. 4 O may our Pastor draw from thee Daily supplies of heav'nly grace! And may we in thy temple see Thy glorious presence fill the place! 5 Then shall our hearts, our lives, our tongues, Be consecrated to our god; Our morning pray'rs our ev'ning songs, Shall spread thy wond'rous love abroad. Topics: Church Admission to
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Efficacious Grace

Meter: Appears in 82 hymnals First Line: Hail! mighty Jesus; how divine Lyrics: 1 Hail! mighty Jesus; how divine Is thy victorious sword! The stoutest rebel must resign, At thy commanding word. 2 Deep are the wounds thy arrows give; They pierce the hardest heart; Thy smiles of grace the slain revive, And joy succeeds to smart. 3 Still gird thy sword upon thy thigh, Come with majestic sway: Down from thy glorious throne on high, And make thy foes obey 4 And when thy victories are complete; When all the chosen race Shall round the throne of glory meet, To sing thy conquering grace; 5 O may my humble soul be found Among that favor'd band! And I, with them, thy praise will sound As round the throne we stand. Scripture: Psalm 45:3-5


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